Saturday, March 15, 2025
Home Authors Posts by David Webster

David Webster

Dealing with your ‘stop signs’

There was once a guy named Max who would avoid Stop-street signs at all costs. He had never attempted to drive because of this fear. In fact, it had dictated almost every area of his life. In his endeavor to avoid Stop streets, he had mapped out his route around his town. It dictated where he was able to buy his food from – a corner store that had resulted in terrible health problems due to lack of good nutrition. It meant that the people he loved were either extremely inconvenienced by him, or had left him due to frustration. This resulted in a depression that caused him to hardly ever leave his house. No one understood him. He had obviously just fallen on the bad side of life – and no one could ever relate.

His fear dictated everything – but where did it come from? The reason why Max could not endure the sight of a Stop sign was because he had never seen one before. You see the town where he lived had been twenty kilometers from the city. It had three parallel roads and everyone knew everyone. But one holiday his family decided to travel to the seaside where he contracted a terrible sickness, which caused him to lose consciousness. After a long time he woke up – in his bedroom at home.

But home was no longer home. In fact, it was stranger to him than the phones with no chords or the way people treated each other. The city had grown so large that it had reached his little town. And now on almost every corner were these round red Stop signs that would taunt him.

But one day, he met a friendly policewoman as he was walking towards his corner store. She smiled and greeted him before calling to a group of kids on the other side of the road he was about to cross. She was a new addition to his usual journey. He walked past the local pre-school, he noticed she was holding a large pole with a hexagonal sign on the end. As he was waiting to cross the street, she blew her whistle and placed the pole down in front of an on-coming car. Max was a little taken aback. He saw the children walk across the road towards him, and realized it was safe for him to cross as well. Once he was on the other side, he turned back to look at the woman and was shocked to see the dreaded red road sign painted on the other side of the pole she was holding. But strangely its sight did not frighten him anymore. After getting what he wanted from the store, he decided to take a different, more scenic route home.

Avoidance techniques

This may seem like a far-fetched, random scenario, but I have found a few situations like this in my very own life. All of us are strange. We experience life in a way that seems normal to us, but there are huge gaping gaps where we completely miss what the majority would consider ‘common’. Where we find ourselves unaware of what people consider normal, we can very easily create systems and structures to ‘survive’ – in many cases completely debilitating ourselves.

One such area in my life (there are a few…) is the concept of friendship. Don’t get me wrong – I have had many extraordinary friends throughout my life – but I have never been comfortable with the true essence of what a friend is. I grew up uniquely. Factors such as living immersed in different cultures, going to an extremely sheltered school and doing life with a visually challenged parent resulted in my definition of ‘normal’ being relative: Everyone’s normal was different, and I existed outside of it.

Now I don’t want you to miss the point of this by feeling sorry for me. Yes, I built my whole life and behavior on ways to ‘deflect’ intentional friendship. It resulted in me having no true connection to anyone. But I have in no way had to simply ‘accept the fact’ that life was going to be like that for me forever.

So what are you avoiding in your life? God will always pinpoint the issues that are debilitating our souls. These issues may not be as basic as a large red ‘Stop sign’, but they have as much of an effect on the way we live (if not more). When Max encountered the power of what he was trying to avoid, he no longer had any reason to fear it. It all of a sudden set him free to experience the wonder of the life around him.

In a society where there is enough distraction for us to go our whole lives without facing our own issues, I believe there is a better way to live. God wants us to live wide, expansive lives full of freedom. True freedom. Trying to avoid him is probably the most restrictive thing you could do. He is everywhere – placing himself at every crossroad, waiting for us to acknowledge him.

I am convinced that the greatest problem humanity has is the absence of a personal relationship with God. He is the most liberating factor to my life that has enabled me to tackle the oddities of my existence. There is power in opening up your life to him; if you want to do so, click on the link below right now.

Why books?

Recently, I have begun to work on my first ever book. It is a daunting challenge that I never thought would be as hard as it turned out to be. But in retrospect, it is really funny how naïve I was.

As a blog writer, I write between two to three blogs a week, as well as many Insta captions for a few profiles. For over a year, I have been living in the rhythm of consistently writing what comes to me in the moment. Now I definitely put a whole lot of thought and intention into what I am saying, but at its best it is a few well-formed paragraphs that will have influence based on how catchy the title is and how good the picture looks. (I’m extremely grateful for those that make sure these elements are up to standard every time).

