We all go through life looking for something. Psychologists say that human needs can all be categorized into certain boxes where we all snugly fit. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs comes to mind. Sadly though, not everyone gets what they want in life and sometimes we end up manifesting our true desires for good things by finding alternatives in places that may be destructive. One of the greatest and most tragic examples of this is addiction. As the video below explains, there is more to addiction than just being a ‘bad habit’. The reality is, it stems from something deep within us which hungers for more but, sadly, addiction ain’t the real thing.
Oversimplifying deep human struggles is one of the worst things we often do. We look at someone who is struggling with an addiction and we condemn them. “I’d never allow myself to do something like that,” we scoff. We sit on our high horses and ridicule people for things we actually don’t fully understand.
Generally speaking, few people decide that they will just wake up and get involved in something that can potentially ruin their lives. If anything, most people just want to live quiet, contented and peaceful lives. It could be that unmet expectations, tragedy, hurt and disappointment all lead people to paths they never thought they’d tread on. Rather than condemn and judge, maybe the wiser thing to do is to reach out and find out what is at the core of the addiction. We may well find there is a void that needs to be filled.
There is a loving God who is present, willing and able to fill whatever voids exist in our lives. Connect with Him today. To start with, please grant us the chance to share the story of His healing and saving love by clicking on the pop-up or banner below.