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Home Authors Posts by Brad K

Brad K

Who Likes Chores?


Life is full of opposites.  There’s up and there’s down; there’s hot and then there’s cold; there’s the rich guy and there’s the polar opposite, the poor guy. There’s fun and the opposite of fun, is chores.  You notice that the trash can is full and, if you are married,your wife will probably bring it to your attention, because it’s something she will probably refuse to tackle herself.  She will remind you of this chore of yours as you sit down, drink in hand, to watch some TV.  I think she may have known for a while, but she waited.  Such is the power of the chore, that it can shift your mood.  The pot plants need water, and they need it now.  There is no way it can wait, as their very lives depend on your watering them now.  It’s probably dark, and on a Sunday night.  Monday might be too late, but you check the weather forecast in case nature can help you with your chores; just this one time please.  Then there’s the dishes, the dog needing to be walked, the bills that need to be paid or the ironing that needs to be done and if it’s late, you only do the bare necessities and you never do enough, cause you’re ironing again, 2 days later.

Chores have a bright side.  When you’re a parent, and your children are old enough, you can get them to do chores.  Mostly you will give them your chores, and you will label it ‘a way to teach you responsibility’.  This is very smart from a parent’s perspective, and you just hope your kids don’t catch on!  The one thing about a chore is that it’s something that’s really important and actually doing it will see your life filled with neatness and order and cleanliness.  Take out the trash, polish your shoes, sweep the floor, wash the car, wash the dishes, make the bed, pick up the dog poop and rake the leaves.  Adults procrastinate, kids moan and doing it will be for the best but we don’t want to.  Making a mess, stinking things out, letting the grass grow long and watching your dog get fat: easy peazy, and takes no effort.  Bizarre.  Why can’t ‘doing nothing’ produce pleasing results?  Weird indeed.

I’ve always had this odd theory that it’s easier to do nothing than it is to do something, so if you want to achieve something worthwhile, you need to put in effort.  Too long for a fridge magnet, but it makes some sense.  Very little of worth comes from doing nothing, and to achieve in this world is tough.  If it were easy, more people would be doing it and it wouldn’t be special.  I love this quote:

If you want to achieve what others don’t, you have to do what others won’t

Too few people are prepared to ‘do what it takes’, as if it’s a chore.  A relationship takes work.  A successful business takes hard work and sacrifice.  A beautiful garden, worthy of a magazine spread, takes effort, time and patience.  Being a top sportsman requires more than just arriving on match day.

I still loathe chores, but they are an important part of life and of responsibility and they are not going away, so I need to do them.  The only thing that I can change is my attitude, and maybe get a bit of help and be accountable to someone.

What are you going to do today that will require you to be disciplined, or perhaps to change your attitude?

Weekly Roundup – 1 Jan ’15


Happy New Year 1Africa friends!  Welcome to 2015, and also to our first Weekly Roundup of the new year!

The New Year is all about new opportunities, new goals and new challenges and Lady Lee shares on that exact topic, so go and hear what she has to say.  Brad takes a slightly more serious look at fear, and how it can sometime cripple us as we head into 2015; the unknown.

We showcase what we have on our 1Africa Magazine, and share our excitement for the new year with you, right here on our New Year’s Weekly Roundup.

A blessed 2015 to you all!



Birth Order


It would seem that there’s a stereotype attached to where you fit in in your family with regards to your birth order.  They must be pretty close to the truth, because how else could the same 2 parents bring into the world such different people? We’ve got what psychologists call The Achiever (the oldest), The Peacemaker (the middle child) and The Life of the Party (the youngest).  I wonder how it works if there are more than 3?

Where do you slot in as a child in your family, and do you believe you fit into the stereotype?

Let’s have a laugh as comedienne Chonda Pierce shares some comical truths around birth order.

Kill the Fear


I have a fear issue.  As a believer in Jesus, this is not a good thing.  The Bible speaks so clearly on the topic and it would appear as if I’m not taking any notice.  This is a problem.

1 John 4:18 says this on fear:

Love has in it no element of fear; but perfect love drives away fear, because fear involves pain, and if a man gives way to fear, there is something imperfect in his love.

It would seem I have a very big problem.  If I allow fear to over take me, this is what I believe I am saying:

“I think God doesn’t care about me.  I don’t think God can provide for my needs.  I am convinced God has other things to do than be concerned for me and my needs; financial, physical or spiritual.  I don’t have value.”

Wow!   When I look at it like that, it is clear that  I shouldn’t have any fear.  God is all I need for comfort, protection, provision and salvation.  If His Word tells me not to worry and to trust in Him and that nothing can separate me from His love, then what am I so fearful for?

Good question!

