Sunday, February 23, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Cassan Ferguson

Cassan Ferguson

Keep your heart soft

Life gets real, and it can be rather messy. The world is full of good things, but it is also filled with people who are broken, who then end up hurting and breaking others. People may disappoint us, may betray, or even reject us, they may even abandon us or wrongfully dismiss us. It’s only natural and normal to feel hurt and disappointed, but we must be careful that we do not let our pain cause us to harden our hearts.

Have you ever encountered (or know) a very cold hard-hearted person who is closed off to everyone, and always assumes the worst and expects everyone to disappoint them? I know I have, and they are not easy people to work with! Maybe you have been hurt in the past, or have experienced relentless disappointments wave after wave. So much so, that your heart cannot take it anymore, and you want to switch off the “softness” by switching on the “coldness” that switches off all feelings.

Hardening our hearts may seem like the right thing to do, and we may even feel entitled and justified in doing so, but we won’t live a very free and happy life because our hard hearts will keep us very small.

Choose to have a soft heart

Having a cold cynical and even critical hard is easy. It’s not healthy for us long-term, as it distracts us from what we are truly feeling and keeps the pain, the emotional wound, open because we never let it fully heal properly. Choosing to have a soft heart requires courage, which in turn helps you to forgive, to let go and to move forward feeling empowered and strong. Choosing to have a soft heart makes you stronger in character.

Having a soft heart in a hard world is courage, not weakness.

God heals our broken hearts

God wants to heal our brokenness, He wants to gently restore what is broken and lovingly piece us back together. If only we would let Him, if only we would be brave enough to say: “Here you go God, here is broken heart, here is the ugly, the messy, please help me Lord.” How much better off would we be? We would feel free from our pain, we would feel restored, and renewed. God even says it in His word as a promise to us. All we need to do it believe in Him, in His promises and cry out to Him for healing and restoration.

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” – Ezekiel 36:26

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” – Psalm 147:3

My friend, do not let a hardened heart stop you from living a life of joy and freedom. Be brave enough to let go, and to let God take control of your heart. If this post has spoken to you, or encouraged you then may I encourage you to click on the link below.

Things couples need to ask themselves before getting serious

There comes a point in every relationship, where the couple has “the talk”. The talk being: are we committed to long haul, or is this for a short season, if so do we call it quits now before the other gets serious? Having “the talk” sets the tone, pace and direction for the relationship. This conversation can be nerve wrecking because it may mean answering uncomfortable questions, which could either bring you closer together, or cause you to step back, or walk away all together.

However, this discussion needs to happen at some point, therefore it’s important to pause for a moment, to reflect, and to really think of the following to know and understand where your relationship is heading.

Questions all couples need to ask themselves

1. Do we like each other as friends?  Friendship is the basis and foundation of a long-lasting and loving relationship. It encourages couples to laugh and cry together, and it ultimately increases the emotional intimacy and bond between couples.

2. Are we attracted to one another?  Every person is attracted to various different elements in potential partners. It could be the fact that have an amazing sense of humor, or they dress really well, or they may be romantic, gentle and well-mannered, or physically attractive. After you have discerned that you and your partner are great friends, and can go the distance, then it’s important to acknowledge all the elements that you are attracted to in one another.

3. Do we share the same faith?  Aside from cultivating a loving friendship, and emotional intimacy in a relationship, it’s also important to be on the same page regarding your spiritual faith and what you believe in. Many conflicts arise when couples cannot see eye to eye when it comes to personal spiritual faith. Having similar views in faith, brings couples together, and they are able to support and encourage one another in their faith.

4. Are we heading towards marriage?  When young couples get together they often don’t really focus on marriage, although there are the odd few that do. However, most young people date because it’s fun, and they know that there is no long-term commitment. But when we start to age, and we feel ready to settle down with that someone special. We want to know after a while if the person that we have been dating, could potentially be our forever partner. If not, then there is no point in wasting time, and letting something carry on that will ultimately hurt somebody else one day. If you have been dating someone for some time, and you don’t see a real long-lasting future with them, then be brave enough to respect yourself and your partner by parting ways.

5. Do we want children?  This can be a really touchy topic for some, and a very personal conversation to have. It can also be the cause of relationships dissolving. If you and your partner are heading towards marriage, make sure to have this conversation. Make sure that both of you are on the same page. Also, don’t trick yourself into thinking that maybe one day your partner will change their mind about having kids, and you hold onto that glimmer of hope, only for them to disappoint you later down the line.

