A Tea Time Treat (Ginger Tea and Nuts)

Featured Cook: Philippa from Uganda



  • Peanuts
  • Salt and a little water
  • A frying pan


  1. Heat the pan. Put the peanuts and about a tablespoon of water onto the pan.
  2. Keep the plate on the stove at a medium heat.
  3. Stir regularly and cook for about 10 or 15 minutes depending on how low the heat is.  The lower the better because then the peanuts can cook slowly.
  4. After about 8 minutes, sprinkle a little water onto the peanuts again and then some salt to taste.  Continue to cook, stirring intermittently.
  5. When ready allow to cool, then eat.

African or Ginger Tea


  • Loose tea leaves (Ceylon or rooibos)
  • Milk
  • Water
  • Ginger (preferably fresh, but you can also use the powder if you have no other choice)


  1. Put 3 cups of water and 3 cups of milk into a saucepan.
  2. Take a piece of ginger the size of your thumb (or more if you want a stronger flavour .  Peel it and slice it into thin slices of crush it gently, and add to the water and milk mixture.
  3. Bring to a boil.  Just before it boils add 5 teaspoons of tea (or as much as you want depending on your tastes – but remember that because you are boiling the tea-leaves you will get a stronger tea so less might be better).  As it starts to boil lift the saucepan off the stove, and let the boiling stop for a while, and then put it back onto the pot again.
  4. When the tea is a rich as you want it, take it off, put it into a warm tea pot and serve with roasted peanuts, or bread, or cake, or doughnuts/magwinya/mandazi/vetkoek.

To make 6 cups of tea