But writing a book is different. Books take time. Books need to have content that will hold a reader captive over the course of a few days, weeks or even months. Books require progression and direction that is unlikely to work online. In this age, it needs to be enticingly engaging from beginning to end – while also having solid substance that will leave the reader feeling richer.

There have been many times in recent years that people feared the redundancy of the printed book: the moment radio dramas became popular, the moment film became commercial, the moment sound was added to movies, the moment computers were invented, the moment the Internet was created, the moment streaming services became more prevalent, the invention of the Kindle and iBooks and a whole lot more.

But despite all of these developments, books still hold their own. Which begs the question ‘why?’.

Firstly, books need to be edited, published and marketed. There is a greater sense of investment both from the writer and those who are publishing the work, which requires a deeper commitment and conviction than any scriptwriter, blogger or actor.

Secondly, books connect on a deeper level. No matter how attractive the visuals are, any screen or stage production cannot connect to its audience like a book can. Books engage with your imagination – you have to form your own internal world. The voices all have a tone that you have to set. Each character and setting is what you make of it. The story is unadulterated – holding its own without celebrity status, budget or production prowess.

Now, I am in no way discrediting these other media (especially blogging). The world has never been more open and receptive to good writing in all its forms, which I celebrate. But without the book, none of it would exist. So maybe add reading to your list of resolutions as we head into February. If you don’t know where to start, I will be reviewing a few of my own favorite books soon – keep an eye out for them.

My faith is not blind

Sometimes I find myself looking at the future and trying to make sense of where I am now. There’s this nagging fear that my present situation has no meaning and is not building into my future. There are whole belief systems built off of that fear. But as a Christian, I have come to find that this fear is unfounded. My life has direction. And as much as I cannot see what the next few months hold I know it will be good. Some would call that ‘blind faith’. But there is nothing ‘blind’ about it.

To someone looking on from the outside – someone with no reference for God and his goodness – I could understand the term. But if you know God, you are in no way walking into your future without surety. This doesn’t mean the questions go away…

Am I making meaningful impact?

Is all this hard work actually worth it?

Do I deserve better than I have right now?

Why does life have to be so hard?

When these questions arise, I find my focus has drifted ever so slightly. It’s the moment I turn my eyes from Jesus to his plan.

The Plan

All of us want to know the plan. We want to crack that ‘secret code’ and know the future. Now it is important to recognize that God does have a plan for us. He has strategies in place to grow and bless us – regardless of what our decisions are. But it’s extremely important to recognize: God’s plan is not restrictive.

There is not one specific path that you need to take. Many have quoted “I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you.” – Jeremiah 29:11. Firstly – notice it the plural form of ‘plans’. There is not just one specific direction that will result in God blessing you. Yes – there is one way out of sin: Jesus. But he brings us into a ‘large, expansive life’ that empowers us to choose, while submitting our choices to God. And as much as we wish we could see all the possible plans and directions we choose, all God wants us to know is that if we stick with him, things will get better.

The Person

So faith for the future cannot exist if you can see it mapped out in front of you. Yes, you wouldn’t be ‘blind’, but you would be missing the whole point. My faith is not in God’s ability, but in His character. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely believe God can do anything – but only believing that results in problems. Someone can have all the capability to help you and still refuse to do so. If you fixate on what someone can do for you, it is hard to look beyond the ‘transactional’ nature of their existence. No – it is only when you focus on the character of God that faith is truly fulfilled.

God is patient, good, kind, powerful, dangerous, loving and merciful. He made us intentionally for his own enjoyment. He has constructed our existence so that He can know us and do life with us. He was willing to deny Himself and die so that we could know His way of living. He wants the best for us.

When I know this, my future is not a source of fear but of excitement. Because I have a deep personal relationship with God, my faith is not blind. I can live confident in the character of God, because I know who He is and that He is with me.

New: SOHN’s Second Album


In 2014 British-born producer Christopher Taylor released his first album – Tremors. There was much hype around his soulful remixes, but that paled in the response to his own material. With broad references: dubstep to orchestral palettes, raw claps and stick snaps through to masterful vocal manipulations. SOHN introduced us to a masterful world of eclectic brilliance.

