Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Cassan Ferguson

Cassan Ferguson

How to stop talking past each other

Do you ever feel like you have your wires crossed when it comes to communicating with certain individuals? No matter what you say, or how you say it, that person misinterprets it and hears something different. It’s almost as if you are speaking two different languages, and you are both just not getting what the other is trying to say.

Miscommunication happens all the time – in marriages, relationships, friendships, within a family dynamic, and with work colleagues! Everyone hears and interprets information differently. If we aren’t aware of it, we can easily bump heads and end up feeling frustrated, and we may react in a way that we will regret later.


We all interpret information differently. Sometimes, we  interpret dialogue according to the following:

  • We hear what we want to hear, not what the person is really saying.
  • We don’t like what the person is saying, so we stop listening and we start reacting by becoming defensive.
  • We respond out of insecurity, and therefore hear something different all the time. We hear information based on our insecurities, instead of the truth.
  • We assume what the other person is trying to say, without giving them a chance to finish what they are saying.
  • We hear a person’s vocal tone, and respond to their tone.
  • Sometimes we read into closed off body language, or a lack of dialogue.


Some conversations aren’t easy to communicate, and sometimes it’s not always easy to be on the receiving end of it. However, conversations, whether good or bad, need to be had. If we want to grow as a person, we need to know how to respond by being aware of the following:


When a person is communicating, let them finish their thoughts before interrupting them to argue mid-sentence. Not always easy, especially if you want to defend or protect yourself by attacking them verbally. Just breathe, and focus on the words they are saying. Listen carefully.


Don’t respond by bringing up irrelevant information. Example: Yeah, but five years ago, you said this, and then that one time on July 5th you did that!” Only respond with what is relevant to the topic. Respond in a way that will help bring clarity to the problem.


Ask yourself if what they are saying is valid and if it holds some truth. Sometimes we need to acknowledge if we made a mistake and own it, and apologise and move forward. If you feel hurt or attacked in character, take a moment to digest the information, and respond calmly. Acting and responding out of emotion does not always turn out well. Often we say things that we tend to regret because we let our emotions fuel our words.


Acknowledge what the person is feeling and what they are saying. That acknowledgement shows respects, and validates the person’s feelings. In doing so, the person communicating will feel comfortable around you because you are approachable. There is nothing worse than feeling afraid of how a person will respond to what you have to say. Always create and establish trust and respect within the conversation.


Always look to the solution by addressing the problem. Avoid attacking each other’s character, and focus on the problem at hand and how as a team you can move past it together.


Don’t hold onto any ill feelings. If things were said that hurt you or made you feel misunderstood, yet you have both resolved the issue, it’s time to forgive and let go, and stay focused on growing as a person.

Healthy conversations aren’t always easy, but it can be so rewarding in the long term as it not only grows us as individuals, but strengthens our relationships and friendships. Here’s to healthy conversations, and healthy, growing relationships!

The art of dreaming

We all have the ability to dream, yet somehow we have lost the courage to pursue them. Maybe our faith in dreaming has been shaken due to our circumstances, or by negative words that were spoken over us. Or maybe our dreams seem out of reach and far too big for us to carry.

Then, on the other hand, you have others who constantly dream. Their dreams change from day to day. They never want to settle, and they are more involved with the art of dreaming than carefully pursuing their dreams. Their dreams remain wishful dreams – they never take the steps towards the unfolding and the unpacking of their dream, because it’s easier for them to just dream for the sake of dreaming.

Then sometimes what we thought was a dream, ended up not being quite what we thought or expected. Which can be confusing, because we were following what we thought was the perfect dream for us. We tend to forget that sometimes we can outgrow a dream.

Over the years I have come to realise that there is an art to dreaming. I started off fearing the thought of pursuing my dreams when it came to my career. I feared failing, and I lacked the faith in myself and in God. Then, after a while, I felt God stir up my faith and renew my confidence in Him and in my abilities. I stepped out into the unknown, and carefully planned my steps leading towards my dream. God blessed every step I took, and as I stepped into the unknown, He strengthened my faith and my confidence. I felt this ease when I was embracing this new season of faith and of dreaming.

