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Brad K

Weekend Sports Wrap – 24 November ’14


With a new week comes a brand new Weekend Sports Wrap!

It’s an F1 2014 Championship win for Lewis Hamilton and Mercedes, Roger Federer makes history and there’s a wrap of the weekend’s British Premier League results.  It’s a Monday on 1Africa…click and enjoy!

Weekly Roundup – 21 Nov ’14


We are so proud of our online magazine at, and we are excited about being able to showcase some of our top contributions on our Weekly Roundup.

Make sure to sign up for our newsletter, so you don’t miss a thing and stay in the game. This week, Lady Lee shares her story on Carre Otis, who revealed some scary truths out of the modelling industry.  Brad shares his story on 3 Things Every Man should Know, and there’s also a fresh bit of inspiration shared daily, to inspire and direct your life.  We’re on most social media networks, so connect and let’s walk this journey called ‘life’, together.

Where’s the Justice


Every now and again, it seems like we need a reality check.  We have these moments where we read or listen to the news and are appalled by what is presented.  It’s another senseless killing, or someone getting off scot-free and we all question the justice system.  Where’s the justice?  We look at what we see around us and we judge.  We’re the jury and some people take it to the next level, and they become the executioner.  We are disillusioned too, and hope seems to have slipped through the crack in the back door and we start to let fear creep in, who’s holding the hand of desperation.  We love the drama of throwing our hands in the air, and blaming a race group or a politician, or the past, or our circumstances, or our dads, or (cough, cough) God.  The haze of anger and hopelessness hangs thick in the air around many of us and we feed it with the trays of steaming hot news that is served up every 30 minutes on our favourite news site.  We ask for seconds and have dessert, and we ask for a little bit more, despite the nausea.  We are bad news gluttons and it fuels our judgement and our paranoia.  Where’s the justice?

The reality check I alluded to, is one that will get your one eyebrow raised and your one eye closed to a mere slit; it’s what I’ve dubbed, the ‘Scale of Judgement’. On this scale, there are 2 columns.  One is called ‘The Deeds’ and the other ‘The Judgement’.  It’s totally illogical from a secular perspective, and rather unacceptable from a Christian/Religious perspective.  It’s based on biblical truth; hence the lean towards the unacceptable.  It doesn’t make sense.  The ‘scale’ would suggest that the consequences of what was committed are seen to all be varied and they are open to an array of responses; from abhorrence or disgust, to only mild irritation and sometimes the feeling that it’s not really all that bad.  Those are all the stars of column 1.  The other column, ‘Judgement’, has only 1 entry; ‘DEATH’.

Now; I’m not talking about the death sentence here, I’m talking about something, that in the context of eternity or ‘life after death’, is actually much worse.  As if such a thing were even possible!  This is what the bible says, and this is probably one area where it simply adds fuel to the fire in which some would want it to be burned.

The wages of sin is DEATH…

Oh!  For the murderers and the child molesters?!  No…actually EVERYONE!  The white lie you told when your mom didn’t want to be called to the phone, right to the terrorist plot that affected a nation.  It’s not logical, I already told you that.  We all fall short of the glory of God.  All of us.  In this life, the court will deal with you if you commit a crime, and you’ll get a sentence or you’ll get off on a technicality.  God won’t get it wrong, no matter who your defense lawyer is.  Death and separation is the lot of us all.  We are sinful to the max.

Yikes, that escalated quickly, Brad!

I just felt like we needed a stab at the Truth for a bit.  To sober us up, you know.  We love to point fingers, but we neglect the elephant in the room; our sin.  Whatever you believe, you need to admit at some point that things in your life are a mess.  Whether you’ve held a smoking gun over a lifeless body, or felt your life just ‘isn’t right’, God’s love is the same.  His desire is to see you succeed, to be forgiven and to be what you were created to be, despite your past and present actions.  This is called grace and it flows freely from the loving heart of God.  Despite the obvious glaring truth that we are sinful and God is Holy, we need to forget the notion that God is scary and angry all the time.  Again, despite what you’ve done or how you see yourself, there is hope, because God loves you, and it’s not about ‘getting you’.  His desire is that none should perish.  It’s for me, and it’s for you.

