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Brad K

Weekly Roundup – 16 Jan ’15


We’re half way through the first month of 2015 and there’s no sign of things slowing down!  Welcome to a brand new 1 Africa Weekly Roundup, where we showcase the freshest content off our website, that we’ve also shared on social media. Whether you need a few motivational quotes to get you though the week or a question on what you truly believe this life is about, that will have you digging deep into your emotions, we are honoured to share our best with you.  Join Brad and Lady Lee as they walk you though what’s hot on

The Truth About Supplements


It’s the start of a new year and for those with resolutions or goals for the new year, you’ll find that one of the top 5 are always around health and fitness or weight loss, or muscle gain, or something like that.  I think that’s a pretty good thing, but sadly, the reason can be all too cosmetic.  It’s time we took our health more seriously, and especially what we choose to put into our mouths.  Our food choices are creating too many problems to mention and yet people want things to change, without really changing anything.  Last I heard, that was considered insanity.  With this exact thought in mind, consider the companies that sell and market nutritional supplements. They have a product, and will continue to create products that will meet this very need.  There’s a need to be stronger, thinner, faster and fitter, to have more stamina and recover more quickly, all so you can do it again, but the next time, even better.  No one wants to come second and everyone wants the glory of the victory, and the thrill of the compliment.  The supplement companies can’t lose.  You want it, and their labels promise it, it’s a win win.  Only it seems, by the billions spent annually, and the lack of true athletes walking the streets among us, there is a bit of a problem.  I suspect there’s this idea that I just mix this powder with water, make a tasty shake, drink it 3 times a day and my life is going to change!  I can’t wait to see the look on all of their faces when I come strutting in the room with those expensive jeans on, and blow their minds!  Yeah, that’s not going to happen.  The bit that seems to be missing from the ‘quick fix’ brigade is that you need to make changes to see changes. This is where it falls flat. Stop looking so sheepish.  I know you’ve been there/are there/are on your way there.  Stop.

I’m not saying supplements are nonsense, but it’s really all in the name.  They supplement your efforts. Eat good, clean, natural food and if you’re training for a particular goal or sport, then work hard and be disciplined and things will change.  Add good quality, well researched, reputable supplements in there, and they can add to your efforts.  They help, they don’t do all the work.  That’s your job.  With that being said, you can take most of what I’ve said and apply it to other areas of life.  Let’s look at your relationships.  We want to have vibrant, exciting and meaningful relationships that allow us to give and to receive love and meaning.  These relationships are not going to blossom using only BBM, WhatsApp, Skype or SMS.  These relationships require time together, heartfelt conversations, hugs, kisses and whatever else is appropriate, and then we use our phone or computers to supplement that.  It’s not the base of quality, it’s just the chocolate sprinkles on a big, delicious chocolate cake of love.

Whatever you deem to be truly important, be it your career, your relationships, your health or your wealth, there is no quick fix or one-size-fits-all approach to be successful.  All will require hard work, dedication, the right attitude, bucketsful of commitment and then, once you’ve got the foundation really solid, then you add in the supplements.

May this year be one that reflects the efforts you put in and may your successes spur you on to even greater levels of accomplishment that will snowball to the point of others simply asking: ‘how did you do it?!’

Top 5 Motivational Quotes


When it feels like your get-up-and-go just got up and went, you probably need a kick in the pants to get you going again.  One of the best kicks in the pants that can get you back on the highroad to success, is a motivational quote.  The only problem is that the world is now filled with cat memes and teenage know-it-alls with time on their hands, so now the gap between the silly and the life-changing has become 2 miles wide.  So, let me do all the hard work, and find the top 5 motivational quotes from people that really matter, that we know will inspire and redirect.  The rest, is up to you.  Stop playing Candy Crush for starters!

Walter Chrysler:

This man knew how to run a business, manage people and inspire them to greatness.  Of his many bits of motivational fare, this is one of the best:

The real secret of success is enthusiasm. Yes, more than enthusiasm, I would say excitement. I like to see men get excited. When they get excited they make a success of their lives.