Three years later, Rennen is his next offering. Described as a reflection on the “whirlwind” that followed Tremors, it’s a great extension of his catalogue. His soulful vocals and scope of ‘light and shade’ commands the listener as always. But where Tremors was an atmospheric audio Pastoral painting, Rennen is a punchy portrait that stares you straight down.

The treatment of the percussion is tighter than before – with synths and reverb adding the space. The beats harken to the producing of Jack Garratt – although they definitely hold more polyrhythmic range in tone and execution. In his track ‘Signal’ for example, there is a hi-hat sequence interspersed with a fuzzy kick and rim shots and then layered with finger snaps, an electronic conga rhythm and a chorused stick snap all at once. The following track ‘Dead Wrong’ seems to even contain some electronic sample of tongue clucks.

The title track has a melancholic continue with a mid-heavy piano. The great call-and-answer vocals masterfully expand the tapestry of sound – keeping the track simple, while synth bass lines and opening envelopes swell into the picture. One of the shortest songs on the album, it speaks of a focus that is more present in this album.


The main reason I believe SOHN should be a staple part of any progressive listener’s playlist is his treatment of vocal. As a producer, it is very easy to fall into the traps of tweaks and filters. But no matter how complicated the instrumental backdrop becomes, SOHN’s vocals are always raw and expressive. Nothing can communicate between the notes more than the human voice. And he uses this ‘secret power’ with huge success. Even as cut up samples, the layers of vocals penetrate deeper – epitomizing what could be referenced as ‘soul’.

There are some things that your will impact you deeply – beyond just simple enjoyment. It’s those things that feed your soul. Music is one of those things that can do just that. Another is a relationship with God. Nothing could ‘feed’ you more. Check out the link below if you want to find out more.

What is kind

So much in me would love to write the negative version of this article. But that would defeat my purpose. I recently came across some well-meaning people who were incredibly loving, insightful to a degree and completely un-kind.  Kindness, which the bible identifies as a fruit of the Spirit of God, has been relegated to the tame fringes of the modern godly ‘character profile’. But it is essentially something that cannot simply be added onto the end of a conversation. It is not simple the sheen of your intention – kindness is the key ingredient to how those around you grow.

Notice, I did not say ‘how those around you feel’. Kindness is more of a growth agent than a pacifier. It is not a sweet smile of a hospital visitor or the tip you leave after your meal. Kindness speaks of a commitment way greater than that.

Honesty is kind

One of the most unselfish things you can do for those around you is to be completely honest. In many ways, deception or delusion is for your own benefit – so you can feel better about yourself. But in a world of surface-level niceties, an honest confession can be the springboard from which people around you can launch themselves. There is no place for flippant rhetoric when you’re honest. No “everything will turn out fine” or “you’re awesome” belongs in an honest conversation. Nothing is more kind than letting people know where they stand with you as a person in their lives. Phrases like “I have no idea”, “I honestly don’t like … about you” or “I think it’s time to move on” may seem a little harder to say, but will mean the world to those who know you.

Sharing is kind

I’m not talking about the sepia photo where the children share the umbrella. However, I am speaking about the gentleman who runs across the road to help an old woman across the road. Jesus epitomized this to a much better degree when he came as a baby to earth. He chose to be in it – dealing with all of life. He chose to crawl, then stand, then walk. He chose to learn how to read. He chose to be in a family. He chose to learn a trade. So that when he said he came to take on our burden – to share the load – we knew that he had full knowledge of our circumstance. Kindness is found in sharing the good and the bad. Not just giving the good, but stepping into the bad. Sometimes kindness is the silent support when things have gone wrong. Kindness is not generosity – it is partaking. There is nothing more kind than someone who commits to be a partner through hard times.

The right direction is kind

I have found myself searching for kindness in some of the harder seasons of my life. I have also seen others in deep need of kindness as they have endured their own struggles and have to confess, I have done terribly at showing kindness – only getting it right on rare occasions. When people are facing their worst, the greatest thing you can do is point them to God. But the temptation is always to draw attention to yourself. Many would rather share their own story that is similar and come up with some solutions based on that. Don’t get me wrong, solicited advice is a huge help, but unsolicited storytelling in a one-on-one context can drive people away. When someone comes to you in desperation, there is always a genuine desire to help. But as in most cases I have been in, trying to search for answers on the spot only damages the situation. Kindness is knowing when to listen. To admit when you don’t understand, but commit to helping them find Jesus in the midst of their struggle.