6. Can we see ourselves growing as individuals and as a couple together?  Often couples get married and merge into one watered down version of themselves. They often refer to themselves as “we”, “we are busy, we are can’t make it because we are watching TV.” They are so focused on being one, that they forget to grow individually. Sometimes, a partner lives and breathes their partner, that their partner outgrows them and struggles to relate to them. Don’t forget that when you entered the relationship, you were a person too, with your own opinions, dreams and passions. Nurture who you are, invest in growing and then be intentional about growing together as a couple!

Are you a social media stalker?

Can you believe that we live in a day and age where we can find just about anyone online, and watch from afar via social media how they live their lives? It’s so easy thanks to social media, and a simple click of a finger – we can keep up with everyone’s online lives via innocent online stalking.

I was chatting with a group of friends about how difficult it is for single people to meet someone because they feel that social media puts unnecessary pressure on them. I asked to elaborate, as I have been married for almost ten years, and we didn’t have social media back then. Just good old-fashioned SMS, and phoning one another to hanging out in person, a lot! Nowadays, there are so many ways to meet someone, and to communicate with someone.

Has social media stalking become the norm?

My friends went on to say, that they feel social media serves as a distraction, feeds assumption, and causes them to over think things like when to comment, like, respond back and so on. While we were chatting about dating, they showed us their profile and we did a mini online “stalk” of others. We looked at their pictures, tried to dissect and interpret what their captions meant. If I had to be honest with you, it was a little bit weird, as it seemed so normal to everyone. I don’t know this person directly or personally, but here I am looking at their profile as a means to learn more about them.

How often to we find ourselves doing things like this? Spending hours at a time, going from one profile to the next, studying who they are. We live in a very impersonal world, where we’ve become a bit lazy when it comes to making real life, in person, relationships, because online stalking seems much easier and more convenient than making the effort to connect with others in person.

Are you a social media stalker?

If you answer yes to most of the questions below, then maybe its time for an online stalking detox!

  • You obsess and check your social media channels, as a means of not missing out on anything relating to the lives of others.
  • You create a fake profile, as a means of silently stalking online.
  • You only ‘friend’ people online, as a means of stalking (as in following their lives to be in the know.)
  • When speaking with others, you always refer to what you saw or read comment wise online.
  • You read into things and assume the worst about every post that has been posted by others.
  • Your main source of the news, is social media.

Don’t waste your time, and your life living vicariously through others online lives. Live your own life, be present, and don’t forget to make real life memories for yourself. The best way to meet new people, and to grow healthy friendships and relationships is to actually be present and to be personal!

Emotional healing takes time

I don’t think that anyone really loves to relish and linger in pain. If anything most people want quick instant fixes when it comes to emotional healing. If you hurt a part of your body physically, after a while with the right treatment, you start to note the evident healing that takes place. When we can visibly see that we are being healed, we feel a bit more motivated, hopeful, because we know in those moments that the physically pain is healing, making amends and is being restored.

However, when it comes to matters of the heart, and pain that leaves us feeling broken, we tend to feel overwhelmed and hopeless. Emotional distress and pain can be felt, not necessarily seen, therefore, it tends to feel unrelenting and pretty much never-ending. When we feel so overwhelmed by our emotions, we often stay in limbo not knowing what to do with ourselves.

We can either choose to be patient with the healing process, and let it ride its course, or we can ignore it all together, and pretend like nothing is wrong, and never really progress, heal and move forward. Many years ago I was in a very emotionally abusive relationship, and I can honestly say that it took years to recover and to heal. There were times when I thought to myself; “Surely, I should be over this? Surely, my heart is healed from all the pain, hurt and disappointment, surely?!” Parts of my heart were healed, but there were other parts that still needed healing.

Healing from pain is very uncomfortable, as we have no control over it. We have to be brave enough to ride it out, to face it, and to forgive  if need be, and let go of it, in order to heal. We can never rush, skip past, or ignore our emotional well-being when it comes to the healing and restoration of the heart.


So, you now acknowledge that you need to bind up those emotional wounds and let them heal once and for all. Easier said than done right? If only we could flip a magical switch that made all the bad go away, and made us feel happy and content without putting in the work, time and effort?!

