We all have some sort of relationships in our lives. But do we ever sit down and think if the relationship is worth keeping or just simply to be left and walked away from? How do we identify that a relationship has become toxic to a point of no return; that there is no way a damaged relationship can be fixed?
Not that we hate the people we have ended relationships with but sometimes it purely means that the relationship itself did not offer you what it was supposed or meant to offer you initially.
As for me, a relationship that was the most draining and unhealthy gave me the feeling that I wasn’t taking care of myself spiritually, mentally, or physically like I should. I was feeling less than myself, like I was compromising my life goals with each second I stayed around that person. I didn’t even know who I was anymore or what I stood for. I basically lost my self esteem and felt worthless. That’s what toxic relationships can do to a person. They totally damage you to a point where you feel there’s no way out. Mind you, these can be both friendships and romantic relationships.
I had to make a choice for myself and decide whether I wanted to keep being in these relationships or I should just step out of them. I then identified 5 key factors that proved that I was not in a healthy relationship at all.
1. It seems like you can’t do anything right in their eyes.
2. Everything is about them and never about you.
3. You find yourself unable to enjoy good moments with this person. You don’t even feel like hanging with them anymore.
4. You’re uncomfortable being yourself around this person.
5. You’re not even allowed to grow and change as an individual.
After I did my checklist regarding these 5 key things, I then knew it was time for me to let go and move on.
We all need friendships/relationships in our lives. And maybe you feel alone and unloved or still stuck in a toxic relationship. Why don’t you click on the link below this article and watch a video that will help you and try to restore some confidence in you again? Even if you just want just chat with someone, we promise we will respond to you.