God is kind

One of my favorite scripture is Romans 2:4 – God’s kindness leads us to turn from our sin. I have seen many try righteousness as a means to make people repent. On occasions I have seen the question of hell used to coerce people into belief. I have seen goodness being used to promise away the hard realities of life in an attempt to coax people into knowing God. But it is kindness – the powerful kindness of Jesus Christ – who chose to be honest about the state of our souls, chose to share in our struggle and chose to give us access to his Father that calls us to change how we live. If you want to know this kindness, as I hope to do for the rest of my life, click on the link below to find out more.



Today marks the official change of office for the President of the United States. And if the recent weeks haven’t shown you, the love for the outgoing first family has been more than overwhelming. Whether you have been an avid follower or a bit of a reserved observer, there are a few things about the Obamas that I think we should appreciate – things that aren’t normally found in political leadership. These aspects of their lives go deeper than policy – they are the things that make us proud to be human.

Healthy Marriage

Barack and Michelle Obama have been a bastion of hope for the modern-day marriage. With arguably the hardest job in the world demanding every piece of effort of Barack, they have been so vocally appreciative, visibly affectionate and mutually supportive over the past eight years. A man talking about his respect for his wife in a national speech is something most of our modern world would find hard to understand. Michelle Obama holds a law degree, and in many ways matched Barack’s credentials when it came to career. Transitioning into her role in the White House meant she was not just going to be the arm-candy, but a powerful partner for change. It is unprecedented to see the active first family laughing together, hearing how they tease each other and then turn around and honor each other as well. The jury may be out for a few years concerning the Obama administration’s positive impact on American life, but it can be undisputed that the family commitment and real, respectful affection portrayed by this couple has affected the world’s perspective of marriage for good.

Intelligent engagement

The one thing that has to be admired when watching both Barack and Michelle Obama is the way they deliver their ideas. From the history-breaking speeches that surrounded the mantra ‘Yes We Can’, to Michelle’s emotional speech in support of Hillary Clinton’s campaign – there is a poise and dedication that allowed ideals to shine. The caliber of language and reasoning elevated the listener and inspired a better world – whether you agreed with the policy expounded upon or not. Moving forward, I believe people will watch the presidential speeches for different reasons – ones that may seem more ‘fantastical’, but there is no doubt that the former kind of level-headed, informed rhetoric would be missed. Michelle’s statement, “When they go low, we go high” has become a phrase that can truly express the spirit of their time in the White House.

Symbol of progress

One cannot ignore that the first African-American family in the White House was a major symbolic representation of how far American society has come. It is one of the greatest legacies Obama will be credited – and that was before he stepped into office. The true effect this has had, however, is something that has been broadly discussed – with many saying he did not do enough for black equality, while the reactions to things Obama did mention concerning race were also extremely heated. Overall, however, I believe that Obama did his ethnicity and culture proud. His focus, wise responses and respect for the office of president was impeccable. Where previous Presidents declared wars, had affairs, were caught in scandals and floundered under pressure – Obama has been resolute in facing the challenge and giving his calculated response. His time in office was in many ways more wholesome than many administrations that proceeded it.

As a family they have an electric chemistry that made people think of the Kennedy’s – but the Obamas are more. Where the Kennedy’s had star power, the Obamas have substance. Their personal values were the bedrock of their outward lives and it is hard to argue against that.

Faith is a definite factor when it comes to living a life of consistency. Under huge pressure and in great struggle, even the most powerful people in the world need help. As the Obama’s have been an example to many, I believe that we are all called to be exemplary – and that cannot be achieved without being grounded in God. There is nothing more important than to know that there is someone much bigger than you who can see the big picture and can guide you through the trickiest of situations. If you would like to know God in a way that applies to your every day life, click on the link below.

Expectation and response

As the dust starts to settle on the ‘new year’ and reality kicks in, I don’t know where you might find yourself… It may be in a new job, a new city or a new school. You could be coming to terms with living with someone new for the first time – or missing ones that have left you in the year that has gone by. It may feel like nothing has changed at all.

I am definitely getting back into the ‘swing of things’ – nothing much seems to have changed. But before I stop and allow yourself to press the ‘default’ button on life, I have been challenged by an idea:

Am I living life with expectation or in response?