It’s time we start reminding ourselves of God’s love and the truth of how He feels about us from His Word, and to stand firm on those promises.  I remember reading once that Joyce Meyer used to write down every instance of favour and kindness she received in her life as an extension of the love of God. When she looked back at her journal, she became overwhelmed by God’s love for her.  That’s some good advice right there!

Where in your life do you have fear, and do you think that trusting God in those areas will help to rid you of that worry?

Here’s something by the relevant and comical, Skit Guys.  Be blessed, be strong and be brave!

Weekly Roundup – 25 Dec ’14


Merry Christmas, 1 Africa friends!  It’s a day of celebration, fun, family, friends and food!  Whichever way you look at the day, it’s going to be a mixed bag of experiences and some might not be so great. Don’t you worry about a thing, we’ve got an article that will help to reduce that yuletide stress and get you in the right frame of mind.

Here’s our Christmas Weekly Roundup, showcasing our online magazine’s content and this week it’s Christmassy to the max!

Have a blessed and fun-filled day everyone!

It’s Christmas, Don’t stress.


“What are your plans for Christmas day?”  I’ve asked this question over many years to a varied audience over many different platforms.  For Christmas after Christmas, either live on radio, or using social media, this question has been answered by a representative of more that half of the countries across Africa and almost every response has carried this phrase (or at least some form of it): “We’ll  be sitting down to a a family meal”  There’s no getting around the fact that in almost every household, there will be a special meal of some kind, enjoyed by friends and family, with laughter, conversation and the possibility of overdoing it.  Chances are good you’ll probably eat too much, or you’ll sit next to the uncle that gets a bit drunk and talks nonsense, and spits a little when he talks.

We all know that when the family all come together, there can be issues.  There’s the aunt that you sister doesn’t like and the cousins that are not on speaking terms.  There’s the people that arrive ridiculously  late and pretend like it’s no big deal, even if the meat is tough and dry because you had to wait for them.  The moms are stressed out because they want everything to be perfect and also a bit annoyed because the dads don’t seem to want to help at all, only content to stand around and talk about football!  I can already see the young people, glued to their smart phones, and the grandparents simply rolling their eyes.  Christmas day.  We look forward to it; the host wants it to be a huge success, and most people aren’t too worried as long as the rice isn’t burned and it’s ok for them to loosen their belts, just after their third helping of food.  Let’s at least admit that Christmas time, enjoyed as family, can bring with it a fair bit of complex issues and can have you feeling so stressed at a time of year when we should be unwinding, and enjoying ourselves.  Here’s a short list of things to consider, that might make the day a little more bearable:

Pace yourself:

This is true for what you eat, as well as what you drink.  Too much food could mean weight gain, or getting ill, or not having any space for your dessert!  Drinking too much brings with it a whole pile of social issues, so make sure the memories of the day are good ones, and not ones you’d rather forget.

Be Kind:

When faced with members of the family that really test your patience, be smart about how you spend your time with them.  Mingle and grab special moments with as many people as you can, and don’t be scared to take a 10 minute ‘time out’ for fresh air, or to make a phone call.  But mostly, treat even the difficult people with some kindness; it might just catch them off guard.

All hands on deck:

When it’s time to present the food or to do the cleaning up afterwards, get everyone together to lend a hand.  Cleaning up, drying dishes or packing things away, can be part of the get-together, talking and sharing while getting things done. Oh, and get the men involved!  It’s better to stand up and walk about then lie down down after a big meal, despite how you feel, and there’s no live sport on the TV anyway!

Have fun:

No matter what you end up doing on the day, make sure the day is merry, and don’t allow yourself to feel pressure if you’re the host.  If you’re a guest, make the hosts feel comfortable, and make loads of happy memories, even if things go a bit wrong.  In the years to come you’ll have a great story and a laugh, and that is what will count! ‘Remember that one Christmas when grandma accidentally set fire to the mashed potatoes?’

And if you still need help to loosen up, here’s a great laugh….

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

All For You – A Christmas Story – Part 4


Dr Wendy Lewis held her coffee mug tightly with both hands as her mind continued to replay the events of the late afternoon.  She hadn’t taken a sip for about 10 minutes and the contents of her cup was now cold but she held on tightly and now started to shake her head again.  “Why would you just blurt out something that is private and obviously hurtful and expose someone like that? Why?”  No one answered.  Wendy was alone and she wished Richard were there now as he had been a few hours earlier, so she could shake him, heck, the way she felt now she could slap him.  She could picture him rubbing his cheek, glowing red, and probably not even be sure why she did it anyway.  Something needed to be done. It’s just that she wasn’t even sure some professional psychology chat was going to even touch sides right now anyway.  Wendy reached for her phone, and without really thinking through what she was going to say, she dialed Richard’s number.