We ARE quick to judge, and to be honest, sometimes the bad news around us is all too much.  It’s a scary world out there, but before we prepare the noose for those that have made the headlines for the wrong reasons, let us stop; breathe, and acknowledge our own shortcomings and let God take care of them, with gentleness, care, and love, and then, to change our attitudes towards others as we realize that they need grace too.

3 Things Every Guy Should Know


Being a guy is pretty awesome.  This is a totally subjective reasoning, but let’s not get stuck there. We’ve got a list for you that we think every man should take really seriously.  If you can shout a resounding ‘I can do that!’ for each one, you’re a breed set apart!  If not, don’t fear, as with most things, a bit of time, the right guidance and a ‘can do’ attitude, and you’ll have it in the bag!  Here’s our list of the 3 things every guy should know how to do.

1. Give a proper high 5.  Look, it doesn’t matter what country you call home; the ‘high 5’ is starting to appreciate international attention, and rightly so.  Executed correctly, the sound of your hand smashing into a bro’s, and the sheer thrill you feel at the moment that deserved it (your team scores, or you got a 2 for 1 special at the burger shop) makes it by far our number 1.  To ensure you don’t miss your buddy’s hand completely, or even worse, just clip a part of his hand; step confidently into the the moment with your hand held high, and move in for the high 5, keeping your eyes firmly fixed on your buddy’s elbow.  Through the science of coordination and body positioning, you should land a ear-splitting, palm-numbing high 5, that neither man would admit hurt; even just a little!

2. Hold a baby.  Most men just cower at the idea of having to hold a tiny drooling baby, and most guys just point blank refuse. Some will try to take hold of the little cutie with hunched shoulders and a look on their faces like they’ve just eaten a lemon.  This is a fact, so look out for it next time.  No mother would want someone looking so sheepish, to hold their bundle of joy.  But if it’s your own new addition; there’s even more reason to do it like a pro.  We got some help from our friends at

3.  Say ‘I LOVE YOU’.  If you thought the 3 words every woman wants to hear are ‘chocolate isn’t fattening’, you’re very much mistaken.  And it’s not just your special lady that needs to know how you really feel about her.  There are your kids (if you have them), your parents (it doesn’t matter how old you are!), your siblings, your grandparents, and probably your poor cat as well.  Tell them how great they make you feel and don’t hold back in expressing your heart for them.  A real man says ‘I love you’ expecting nothing in return.  Nothing.  I’m assuming you’re getting your phone out right now to call someone.  Your mom?  Good!

Now this list of ours is short, but we’re starting slowly, to make sure you get these first 3 sorted.  Once you’re a high-fiving, baby-holder, not afraid to get all emotional, then we’ll add more to our list.  Get going, get practicing, and pass on what you have learnt.  The Bro Code is all about empowering the other guys out there as well, so don’t be stingy with those new skills.

Get to Work


I don’t know if this happens where you live, but in my city, there are often people begging for money at the traffic lights.  It happens less in the suburbs and more in the city, but I encounter it from time to time.  Now before I get into this, I’ll admit that this is a sensitive issue and it has Christians at sixes and sevens, trying to figure out at what point one needs to play ‘hard ball’ with people that are trying to secure a hand out, and at what point is it necessary to show a level of compassion that can see someone rescued from their circumstances. People are genuinely divided on this and I’m sure my opinion will cause someone to get quite upset.  Be so if you must.

I’m not sure at what point a healthy, able-bodied man has given up searching for a legitimate job opportunity, and resorted to begging.  That must be a pride-crushing and desperate place, but it’s happening more and more, so these must be shockingly tough times for some. This post is also not to condemn, but to point out that the Word of God has something to say about this and I desperately want to share an experience I had this morning.