You may think that’s a bit philosophical for a Wednesday, but how you answer it has large repercussions for you and those around you. You see, an expectation emphasizes what is yet to come, while a response highlights what was.

Life as an expectation

When you live life with expectation, you live with hope for a better future. You believe that whatever is happening around you, you will get through and the proverbial sun will shine again. When life is full of expectation, you could be considered a day-dreamer – the temporal reality of your situation frustrates you, and you live with a sense of urgency – not wanting to waste a single moment of time between where you are and where you see yourself going. But unfortunately that means it is also easy to lose appreciation for what you do have and the good things God has given you today. When what you do expect doesn’t come about, it can also result in disillusion that is borderline depressive (or so I have found in my case).

Life as a response

When you live in response to the things around you, you are able to appreciate life and people for who they are. You are able to make decisions that are compelled by the experiences you have had, and there is a general ease around your life. The problem, however, is that you can also end up affected by the bad or uncomfortable situations you find yourself in. You are easily affected by things – even if you don’t take sides. A life in response engages the present and allows you the clarity to make decisions based on fact rather than purely on things not yet attained.

Looking at both perspectives, you may identify with one more than the other, but I am more convinced than ever that a healthy life contains both expectation and response. It is a rhythm that needs to be tempered and continually checked; it is the heartbeat of a progressive soul.

I don’t know about you, but I definitely want 2017 to be a year I can look back on and see how far I have come. If nothing else, I want to be able to say I grew internally. If left to my own devices however, I know that I will not be able to have the clarity or the perspective to do that without a separate, unbiased perspective. God has my whole life mapped from the day I was born till this very second: every possibility, from the random decision to the highest calculation.  He also has plans for what my future holds – and he can see it all at once.

As you start your year looking ahead to what could be and engaging with the reality of your everyday, I want to encourage you not to forget God. In the tension of expectation and response you can be easily overthrown – but with the strong hand of God directing and protecting you, I believe 2017 could be a significant season for all of us.

If you want to know how you could engage with God on such a personal level, click on the link below.

Introducing Rag’n’Bone Man

Every year the Brit Awards seeks out the most promising of rising artists – tipping them for greatness in the year to come. The prestigious Critic’s Choice Award has been the closest thing to a foolproof prediction in the industry – concerning the winners’ success thereafter. The artists who have received this award are (in order):

2008 – Adele

2009 – Florence & The Machine

2010 – Ellie Goulding

2011 – Jessie J

2012 – Emeli Sande

2013 – Tom Odell

2014 – Sam Smith

2015 – James Bay

2016 – Jack Garratt

These artists have taken the world by storm – with Adele becoming one of the most iconic acts of our generation, and the others have followed in her wake.

This year, Rory Graham – a blues singer from Uckfield (yes, that’s a place) – took the prize, beating alternative grit girl Dua Lipa and the expressive, raw songstress Anne-Marie (known recently for her vocal on The Rudimentals’ Rockabye Baby).

Known mainly from his single ‘Human’, which has garnered over 35 million views in the last 6 months, Rag’n’Bone Man brings a rich, deep, soulful vocal to an urban sonic world of grit and honesty. Check it out below:


However, the performance that truly sealed the deal personally, was his honest, emotional and masterfully written song ‘Odetta’. Stripped back to simple piano and acoustic, his voice comes through with all its smokey warm tone. A self-confessed shy guy with no misguided sense of grandeur, his honesty in the track throws all his emotion at the listener. Although decisively melancholic, the lyric speaks of the beauty of love that has to be applauded. Check it out below:


You can tell when someone is doing what they were truly made to do. No delusion or unhealthy ambition – just straight up communication from soul. I can count a handful of moments in my life when I truly knew that I was exactly where I needed to be, no matter how I felt about the situation – and it grew my confidence. Personally, it all started with knowing God. To sense his smile on my life – to connect on every level with the One who made you and loves you – is the sweetest thing I have ever experienced. If you haven’t encountered God in this way, I want to encourage you to want it – want it with all you have. Click on the link below to find out more.

Why I laugh at the storm

I love the rain.