“Hello Dr Lewis.”  An awkwardly long pause.  “I didn’t expect to hear from you again.”  She could hear him swallow nervously.

“Richard, I’ve been thinking that we need to talk, but I need to be Wendy right now, not Dr Lewis, is that ok?”  She felt like Richard’s mother suddenly, although there was 10 years difference in their ages and Richard was older.  Next to each other, the difference seemed more like 20.  He would never call her ‘Wendy’ as much has she insisted.  He said it was a respect thing and she never brought it up again.  “Do you mean like a private, personal conversation?”  Wendy could hear the suspicion in his voice, and could picture one of his eyebrows being raised and his forehead all crinkled.

“Sure.  This is really important, and I want to talk to you without the office and your chair and the certificates on the wall and my files.”  This was going to be interesting. She was convinced something weird was going to happen.

“Go ahead, I’m listening.”

“Richard, you know I’m a Christian, right?”

“Yeah, each to his own, Dr Lewis.”

“You can call me Wend…Yes Richard, I guess so.  You see, I’ve really been struggling with how I was going to deal with what you did, and I realised that I’m going to frustrate us both by trying to talk through what you did with your infamous Christmas dinner.  I’m wanting to appeal to a different side of you, Richard.  I’m hoping that if you’d let me speak for a few minutes, I’d share something that’s on my heart and hopefully not tell you what to do , but let you figure this out for yourself.  Do you get what I’m saying?”

The silence was longer than she had hoped.  She would have wondered if he was even still on the line but she could hear a dog barking on the other end of the line.

“I just need to let the dogs out in to the yard.  Please hold on a minute, Dr Lewis.  I’m happy to hear you out, I owe you that much.”

Richard never spoke about his dogs.  Strange for a single person to not include that detail in a session.  Pets are usually such a vital part of a middle-aged bachelors life.  She wondered how many other things he’s hidden from her.  Despite almost 40 sessions together she realised she really didn’t know him at all.  She couldn’t worry about that now.  She had to get this off her chest.

“Hello?  You still there Dr Lewis?”

“Yes, I’m here.  I didn’t know you had dogs, Richard.”

“They are my sisters’.  She is away for the holidays so I’m baby sitting, I suppose.  Noisy bunch.  I’ll be glad when they’re gone.  Will have to steam clean my carpets too.”

She could hear he was really frustrated.  She suddenly felt bad, but couldn’t worry about that now.  “Richard, I just wanted to say something I couldn’t get to talk about earlier because it wasn’t quite right to do so.  You spoke about people being fake, and hiding who they really are and how they a have problems or history or whatever you called it and you thought it a good idea to expose people’s lives to each other.”  She started to get angry all over again.  Wendy swallowed hard and continued.  “I agree with the one comment you made about Christmas; yes I think it has become really fake too, but that isn’t what it’s supposed to be about.  You see, the whole Christmas thing was all about the birth of Jesus and how that is God’s greatest gift to the world.”  She waited to hear how he’d take the new twist in the direction of her conversation.

“Yes.  I know that, Dr Lewis.”

“Good.  I’m glad. Ok. Now what I wanted to add was this:  Christmas is all for you, Richard.  It’s all for me, and it’s all for you.  I’m not talking about it being ours to celebrate only for the sake of gifts and cards and trees, although those things are fun, trust me, a lady loves a good gift!”  She was trying to lighten the mood, and was sure it wasn’t working.

“I bought you a gift Dr Lewis, but I was too embarrassed to give it to you earlier.”  It took him 3 weeks to pick it out and Richard had left it in his car.  There were chocolates in there among other things.  They were probably melted and ruined.

“Thank you, Richard, that’s really sweet.”  She thought she needed to bring this together and then just hope it hits home.  “We have all done things that we regret, things that have hurt ourselves or others.  There is dirty laundry in all of our lives, Richard.  You see, God knows that and He still loves you and me.  The thing is that all the junk in our lives brings guilt and makes us, um, unclean people.  All our nonsense stains us, I suppose.”  Wendy was wondering if this was even being heard.  “You chose to humiliate people the way you did and it was hurtful, but even what you did and the guilt you feel can be removed.  The consequences remain, sure.  There are hurt people out there and it was your doing, but because of Christmas, the gift of Jesus meant that all that junk could be dealt with.  It took His death sure, but His reason for being here was just that; to rescue us from our junk.  You, me, everyone.  Even the Pope!”  Wendy chuckled out loud at that one.  She wasn’t expecting the same on the other side.

“I’m sorry.”  Richard’s voice sounded heavy and laboured.  Wendy could hear him sniff and then he blew his nose.  It was so loud it made her jump and she had to shift the phone away from her ear.

