I am a Christian. I have a relationship with God. I have seen him change my life. I have experienced the healing power of my emotions. I have prayed for people and seen them physically healed. I have received finance in miraculous and arbitrary ways when I have desperately needed it. I have seen God all through my life.
I have been in the church my whole life. As a new-born I would sleep on the pillow that used to be placed in the kick drum while my parents did worship practice. I grew up packing out chairs every Sunday, going on mission trips, reciting scripture and building community. I have seen the ugly side of ministry. The stress and expectation placed on my parents as pastors. I have known the struggle between God’s call and the fulfilment of the promise. I have experienced the disappointment of people losing their way and the anguish when individuals in society have attacked God’s house. And yet today I can say I have never been more convinced in my faith. God is real. His Church is essential.
So why can I become embarrassed about the most essential part of my existence?
Why is it so easy to shrink back when the world confronts me with disbelief?
I have realised that my embarrassment actually stems from how people have represented (or rather misrepresented) God and the church. The world does not understand the Kingdom of God. Anything that is better than the natural is going to be challenging to accept. And people have not made it any easier.
What some people have done under the name of ‘evangelism’ has pushed people away from God and has really harmed the eternities of many generations. Granted, people can use the smallest of issues to justify their judgements of the church, but the first steps towards God are the most important. So in light of this, I have decided to define a few things that is clearly not godly evangelism.
- Evangelism is not a sport
Introducing someone to Jesus is not a spectating game. It is not for the select few. Yes, we all celebrate when someone accepts God, but it is not a ‘win’. There is no score or tally being kept. So often people are tempted to take credit for a relationship God has clearly initiated. Evangelism should not be a thing you have to pump yourself up for. It is not an event that comes around once a year on mission trip. Your everyday life should draw people closer to God. Sometimes the more intentionally direct you are, the more you can push people away. A little craziness is always good, but people can read motive from a mile away. They are not a good story you get to share with your friends. They are a soul desperate for their Father.
- Evangelism is not a court case
Engaging intellectually on matters of faith is not only extremely frustrating, but potentially humiliating. You really need to have thought through all the approaches that could have been taken. But proving that you’re right about your beliefs means that whoever you speak to is going to feel condemned and in the wrong. Guilt and shame does not need to be administered by you for repentance to take place. People are aware of their own sin already. Proving your point. Making a case for your moral and spiritual superiority is not loving and definitely not Biblical. The only time Jesus spoke with judgement (and he is rightfully can judge everyone) is when he spoke to the Pharisees – the spiritual leaders of the nation. To those who needed Jesus, he came with acceptance and love. He didn’t have to agree with the tax collectors, kings, prostitutes and prisoners to love them. You could say that witnessing miracles drew people to believe in Jesus. But those miracles were motivated out of compassion, not out of a need to demonstrate His authority.
- Evangelism is not a golden ticket
People coming to Christ is just that – it’s all about other people finding Jesus. There are some very sad sects in society who believe they can only get to heaven by getting other people to believe in God. It may not be that extreme, but ‘claiming’ someone’s salvation to be recognised almost as bad. Salvation is not a notch on your belt, or a résumé addition. You do not qualify for anything based on how many people you have brought to church. The joy of salvation is personal. The urgency you experience for people to know God should be based solely on a concern for them.
So what is godly evangelism?
I do believe some people have a special anointing for it, but everyone is responsible for representing God to those who need to know him. I am still working out how that works in my own life and don’t claim to know all the answers. But, if I leave a conversation with some about God, I want to make sure a few elements were present.
- They leave feeling loved.
Whether they chose to get to know God, started becoming curious or outright refused to listen – we can always make sure that they are seen and valued and are loved.
- They know where you stand
I’ve had to work on not being a ‘lightweight’. Understanding someone doesn’t mean you have to agree with them. Don’t ever back down from your conviction of Jesus. Agree to disagree and always frame it with grace and love.
- They know the door is open
Make it clear that if they ever want to talk about God, you would be willing to share your beliefs. If they have made a decision it doesn’t stop there! Walking the journey with someone who is getting to know God is one of the most refreshing things you can do. It should never be a dictation session. God is on the other side of their relationship. It’s got nothing to do with you.
Scripturally it says that Salvation is God’s work. Not our own. In the end, God is working in people’s hearts and drawing them to himself. We just get to be witnesses of the attractive force of His glory!
You may have been accosted by a crazy Christian. You may have been offended by a specific church or individual. I simply ask that you don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. I am sorry that we are not perfect, but the One we serve is that and more. If you want to know God – have a relationship that transcends institution or reason – click on the link below.