Life is tricky and so are our moods and our feelings.  There are days I’m on top of the world, and then there are days when I just feel deflated and low.  If you can relate, guess what, you’re not alone, in fact, everyone goes through this, more than they’d like to admit.

We all just want to feel happy and cheerful, and not weighed down by the troubles of this world.  Well, here are some tips that could assist you in feeling better.  I have my very own “5 things you can do to feel better” check-list!

Go outside.  There is something spectacular about taking a walk in the park, or even just admiring the sunset from your front porch.  If you work in an office environment, you’ll know that too much time in the office can bog you down; you NEED to get out and stretch those legs!  If you work near a coffee shop or a mall of sorts, even leaving the office for a short break and taking a brief stroll through the mall could get you to relax a little. Remember, natural oxygen from outside is vital to your health, being subjected to office air-conditioners all day is not the healthiest option.

Make lists.  There is great freedom in writing.  Those of you who keep journals or write poetry or write songs will know that there is an amazing release when you put pen to paper.  Making lists is a great way to feel better.  Actually, setting goals in general is an excellent motivator and when that job gets done, you can cross it off your list and you will feel great!  Remember, these lists are not meant to be outrageous and far to reach goals, they are meant to help you to focus on what needs to be done and encouraging you to do them, even the simplest things like sorting out a cupboard or draw and reorganizing it.

Visit a friend.  We live in a social media crazed world, where everything happens online and we sometimes forget that there is an actual offline world, a far more ‘real’ world, where ‘real’ people exist.  Sometimes we just need a physical hug instead of a FB poke.  Sometimes we need to chat face to face with someone we can confide in, instead of posting how wonderful life is and keep up this I’m strong façade.  There is great power in speaking and telling someone what’s really going on inside.  Trust me; make the call and meet, even if it’s just for a quick cup of tea!

Smile. I love to laugh; it’s one of my favourite things to do.  I find the silliest things funny, and as far as possible I try to be friendly to everyone I encounter.  Now, this is difficult to do, especially when you’re angry, or upset.  Scientifically speaking though, there is something extraordinary that happens when you smile.  Your brain releases feel good chemicals and instantly lifts your mood – how awesome is that?!!!  So, the next time you feel down, just simply smile – this will brighten up your day and your face 🙂

Get to the source.  You can treat a body ache with a pain pill, but unless you get to the bottom of it, the real source of the problem, you’ll always be taking pain pills.  I remember hurting my back some years ago.  It was so painful, but instead of popping pills, I immediately went to physiotherapy and received treatment for the problem.  I guess I acted so quickly because I’ve been told:  “You don’t mess around when it comes to your back.”  Well, I think when it comes to our emotions; we should not be messing around either.  As painful or difficult as it might be to get to the source, do it!  It will be very liberating, and you’ll feel good.

There are many different things we can do to feel better.  If you have a hobby, I’d encourage you to do it more frequently.  Fly your model aircraft, fly a kite, play that musical instrument you love, grab a sketch pad and draw a picture…

As you go through this day, remember, you are special and you deserve to be happy!!