Do you want this Christmas to be significant or are you happy for it to float on by and fade into the mists of triviality?
For Christmas to be truly significant, you have to be intentional about doing something to make it significant. John Maxwell says we become significant and create significant moments when we intentionally commit to adding value to people.
- Your Perspective of People
A life of significance only begins when we value people. Every person has value, and to make a difference this Christmas, we must intentionally value others and express that value to them.
- How Can You Add Value To People?
Plan to add value to people in your life. Make a meal or cookies for a neighbour, buy a coffee for your spouse, give your friend or colleague some flowers or write a special love note for your child and leave it on their pillow. Think of how you can be a blessing to someone today.
- Prepare To Be Spontaneous
Once you get into the habit of intentionally planning to add value to others, you’ll develop the habit of being more outward focused and you’ll constantly be on the lookout for how you can make someone’s day.
- What Can You Do To Add Value?
John Wooden said, “Don’t tell me what you’re going to do – show me.” You can think about what you’d like to do to add value to others, but at the end of the day you need to get on with actually doing something. Doing something special for someone else and adding value to their lives in the process is a wonderful expression of the Christmas spirit.
John Maxwell regularly asks himself one question: “Did I add value to people today?”
- Encourage Others To Also Add Value
Significance is meant to be shared. It may begin with you but, as you develop the habit of adding value to others, encourage those close to you to do the same.
I hope this Christmas will be truly significant as you commit to intentionally adding value to others. There are so many needs around us and with the right perspective, we can see them and take action to meet them. Enjoy!