Albert Einstein:

I don’t feel like it’s necessary to introduce this man to you, but let me say that apart from great scientific achievements, Mr Relativity had a keen grasp of life and how to squeeze the best bits out of it. And he was terrible at maths!

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

Thomas Edison:

Your’e thinking light bulb, but this man was a prolific inventor holding 1093 US patents.  Think: inventions that changed mining, motion pictures and even medical science.  We can trust Edison to inspire us; he understood hard work and success and he knew failure.

I haven’t failed, I just found 10 000 ways that won’t work

Walt Disney:

Animator, voice artist, and businessman of the top order, Walt Disney has every right to be on our list. He was a creative genius that amassed great wealth as well as a sterling reputation.  He succeeded and he failed. Could you imagine a world without Mickey Mouse?!

All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me… You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.

Mother Teresa:

This lady is known world wide for her incredible acts of service as a Catholic sister and missionary.  Not everyone agreed with the way she chose to do things, but that doesn’t subtract from the change she brought in people’s lives with selfless hard work and dedication.  We can learn from an attitude such as this.

Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.

Now it’s time to take that motivation and do something great with it.  If it’s just enough to get you through your day, that’s great, but keep moving forward, stay on course, and stay strong.  Remember, you can do more than you think you can, just don’t quit, success might be around the next corner.

Do you have a great quote that drives you?  Share it with us in the comment section below; we all need as much motivation as we can get!

Weekend Sports Wrap – 12 Jan ’15


It was a thrilling weekend of sports action and we’ve got the details in this Monday’s Weekend Sports Wrap.  From World Record cricket run chases to shocking football defeats and the big question hanging over our heads today:  Who will win this year’s Ballon d’Or, being awarded tonight in Zurich?

Click, enjoy the wrap up, and consider yourself up to date on some big news and results!

Into His Wonderful Light


As a believer in Jesus, I live with an eternal gratitude for what is so beautifully expressed in 1 Peter 2:9

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.

I love that I’m different.  I’m not the man I once was, and that I’m set apart.  I answered the call of God on my life and that I’ve moved from a spiritual and therefore eternal experience of darkness, into the light that Christ brought to this earth.  I love that!  Let’s also be real for a moment.  It’s been over a decade now that I’ve been a follower of Jesus, and the initial months or year that I started to understand what I’d received and the enthusiasm of that truth, started to wane.  I believe this happens to many, but is not necessarily ok.  In time, we can forget what got us so riled up in the first place and then we just seem to exist.  We survive instead of thrive.  We could debate why this happens, but what I want to concentrate on is to stop being that way.  I’m still chosen, set apart, God’s special possession and called into His light but I live, act and feel like that is a concept that is true but not one reflected in my life experience.  Life is hard and tough times like to linger, but living in the wonderful light of God is not only for Heaven one day or a concept we believe in faith but don’t experience, we can experience God’s kingdom here on earth too.

Despite the struggles I’ve had to endure for way too long, I’m trying to see my life from God’s perspective, and that would suggest to me that there’s a lesson in there, and some maturing that’s being promoted.  God seems to work like that.  But, until His work in me is done, I must simply endure this and wait.  Let me get back to the ‘wonderful light’.  Despite my circumstances 1 Peter 2 verse 9 never stops being true and my life needs to reflect that.  Instead of throwing countless biblical concepts around, let me just share what I’ve been working through, and that is, my attitude. I’m experiencing what feels like nearly all of Paul’s 2 Corinthians 4:8 struggles but I don’t seem to carry his same attitude towards them.  I’ve been living like I am crushed and destroyed and abandoned and that the life of Christ isn’t really working within me.  Why would I allow myself to feel like I’m out of the glorious light and not being renewed daily?  That would be like a direct insult to the truth around which I’ve chosen to wrap my entire belief system!  It’s craziness!  The problem then, lies directly with us, if we allow ourselves to feel this way.  The solution then?