After a while, I felt restless in what I thought was my only dream. I felt God say at the start of this year “Dream again”. Sometimes we settle in what we think is the only dream we are allowed to have. Yet, God calls us to dream in Him, not just once, but according to His will and His plans for us.



As the saying goes: “Purpose fuels passion”. When we understand who we are, and what our strengths and gifts are, we start to understand what we were designed and created to do. We will move with passion and with focus, because we understand our purpose.


When we have a clear vision, we have an understanding of what it is we are working towards. Having a vision fuels our purpose and our passion. Having a vision propels our direction, and determines the steps we take towards it. In the book of Proverbs it says, “People perish when there is no vision.” If we don’t have a clear vision or have no vision at all we often have nowhere to go, as we are constantly running around in circles with no end in sight.


Having dreams and the vision is one thing, but having the courage to take the steps boldly towards those dreams is another thing. Most people give up on their dreams because they lack faith and courage and they fear the worst. Sometimes, having courage means taking small steps of faith even though we may feel a bit fearful. Those little conscious daily steps of action builds up our faith and our confidence.


As a creative the word discipline always makes me cringe! I suppose it’s because I associate it with the thought of being rigid and cold. However, I have come to realise that if we don’t create the structure, the steps, the goals, and the day-to-day outworking of our dreams, we won’t ever achieve our goals and we won’t draw closer to our dreams. Being disciplined creates a sense of focus, and it prepares our character for what lies ahead.


God is the ultimate giver of dreams. He knows what we are called to do and what we are called to be. Therefore we can lean on Him, and ask Him to show us where to go, and how to go about it. He will give us the wisdom and the courage if we ask Him.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

If this post spoke to you, and you want to know more about being in a relationship with God, then may I encourage you to click on the link below. We would love to chat with you!

Staying personal in an impersonal world

I am very fascinated with the world we live in. On one hand I love how technology and social media makes us feel connected and informed in so many ways. However, with the good, there is also the bad. Technology and social media, if not used in a healthy manner, can steal from us and distract us from living a happy and healthy lifestyle.

For example, as I mentioned above, on one hand social media and technology can keep us connected and informed. Yet, the very thing that keeps us socially connected online, encourages us to be less connected personally with others because we are so absorbed  in the online world. We then open a door to assumption, judgement, and passive aggressive behaviour towards others.

When we are impersonal

  • We are less concerned for the person/people as a whole.
  • We assume more based on what we perceive on the outside, without taking the time to ask and find out directly.
  • We become clicky and exclusive when it comes to friendships, which in turn can lead to passive aggressive bullying of others.
  • We become more opinionated and judgmental based on our emotions and assumptions.
  • We make it all about us, and become defensive easily. I have often seen people read into Tweets and Facebook status updates and assume others are always talking about them.
  • We use online subtext with others as a means of making very impersonal and hurtful statements about them.

When we are personal with others

  • We make more time to sit down with others and truly get to know them, and their character face to face.
  • We’re giving people our time, which places value on them.
  • When we are personal with others, it forges strong, healthy friendships with others.
  • When we are personal with others we feel more comfortable to be direct and open when discussing important matters with them.
  • Being personal suffocates any assumption, because we truly know the heart and character of others.
  • When we are personal with others, it encourages us to grow in character.

I think it’s easy to judge others based on their pictures and social media status updates. I also think it’s easier to assume the worst, and place people into a box based on an assumption. However, I do believe that when we choose to get to know others personally, and give them a chance and believe for the best in them, it shapes our character profoundly and positively influences the world around us.

Creating a personal world

Just imagine a world where we gave each other the time of day. A world where we sat down and had personal face-to-face conversations with others. A world where we put our phones away, and really engaged with others properly. A world where we gave others a chance, and made them feel connected and valued. It’s a world that we need to fight for, by being intentional about getting to know others personally.

The truth is we live in a social media and technology driven world, and we can’t escape it. However, what we can do is cultivate and encourage a heathy dynamic of friendships and relationships with others by being personal with people. So, why not start today by inviting someone out for a coffee, and have a conversation that truly matters!


