Saturday, March 15, 2025
Home Authors Posts by David Webster

David Webster

Who has control?

You know those times when things might be a little daunting – it may be in a situation where you are meeting new people or starting a new part of your life. I have found that we as humans tend to have two options when it comes to how we behave:

1. We sit back and see what happens;

2. We step forwards and try to control the situation

Now, the second option is normally the best – proactivity is definitely the most helpful (as long as you are humble enough to submit while doing it). But there is one area I believe that everyone seems to want to control instead of allowing themselves to sit back and see what happens.

When it comes to faith and knowing God, I have seen how so many would rather have some sense of control – some reference of opinion or system that can comfortably explain the subject of the spiritual. But it is the one area in life where we are required to truly sit back and open ourselves up to the endless possibility of God.

In my personal experience, I have found that there is a balance between God and my external life. If I allow God to have control personally, I naturally have more of a grip on the rest of my life. I have more confidence, more peace, and more assertive vision. The moment I try to take control of my relationship with God, I find that I start losing my ability to hold things together. 

In the past week I have become more aware of how I was made to respond. But what I choose to respond to will determine the direction of my life. If I choose to respond to the opinion of others, the struggles I face, the fear imposed by systems and others around me, I will end up smaller and defeated as an individual. But if I respond to my Creator – who not only knows my situation, but also my experience and my character – I am set to grow and be inspired to push ahead.

One of the greatest things that we know about God is that He loves us. If that is the case, the question of where I allow external control should be an easy one. But it requires trust that you might not know best all the time. It might mean allowing yourself to be vulnerable so that Jesus’ redemptive work can transform you. You cannot be defensive and grow – whether that is physically, emotionally, or spiritually.

So, if you are willing to open up and see what God can do in you when you have control, then click on the link below. It’s a simple decision to respond to God rather than your circumstance. I know it’s hard, but it’s the best decision I ever made! It’s worth it.

Express yourself

I have always been a little crazy as a person. I think we all are. If you look at one of the greatest things young people are preoccupied with these days, I have found that they are aware of how different they are from others.

It is funny how in our teenage years this becomes a huge concern that can completely govern the way we live and think all the way into our adult life. I have awesome friends who are raising the cutest child on the planet. I didn’t realise it, but as a child grows there are different stages of development that can be clearly defined by their moods and their physical development.

One of these stages is the recognition of belonging to themselves. Which is actually termed the “loss of self”. This stage is when a baby realises that the hands they see in front of them actually belong to their own body. They begin to recognise themselves in the mirror. But it is also a time of discomfort as well.

I don’t think that stages of development change that much just because we get older. As young adults, I believe that we all go through a phase (long or short) where we realise we are unique. We have differences of attitude, opinion, conviction, and purpose. The way we think is extremely diverse. At first we freak out about it. Then as we mature I have seen how I have learnt to embrace it.

But I have also met a whole lot of people who have not been able to shake the “freak out” phase. The opinions of others, the sense of cultural pressure and the tendency to compare, have limited their lifestyles immensely.

The moment you realise you don’t owe public opinion anything is the moment you truly allow yourself to be unique. God made you in a specific way that needs to be expressed. Whether it be how you type text messages, how you dress, the kind of people you choose to be around or the type of movies you enjoy – you need the freedom to be yourself.

And another thing that I think is important to realise is that you don’t know who you are in entirety yet as well. Sometimes people use their uniqueness as an excuse: “I’m just not that type of person” or “I don’t feel comfortable doing this”. Understanding yourself will take a very long time. Things that are important to you now might not be important to you forever. So have grace for yourself and enjoy the adventure of self-expression. Don’t classify yourself. Encourage yourself instead.

One person who has the whole picture of your identity is God. He made you with intention and passion. He cares about how you value yourself. Click on the link below if you would like to know him better.

What is God like? (Pt 2)

All of us are looking for guidance. No matter how hard you try to “hold it all together”, you are inevitably going to look for some advice, direction or guidelines. It’s the nature of living in a world that existed before we did. We have to find out how to “fit” in the fabric of life.

And understanding where we belong is only the beginning. All of us have an inherent desire to be extraordinary and significant. But we need context for confidence and substance for significance. And even once those two elements are enabling you to advance and thrive in life, there will also be the nagging questions – “Am I doing alright? Am I doing the right thing?” – that will require external substantiation.

A person being an island is, therefore, probably the most unhealthy metaphor one could look for. You need external influence in order to thrive. Just like our bodies need food, water, oxygen, and warmth to survive, our souls need affection, knowledge, opinion, and wisdom. And our spirit needs faith, revelation, and encounter with the supernatural.