Here are a few friendly practical tips to help you overcome your pain, and to help you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

  1. Acknowledge the pain
  2. Choose to let go and forgive and to trust again
  3. Choose joy regardless
  4. Ask close friends to support and encourage you
  5. Acknowledge the progress that you make
  6. Speak life, joy and peace over your life
  7. Kknow that your pain and past don’t define or control you
  8. Ask God for help, every single day!

Practical tip number 8 listed above was my main go-to. There were days were I felt like I had no clue how I was going to recover and push through the pain. But, I can honestly say, that when I handed over my day to God, and all the details that concerned me – I always felt as if He strengthened me and gave me the support and comfort that I needed to get through each day.

Fast forward many years later, and I feel completely healed and free. So much so, that my past feels like a faded distant memory! God wants us to live a life full of joy, and freedom. All we need to do is reach out to Him, and ask Him to help us and without hesitation He will do only what He can do in and through our lives!

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. – Psalm 147:3

Be brave enough to reach out to God in your moments of heartache and despair and let Him do only what he can do. Let Him restore the broken, let Him piece back every shattered detail, and let Him fully restore, refresh and heal your pain!

If this post encouraged you and you would love to know more about being in a relationship with God, then may I encourage you to click on the banner link below.

Letting children learn from their mistakes

All humans make mistakes. It’s inevitable, whether intentional or not. What we need to focus on is the acknowledging our slip-ups and growing from our mistakes. Making mistakes helps us to learn and grow, and it empowers us to make better choices and decisions going forward. The same goes for children. They need to learn from failing, and they need to know that it is okay and normal to make mistakes from time to time. Often, children grow up feeling the pressure and need to constantly to perform and to excel, which in turn leaves children feeling extremely anxious when it comes to expressing themselves. As they constantly fear the worst at every turn, fear failing, and they fear making any mistakes of the like.

As parents we try our very best to protect our children from potential harm and disappointment, but some things are out of our control. Somethings we need to let our children learn and experience for themselves. We may not be able to control the inevitable, or control how our children will respond towards disappointments. We can, however, encourage and empower them to feel emotionally and mentally confident when processing and exploring all facets of life.


Children always flourish with confidence when they feel emotionally safe and supported by their loved ones. Therefore, as parents or as teachers, we need to make sure that we help to navigate and encourage them through life by always offering unconditional love, and support regardless of what they are going through. When they know that they are emotionally supported, they become less anxious, and feel more empowered to learn through trying.

Here are a few tips to help your little ones to feel more emotionally empowered when processing through their mistakes:

  • Encourage your children that it is okay and totally normal to fail sometimes, to make mistakes, and to keep trying regardless.
  • Make sure that they aways feel loved and accepted regardless of any mistakes that are make.
  • Ask them how they feel and how they plan to move forward. Encourage them as they do so.
  • Encourage them to own their mistakes, and to acknowledge them. Praise them for being brave enough to own up to their mistakes. Often children feel embarrassed and ashamed when they make mistakes, therefore, they won’t feel comfortable to admit to it and may even lie about it. However, if they feel comfortable to share their mistakes, they will be more receptive to learn from it.
  • Encourage them to apologize to others, especially if they hurt someones feelings.


Remember your children will learn from you and how you respond to things in your day to day. Ask yourself if you display a healthy way of dealing with mistakes in front of your children. I pose this question because the other night my husband and I had a mini debate in front of our son, without hesitating my husband came over and put his hand on shoulder and apologized.

Without realizing it, our three-year old son was observing this honest sincere moment. After awhile my son came over to me, put his hand on my shoulder and said : “Sorry mom if I was rude to you.” I teared up because; A) it was so sweet, B) I realized that he was learning to own his mistakes and felt comfortable to apologize. I know of a few adults who struggle to own their mistakes, and who most certainly struggle to apologize. Therefore, seeing my son apologize like it was the norm, took me by surprised and it served as a reminder to be aware of what we display and what we encourage within our home.

Never underestimate the power that lies in the behavior that you model in your day to day in front of your children. Let that serve as a reminder and a source of encouragement to you as you go forward feeling empowered to empower your little people!