There is a man who is a regular face around this area, begging for money and food every day, at one of the 3 or 4 main intersections.  I confess that I have forgotten his name but I have chatted to him on many occasions, as I’ve waited for the light to change.  I don’t think he likes me at all.  The reason for the ‘not liking me’ part is probably because I’ve challenged him on several occasions.  I can see from the way he moves that he has an issue with one of his legs.  He moves with a pronounced limp.  I can assure you, that from our ‘chats’ in the past, that he is both eloquent and smart, and we have held a lengthy conversation at one of the intersections, where the speed of the lights changing in my favor, has often tested my long suffering!  I know a bit about him, his girlfriend, and his disability and in response to his story I asked him why he has chosen to beg from money and food, as opposed to finding a job, with a bit more security and, as I see it, a bit more dignity.  To face rejection all day long can do no soul any good.  His response was that he can’t work because he is handicapped. The rest of the discussion went a bit like this: ‘I can see there’s a problem with your leg, but surely there is something you’d like to or could do?’ ‘But I have a handicap!’ ‘But it seems to just be your leg, why not get a job where you could be seated somewhere, like a tech repair or desk job for example?’  ‘Yeah, I’ve thought about that, but you know, I’ve got an opportunity coming up, and it looks good, but; you know.”  The light turned green for me and I waved goodbye.  A week later I asked him how it was going and he told me the ‘opportunity’ fell through.  This morning, many months later (I see him almost everyday at one of the intersections) I saw him again.  Juxtaposed to this normal daily visual is that of another man at the same light at the same time.  This other guy is going from car to car, not begging, but handing out little slips of paper.  He’s looking for work!  On this paper,the man introduced himself, his nationality, and the kind of work he is capable of and willing to do, and with that, his cell phone number and that of a reference.  Although dressed modestly, he was smiling, greeted me and the other motorists, and had a very pleasant disposition and I felt deeply moved and immediately thought of what Paul wrote in 2 Thessalonians 3.  He said this from verse 10:

Don’t you remember the rule we had when we lived with you? “If you don’t work, you don’t eat.” And now we’re getting reports that a bunch of lazy good-for-nothings are taking advantage of you. This must not be tolerated. We command them to get to work immediately—no excuses, no arguments—and earn their own keep. Friends, don’t slack off in doing your duty.

I agree that there are times when certain people are unable to work, even if they want to; but what happens if you can, and you choose not to?  You choose a hand-out over a hard days work; I don’t always believe that that is acceptable.  I’m no monster and I am empathetic towards those that are struggling to get work, as I was in that boat for well over a year.  I understand.  I understand that there are circumstances but I also know there are people that can, but choose not to.  There seems to be a fine line here, and one’s attitude counts for a lot.  I’m convinced thought that I want to always be considered a hard worker, prepared to get the job done, and to do it well; never being considered a ‘free-loader’, but a steward of all that is being offered to me.  What are your thoughts on this sensitive issue?

Weekly Roundup – 14 Nov ’14


Friday afternoons, 1Africa, and Lady Lee and Brad, equal Weekly Roundup time!

Kim Kardashian let it all show in her Paper Magazine shoot; there’s a tiger on the loose in Paris and pint-sized Philae is running out of power out there in space.  We’ve got all the details.  And if you’ve been following the comet landing mission and you wonder just how big 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenk really is, we’ve got a great pic to put it all into perspective.

All those stories and more on our weekly Roundup.


Weekend Sports Wrap – 17 Nov ’14


It’s a Monday morning, and we’ve got a truck load of sports results off a bumper weekend.

Roger Federer withdrew from the ATP World Tour Finals seeing Novak Djokovic win without breaking a sweat.  The South African cricket team leveled the One Day series against Australia.  Rory Mcllroy won the Race to Dubai without playing this weekend, and we’ve got UEFA European Championship qualifier results aplenty.

Desperation Band – Banner


I don’t think I’ve ever written a review for any album recorded by the Desperation Band.  There’s no reason that I can think of, in fact, I’ve always been a fan of Kari Jobe, Glen Packiam and Jared Anderson, and I think Jon Egan is a great songwriter.  Although Glen and Jared are no longer members of the energetic youth-centered group, they certainly paved the way for the group from the Colorado Springs-based New Life Church.  I can’t help but be a fan of music that encourages young people to get back to the habit of unadulterated praise of our Lord God and with the live album, BANNER, The Desperation Band go all out in performing songs written specifically with students in mind.

Banner was written specifically with students in mind.