Are you tired of feeling that constant sense of being defeated all the time? Do you sometimes face wave after wave after wave of defeat? Maybe you have become used to the notion of being knocked down and tossed to and fro between the waves of defeat. But deep down inside, you know enough is enough! However, you don’t know how to stand up, or how to stay strong, or how to overcome. Maybe you feel weak, tired, and lacking in confidence.


But what if I told you that you were created to be unstoppable? Yes, you heard me – an unstoppable force that keeps on moving despite the storms of life!

Unstoppable : Incapable of being stopped. 

Dark seasons and storms of life should never define you, and they most certainly should not control you, or steal from you in any way. God created us with love, purpose, and with such detail. Therefore, our confidence and sense of self-worth should not be influenced by our darker seasons, but should be defined and empowered by knowing and understanding the power of God’s love for us. When we understand our worth and our value, and when we start to understand who we are in God, we become more confident in Him as we place our trust and faith in Him.

“The enemy tricks us into believing that we are not good enough. He knows that if we discover the truth, we will be unstoppable.”
– Holley Gerth


1. When we feel weak, He is our strength

And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may dwell in me.
2 Corinthians 12:9

Isn’t it a relief knowing that we don’t have to be perfect and have it all together? God will meet us where we are at; He will give us the grace, courage, and strength to endure and overcome any storm.

2 . He is greater than any force, person, or storm

You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
– 1 John 4:4

God is our Father, which means we are designed in His very image, and when we choose to live in a relationship with Him, we become familiar with His character. We let His word and promises renew our thoughts and character. We become more hopeful, we become more confident in Him, and we face storms with a sense of an overcoming spirit within us.

So, the next time you feel overwhelmed and battered by the storms of life, just remember who God is and what He says, thinks, and feels about you. His love for you will always empower and encourage you!

If this post spoke to you and you want to know about walking a journey with God, then may I encourage you to click on the link below.

Time for a tech detox?

It’s no surprise that we are living in a fast paced world where we want and need everything to be instant! Some of us have become immune to this lifestyle and it has become our norm, whilst others are trying their best to avoid fast paced microwave living!

Don’t get me wrong, I love how technology keeps us informed, and keeps us connected socially with others who live across the world. But there is an app for basically everything! Apps to remind you to drink more water, apps that track your steps, apps that can photoshop you into a super model, apps that keep you socially connected, and apps for apps – “app-ception”.

However, on the downside apps can be all-consuming and distracting. We start to refresh our social media apps every two minutes and make sure that we aren’t missing out on anything! We browse our apps religiously, first thing in the morning, during the day, while we’re in the bathroom, while we are chatting to a friend, before we go to bed. We even wake up during the night if a notification goes off for one of our apps, and of course we need to check it out , because sleep can wait!


Are apps ruling our lives and negatively influencing us? I ask that question because I am currently asking myself that. Upon asking myself that, I discovered the following about being consumed with fast-paced app living:

  • We become reliant on apps for everything.
  • We are social online, but feel uncomfortable being social in person.
  • We can easily waste hours on social media or an apps, when we could be doing something that can feed into us positively.
  • We can live vicariously through other people online.
  • We find our confidence and affirmation through social media apps.
  • We idolise others and how they live online.
  • We start to compare ourselves with they way others present their lives online.
  • We take offence when people don’t respond to a message within seconds.
  • We become impatient in the real world, because we want everyone and everything to respond like an app.

It’s sad, but how true is it for some of us? I get that we can’t avoid technology alltogether. However, if it starts to have a negative impact on our lives, then maybe we need to stop and pause for a second, and assess wether it has an unhealthy hold over us.

Apps should not control or define us, yet at times we let it. If this is the case for you, maybe have a bit of a technology or app detox, to regroup and gain fresh perspective.

6 practical ways to deal with hurt

After a while you must let go of what lies behind you and press forward. If you don’t , the past will destroy your future.
Joyce Meyer

That’s a very hard truth to swallow, but a very profound and powerful truth indeed. Our past, our hurt, and our disappointments have the power to shape the future that we walk into. If we aren’t conscious of dealing with our hurt, we will continue to repeat negative behaviour that comes out of a place of hurt.


