Above all else, guard your heart,  for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23

I’ve read this verse before, but for some reason when I read it recently it sat with me and it got me thinking about the condition and state of my heart. I slowly started realising that my heart wasn’t in a great space, because unintentionally I had let little things creep in that was negatively impacting my thoughts and behaviour without me even realising it up until now!

When we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, we tend to neglect our hearts, and things start to creep in and sneakily shape how we think and behave. The truth is, if we aren’t intentional about guarding our hearts and looking out for it, then we let negative thoughts and issues control and define our behaviour.


We can see the state of our hearts by identifying and relating to the following : 

1. Comparison: We may start to compare ourselves with others when we forget our true value and sense of worth and beauty. 

2. Negative speech: Gossiping about others, constant negative criticising of others, and speaking harshly or unkindly of others as a means of making yourself feel better.

3. Finding affirmation in the wrong places: From online likes and followers, to craving any sort of attention and affirmation as a means of building your confidence.

4. Being selfish: Being selfish with your time; not wanting to lend a hand; and not wanting to help those in need because you only have your own interests at heart.


I love knowing that at any point in my life, I can press the reset button. What I love knowing more, is that I don’t need to try figure it out by myself, but I can call on God at every turn, and He will always lovingly point me in the right direction again!

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10 

The great news is that we can call out to God, and ask God to heal our hearts – and He will. Not only will He heal us, but He will create a new heart within us. A heart that feels confident of His love; a heart that feels valued and secure, a heart that knows and understands its self-worth. God can heal every hurt, and He will reveal His truth and His promises to you which will in turn positively impact the way you live! If this post encouraged you, or spoke to you, then why not click on the link below to find out more.