Friday, March 14, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Brad K

Brad K

Is Chivalry Dead?


This seems a good question for 2014.  Is chivalry dead?  I’m not sure what it is about these liberal and ‘anything goes’ time we live in, but being a gentleman seems strange and perhaps even mildly suspicious.  I know there are ladies out there who are very fond of being treated to an opened door, or a gentleman’s jacket around their shoulders on a cold evening.  Destiny’s Child sang about being an independent women, and  Babyface crooned about treating the ladies right.  You can’t blame us guys for being just a little bit confused about what you might want.  I say, we do it anyway.  I know the kind of man I want to be!

Let me share a story.  I was walking from the supermarket to my car one afternoon and the trip included a flight of stairs.  As I started down the stairs there was a petite woman in front of me, carrying a 10 kilogram bag of dog food.  I immediately offered to help her as I had both hands free, with my wares in my backpack.  She declined my offer.  At the base of the staircase she had to put the heavy bag down to rest her arms, where I again offered to carry the bag for her. She again refused, this time with an irritated tone to her voice.  She took about 5 more steps and had to put the bag down again to rest and I again offered, saying I only meant well and it would be my pleasure to serve her! She retorted with a very frustrated: ‘ I’m an independent woman, and I can carry a bag of dog food, ok!’  We proceeded to walk side by side for a few more meters, where we realised that we had parked our cars side by side.  I could have helped her without any bother.  Why was she not willing to receive my help?  Did she think I had ulterior motives?  Has she been hurt in the past? I really don’t think I’m suspicious looking!

Chivalry is more than just offering another person some help; I believe it’s a way of life.  A servant heart, where it doesn’t matter if it’s the prettiest  girl, or the grumpiest old lady.  In fact, it doesn’t even need to be for just the ladies because Richard next door probably needs a helping hand too and may you be the one to give it.

I’m convinced, irrespective of your nationality or culture, that any woman would simply adore being treated like the princess she’s always believed she is.  Do it to make her feel special and appreciated. Do it even if she’s a complete stranger. Do it, because it will always be better to give than to receive. Do it, not wanting anything in return.  Heck, just do it!

Ladies; you still love being treated to this kind of behaviour, don’t you?  And boys; you’re doing the right thing, aren’t you?  Let us know in the comment section below!


With God in Control


This past weekend gave me so much to think about.  I’ve been going through a really tough time and I’ve been digging really deep to try and find out what God wants me to learn from it all.  Now, let me just back up a bit and confess something.  The thought of what lessons I’ve learnt and the way forward was nowhere near the first thought I had. Many more thoughts have crossed my mind prior to arriving at this point.

I’ve been battling with feelings of insecurity and even a wobbly faith. I’ve felt like God has deserted me and gone off to occupy Himself with sorting someone else’s life instead.  Someone more worthy or faithful. Someone more intelligent or more acceptable.  So I’ve had to work through a lot and I’ve learnt a few valuable lessons. The gist of the whole experience is that without building your life and your experiences on a firm foundation, you are going to be stranded, and your world can easily crumble.

I’ve come a long way since those first insecure thoughts and now I’m in a place where I know God wants me to be. I can be molded and shaped in whatever way He has deemed fit through this challenging time.  He is preparing me for a new season, and I’m assured that there is a good season coming, based on how harsh the last 2 years have been.  I’m not through to the other side yet, but I’ve gathered enough spiritual intel to inspire me to hang in there. God will do what He has promised He would do, and that is to make my paths straight (Prov 3:5-6), and to never leave me. (Duet 31:8)

God’s Word is full of promises confirming my value and I know that God keeps His promises.  So what do I do now?  Well, I wait!  I cling onto the knowledge that my struggles are not in vain. Soon, things will go well again and I will only be able to deal with what is coming, because of the struggles that I’ve endured.  In retrospect it’s like a huge jigsaw puzzle that only God has the picture to.  When I try to figure it out, not knowing what it’s all supposed to look like, it’s usually a big mess.  With God in control, there is only something beautiful and worthwhile on the horizon.  I firmly believe that!

What is Heritage Day?


I’m not sure if I should feel a bit embarrassed by this, or whether it’s me and a whole lot of you out there as well that are not entirely sure what Heritage Day was originally intended to be about. What is Heritage Day? Here in South Africa every second TV advert and internet news article reminds us that Wednesday the 24th of September is National Braai (Barbeque) Day.  I’m all over the Braai Day idea.  In fact, I’ve already bought the meat and I’ve made the arrangements with my family and if you’re reading this on Heritage Day at lunchtime, my fingers are probably too full of oiliness from the grilled boerewors (beef sausage) to reply to your comment right away!

Is it only about the coals and the cola?  Well, it has a lot to do with the fire and the French Salad.  That’s part of our heritage as South Africans. What I choose to put on my grill is something that might differ from my house to yours.  But that’s not the only thing that makes up our heritage.  We all eat, and every culture makes a song and dance about it (sometimes literally) in some way or the other, so I get the food thing. But what else then makes up our Heritage?  It seems that is up to each of us and our communities.  We all differ and we all have something that sets us apart within the borders of this great nation.  Whatever it might be, celebrate it with enthusiasm and passion, and if we all end up around a fire somewhere on Wednesday, then eat, and drink and be merry, and you’ll soon realize again how being South African is indeed something special.