Just a little disclaimer: the following list isn’t a quick overnight fix sort of thing. Rather, it’s a guideline on encouraging positive measures that we can be aware of following daily until we see breakthrough from our pain.


Many people choose to ignore the pain and the hurt that they hold onto. Maybe because they don’t want to deal with their pain, or maybe they have become too familiar with the pain. When we choose to openly see and acknowledge the hurt that we carry with us, we will become more aware and open to working on those vulnerable areas. Acknowledging it means choosing to see, identify, and recognise that it’s there.


Choosing to forgive is one of the first steps to moving towards healing. Forgiveness may not excuse the behaviour of those that hurt us, but it prevents their behaviour from destroying out hearts.

Forgiveness is not a feeling; it is a commitment. It is a choice to show mercy, not to hold the offence up against the offender. Forgiveness is an expression of love.
Gary Chapman 


If you want to get over a problem, stop talking about it. Your mind affects your mouth and your mouth affects your mind. It’s difficult to stop talking about the situation until you stop thinking about it.
Joyce Meyer


Some things may be easier to forgive, whilst other things may require us to constantly work on forgiving. It may require us to be intentional everyday about how we choose to forgive and move forward. Every intentional step will ultimately lead to an overcoming spirit!


Speaking negatively about our situation and circumstances has the power to contain and control us. Therefore, if we are committed to speaking life and courage over our lives, we will change the way we see things, and will positively influence how we go about the day-to-day.

Words can inspire. And words can destroy. Choose your words well. 


I went through a season in my life where I was holding on to a lot of hurt and disappointment within my heart. I was a horrible mess, because I kept making daily decisions based on hurt. As the saying goes: “Hurting people hurt people”. I was stuck in a cycle – one that I wanted to stop, but I did not know how to. As I grew in my relationship with God, I began to understand that God’s plans for me entailed living a life full of goodness, and one that was filled with hope. I knew in my heart that I needed to heal emotionally of past hurt, and I knew I had to be intentional about it. I also knew that I could not do it in my own strength.

I remember one afternoon, I was sitting on my couch, and I whispered to God: “God help me, and give me the strength to heal!” In that moment, I felt very exposed and I felt very vulnerable, yet I felt this peace and this reassurance start to flood my heart. I knew in that moment that everything would be okay, because I was safe in the hands of God. Moving forward entailed the conscious decision of surrendering all hurt into His hands. With time, he started piecing my broken heart back together again.

Friend, if you are carrying a broken heart, may I encourage you to seek God in your brokenness. Your hurt does not need to define and negatively influence the way you live your life. If this post spoke to you, then may I encourage you to click on the link below.

The kids are alright… right?

You can’t help as a parent to feel slightly anxious when it comes to the raising of your child or children in a world that seems to be so troubled. Parents often uproot their families and emigrate in a bid to find a better life for their loved ones, and I don’t blame them. It’s sad to feel anxious and unsafe in your own country, fearing the potential what ifs.

It also seems like those that are violently attacking others have become more aggressive and more confident in their approach, if not proud, of all the pain and fear that they have instilled in so many innocent victims. The truth is that it’s not fair, yet it’s the world we live in. What gets to me as a mom, is knowing that I have to raise my son in this world. I have to raise him in a way that encourages him to make good choices and encourages him to see the good in things, in people, and to believe for the best amongst the chaos.


  • As our children grow up, we need to make sure that they know and understand their sense of self-worth and value so that they can make the right choices.
  • We can encourage our children to always see the positive, and to always hope and believe for better days.
  • We can encourage our children to be the innovators, the dreamers, the problem solvers, and the kind of leaders that our world needs.


It’s a choice

As a parent I can either let the fears and disappointments of world events dictate and define how I choose to parent my son, or I can look past it and look to a future that my son can shape and positively influence. If I make decisions out of fear all the time, my son will grow up making decisions based on fear. I don’t want that for my son; I don’t want him fearing life itself. I want him to be aware of the issues and the problems that occur in this world, but I don’t ever want him to fear being a part of it. Therefore I need to choose to look at what could be, and look for the positive amidst the chaos!

