This is a Poem describing the beauty of Africa and its people;

The time taken from me by my hesitation,

My lack of concentration in my continent.

The continent which is a victim of colonization

Is this continent merely that – a victim?

A hungry mouth to be fed, a disease to be cured.

Is this continent not more than that?

Sweet melodies whisper in my ears,

The melodies created by the sons and daughters of this continent.

I hear voices saying HOME is  where the HEART is.

Is my heart in places afar?

Is my HEART longing to be in my HOME

My home in Africa Street.


Am I defined by the calabash on my head,

Am I defined by walking barefoot to the RIVER?

My African definition resides on Africa Street.

The Street with a HEART BEAT for all who belong to it.

The Street with a tune we all dance to.

The Street with dusty feet on it.

A vibrant street , A rhythmic street ….

My Native street….is AFRICA STREET,

Corner of HOPE and Beauty Street.

I thank you Africa for birthing me and giving me belonging

There is no more LONGING.

Sweet melodies whisper in my ears

The melodies created by the sons and daughters of this continent.

I hear voices saying HOME IS where the HEART is.

Is my heart in places afar

Is my HEART longing to be in my HOME, my home in Africa Street.

I BELONG TO A vibrant street, A rhythmic street

My Native street, is AFRICA STREET,

Corner of HOPE and Beauty Street.