Friday, March 14, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Brad K

Brad K

ShofarBand Interview


I consider it a real privilege to walk a path with a band or artist. To chat to them when they first start out, or get that 1st elusive recording contract, and then catch up again at the next milestone, and see them grow. I have seen the rise of Connell Cruise and Melissa Hertz, to name just 2, and included in this honourable list, is the Shofarband.
The Shofarband is made up of musicians from the various Shofar Christian churches in South Africa and abroad and the band’s desire is to see people set free to passionately praise and worship God!

From the album VICTORIOUS ONE in 2011, to the following year’s ONS SAL SING (We shall sing) and now WE WON’T BE AFRAID, I have connected with James and Richard, and ensured we’re always on the job ensuring the fans and soon-to-be followers know all about the inspiring work the ‘Shofars’ are up to.
This time, James and Richard brought along the lovely Yolande, and her story alone is worthy of all the hype! We caught up with the 3 of them in our live webcasting studio, and we even got a live performance. Let’s go and have a listen!

We Are One


I’ve started to wonder about the power of sport.  I’m South African and when our rugby team won the Rugby World Cup in 1995 on home soil, just a year after the dawn of our 1st democracy, we were suddenly all united.  Much of the past was temporarily forgotten; we were drugged by the euphoria of our team’s success.  We repeated that again in 2007, and the same happened and although we won outside of our country, it was only slightly diluted.   A number of years later, in 2010, we hosted the Football World Cup, and although we knew our team wouldn’t be much of a bother to the better teams in our group, we celebrated the possibility of the improbable, as well as again being sucked into the month-long euphoria.  It was something special, and I wish we could have more moments like those.  They offer a glimpse of what life would look like if we could move past political, racial and even religious differences and just be countrymen.  It’s this little window into what life could be like if we somehow just moved forward, somehow just realised that we have common goals and purposes and a desire to see things work and everyone flourish and prosper.  I’m not naive to our past of course, but hear what I’m saying.

I’ve felt so many similar emotions around the World Cup in Brazil this year. We’re watching teams from nations that are experiencing unrest and challenges back home, and are now running onto the field to be watched by billions around the world, who for 90 minutes,  put political bias, and other hardened personal opinions aside, for the love of the game.

This made me think of Psalm 133:1

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!

Why can’t we as Believers in Jesus also feel like this all the time?  Putting aside the things that make us different and move forward together.  There’s a dying world out there that needs to know about Jesus, and the Cross and the Resurrection and these things  top winning a World Cup trophy, or world champion bragging rights.  Can’t we just allow the truth of the freedom we have in Jesus, to drive us to unity, to share the Gospel with one voice and one heart?  Isn’t the power of the beauty of the Cross so much more than that of the Beautiful Game?  Food for thought indeed!

Casting Crowns are coming to South Africa!


One of the world’s biggest, multi-platinum selling, Christian bands, Casting Crowns, will be live in South Africa this June.  Yours truly will be at the sold-out Cape Town show on the 26th. The following evening the band will be in Johannesburg and the final leg of their tour is in the capital city of Pretoria on the 28th.

It’s been 6 years since Casting Crowns have been to South Africa. With the release of their latest album THRIVE fresh in our minds and many of their other hits still getting airplay wherever Christian music is aired, we thought to give you some previews of their South African tour. So if you’re dying to know what songs they will be singing and what else they will be up to while in Africa sit back!

I had the opportunity to chat to charismatic lead singer, Mark Hall, and got to ask him all the things you want to know.

Have you got your ticket?



With the Football World Cup mere days away, the number of really impressive bits of marketing doing the rounds is overwhelming. When I’m visiting my Facebook page, I can’t scroll my mouse even a half-page down without spotting yet another big brand’s ad.  And this time it’s not a hamburger or a soda and a call to friendship; it’s no product at all in fact, it’s just a lot of green, yellow and blue, with feathers, tanned bellies, views of Sugar Loaf Mountain and football.  Football trick shots, football-spinning buskers, football champions disguised as old men on a street court, and then someone wearing expensive headphones and getting ready to play football.  We lose the plot a bit, but we don’t mind; it’s not called the Beautiful Game for nothing, it’s World Cup year, and anyway, we love it!