Look ahead and envision what could be

That means as a parent I need to look ahead. It means I need to put fear aside. It means I need to dream and envision what the world could be. Which means I need to change my perceptions and the way I speak about it. Our children mimic what we do and what we say, and it influences them and their behaviour as they grow up.

Therefore, these are the questions we should be asking ourselves:

What do we want them to know and understand regarding this world?

What role or part do we want our children to play within the world as they grow up?

Do we want our children to fear the world?

Will my perceptions and actions influence them positively or negatively one day? 

The world isn’t perfect, and the world is filled with imperfect people. However, we can’t allow fear to define the way we go about raising our children. As parents we can decide if we want to raise our children fearing the world, or we can decide to raise our children in a way that encourages them to be brave, and encourages them to be part of the solution that brings change, and that brings hope to the world at large.

Just imagine if our children became part of a solution that made a positive impact on others and the world! I don’t know about you, but I would love to see many more amazing things unfold in this world!

Time to let go

It’s not always easy to let go of things that burden us, weigh on us, and stop us from moving forward. You know, those things we hold on to in secret, or the things that start to control us, and emotionally disable us. I’m referring to those things that start to become the norm; our norm:

  • Past hurt and disappointments.
  • Anxious and fearful thoughts.
  • Trying to fix everything, and everyone.
  • Things that are out of control.
  • Unhealthy relationships.
  • Unresolved issues.

It’s not always easy to let go, because we become too familiar with these things. We know it’s not healthy, and we certainly know it’s not good for us, yet we can’t seem to let it go!

Maybe we struggle to let go because:

  • We fear the unknown after letting go.
  • We believe that this is our burden to carry.
  • We have no hope.
  • Our identity is now shaped around holding on to our burdens.
  • We believe that we deserve the weight and pain of holding on.
  • We forget our worth and value, and we hold on unintentionally.
  • Maybe we don’t know how to let it go.

It sometimes feels easier to hold on to our burden and hurt. We want to keep it for ourselves, and we don’t want others to see it. Strangely enough we become protective and defensive with the burden that we carry, because it’s personal to us and it becomes a part of us.

However, we can’t live like that. We can’t move forward or embrace new things if our hands and hearts are too full because we’re carrying things that weigh and slow us down. We can’t move forward if we are constantly looking back and holding on to the past and all the “what ifs”.

Letting go isn’t easy, as it means facing things, and it means embracing what was, and being open to healing and moving forward. If we had to be honest with ourselves, we’d admit that holding on can be exhausting as it becomes a heavy burden – one that we can’t carry forever. Letting go isn’t a sign of weakness; in fact it means you are brave. It means you value your sense of self-worth because you want the best for your life, and you want to move forward and embrace new things that are good for you.

Letting go is not always easy, because we have to face certain things that don’t always make us feel comfortable. Healing matters of the heart and mind can be overwhelming, yet it doesn’t have to be. In fact, you’ll be relieved to know that with God we can overcome all things. When we seek Him, and ask Him for His help and His guidance, He will respond to us and meet us exactly where we are at.

In the Bible it says:

For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.
Plans to prosper you, and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

I love this verse in the bible , because it’s a promise for you and for me. God doesn’t want us to live a life full of burden and disappointment. He wants us to live a life full of hope, joy, and blessings! I always feel so relieved knowing that I can lay all my burdens before God. It’s so liberating as he lifts the weight of my burdens and replaces it with His truth and with His unfailing love!

Friend, you too can live a life that is full of hope, and full of promises. Your best days lay before you. You are not defined by your burdens, and you do not need to be a slave to your burdens. If this post spoke to you, then may I encourage you to click on the banner below.

The truth about marriage

In my early twenties I had anxious thoughts towards marriage. It stemmed from the fear of having a failed marriage. This was due to the notion of not really seeing many marriages succeed. I used to think that either you would have a “perfect marriage” or a marriage that was destined to fail.

