Just like a tea bag; you never know how strong you are until you’re in hot water.
I don’t know about you, but I like my tea quite strong. I will literally beat the tea bag in my cup until it’s dark and rich in colour. Maybe you’re not a tea person and you prefer a strong cup of coffee. Either way, when both contents are placed in hot water, it turns the water into something consumable, something delicious – and it makes you feel good upon every sip, right until the end. Let’s be honest: a dry tea bag on its own doesn’t serve a purpose, just like eating raw coffee beans tastes bitter. In order to get the goodness out of them, it needs to go through a process.
The same rings true for us. We often go through trying times, and we feel the pressure from all sides. Life can be overwhelming, and certain seasons can be more stretching than others. But what we forget in those trying seasons is that it is a blessing in disguise.
Okay, I know what you’re thinking:
Wait, hold up, being in a tough trying season is a blessing?
Let me explain quickly: Normally, when we’re under pressure, we get stretched – and we automatically start to grow in the stretch, if we allow ourselves to. However, sometimes we let the overwhelming season keep us down and we let it consume us. But if we change the way we look at the trying season, and see it as an opportunity to grow and learn new things, it will inspire us to keep our chins up, to take a deep breath, and to carry the season well.
Character is who you are under pressure, not who you are when everything fine.
On the difficult days, when the world’s on your shoulders, remember that diamonds are made under the weight of mountains.
Trying seasons have a way of refining our character. Like a precious diamond in the making, so are we. We are rough diamonds in the making. This means we will have to endure a bit of heat – a bit of hot water, perhaps – in order for our characters to grow, and in order for something beautiful to be birthed within us.
When we push through a trying season with courage, it not only blesses us but it encourages those around us to also preserve. Our stories and day-to-day challenges have the power to inspire and influence those around us. Never underestimate the power behind you saying “yes” to a challenge. Your overcoming spirit will not only empower and encourage yourself, but it will do the same for others that are watching you.
More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. – Romans 5:3-5 ESV
God would never let us go through seasons that he didn’t think we could not handle. He wants us to excel in every season, because He believes in us so much and He wants us to learn and grow in every area of our lives. If you are feeling overwhelmed by your season, just know that you can lean on God , always. His grace , love, and strength will carry you. You’ve got this!
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