It’s not simple to execute, because that’s part of the difficulties of life, but it is simple to see, read, believe and attempt to implement.  I believe it starts with a prayer of acceptance of the truth, repentance of the lies we’ve chosen to embrace, and the request for help to live out the truth.

Lord Jesus, please allow me live in your glorious light, every day, reflecting You and simply basking in the love that you feel for me, despite my circumstances. I am so sorry that I’ve been content to accept lies about my life in Jesus that I have conjured up and that the enemy has brought to mind. I AM more than a conqueror, Your Word says so, so please drive out the darkness that has come over me and anyone else that might feel this way.  Give me a passion for the truth in Your Word and to allow my experience of life to reflect this Truth.  For Your glory, and in Jesus’ name.  Amen

Weekly Roundup – 9 Jan ’15


We are well into the 1st month of the new year, and with it, our 2nd Weekly Roundup of 2015. We want to make sure that your enthusiasm and excitement for the year ahead remains high, and we want to share some of our content from 1 Africa, that we hope will continue to inform and inspire.

For some, the new year means a desire to get in shape, and we’ve got just the accessory to help the novice or seasoned athlete.  Need to set goals for 2015 but not sure how?  Let us help!  We also share a list of the 5 things you’ll need to help make this a stand out year.  Settle in for a few minutes with Lady Lee and Brad, as our Weekly Roundup showcases some of our best content.  Remember to have your say and join our conversations by commenting below, or Tweeting us @1Africa_online.

5 Things You’ll Need For 2015


One thing you’ve got to love about a new year is that you see people loving their new stuff.  They got some new socks from their kids at Christmas time or a new tie for themselves so they’ll look all flashy for their first day back after the holiday break.  Sometimes it’s new stationery, and sometimes it’s a fresh new haircut.  Don’t forget about those little kiddies off to their first day of big school, with their shiny new school shoes that will give them a thousand blisters and that new school bag that’s just a little bit too big!  Whatever it is that’s shiny and new, it seems to give us a spring in our step and that little bit of excitement for the endless possibilities that a new year brings.

I’m a sucker for a good list, and so I’m making sure we’ve got another top 5 to take us into the new year!  Whether you’re heading to your first day of high school; whether it’s day 1 at university or college, or your first day in the job market, may we suggest you don’t leave the house until you’ve considered our list of the 5 things you’ll need for 2015.

1. A Good Notebook and Pen.

No, we’re not loopy, this is essential.  You could use your smartphone too if you wanted, but I still love the freedom of the old-school notebook.  The idea is that you never miss the opportunity to capture a moment, or reflect on an old one, or doodle or create, or inspire or be inspired.  Practice your signature or plan your day, keep a daily list of your goals or invent a new recipe.  The idea is that you’re creative and organised.

2. Set Real, Achievable Goals.

In a previous post I presented you with some great guidelines for goal setting in 2015.  If you missed the article, you can check it out here.  Remember these tips when you set those goals:  Write them down.  Don’t dream small. Be accountable to someone.  Be positive and passionate, and tackle each day knowing they you have a purpose, and that is to reach those goals.  Now suddenly, every day has meaning!

3. A Plan to Save Money.

No, I’m not boring and old; this is important!  We complain that we don’t have enough money but we are happy to spend it when we get it, and never seem to have quite enough.  Set some goals of how much money you’d like to save and why (see, you need that notebook!) and set up a plan to get there. Ignore the temptation to spend until you’ve reached your goal.  It could be a goal to upgrade your wardrobe, bless someone who is less fortunate, or maybe even put down a deposit on a car or house. Set a goal, and get saving.  Find out from your local bank what good saving account options would fit your lifestyle and income, or why not try this Saving Challenge.  It’s a smart and visual way to get saving!