Social media etiquette 101

Isn’t it strange that we live in a day and age where we find ourselves searching and reading articles regarding social media? I am still amazed that we can find articles online with the following titles: “How to grow your Instagram following”, “How to curate your Instagram feed”, “How to grow your likes”, “Create engaging captions for social media” and the list goes on. When it comes to social media, you can find just about anything and everything! But what we need to see more of is articles encouraging social media etiquette. WHY, you ask? Well, it’s has become so apparent that we live in an age where everyone feels entitled to say and do whatever they want online, without any regards for others.

Social media has encouraged most people to become mainly inward focused and so online obsessed that they forget to have, and maintain, basic online manners. As a kid, I remember being taught to greet elders, to always say please and thank you, to offer to help and so on. Nowadays, there are talks and courses that go around to schools teaching young children how to behave on social media. Yup! that is the world that we are living in, therefore, we too need to be mindful of the online ‘dos and don’ts’ when it comes to social media etiquette.


Privacy settings – Know your privacy settings on your social media accounts. If you find that someone is online stalking or online hating you, you can block them or report them. You can also make your accounts private, as a means of filtering who is  and isn’t allowed to view your accounts.

Dealing with negative online comments – Whether someone negatively responds to something that you have said online or you read negative things written by others online – you have the choice to entertain it or to ignore and, or delete or block the negative. Don’t get caught up in unhealthy debates with negative people, use wisdom and choose your online battles wisely.

Respect other people’s opinions – We forget that as humans we all have very different opinions and views, therefore, we cannot force others to believe in what we believe without letting them process it for themselves. Share your opinions, but be mindful and respectful of others.

Check before tagging a friend in a photo – Often people tag pictures of their friends without asking them first, they will post and tag an unflattering image of a friend online for all to see. Causing them to feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. Check before posting pictures of your friends, and ask yourself if you were that person in said image – if you would like to be tagged in that picture.

Behave and treat others online as you wish to be treated – Before venting or ranting about somebody else online, pause and think for a moment whether you would like for others to speak of you in that same light and tone.

Pause to think and filter, before over sharing online – Sometimes people use social media as their not so personal online journal. They will go into detail, and elaborate on every teeny tiny detail of their lives, and they post every hour on the hour, over sharing random information about themselves. For other online goers it becomes too much, consequently people will unfollow or hide your feed from their timelines. There is nothing wrong with NOT sharing every facet and detail of your life online with others.

Ask permission for use of others pictures – or give credit to the image sourced online.

Do not post pictures of people’s children – unless they say that it is okay with them. We need to always respect and protect our children as best as we can online.


Follow for follow – friend or unfriend – there is an online trend where online goers “follow-unfollow” as a means of growing an audience. The problem with this, is that it does authentically grow your online following. Rather let your online following grow naturally.

Facebook status no-no’s – try to avoid online over sharing and online hating, as it can be really off-putting.

Do not respond and react emotionally online – often when we are in the heat of the moment we say things that we do not mean and we end up offending and hurting others in the process.

Do not subtweet – Sometimes online goers will subtweet something nasty about someone else without saying their actual name, but it ends up becoming so obvious who they are talking about. Online cattiness will always speak loudly and negatively of the online sub-tweeters.

Do NOT trash talk anyone Especially your boss, family members, or friends. It always has a way of coming back to you. Even if you delete it – someone will have seen it or screen shot it. Rather pause for a moment before venting online, and ask yourself “how would you feel if someone said the same thing about you online?”

Do not pretend to be someone else, and create a fake online personaCat-fishing people online is a big no-no, nobody likes a fake or a liar. Just be you!

Avoid online spamming – Once again just filter through what you want to share online. Know its purpose, or if it even has a purpose, or if it’s useless random information that you are wanting to share online.

I hope the following tips encouraged you to be more wise when it comes to social media ‘dos and don’ts’. Here’s to doing social media well

Don’t let history repeat itself

Humans seek comfort in the familiar, therefore without realizing it at times they find themselves repeating history. Freud called this “repetition compulsion”, which he famously defined as: “the desire to return to an earlier state of things.”

From simple tasks like: watching your favourite movie over and over, or eating at the same restaurants and ordering the exact same meal each time. This can also apply to more unhealthy behaviors: remaining in harmful or abusive relationships for example. It’s an action or way of behaving that almost becomes instinctive to us, we do it without even realizing it at times.