The strange thing about football is that I can’t play it.  I’m a rugby guy and have been my whole life.  I’m pretty sporty to say the least, but I’m more ‘tackle you to the ground’ then shimmy and dribble and then bamboozle a defender.  I understand it, I appreciate it, and I love to watch it.

Do you like football?  Do you play it?  Do you compare yourself to your favourite player and copy his playing style, perhaps even his hairstyle?  What about folks out there just like me?  You love watching the game but you can’t really play it well, or at all?  Do you watch the Rooneys and the Onazis of this world and feel inadequate if you compare yourself to them?

Now I know you’re about ask: ‘So Brad, this is now a metaphor for what, exactly?’  Ok, you’ve got me!  So this is what I was thinking, right:  We look at people and they are prospering.  They can do and achieve great things in their lives. They are making a good living and they drive a nice car, and you might not be.  Do you admire their business prowess or congratulate them on their success?  Just because they are able to do what you cannot, do you celebrate their success or do you get bitter?  I’ve come to realize that my role in this life is different to yours and vice versa.  I need to be content with my spiritual gifting, my ability to make money and how to use my skill set.  God is my provider and it is to him that I am ‘connected’, not my wallet.  We have been made by God with purpose in mind and some abilities just happen to be more celebrated than others.  Some seen as more acceptable or desirable.

This has been on my mind a lot of late.  So what does the Word of God say about these sorts of things? Paul’s words come to mind here, when he wrote to the Philippians. In chapter 4 verse 12 he wrote:



This hit me hard when my wife reminded me of the scripture last week.  The Bible is easy to read, but not so easy to translate into the kind of action that gets momentum and moves us forward spiritually; but I’m working on it.  I have to.  And so do you, by the way!  Don’t hang me out to dry!

So when you see Neymar, put one into the back of the net on home soil sometime this month, remind yourself that while he has the talent and skill you don’t, if you invited him over to your place, he probably wouldn’t have a clue how to do your job either, although I bet you’d like to see him try!

Phil Collins doesn’t like music!


Who doesn’t like music?  I’m really tempted to type this question into Google.  I’m not kidding.  Only the limitless chasm of cyberspace could possibly contain the answer to this question.  It’s probably some kind of weird disorder like ‘cantstandatuneaphobia’ or something equally unpronounceable with a crippling number of syllables.  The real answer to this question in my subjective mind is: No one.  There can’t possibly be anyone in the whole wide world that doesn’t like a good ol’ beat, bop, riff or well practiced paradiddle!  If it’s the wail of a Dave Gilmore guitar solo that brings a tear to your eye or the polka antics of Frankie Yankovic that has you prancing about the room in your lederhosen, there really is something for everyone out there. Surely EVERY taste is catered for?   Ok, I’m too tempted; I’m going to Google it.  I must be missing something.

So Phil Collins doesn’t like music! He said so himself according to his daughter Lily.  This must be a typo.  7 Grammy’s and 150 million albums sold and in the top 20 richest musicians in Britain; a legend of the industry and you don’t like music?  I’m suspecting that since he said this only recently and has been suffering emotionally and psychologically of late, this is not to be taken as how he’s always felt.  I’m going with that.