4. Be Intentional.

Whatever you have planned for 2015 and beyond, thing are not going to happen by osmosis.  Building relationships, and saving money, and being the best version of yourself will not just happen.  You need to be intentional.  Want to eat healthier, or make that team? You’ll need to get off your backside and train or research or whatever.  Seldom will someone do these things for you.  Want to see your relationships improve?  You’ll need to be intentional about dates, or phone calls, or visits.  Only you can make these things happen.  Either you go full out to see your dreams realised, or you will work hard everyday to help someone else reach theirs.  Decide you want to succeed in all the areas of like that are important to you and be intentional.

5.  Give.

It’s very important to write down goals, and visualise your success, to save money and be intentional, but when we make our lives all about us, we lose something enormous: the opportunity to share. When we make life all about us, we will never be satisfied.  Being successful so that we can share that success will probably see your attitude towards your work shift and that can only be a good thing. It’s better to give than to receive.  That’s biblical right there. Plan around your finances so that you share from what you have.  Help someone finish their schooling by contributing to their fees.  Do it anonymously even, but do something.  Start a foundation to support a cause you believe in and see your community become stronger.  Give time to serve with a not -for- profit organisation or supply stock for a soup kitchen. Drive an old couple to church on a Sunday. These are just some ideas, but please serve.  Life works best when we can serve others and not just ourselves; imagine if you were the person needing help?

2015 is here and the first month will be over before you know it.  It’s not going to wait for you.  You will need to decide about whether you will be shaped by this year, or whether you will be shaping it.  No one is going to do this for you; be smart, be intentional, be great, and why not add a few more to our list if you like, by posting in the comments section below.  Stay strong!

What Do You Believe?


We are spiritual beings.  This is something with which most people will agree.  There’s a culture of church attendance the world over, but there are many other avenues too it would seem. Sometimes people will practice yoga or reiki, or something similar, and the many beliefs that stem from that.  We all seem to gravitate towards something that can offer meaning to our confusing lives.  We lose a loved one and wonder what has happened to them now that they have passed on. We meditate, we pray, we read tea leaves, we seek a clairvoyant.  We want answers and direction and meaning and there are options everywhere you look.  It’s God or the Universe, a church or a temple, power from above, or power from within.  We search, we find, we search, we re-assess, we question. What works and what doesn’t?  What is true and what isn’t?  For some, it’s a life-long journey; for others, they make up their hearts and minds at a young age and stay the course their whole lives.

I watched a YouTube clip sometime earlier in this week, and that is what sparked this post.  The video itself had nothing to do with this topic but a comment that was made by the presenter got me thinking.  He was talking about life and how we make choices that effect us and how we can search our whole lives to find what works for us, like we might do with our spiritual beliefs.  My initial thought was how challenging it must be to find a spiritual belief that works for you. If you need to find one that ‘works for you’, then it becomes about what feels comfortable or makes you feel good about yourself.  This might imply a spiritual belief system that makes me feel comfortable with who and what I am, despite the way I choose to live my life.  A belief system that embraces me with all my choices, celebrates them, and allows me to express myself the way I want to and feel I deserve to be.  It’s all about ‘me’ then at the end of the day, and what I like.  A bit like choosing what sport you want to practise or the brand you feel most comfortable wearing.  Taking a long time to address your spiritual choices allows you to select, tailor-make and be content.  This makes people happy. Now, let me tell you what I believe.