Many of us develop character traits through what we know, and through what we have experienced over the years. Therefore, if we have experienced hurt, disappointment, we therefore end up living out of that broken space and keep repeating that level of behavior and being. For example, if someone was a victim in an abusive relationship, they may always think that they are only deserving of that type of love due to what was ingrained into the heart. Out of that space they may create a certain pattern of behavior and thinking that they live out in their day-to-day. A behavior that is harmful to them and those around them.

However, the sad is reality is that if we choose to live in our negative, unhealthy way of living – we will never grow and stretch in character, and we will never experience full freedom from our past.

In the Bible it says :

Put off the former way of life in the old nature, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts,  and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that you put on the new nature, which was created according to God in righteousness and true holiness. – Ephesians 4:22-24

The Bible encourages us that with God we can take off the old, we can move onwards from our past, and we can be restored into newness and be who God originally always created and desired us to be!

Moving on from our past isn’t always easy, as maybe for some of us it’s all we have ever known, and we have held onto to it for so long. But with Gods help, and with His strength we can overcome all things and move forward victoriously! He has great plans and purposes for you, do not let your past hold you back from experiencing fullness of joy, unconditional love, and freedom to live!

Be brave enough to let your past go, and to give it over to God. Have courage to embrace a new life with God. A Life that rejoices, a life that shines a light, a life filled with purpose and blessing! Do not let history repeat itself, dare to live a bold life by letting God lovingly lead you in all areas of your life.

When to keep your lips zipped!

Have you ever had a moment where you’ve maybe said something that was emotionally fueled and as the words spewed out of your mouth, you immediately knew that it wasn’t called for and that maybe you should’ve just kept those lips of yours zipped!? I know I have had those moments, sometimes I feel so emotionally charged, that as cheeky words pass through my lips, I immediately regret it.

Sometimes hurtful words and things are said about others without any regard for their feelings. Sometimes we say things, and we feel entitled and justified to say it, when in fact it doesn’t make it right. Sometimes we entertain gossip, or find ourselves venting to everybody about somebody else who bothers us. Entertaining gossip is just as bad as being the one who verbally gossips. Our words have the power to build and to empower, in the same breath it has the power to break and to shackle others mentally and emotionally.

Choose your words wisely

We can choose to speak words that breakdown others, or negatively influence who we are, or we can choose to speak words of kindness, words of love, words that empower. Yes, we have a choice, and it may require us to use a filter, to use self-control, and to stop and ask ourselves “will my words build, empower, enlighten, or will it negatively bash and hurt others?”

What we say and how we say it will ultimately speak of our character, not the character of others. Have you ever been in a conversation with someone who is negatively bashing, gossiping about somebody else, so much so that it makes them look insecure, and all kinds of nasty? Before you speak negatively, ask yourself why or what makes you feel like that? Understand what you are feeling and thinking, and trace back to what triggers that off within yourself. Dig a little deeper, and go to the root of it, and deal with  it accordingly.

When to keep your lips zipped

  • In the heat of your anger.
  • When you don’t have all the facts, and you’re basing everything on assumptions.
  • If you purely want to gossip for the sake of breaking someone down.
  • When you want to talk about someone or something, and that person is not their to defend themselves.
  • Do not speak for the sake of speaking, or for the sake of being heard.
  • If your words are purely going to be used to break down others.

Speaking in the heat of the moment may feel good in that moment, but it’s not actually doing any long-term good for either parties. Use your inner filter to sift through your thoughts and feelings before speaking, and allow yourself some time to quietly process through it. If you allow yourself that time, and practice self-restraint in that area of your life, you will probably find that you will feel emotionally more calmer, and you will want to respond with more logic rather than feeling emotionally charged. Easier said than done, but with time, and with conscious effort, it will become your new norm. Choose your words wisely, choose words that build and empower yourself and others.

Signs of a catfish

Catfish is a term used when someone creates a false identity online via any social media platforms, and lures someone in with false information and false hope. What’s sad is that many innocent people fall for these false characters, and are often left in the dark for many years until they actually meet them in person, or when someone intervenes and reveals the truth to them.

On a scarier note; many people do this as a means of cat fishing young children online. We live in a very tech driven age, and who knows what still to come via the digital front. That’s why I am so passionate that we learn and know the  ‘ins and the outs’ when it comes to using wisdom online. Not everyone is who they profess to be online, therefore we need to be extra cautious and wise as to what we entertain online.