One of the most amazing things that I have learnt about God is that He is an all-seeing counsellor. He is that person that sees every part of your history and your destiny. He knows the state you are in physically – when you last ate, how much sleep you’re getting. He knows the nuances of your soul – what you long for the most, what you can’t understand, what makes you laugh the most, and your deepest hurts.

The problem is, many people see God just as a regulator of everything around us. People blame Him for tragedies and hard situations, not realising that He has chosen to work through people. Instead of finding God outside of the context of yourself, you will find Him when you look inwards. You cannot know God without taking yourself – your needs, your desires and your convictions – into account.

Knowing God – having a revelation of faith beyond the tangible or cognitive – is what steers your soul, which in turn steers your physical choices. The most important thing to me, out of every part of my life, is knowing God. He directs my thoughts and can change my emotions. He fulfils my deepest longings and encourages me. He provides for me every month, enabling me to thrive through the jobs I have. He sets me up with amazing relationships, and orchestrates the best stories for me to live out and recount.

God is the best counsellor. The greatest source of wisdom and help. And he works through permeation – from the inside out. From the personal to the temporal.

If you want to know what God would do with your existence, it starts by knowing Him. If you are ready for the most informed opinion of you, click on the link below and find out how God can work with you.

Why awkwardness is essential

On Wednesday I played my part and voted in South Africa’s local elections. While standing in line (which was taking longer than usual) I had the opportunity to do some people-watching and was extremely surprised how obviously predictable we are becoming in a social context. Put a whole lot of strangers in the same place with nothing to do and they will all turn to their trust crutch – the one thing that makes them feel important and safe and valid – their phone.

As the first generation to grow up around the cellular phone, we have become allergic to awkwardness. It has got to the point where we would rather fake interaction on our phones to avoid any sort of contact with those in our personal vicinity.

Now I don’t think that this is an area to be judgemental in. I do it, and I know there are a few very valid reasons why we turn to our phones so quickly. It is just an interesting phenomenon that I believe could be robbing us from a really rich, way more interesting life!

A few reasons why we avoid awkwardness:

  • It highlights our insecurities
  • It requires us to be open to rejection
  • It may mean speaking about things you’re not used to
  • It may mean engaging with someone you might not ‘like’

But the thing is, with the world becoming ‘smaller’ because of internet, our social worlds can become smaller and smaller as well. Only “connecting” with a select few people can completely cut yourself off of the awesome opportunities that awkwardness brings.

Here are a few pros to awkwardness:

  1. When you are in awkward situations, you become uncomfortable enough to be proactive. Having that conversation, or stepping out first, makes you the one in control of the conversation. You immediate have the attention and respect of everyone else who may feel awkward at the same time.
  2. When you are in awkward situations, you grow in confidence. Avoiding discomfort will keep you weak. Just like exercise is uncomfortable but beneficial, like medicine is not pleasant but helpful, like work is not the most fun but vital – awkwardness may seem horrible at the time, but it is the only way to build your self-confidence.
  3. When you are in awkward situations, you will have amazing stories to tell in other awkward situations. Whether it goes well or completely folds, social situations that require you to step out will give you some amazing anecdotes that everyone will be able to identify with: “You know that moment when you waved back at someone but they were looking at a person behind you.” Everyone feels awkward at some point. But less and less people are actually pushing past it to engage with others.
  4. When you are in awkward situations, you are setting yourself up for the biggest life opportunities. If you feel awkward about friends, how much more awkward would you be with someone you would like to date? What if you really respected someone but couldn’t get past the awkward moments in your head? It starts with the small things. Don’t be glued to your phone. Don’t default into introversion. You never know what awesome friends and opportunities lie on the other side of your awkwardness.

Embrace the awkward! I can tell you that you are only going to feel better about yourself on the other side of the social discomfort you encounter. Seven years ago I was so intimidated by people that I would walk around with my head down. I kept myself to myself – which was the most selfish way I have ever lived. The moment I started to open up to the possibility of others in my life, the better I started to feel about myself and the less power people’s opinions had over me.

One safe place to get to know people and flex your awkward “muscles” is in church. I don’t know if you have ever tried to know God or see what that kind of community is like, but I can tell you I wouldn’t be where I am today without it. Click the link below if you would like to find out more. It is the least awkward decision you could make today!

What is God like?

We picture life by assimilating a whole lot of opinions and representations. It may have been as subtle as the way someone reacted to something or as direct as some sort of instructive brainwashing. The human mind is impressionable. We process what we experience of the world so that we can build a way of thinking. Some of the biggest influences are the people who are around us: parents (or the absence of them), friends, those that don’t like you and those you admire.

