This seems a good question for 2014. Is chivalry dead? I’m not sure what it is about these liberal and ‘anything goes’ time we live in, but being a gentleman seems strange and perhaps even mildly suspicious. I know there are ladies out there who are very fond of being treated to an opened door, or a gentleman’s jacket around their shoulders on a cold evening. Destiny’s Child sang about being an independent women, and Babyface crooned about treating the ladies right. You can’t blame us guys for being just a little bit confused about what you might want. I say, we do it anyway. I know the kind of man I want to be!
Let me share a story. I was walking from the supermarket to my car one afternoon and the trip included a flight of stairs. As I started down the stairs there was a petite woman in front of me, carrying a 10 kilogram bag of dog food. I immediately offered to help her as I had both hands free, with my wares in my backpack. She declined my offer. At the base of the staircase she had to put the heavy bag down to rest her arms, where I again offered to carry the bag for her. She again refused, this time with an irritated tone to her voice. She took about 5 more steps and had to put the bag down again to rest and I again offered, saying I only meant well and it would be my pleasure to serve her! She retorted with a very frustrated: ‘ I’m an independent woman, and I can carry a bag of dog food, ok!’ We proceeded to walk side by side for a few more meters, where we realised that we had parked our cars side by side. I could have helped her without any bother. Why was she not willing to receive my help? Did she think I had ulterior motives? Has she been hurt in the past? I really don’t think I’m suspicious looking!
Chivalry is more than just offering another person some help; I believe it’s a way of life. A servant heart, where it doesn’t matter if it’s the prettiest girl, or the grumpiest old lady. In fact, it doesn’t even need to be for just the ladies because Richard next door probably needs a helping hand too and may you be the one to give it.
I’m convinced, irrespective of your nationality or culture, that any woman would simply adore being treated like the princess she’s always believed she is. Do it to make her feel special and appreciated. Do it even if she’s a complete stranger. Do it, because it will always be better to give than to receive. Do it, not wanting anything in return. Heck, just do it!
Ladies; you still love being treated to this kind of behaviour, don’t you? And boys; you’re doing the right thing, aren’t you? Let us know in the comment section below!