Anyone else?  There are a few it seems but I might have been onto something earlier on.  It’s a disorder.  If you couldn’t care less about Mr Jones, Mrs Robinson or Dr Strangelove it could be because you suffer from amusia.  A test group in Spain was invited to the University of Barcelona and they were told to bring along a few CD’s or mp3’s of their favourite tunes. A handful of the group arrived without even a single note from an Axel, Iggy or even any of the Bobs.  Bizarre.  They had no music at all!  They exist, believe it or not, and they can’t hear a musical tone.  The test proved they show zero emotion to any musical stimulus.  Even Nessun Dorma could shift them! That’s AMUSIA for you.  So that guy that won’t dance at the wedding, he’s no wallflower, it’s just that he would rather cut a piece of cake than cut some rug. Music just doesn’t move him, but food does, and that’s ok.  Or is it?

If you’re like me, and having music all around you is a bit like your need for air to breathe, then let me know! Also, what do you like listening to?  And if the Fab Four, Foo Fighters and Fatboy Slim sound more like WWE Wrestlers to you, we want to hear from you anyway!

What to do while you wait


Writing about tough times is not a simple thing to do. Suffering. Desert experience. Hardships. My sin. You hang whatever label you want on it.  We like to throw religious terms at these things, and I really can’t be bothered to go into that, because it doesn’t matter too much what the label might be. That doesn’t help you through it.  When I read this verse in 1 Peter 5:10, I realize something that immediately lifts my spirits.

And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

The second part is good stuff too, but the beginning part ignites my hope. ‘And after you have suffered…’  So you’re saying this is going to end?  Or at least, I will find peace with where I’m at and move on with my life?  Well that’s a good thing.  But wait.  What do I do between now, and when I eventually reach that place?  You know, between the tears of pain and the tears of joy and relief?

This isn’t a case of me throwing some smart sentences around.  This is what I’ve been finding as my source of comfort and there might well be 1 thing here that makes you go ‘hmmm’.

It’s simple to write about, but try and put it into practice.  Easier said than done.

It’s good to know there’s a Holy God, who keeps His promises, working things for our good. Til the good times roll around; we wait, because we can believe they’re coming.

When we’re hurting and lost, we can find direction in the word of God. It’s packed with Truth.

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

We tend to do a lot of thinking when we hit rock bottom; trying to justify our anger and lack of faith.  We blame God, others and ourselves and we forget about the goodness of God from our past experience.  So go and get your journal.  Now read it.  Go back to the times you expressed your faith and the faithfulness of God with all that passion.  You need that to fuel you when you feel totally the opposite.  Use your testimonies to tow yourself out of the mud.  Then read the testimonies of others; characters from the Word, people in your inner circle that you trust; whoever.  Just soak it all up.  Let it be your fuel.  Trustworthy Christian resources: books, DVD’s, radio or whatever.  Let the encouragement be poured into the chasm of your hurt.  Just don’t neglect the Word.  You need your OWN revelation, we don’t just want to build our faith on the revelation that God gives others, do we?

So now we wait.  I’m encouraged by what Peter wrote, and that is that the tide will turn, the days will become brighter and the mourning will turn to gladness.  I don’t know how or when, but I know there’s good ahead.  Now we do what we need to do and allow the testing to produce steadfastness so we can become full and complete, lacking in nothing.  Do you mind if I take a seat?  I don’t know how long this might take.

Casting Crowns THRIVE giveaway


With 15 Dove awards and a Grammy to their name, US  rock band, Casting Crowns, don’t need much of an introduction!  They have just released their latest studio album;  and we’ve got a Casting Crowns THRIVE giveaway! 3 winners will be able to add ‘THRIVE’ to their CD collection,  to that we’ll add a ‘THRIVE’ Journal, as well as a handmade ‘THRIVE’ poster and a R100 CUM Books voucher!

So how do you enter?

Simply  #1 ‘like’ the 1Africa Facebook page, and #2 share this competition post on Facebook, Twitter or any other social media accounts.

