It’s that time of year again where we all put up our Christmas trees. They only come out once a year and they are only around for a short while. We all work hard to make sure they look just right. Lights and ornaments are hung up but before you know it, they are packed away again until the following year.
Are you a Christmas tree Christian? Do you only profess commitment to Jesus once a year? Perhaps you attend church around this time of year but only for a short while. You work hard to play the part and look just right but before you know it, you pack up your faith and devotion until next year.
Many of us have been there. We have a faith in Jesus but it really only comes out at Christmas time. In addition, we go to church but again, only at Christmas time. The rest of the year just seems so busy and we just don’t get around to spending time with Jesus or attending church.
It can happen to any of us. Has it happened to you? Perhaps the reason you are even on this website is because Christmas time draws you back to Christ.
I want to encourage you to not be a Christmas tree Christian. Instead of coming out once a year and just looking the part, embark on a consistent journey with God.
Here’s some ways to do that:
Dust your Bible off the shelf
Try to read some Scripture every day. Maybe start in Psalms and read a chapter per day. You will be surprised how it will encourage you and inspire you.
Keep going to church
Attend other services besides the Christmas ones. Join a small group perhaps. A wise man once said, “You’ll never come second by putting God first”. Your faith will be fueled and your life strengthened by being amidst like-minded people.
Be encouraged to cultivate your relationship with God all year-long, as you put up your Christmas tree this year,