One thing you’ve got to love about a new year is that you see people loving their new stuff. They got some new socks from their kids at Christmas time or a new tie for themselves so they’ll look all flashy for their first day back after the holiday break. Sometimes it’s new stationery, and sometimes it’s a fresh new haircut. Don’t forget about those little kiddies off to their first day of big school, with their shiny new school shoes that will give them a thousand blisters and that new school bag that’s just a little bit too big! Whatever it is that’s shiny and new, it seems to give us a spring in our step and that little bit of excitement for the endless possibilities that a new year brings.
I’m a sucker for a good list, and so I’m making sure we’ve got another top 5 to take us into the new year! Whether you’re heading to your first day of high school; whether it’s day 1 at university or college, or your first day in the job market, may we suggest you don’t leave the house until you’ve considered our list of the 5 things you’ll need for 2015.
1. A Good Notebook and Pen.
No, we’re not loopy, this is essential. You could use your smartphone too if you wanted, but I still love the freedom of the old-school notebook. The idea is that you never miss the opportunity to capture a moment, or reflect on an old one, or doodle or create, or inspire or be inspired. Practice your signature or plan your day, keep a daily list of your goals or invent a new recipe. The idea is that you’re creative and organised.
2. Set Real, Achievable Goals.
In a previous post I presented you with some great guidelines for goal setting in 2015. If you missed the article, you can check it out here. Remember these tips when you set those goals: Write them down. Don’t dream small. Be accountable to someone. Be positive and passionate, and tackle each day knowing they you have a purpose, and that is to reach those goals. Now suddenly, every day has meaning!
3. A Plan to Save Money.
No, I’m not boring and old; this is important! We complain that we don’t have enough money but we are happy to spend it when we get it, and never seem to have quite enough. Set some goals of how much money you’d like to save and why (see, you need that notebook!) and set up a plan to get there. Ignore the temptation to spend until you’ve reached your goal. It could be a goal to upgrade your wardrobe, bless someone who is less fortunate, or maybe even put down a deposit on a car or house. Set a goal, and get saving. Find out from your local bank what good saving account options would fit your lifestyle and income, or why not try this Saving Challenge. It’s a smart and visual way to get saving!
4. Be Intentional.
Whatever you have planned for 2015 and beyond, thing are not going to happen by osmosis. Building relationships, and saving money, and being the best version of yourself will not just happen. You need to be intentional. Want to eat healthier, or make that team? You’ll need to get off your backside and train or research or whatever. Seldom will someone do these things for you. Want to see your relationships improve? You’ll need to be intentional about dates, or phone calls, or visits. Only you can make these things happen. Either you go full out to see your dreams realised, or you will work hard everyday to help someone else reach theirs. Decide you want to succeed in all the areas of like that are important to you and be intentional.
5. Give.
It’s very important to write down goals, and visualise your success, to save money and be intentional, but when we make our lives all about us, we lose something enormous: the opportunity to share. When we make life all about us, we will never be satisfied. Being successful so that we can share that success will probably see your attitude towards your work shift and that can only be a good thing. It’s better to give than to receive. That’s biblical right there. Plan around your finances so that you share from what you have. Help someone finish their schooling by contributing to their fees. Do it anonymously even, but do something. Start a foundation to support a cause you believe in and see your community become stronger. Give time to serve with a not -for- profit organisation or supply stock for a soup kitchen. Drive an old couple to church on a Sunday. These are just some ideas, but please serve. Life works best when we can serve others and not just ourselves; imagine if you were the person needing help?
2015 is here and the first month will be over before you know it. It’s not going to wait for you. You will need to decide about whether you will be shaped by this year, or whether you will be shaping it. No one is going to do this for you; be smart, be intentional, be great, and why not add a few more to our list if you like, by posting in the comments section below. Stay strong!