You probably thought that only women were not comfortable with hearing certain things from the opposite sex? Well think again because men do hate hearing certain things/phrases from women too.
Here are 10 things men hate to hear.
1. The famous one: “Does this dress make me look fat”? (Men hate answering this question because they know they will get into trouble).
2. “Why do you never compliment me; am I not beautiful”? (Men don’t like women who pull themselves down all the time).
3. “I think Sophie is better than me. She’s prettier than me, smarter than me, achieves more than me” (Men don’t like women who compare themselves to others. They love confident women).
4. We need to talk. There’s something I have to tell you and I’ve been thinking about how to say this for days. (These are the famous words men wouldn’t want to hear as they often think they are in trouble).
5. I might have thrown it away, I don’t remember. (When a man asks where you’ve put his favourite gadget, t-shirt, book etc)

6. Maybe I’d understand more about your work if you made the effort to explain it to me.
7. Well, it made me and my friends laugh so I thought you’d enjoy it too. Why do you have to roll your eyes like I have no sense of humor?
8. You didn’t call or text me today.
9. Don’t you know what today is? Don’t tell me you forgot.
10. Why do you like video games and sports more than me? (Men love video games and sports, and so do women and shopping, pampering themselves).
You thought it was just women who found certain phrases annoying? Yeah, right.