When it comes to God, however, this patchwork way of understanding can fall short of accurately describing who he is. If you base your understanding of God off of other people and their opinions, I can tell you now you probably won’t find the concept of God very attractive. It is only when you decide to find out for yourself what God is like that you can begin to form a more accurate picture.

If you go to the Bible for answers, one of the major things that it says God is like is a Perfect Father.

Now before your mind goes off into the earthly representation of Father you have, take some time to think about what the ideal father would be like:

  • Loving
  • Protective
  • Encouraging
  • Strong
  • Affirming
  • Committed
  • Wise

These are just a few things that I can think of right now, but the list is endless. The problem is our earthly fathers don’t always portray this role in a way that is godly. An intentional recalibration of how you see God requires you to change the definition of Father that you have built through experience.

Think about everything you long for. What are those deep desires no one knows about? God the Father is the fulfilment – the answer to all of them. If it is the need for acceptance, the confirmation that you’re okay – God made you. You’re not only accepted, but intentionally thought out and made specifically. Earthly fathers should love their children, but they have no idea who they are raising until they spend time getting to know them. God, on the other hand, knows you inside out already and likes you. Yes – he likes what he has made.

If you feel directionless and lost, God has wisdom and encouragement for you. Earthly fathers might have lived a little longer and they could use that experience to advise you as to what you should do, but their experience is limited to their own situations. God the Father sees everything – every situation and every outcome. He wants you to succeed and can set you up for things you can’t even dream of. Yes, things won’t just come easy when you know God – but if the situation sucks, God is not finished working with you.

Our ultimate fear is that we are not loved. When I speak to people, I find they generally see God as someone who makes them feel guilty. But they are missing the fact that God loves them. As a good Father, God loves you in every state of being. Whether you are deep in depression, stuck in addiction, hyped up on anxiety, or completely broken by the world around you, God loves you. Whether you choose to believe it or not, right now the most unconditional love is directed towards you.

If you would like to experience God as a Father for yourself, can I encourage you to seek it through a relationship with Him? He actually wants to hang with you – in the good and the bad times. Think of it like a game of hide-and-seek. God never changes. He has always been a Father – waiting for His sons and daughters to find Him. And like any good father playing with his children, God is completely available and visible to His children.

How to cover a song successfully

Other than writing, I am a music teacher specialising in vocals and keys. Most days of the week, I will find myself in a rehearsal with a student who wants to sing some of their favourite songs. To be honest, there is now a list of songs I wish were never written because they have been butchered by every 12-year-old ever.

But every once in a while, there will be a student who sings one of the “regrettables”, whether Drag Me Down, Love Yourself, Firework, Roar, All About the Bass, Valerie, Uptown Funk or Happy, and they take me by surprise. The student is not normally the best in vocal ability, and they normally aren’t the most confident. But, they do something that makes me sit on the edge of my seat and take notice.

I don’t know if you have seen how many song covers are on YouTube today, but it is generally the same – a whole lot of people doing the same watered down versions of a specific song (there are over 408 000 covers of James Bay’s Hold Back the River). But, only a handful of covers spark the attention of the general public and record labels – it isn’t based on vocal ability or looks (though they obviously play a part).

The true way that you cover a song is by connecting with it emotionally. Every word needs to mean something. Every note needs to convey something. The most successful covers are those that turn the mood of the song around to suit the specific singer’s personality, vocal tone, and emotional experience. If you can take the original song and cast a different light on it so that people get something different, rather than an average copy of the original, then you are successfully covering a song.

The thing is, people see singing like they see school. You get a certain grade or can reach a certain note and you are ranked according to that. But singing is way more complex. It is the one instrument that comes from inside of you. You cannot truly “sing” unless you allow yourself to sound unique. The voices that we can identify on the radio – be it Adele, Katy Perry, Mumford or Sam Smith – are iconic not because of their vocal ability, they are iconic because they are signature. No one else sounds like them. And beyond that, you can hear the emotion and the passion in what they are singing.

We have had the era of the Aguileras, the Whitneys and the Celine Dions. An impressive voice is just that – impressive. But being impressed by something doesn’t mean you are getting any meaning out of what is being sung. The integrity of the song is the key to good music these days. And with covers, it’s even more important. If you want to copy Jessie J, that’s exactly what you will be – a copy of her. But if you want to take her song and sing it like you mean it, stripping the music down to the lyric and then rebuilding everything around that in your own style, then you will be yourself, which is not only going to make it easier for your audience to connect, but you will immediately be marketable.

Check out a few awesome covers below:

Andra Day covering Queen’s I want it all:

Ella Henderson covering Cher’s Do you believe in life after love:

Jesse Will covering Taylor Swift’s Shake it off:

Ayelle covering Sia’s Elastic Heart:

The truth is, you will always be the most successful if you are yourself. Believe in yourself and respect yourself enough to internalise what is coming out of your mouth. The world needs your voice. Not a version of someone else.