There are a few reasons why: the sense that everything is ‘closer’, the fact that the land is getting refreshed, the drop in temperature (I don’t do well in summer), but the main one is that there is a perceived limitation concerning going outside. This limitation firstly means you have less obligation to leave the place you are in, as well as more freedom to defy this new ‘boundary’ and be different.

As a creative person, however, I don’t do well when it comes to being ‘boxed in’. Someone saying music is ‘my thing’ irritates me to no end. Creativity works within many limits and borders, but when you base your identity on ability, you are immediately limiting yourself as well. So why would I – a guy who hates being limited – love the limitation brought about by precipitation?

Because rain limits the external possibilities, which emphasizes the internal possibilities. There are two ways to live – from the outside in, or from the inside out. If I live life affected by the weather, I would be sad when it rains. I would hate getting wet and what it does to my level of comfort, which would in turn ruin the way I feel about myself and allow that to dictate how I interact with others that day.

We cannot control the external forces of our lives. Trying to do so only results in frustration that affects your soul. You can shout at thunder all you want, but it’s not going to change the fact that there is a storm going on. But when the weather isn’t going your way, there is a greater choice you can make – a choice to define what your day will be like. It’s a choice to decide what emotions are going to affect you. This way of living is one that expresses you from the inside out.

It is easier said than done. I have had some absolutely atrocious days. But there was a day I remember things changed for me. It was a Sunday morning – I had been volunteering full-time for over a year at my local church and had NO money. As in – the bank almost closed my account because there wasn’t enough to keep it open. That morning I walked outside to find my car window completely smashed to pieces – all my workout gear in the boot had been taken as well.

I drove into church evidently frustrated. But there was a moment of clarity where I realized it was just a piece of glass. Was I going to allow my whole day be determined by a piece of broken glass? It was broken already. There was no way I could reverse what had happened. So I began to laugh.

That was honestly one of the most fun days I have had to date. There was a huge sense of freedom that although there were external repercussions, it did not need to affect my soul. I could draw on something from within to support my soul in that moment – something way more radical, something way more effective: my spirit.

In the Bible, we are told that our spirit is the part of our existence that is eternal. It identifies with God and when our bodies die, our spirit will live on – in new bodies. Sound a little sci-fi? I could understand if you said ‘yes’. But truly, your spirit is the core of who you are. It is the part of your being that has the ability to dictate every decision you make in life – and led by a God whose Spirit can work within you, it results in a deeper level of inside-out living.

If you are finding yourself tossed and unraveled by the storms of your life – can I encourage you to look for a different way to live? Storms suck and there are things that can completely shake you. But there is an anchor for your soul – something that can hold you steady no matter what is happening around you. It is the love of God, which permeates the deep recesses of your soul and spirit. If you want to find a way to ‘laugh at the storm’. If you want to know this love, click on the link below.

2017 Ones to watch: Jorja Smith

Tipped as one of the 14 acts BBC Music predicts will shape the sound of 2017, Jorja Smith claims this title with ease. With a vocal tone that pierces as much as it punches through the music, she could be seen as the enigma on the list when it comes to raw talent.

She is no overnight success, but has built credibility in the industry with her conscientious lyrics and explorative musical synthesis. Vevo just hosted a live session with her, announcing their endorsement for her music. Check it out:


Just the vocals on the track itself make me excited, but if you need more to raise your hopes, you won’t have to look further than her debut single – Blue Lights. Portraying the crux of injustice that has brought about the #BlackLivesMatter campaign, it is an interesting perspective coming from a British minority instead of the usual American rhetoric, although the core issue is very much the same.

Directed by Drew Cox, this music video is simple yet provocative – with scenes of floating bodies surrounding Jorja to direct references to the British Police and police dogs. An ironic slant is that it is shot in black and white, which could harken to the lyric:

‘I wanna turn these blue lights into flashing lights’

In this way, the video portrays both a basic form of the issue (black and white tension) as well as the solution (blue siren lights losing their color, and therefore their threat). Check it out:


With a social consciousness and a gifted vocal ability, Smith is an exciting prospect for 2017.

As exciting as it is to recognize those who have a promising 2017 ahead, I believe that your year has its own significant promises. Beyond some fresh adjustments and maybe a few resolutions, I know that God intends extraordinary things for your life: growth, hope and great love. If you would like to know His plans and passion for your life, why not ask him? ‘How’, you may ask? The first step would be clicking on the link below.


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