As I briefly share this, take note that I am not judging, but sharing my choice.  I trust you are pleased with yours.  About 11 years ago, I chose to become a Christian.  I’d like to phrase that better if I may; I chose to become a follower of Jesus; a choice that happily excludes me from much of what has become church traditions.  My choice came from the knowledge and acceptance that the choices I’d been making, although very pleasing to me in the short term, were probably going to bomb out on me somewhere in my life.  I was hurting myself and others with my selfishness.  So there I was, wanting to change.  I believed that my mistakes and my past failures, could be forgiven by God.  The consequences remained, but the guilt could be kicked to the curb!  I acknowledged my many weaknesses and instead of just embracing them, I chose to be inspired, guided and empowered by Someone infinitely more powerful and loving than I could ever be.  That would mean then that there is a better version of me, with a lot of Help thrown in there.  I believed that I had been created to do something; a special task that only I could do because only I live in my space, with my area of influence; one totally different to even a family member or work colleague’s.  I could make a difference in the world, by just being me; again, with a lot of Help.  Over the last decade, I’ve been sad, hurt, desperate and lonely, but I’ve also loved, and celebrated and shouted for joy and seen dreams realised. These are not just my dreams, they are exceedingly-more-than-I-could-ever-hope-for-or-imagine kind of dreams.  I am never alone.  I don’t have to rely on myself alone for success, or just settle for what makes me comfortable.  I can be stretched, challenged, rebuked, taught and re-directed, and not by several different people or elders; but by one Person, one Who knows me personally, and exactly what is best for me.  I am loved unconditionally.  I have worth beyond anything I am or can achieve.  I am accepted despite my past, and have a hope for the future that won’t make my heart sad.  I know who I am now, and the path I have traveled is one that I could never have found or walked on my own.  I know where I’m off to when my days on earth are done, and I’ve done nothing on my own to deserve it, or I’d never be completely sure of my destination.  I don’t have to perform to find acceptance or do anything to accept this favour and freedom that I enjoy.  I’m done with ‘doing’, since it’s all been done for me.  I can breathe easily, and live!

This is my story, and it’s changed my heart.  How about you, what do you believe? Let us know, because we’d love to have a conversation about faith and what moves you spiritually.


Goal Setting


I remember a time when very little mattered.  My only concerns where how long I’d be allowed to play outside and whether there’d be tomato sauce that I could add to almost everything I ate.  Then something happened.  I think it’s called ‘growing up’ but I’m sure there’s another more horrible sounding phrase to describe it.  The fun almost completely dried up and I was loaded with life-altering decisions, the need to earn money, bills, and having to wear a tie and closed shoes. In the middle of this big change came the revelation that you could get this all wrong.  You might plough along, trying to keep your head above water, but do it all without an actual goal in mind and everything you do could be without any point. The idea, it seems, is to set goals.  Without an idea of where it is that you want to end up, how will you know what to do in order to get there? A light bulb moment indeed.  It all sounds so simple; but how do you even select the goals in the first place?  Oh dear, so many questions!

I’m convinced that goal setting is not rocket science, and if I were to ask you whether you’d like to work towards something specific or just float around aimlessly, I’d think you would want your life to head somewhere concrete.  Let’s get some help with this one.  The very successful people of this world have always known what it is that they want to achieve.  Whether it is to be able to run a marathon, or earn a million dollars, or finally finish that DIY project, no destination means no idea.  This whole topic of goal setting has different avenues to achieve similar results but I’ll pick one so we can get started and that’s what we want and need; to get started!

Before we get to a very structured part of this, courtesy of a website I’ve used for many years now, let me just say this:  Setting goals and setting out to achieve them is not just because someone says you should or because you feel you ought to. This is an opportunity to think big and let your passion for life and for achieving something great, just fly!  This is a time to get excited about the life you’ve been given and that you can achieve great things for yourself or your family and to serve others and to be a more meaningful member of society.  Dreaming big and setting goals is exciting.  Be excited!

As I suggested, we need to start somewhere.  I’ve been a fan of Mind Tools for some time and to get the ball rolling, let’s check out their video on the basics of goal setting. Remember, be positive in your goal setting, see yourself achieving great things and moving your life forward.  Watch a few motivational clips online, stick pictures or quotes up where you can see them and move to the next level.  You know you want to!

Weekend Sports Wrap – 5 Jan ’15


It’s the start of a new week, and the first Weekend Sports Wrap for 2015.  From all of us at 1 Africa, may 2015 be a great year for you and may your goals be realised!

In this edition, we bring you results from the weekend’s FA Cup action.  Serena Williams got her Hopman Cup journey off to a winning start, despite a horrible first set.  Real Madrid’s record winning streak was ended by Valencia and Sadio Mane will miss the African Cup of Nations.  Click, and catch up on all the details.

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