Former South Africa President Nelson Mandela said this in a Heritage Day speech: “When our first democratically-elected government decided to make Heritage Day one of our national days, we did so because we knew that our rich and varied cultural heritage has a profound power to help build our new nation”.

So, let’s acknowledge this day as more than just a plate full of food.  It is the celebration of what each one of us brings to this beautiful Rainbow Nation that so many of us call home.

Weekend Sports Wrap – 22 Sep ’14


We’ve had another great weekend of top end sports, with the battle for the Formula One drivers championship hotting up as Nico Rosberg loses his lead to this weekend’s Singapore Grand Prix winner, Lewis Hamilton.  Manchester United slip further down the Premier League table, and Team Europe are favourites ahead of this coming week’s Ryder Cup Tournament coming our way from the fairways of Scotland.  Here’s our Weekend Sports Wrap.

Weekly Roundup – 19 Sep ’14


Another week has flown by and it’s been one of tragedy and the unusual, and for the sports fans, history has been made in Scotland.

Here on 1Africa we bring you the headlines and hottest trending topics, all in 4 minutes, on our Weekly Roundup.

Live By Faith Not By Sight


Here is your challenge and should you accept it, it will sometimes confuse you and test your patience and probably make you angry and frustrated and make your faith wobbly.

2 Corinthians 5:7 is really straight forward.  Paul simply reminds us in the verses around it that we are God’s children; citizens of Heaven and we belong to God.  We carry God’s Spirit as a deposit of that inheritance and we long to be returned to God; to where we belong.  In this is the reminder that we live by ‘faith not by sight’.  All the things we read in the Bible and even the things we pray for now are mostly hidden from us.  When we go through struggles and we ask God to rescue us, it can often seem that NOTHING is happening!  Is God even there?  Does He care and is He even listening?  I believe that God IS working because He is a faithful and loving Father and He is good, all the time.  But, not being able to see what God is up to makes me a little crazy and challenges my faith to often embarrassing lows.

So all I can really do is trust, despite what I see around me.  Paul’s direction is simple: Just hang in there and wait and trust that God is going to do what He has promised.  And, until then, keep your eyes firmly fixed on God, our Rock, because let’s face it, we can’t trust ourselves now can we?

Nigerian Building Collapse


The death toll continues to rise, as more bodies are removed from the wreckage of Friday’s tragedy that struck in the Ikotun area of Lagos, Nigeria.  The guest house belonging to the Synagogue Church of All Nations, or SCOAN, collapsed at 12:44pm.  Up to this point it is unclear of the death toll, but it is estimated that it could be as high as 67, with 18 so far unaccounted for.  Those dead are South African citizens who formed part of a tour group visiting the famous church of the faith-healer TB Joshua. According to, 20 people have been hospitalised and there are 248 who have survived.  

According to a statement released by South African president, Jacob Zuma, at no time in recent history has South Africa seen this number of people die in one incident outside of their country.  He also added that he had directed various government departments to ensure that relatives of the deceased were taken to Nigeria to identify their loved one’s bodies.  Rescue officials on the ground in Lagos have commented that the likeliest cause of the building’s collapse was structural, and that the foundations weren’t reinforced before the construction of several additional floors. 

Are you currently in Lagos or do you have any friends or family that were affected?  Let us know in the comment section below.


Who is Your Mentor?


I’ve had a few really heavy things on my mind over the last few weeks.  You know; the kind of stuff that makes your head hurt from thinking about it all the time.  My brain bruiser has been this double-barreled question: Who is the person (or people) that I allow into my life, to spiritually and practically inspire or mentor me, and who do I serve in that way?

I know that’s a mouthful, but it’s important.  Moses had someone like that in his life.  It was his father-in-law, Jethro. (Exodus 18)  And then, Moses was that person to Joshua.  From one generation to the next we need to share our wisdom and the truth of the Word of God (Proverbs 22:6).  In Luke 9 you can read how Jesus mentored His disciples and in 2 Timothy 2 you can see that Paul was that person to Timothy, among others.  The Bible doesn’t quite use the word ‘mentor’ but it does speak about a ‘wise and trusted counselor or teacher’ and we all need someone like that.  I read somewhere that although we need to seek wise council from a trusted source, Christ is our ultimate leader and we need to submit to His leading and so should our mentors.  This relationship we need is also not one where you or your mentor controls the relationship, but it is one where there is mutual trust, sharing and an enrichment of each other’s lives.  Who doesn’t need that?

Now, the question I have for you:  Who is your mentor or trusted counsellor?  And if you don’t have one, ask God to guide you to find the perfect person to walk alongside you, and enrich your life.

Are You a Christian?


Here at 1Africa, we want to challenge you with a question, and we are excited to hear what your opinions are:

What do you think it means to be called a ‘Christian’?



Weekend Sports Wrap – 15 Sep ’14


It’s been another busy weekend of sport across the globe, with Diego Costa making Chelsea fans smile!

Check out the highlights with our Weekend Sports Wrap and make sure to let us know what sport gets you excited and who your favourite teams are!

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