Do you ever feel like you are going through a season where your character is being refined and stretched? Man, oh man, those seasons can be tough to walk through. It’s like a constant stretching of character, and just when you think surely this is it, something happens and you need to stretch along with it.
I’ve recently been going through a season where it feels like this ongoing rollercoaster of back and forth moments where I am being stretched in character like never before and just when I think it’s about to stop, something comes up and I am left feeling like I am being stretched in all directions.
God prunes us when He is about to take us into a new season of growth and expansion. – Christine Caine
Those stretching moments can be very uncomfortable, tiring, overwhelming, and disappointing. Yet, in the stretching it’s kind of comforting to know that it’s an opportunity to grow in character, and it’s an opportunity to prepare for the next season that lays before us.
I believe that God takes us through seasons that help to shape us and prepare us for bigger things. I also believe that God would not put us in seasons that He did not think we could overcome or grow in. Every season is a season where we can grow closer towards Him, and He does this because He loves us and wants nothing but the best for us.
If you find yourself (like me) in a trying season, see it as an opportunity for you to grow in character. Trust that Gods plans for you are only for your good, plans that will bring hope into your situation and plans that will bless you going forward. Just know that God is with you in and through every season. Lean on Him and let Him walk with you through this season. Never forget with God all things are possible! You’ve got this, my friend!
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