We need to be extra cautious when it comes to our children being online. As we don’t really know what they are being exposed to, and who is out there preying on them. Don’t ignore or turn a blind eye to when it comes to the safety of your children. We need to know and understand everything that is happening both online and offline, and we need to be able to lovingly and wisely guide our children through it all. We may not be able to protect our children from every bad guy lurking out there online, but we can empower them with the tools, insight, and knowledge as to how to live in a world that is filled with the unsuspecting and unexpected.


Having said that, we too need to keep an open eye to potential catfishers, and online scammers. The following tips below, will give you a bit of insight and wisdom, when it comes to navigating your way through social media safely.

  • Their profile pictures look very over the top, and very photoshopped, or maybe they look like some sort of perfect celebrity.
  • They don’t tend to have normal candid everyday photos of themselves with family and friends.
  • Their job requires them to constantly fly around the world, hence you will never be able to meet them in person.
  • Catfishers bio information tends to be very broad, and they seem to be likable and perfect.
  • Catfish move way to fast emotionally over a short period of time.
  • They make too many excuses as to why you can’t ever see them in person, or over Skype.
  • They prefer to text, and make excuses as to why they cannot speak over the phone.
  • If they do speak to you over the phone, their voice does not match their ethnicity from their profile picture.
  • When they ask you for money, or to deposit money into another account with different personal details.
  • The stories or excuses they tell seem far-fetched and unattainable.

Don’t ignore your gut feelings and instincts. If you have a suspicions about a person, listen to your inner voice and follow-up on it. After all you need to guard your heart and use wisdom when it comes to finding love. Know your worth, and remember that you deserve to be in a relationship that is personal, that is founded on trust. Don’t waste time online desperately looking for love and affirmation, that you fall prey to being a victim of cat fishing.

Be safe out there, and use wisdom online!

When the world says NO, God says YES!

Often without realizing it, we become so accustomed to all the; “NO, you can’t!” that the world lavishly throws at us, that it becomes our norm. “No you can’t do it, No, you’re not good enough, No, you will never amount to anything, No you can’t have; faith, hope, joy or confidence in who you are and the season you are in. No, No, No , NO!”

When the world says no

All the “no’s” may have become our normal way of thinking and affect how we perceive everything around us. Maybe some of you grew up in homes, where you were told time and time again: “No, you are not good enough.” Maybe you were in an abusive relationship, where your partner made you feel like you were insignificant. Maybe someone rejected you, which in turn made you feel like you weren’t good enough. Maybe you were bullied by others growing up, and you have always felt like an outcast.

All the NO’s have now shaped your identity, your confidence, your sense of self-worth, value and significance. You see yourself with a broken light, with a negative broken perspective.

Yet, we can still choose

We can choose to fall prey and victim to living a: “No, I can’t” lifestyle, or we can choose to rise above it and gain a new fresh reality and perspective on living a: “yes, I can!” lifestyle. We have a choice, we can choose to live a “yes, I can” despite what the world says, or we can live with the “no, I can’t, and no I won’t”, because that’s all we know and want to believe.

Funny how that without even realizing it at times, we tend to follow and allow all the negative to have the biggest influence, the last say, and ultimate driving force that ends up ruling our lives.

Because God says yes

There was a season in my life where I let all my personal “No, you can’t, No, you won’t” prevent me from living a life that was full of joy, freedom, creativity, and confidence. I believed in all the disappointments that the world threw at me. Until, I encountered a personal revelation of who God was, and I went on a journey of understanding how much He loves me, and held tight onto His promises and the beautiful “Yes, you can” thoughts that He had towards me. Now, I choose to rise above disappointment, I choose to seek good in and amongst the storm, I confidently step out in faith with full expectation regardless of what the world says.


  • Because God loves us unconditionally.
  • Because God created us with and for purpose.
  • Because says we are fearfully and wonderfully made, because we are created in His image.
  • Because God believes in us, even when we don’t.
  • Because God wants the best for us, always!

When we choose to follow God, and we let His promises shape our thoughts – we start to live with a “Yes, I can, because God says I can” mentality. When we let Gods truth and promises shape, inspire, and influence us, we no longer need the world to determine and dictate our steps and actions. We should let God lead us; let His love and promises shape us, and motivate us to move forward and to overcome all obstacles. If God can do it for me, He can do it for you!

If this post spoke to you and encouraged you, and you would love to know about being a personal relationship with God, then may I encourage you to click on the link below.

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