To be honest, I feared the thought of having an imperfect marriage, and I most definitely feared having a failed marriage. It may sound a bit dramatic, but it was a real fear for me. So much so, that whenever my husband and I would have a conflicting moment, I would get defensive and I would emotionally overreact to things purely because I feared losing my husband. I used to fear the very thought of him walking out on our marriage.

Have you ever had fearful thoughts like that – thoughts that cause you to feel anxious within your marriage?


There have been a few little gems that have encouraged me over the years, and they have added strength to our marriage: 

1 . Marriage is not perfect

Marriage, and people within a marriage, are not perfect. Which means unexpected things will happen – things that will sometimes be out of our control. And that’s okay! All it means is that we need to relook at things, and readjust how we go about doing things, and keep on looking forward to the future together as a couple.

2 . Anxiety controls, and it consumes

Fearful thoughts creep in from time to time. However, they should not control and consume our every move. Anxious thoughts can cause us to live in a very fearful way. It may even cause us to emotionally overreact towards our partners. Sometimes we need to look at the root causes of our anxious thoughts, and then look at ways of overcoming them so that it won’t have a negative impact on our lives or marriage.

In the Bible it says:

For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity,
but one of power, love and of sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7

3 . Marriage is a blessing and a gift

What I do know after all these years of being married to my husband, is that marriage is a blessing, and it’s a gift. When we lose sight of the significance that a marriage holds, we become distracted and forget to place value and worth on each other, which then causes resentment and distance within a marriage. However, when we treasure one another, and look at ways of constantly showing love towards our partners, we place value on our partners. This in turn strengthens your marriage, your friendship, and it makes your partner’s heart come alive!

4 . We can’t do it alone

We go through seasons as individuals, and so do our marriages. Some seasons may seem light, full of fun, laughter, and blessings upon blessings. Other seasons may feel a bit more enduring, and yet you need to carry it together as a couple. It may feel tiresome, and frustrating at times, and we may even feel disappointed if our partners fail to carry the load with us or for us. However, we are all human, and our strength can only go so far. So when things get a bit tough, we can turn to God and ask Him for help. It’s that simple!

Sometimes, we can complicate the whole “let’s get God involved” in our marriage. And sometimes we forget to go to Him and we feel alone and overwhelmed and uncertain of where to turn! However, He is right there wherever we are – all we need to do is speak to Him.

Friend, if you feel tired of feeling anxious, or fearful within your marriage, or if you need a marriage facelift, then why not ask God to breathe fresh life over your marriage today? He is so ready to respond, and trust me, He wants you to have a marriage that is a blessing to the both of you!

A love like no other

Are you simply tired of looking for love in all the wrong places?

You know, that quick fix love that never truly fixes anything:

  • Finding love through alcohol.
  • Finding love through unhealthy relationships.
  • Finding love through the superficial.
  • Finding love through online affirmation.
  • Finding love through achievements.

We try to find love and acceptance through things or people that will never truly love us the way we deserve. That kind of love will always disappoint us, as it never has our best interests at heart; it’s a selfish kind of love. So, I’ll ask again: are you tired of looking for love in the wrong places?

The truth is:

  1. People will disappoint us – that is a reality.
  2. Quick fixes might numb the pain for a little while, but things always resurface.

We all deserve unconditional love. A love that never fails. A love that knows and understands our worth and value. This love can be found through having a relationship with Jesus Christ.

I say this because I used to try to find love and acceptance through alcohol and through to being in unhealthy relationships. I used to be a very hurt, broken, and frightened person, up until I decided enough was enough. I wanted something deeper. I wanted something that had meaning and purpose behind it. I was tired of trying to find love in all of the wrong places! Until the day I decided I wanted to get to know God, and get to know His character and understand His love and His purposes for my life. And friend, it was the best decision I have ever made. Understanding His love and His grace has shaped the way I go about loving others. It’s a love that transforms; it’s a love that heals and forgives; it’s a love that strengthens; it’s a love full of purpose and dreams. This kind of love is not exclusive and only for the elite few, but it’s a kind of love that is offered to all of us, because we are deserving of this kind of love!

Friend, if you are tired of looking for love in the wrong places, then may I encourage you to find love in God. It’s the kind of love that will never disappoint you! Click on the link to find out more.

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