Wendy felt her voice become really gentle as if she needed to comfort him.  “It’s ok, Richard.  I just needed you to know the truth of what I believe and help to bring you some peace, and to help me feel less angry and frustrated.  The nonsense in my life might not have been so bad, but I’m not better than you, or the next person.  I wanted so badly to judge you.  I don’t condone what you did one little bit, but I needed you to know that we all have stuff in our lives, but for many, it’s been forgiven and then people try to move on.  It’s the only way.”

“Can I be forgiven?”

Wendy got off the end of the table that she was perched on and sat down on the soft sofa. It felt like it swallowed her in.  She moved the hair out of her eyes and she felt herself smile.

“Of course you can, Richard, I’m so glad you asked…”

Christmas with Jesus


Let me not be the guy to start with you on the topic of the ‘true meaning of Christmas’!  I have some thoughts but it would seem that for the most part it’s best if I keep them to myself.  Are you ready for the ‘but’?  Here it comes then: BUT I must just add that Christmas and all it’s traditions are just a by-product of the original reason for celebrating this time of year, so let’s not get so caught up in the fun of this season, that we completely neglect the Truth.  That’s it, really.  Consider this then, nothing more than a reminder.

I watched this clip and it summed things up beautifully, so let me not steal its thunder.

I’m not so sure why I find this so darn powerful.  Maybe it’s the huge dream I have to actually sit and talk to Jesus like he’s right there with me and I can see Him smile or shake His head at another stupid thing I’ve said or done!  I bet you’d have heaps of questions if you could spend a few moments face to face with Jesus!  Even if you were rather skeptical about God, I’m sure you’d have a few questions of your own.  There is fun to be had this festive season, but there are also many things we might forget or neglect; so don’t. Have fun, of course, but don’t forget to also have Christmas with Jesus.

Weekly Roundup – 19 Dec ’14


It’s the week before Christmas, and we’ve got a Weekly Roundup filled with some thoughts around this time of year, and Lady Lee even has one scrumptious Christmas cake recipe for you!

We are proud of our online magazine, and we are so pleased to showcase the best of the week on our Weekly Roundup.

Let us know what pieces you’ve enjoyed the most, and drop us a comment so we know you’re with us!  We’ll be doing the next Weekly Roundup on Christmas day, so join us again on Thursday.

The Gift of Time


When it comes to gifts around this time of year, I’ve got some serious issues.  Mostly I’m on my high horse about the need to spend money for a reason that is very little more than tradition.  Also, the expectations I imagine people have is also making me a bit crazy because I’m convinced that my ‘gesture’ might just be plain insulting and the ‘thank you’ is said with an air of dissatisfaction.  You should see my face while my wife is opening her Christmas gifts from me; I look so stressed, wondering whether she will be happy with what I’ve got for her or not!  She always is, but I’m still so skittish!  We have agreed, many years ago, that we would just get each other something small, inexpensive, but fun, just to make Christmas morning something silly, fun and exciting.  Our own special mark on the day, unique to our home.  My birthday is the day before, and hers 2 weeks later, so we somehow also need to pace ourselves!

I’ve been thinking about gifts over the last while, mostly because it’s time to head out and get a few, but have also been thinking about those that are not in a position to get or give anything.  It doesn’t matter if you do or don’t, that’s not the point, but it is a time of sharing, and sometimes to the point of excess, so it’s hard to avoid it or at least think about it.

Every year our church asks a school from an area just out of town, to have their learners send us their Christmas wishes. The area is well known for being a very poor one and the children, sometimes neglected, and without many of their basic needs being met throughout the year.  We hope, as a community, to give them what they need and present them with some predetermined necessities and a few things off their wish lists!  It’s always so sad to know that this, for most, is the only gift they will get all year.  This got me thinking.  If I were to be able to have a one-on-one with some of the kids, and they were really honest with me, I wonder what they would choose; a package of sweets and a toy that might last a few days, or some quality time with someone that loves them?  I think it’s really great that we get to spoil the kids, and I know the Christmas party that they’ll have, where they’ll also receive these gifts, is going to be so much fun!  That thought, launched another one:  I bet there must be children almost everywhere that would choose the gift of time, over a gift of sweets or a toy. What a saddening thought, is that there must be an enormous number of young people that get to spend such a little time with a dad or a mom, that their idea of a great gift would be their parent’s time, and nothing more!

For those mothers and fathers that make it a daily priority to spend quality time with their kids, and can see that love reflected in their development and character; spare a thought for the ignored, the undervalued and the unloved.  How they must yearn for an embrace, for a rough-and-tumble or a tea party, and instead get a cold shoulder or an excuse. May we value the people that we have in our lives, and acknowledge them as special gifts. Sure, share a toy or electronic device if you wish, but make time to enjoy it together and may that be the best part of the experience.

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