The scourge of human trafficking has been grabbing more and more headlines the last few years – to the point where we can no longer stand by in silence and simply watch these dark crimes unfold.
Enter The A21 Campaign – an organisation that exists to abolish this injustice in the 21st century. A21 is a non-profit organisation who believes that we can end human trafficking together.
Human Trafficking is the illegal trade of people for the purposes
of forced labour and sexual exploitation. As the world’s fastest growing criminal industry, it affects every nation across the globe, and is also defined as modern-day slavery.
With this in mind we’re happy to report that the new South African National Human Trafficking Resource Line, operated by The A21 Campaign, is now live. This line is a national collaborative initiative to report, respond to and ultimately eradicate human trafficking in the country.
The line, which takes calls 24/7, can be reached at 0800 222 777. Call Specialists are specially trained professionals who follow international procedures, ensuring the fastest response to each case.
The Resource Line works in close partnership with many stakeholders to ensure rapid response and effectiveness.
When should people phone?
To report suspected trafficking of persons and submit a tip. This can be done by speaking to one of our call specialists or by completing an online tip form. All reports are confidential and you may remain anonymous.
You can also call in when you or someone you know requires Victim Assistance.
If you think you are a victim of trafficking and need help, call specialists are available to guide and support you while connecting you to the necessary partners and emergency services.
You can visit the NHTRL website to learn more about how you and your loved ones can protect yourself whilst traveling or applying for work or educational opportunities, and about online safety measures.
Website: www.0800222777.org.za
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: South African National Human Trafficking Resource Line
Instagram: @SA_ResourceLine