The 12 track, live offering, was recorded at the July 2014 Desperation Conference.  The songs are lead by different, superbly talented worship vocalists that have a sole purpose, and that is to capture the energy of youth at worship and firmly establishing within them the understanding that people of God all share a history; one that is deep rooted.  In the words of Worship Pastor and front man, Jon Egan:  “We felt like it was time to get back to our roots, to create a soundtrack for the beautiful, compelling things God has been doing here [in the youth conference].  We want to make sure we’re singing songs that help young people understand they are in a moment of time but that the Church has existed for thousands of years.”

It’s so important for them to understand that they are part of a deep-rooted history of Christians who have survived.

The set list makes the all the classic moves, starting with the hit-making bass-driven FUTURE and the title single, BANNER, and then comes the well-timed down shift to the ‘slow jams’ as you hit the middle tracks.  You’ll get your dose of something more worshipful with FALL INTO YOU and NO ONE ELSE and I grinned like a school boy with the surprise that is the final track, which stands out as my personal favourite!

It’s not an easy thing; bringing one’s opinion on worship music.  It seems like such a godless thing to do, because the idea of the music is to bring glory to God and lift His name high, and how can that really be faulted at this level?  But I realise that there is much out there to choose from when it comes to new music and you want to see your hard-earned pennies bring you the best that they can; I can get that.  I’d like to say that it must be incredibly difficult to not slip into a sort of youth-focused, live-album generic trap, where its tough to call the difference between ‘that new Hillsong single’ and ‘that new one from Elevation’.  One gets that feeling when listening to BANNER, but it doesn’t cause you to stop the song and want to listen to something else.  Even though it has elements that are shared by other great youth-centered bands that rock out live, the stunning and worship filled lyrics and the vast array of lead voices, keep you glued, interested, and praising.  In 2009 Planetshakers wowed us with their album, ONE. They broke ground in a way, with heavy synths and a rhythm extravaganza and that album is almost unforgettable because of it. With Desperation Band’s BANNER, there is nothing that will take your breath away musically, but you can be assured that what you will get, will see your feet tapping, your heart and mind always focused on God, and when it comes to worship music, isn’t that exactly what you want?

Rating 7/10

Here’s the title track – BANNER

Here’s a sneak preview of the entire album

God is Good


If God is good, why do people fear Him?  Not the good kind of fear that Psalm 111 talks about, I mean the panicky kind.  I suspect it has to do with guilt.  A child knocks over his mother’s favourite vase.  The child hides, and pretends not to hear when his mother calls, all the time preparing some elaborate story that will hopefully shift the blame.  It’s the story of our lives.  I’ll go as far as to suggest this has something to do with the reason young adults choose to get up to a whole lot of craziness, because they’re out of their parents’ home and trying to make it on their own, and this freedom’s boundaries need to be tested!  And on top of that; why now submit to a God who probably just wants to spoil your fun anyway?  You must be planning a bucket load of iniquity if you’re worried you’re going to upset God! And why involve yourself in this self-induced guilt fest?!

Dramatic as this sounds, it’s not uncommon thinking.  We don’t know God so we base our decisions on hearsay and assumption.  I’m convinced that the idea that God is actually good might sound laughable to those that only imagine judgement and correction as God’s main personality traits, and love is reserved for pope and the lady who runs the soup kitchen.  Where did God’s love go ‘missing’ in people’s minds?  If we are born with a need for love and grow up needing love and always have a love-vacuum of sorts within us, why is God such an unattractive option to so many, when it comes to finding true satisfaction?

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? (Matthew 8:32)

Whatever people think they need or don’t need, doesn’t change God or His characteristics.  His love for us is unconditional and He is good.  He is! If you are prepared to start the journey, with the clear view to finding out who God REALLY is, you won’t be disappointed. You’ll discover that there is a Father that cares for you, wants to see you shape a life that has a purpose, despite the mistakes or even the ill-directed successes of the past.  There is new life and new opportunities to receive, not only of the good things that God has in store for you in this life, but the certainty of a life spent eternally with Him, where there is no need or concern for anything. The Truth is out there, go and find Him, and be changed.

Chargaux do Taylor Swift Cover


Taylor Swift’s hot single ‘Shake it off’ is getting serious airplay and over 251 Million YouTube hits.

Here’s a cover by the violin playing duo that call themselves Chargaux.  We love it!

These ladies are so fascinating, and you can see more of their antics and artiness on their Instagram page, HERE.

Now that you’re tapping your feet, here’s the original.

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