Don’t forget to add #Thrive.  +  Comments “below” might increase your chances! 😉

Here, take a look at the title track, THRIVE and the lead single; ALL YOU’VE EVER WANTED:



Casting Crowns Interview


I wonder what other bands think when it gets closer to the release date of a Casting Crowns album?  I think they get all of their marketing planning, distribution and sales pushes done so they can secure our hard-earned money before the next Crowns album drops!  That must be kind of true, because with 4 albums that have gone Platinum, 1 that has reached DOUBLE Platinum, as well as 5 that have gone Gold; it seems that everyone has gone out to buy at least 1 of the Georgia-based band’s releases since 2003!


So now, THRIVE was released on January the 28th, and the single ALL YOU’VE EVER WANTED has already peaked at 3 on the US Christian Charts and has hit number 1 on many an independent radio chart.  No-one, of course, is surprised by this at all.

CASTING CROWNSI had the incredible privilege of  spending time talking to their drummer, Brian Scoggin.  Don’t be fooled, the stereotype of the quiet drummer doesn’t apply here, because this man was very happy to have a chat about everything I needed to know concerning the band and their new album, and a whole lot more!  Can you believe that he didn’t even audition for his drummer position after Andy Williams left to record music with his wife?  Well, hear for yourself, what Brian had to say.  I’ve posted the Lyric Video for their first single down below as well, so don’t forget to give that a view or 2….or 3!




I understand that there’s not always a happily-ever-after.  I want there to be a happily-ever-after. As believers in Jesus we know that there is something to look forward to once we’ve shed this mortal coil, but while there’s still breath in these lungs, it’s not always easy going.  For some it’s a dreaded disease; for others it’s a lost loved one; or a child with a disability; maybe a car accident that robs you of a sporting career, or just a struggle to make ends meet while people around you seem to prosper. This is just how it goes sometimes.  God is gracious, no doubt, and we can get the strength to move on despite what life seems to throw at us.  It doesn’t happen overnight and it almost always takes longer than we’d like it to, but it seems to work out.  Maybe we just make peace with where we’re at and learn to live with things, or maybe we have a total attitude shift that makes our situations bearable.  I immediately think of Jesus’ words.  In John chapter 10 verse 7 – 10,  Jesus reminds us that the thief comes to steal and to destroy.  I don’t like this.  It often fills me with fear and I’m suspicious of everyone and want to sleep with 1 eye open.  But Jesus follows it up with a ‘but’ that should see me change my behavior:

The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).


I’ve come to realize that God has my back and I don’t need to be afraid, but I’ve also realize the big one, the elephant in the room; that the life I expect and the life God has on offer for me, are seldom the same thing.  What we want and what God knows we need are almost NEVER congruent.  Even if we have really selfless intentions, God has a way of showing us up.  We actually have very little control over what our life-story will look like.  We are responsible for the little details (with God watching on very closely) and God has the pages of our individual books open and has the big things carefully sorted too.

It’s time to surrender completely to Him.  Let Him take care of your sin and shame and guilt.  Let him take control of the ‘where’, ‘what’ and ‘who’ and watch how he bypasses our idea of happily-ever-after, and replaces it with something far more meaningful:  joyful-till-it’s-over and THEN, the reward of forever with Him!


Tim Timmons Interview


Have you ever stood there with your hands on your hips and simply had a good moan? Dissatisfied with this or unhappy about that?  And then, with the corners of your lips still white with that post-complain session spittle, you hear a story of someone else’s life situation that makes yours just pale into insignificance!  That will happen for sure if you had to hear American singer, songwriter, Tim Timmons’ life story.  12 years ago he was told he only had 5 years to live because of an incurable cancer riddling his body. From a place of total dependence on God and surrender to Him, despite his situation, Tim Timmons has delivered an immensely relatable album of prayers and clear conversation to a God he has come to know intimately.

Tim and I had the opportunity to connect, to talk about his debut album ‘Cast my Cares’, about living despite what doctors are reminding him.  We also connected on how to find encouragement in the darkest of days, whether your darkness is generated by terminal disease, heartbreak, or simply a general feeling of desperation and hopelessness.  Allow yourself to be moved  by both man and music.


Tim Timmons

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