If you follow Selena Gomez online, or are in any way remotely connected to Netflix, I am sure you have heard of this new teen drama mini-series. In recent weeks it has become one of the most talked about shows – mainly due to its controversial content. There have been as many fans as there are detractors. All around a topic that is as serious as it seems dangerous – teen suicide.
If you haven’t been able to see what it’s about – here’s the lowdown:
The narrative revolves around Hannah Baker – a teenager who commits suicide. She records the reasons why she chose to do so on six tapes and then arranges for them to be sent to the respective people responsible. When the audience drops in, Clay (the closest thing to a protagonist) has just received them – but he is the 11th reason. Each episode represents one side of the tape and one ‘reason’.
Straight up – the first thing to make clear is that this high school world is very real and extremely honest. Imagine a version of Glee without the tongue-in-cheek satire and singing, or Pretty Little Liars without the stylized drama. 13 Reasons Why is gritty and very very real. Swearing, bullying, minimal nudity, drug abuse, alcohol abuse and physical abuse are all starkly present – there is no ‘sheen’ or apologetic stance towards portraying what is unfortunately an accurate state of high schools these days.
But none of the above comes close to the harrowing reality of rape and suicide that unfolds as the tapes are played. This series looks both of these terrible subjects straight in the face – intentionally making the audience uncomfortable. It is impossible to watch this series without being forced to deal with the upsetting realities that many have gone through on some level.
It is important for people to know that this show is harrowing, but still important. For those that are not aware of the state of the millennial teenage struggle, I would go as far as to say it is vital – as it puts names and faces to statistics that shock people but change nothing (suicide is now the second biggest killer of teens in North America).
On the other hand, I do understand those who say that the show is dangerous for teens themselves as well – specifically those who are actually facing the atrocities that are portrayed from episode 9 onwards. The goal for the series was to raise awareness and to also let those struggling with depression and survivors of abuse know that they are not alone. Whether these objectives are met is not as clear as it should be.
Where the lines start blurring, I believe, is the soundtrack. As the show still needs to appeal to the teen audience, there is a varied array of indie and alternative songs that would be considered extraordinary. But coupled with the sensitive subject matter, there is a clumsy insensitivity that left me confused. Granted, there is a balance that needs to be struck between the subject matter and the momentum of the narrative, but I feel there could have been a more critical approach to the key moments within the story.
In the ‘Behind the Reasons’ segment at the end of the series, the original intent of the story is reinforced brilliantly – explaining many of the choices that they made cinematically. When it comes to suicide, there was an intentional focus on the fact that it is by no means pretty and affects everyone around you. In many ways, that 25 minute documentary does save the whole show.
I would definitely recommend it as ‘supervised viewing’ for teenagers. Parents will glean a considerable amount of insight into how different it is to grow up in this age of technology as well.
I don’t believe there is ever a time when hard topics should be avoided – especially when it comes to identity and life or death. If you are currently feeling isolated or bullied – I want to encourage you that you are not alone, and there is a better future ahead. I know first-hand what it’s like. The thing that saved me was talking to others – to people outside of my situation who genuinely cared. That might seem intimidating or there might not be any people like that in your life. In that case, you can click on the link below – there is a message about how much God cares for you and people who would love to get in contact with you to help you move forwards. You are not alone.