A soul reformation

There is a lot going on in the world right now. From terrorist attacks through to turbulent political climates globally, it is a very interesting time to be alive. But as crisis grows and systems begin to fail, there is a very exciting thing that becomes possible: Reform. It is something that is birthed from the frustrations and errors of our present, and pushes humanity forwards like nothing else can. History has shown how social order has been radically changed through the cries of those who have been persecuted or undermined.

As much as everyone is crying out for reform on a national, social, and even global scale, I believe that reform needs to be addressed on a personal level before looking for it somewhere else.

Reform: To reshape from the beginning for different results.

One thing that we can control is our own receptivity to change; to change for the better. Personally, we all know crisis as well, whether it’s high stress levels, health issues, relationships, self-confidence, fear, frustration and anger, or even indifference. As much as we want things to change externally, I have found that all of us can use crisis to help us reform inwardly.

The Bible uses the analogy of a potter creating a jar. While the potter is busy making the vessel, the clay can sometimes buckle or weaken in certain areas. But because it is still malleable, the potter can start again, taking those things into account, and adjust what the vessel may look like. I don’t know about you, but I have been desperate for a personal reformation: a reshaping of how I live internally with different external results. I have been extremely busy – and my health took a really big knock because of the way I was approaching things. Some of my fundamental decisions had been made more out of fear or old concerns that I had grown past years ago. It took being sick four times in two months and being completely bed-ridden for a few days for me to reassess how I was living internally – the structure of how I was thinking.

Many times, I have found people think that they are past the point of no return. That they are too far gone… Too much has happened. They believe that they (as vessels) are already hardened and set. But I can tell you that who you are is still malleable.

So, if you are in need of a personal reformation, it is very possible. If we see ourselves as the clay, however, we need to recognise that we are going to be shaped by what we allow in. You could recognise that fear or frustration or pain from your past has shaped who you currently are. But there are other things that can shape you: hope, patience and love.

I know that there are a pair of trusted hands that can shape you into someone beyond your wildest dreams. If you would give God the chance, I know He could reform your soul as He has done mine. If you give Him control, you can take the pressure off and follow someone who sees everything – what’s ahead for you and what you have been through. If you are tired and need change, this is honestly the best opportunity to see what God is capable of in your own soul. Check out how you can do that below.

Theresa May’s secret weapon

On the 23rd of June 2016, the United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union. Granted it was a very close call, with 52% voting to leave and 48% wanting to stay. Now, to be honest, I am not in any way political or have a full grasp of what the repercussions of this decision will be, but I am very interested in how things are unfolding.

One of the repercussions has been the then Prime Minister – David Cameron – resigning, which sparked a debate about succession that looked like it could become as terribly unnerving as the current political race taking place in the USA.

But on the 13th of July, things seemed to have taken a turn for the United Kingdom – considered one of the most stable nations on earth. The resignation of David Cameron opened up the way for another Tory – who was against leaving the EU – to be brought in. And so Prime Minister Theresa May went to Buckingham Palace to speak to the Queen before settling in at 11 Downing Street (technically it is 10, but she seems to have preferred 11…).

At first, I wondered why I was so interested in the politics of a nation not my own and definitely far away from where I live. But the more I read up on Theresa May and watched some interviews, the more I began to truly be excited about the caliber of person who is now running one of the most influential nations on earth.

In his last Questions as Prime Minister, David Cameron congratulated May, mentioning that she is the second female Prime Minister, and when it comes to female Prime Ministers, he has no doubt that the score will be 2-0. He was referring to Dame Margaret Thatcher, who led the United Kingdom through some terrible economic struggles brilliantly. Granted, she was not always a favourite among the nation and the press, but her influence lasts till today – in many ways her legacy was far greater than her time in office, with things such as the dole system, the education system and the disassembling of the power of the unions – which had brought Britain’s economy to a near stand-still. She had a very clear sense of what needed to be done and how it needed to move forwards – even when it wasn’t popular with many people in society and in government.

Theresa May, in many ways carries the same sort of air. In her first speech in Parliament she completely obliterated her opposition in a way that is very reminiscent of Thatcher herself. Her first speech as Prime Minister cast a very large vision that seems almost impossible with the political climate of Brexit. But since then she has been extremely decisive – with very strong decisions of what needs to be done first as well as who should be running things. Her personal life is also important to note: married for almost 36 years to the same man, a Christian with very strong views on how her faith applies to her approach to life, and a very frugal worker when it comes to government funds.

In a continent where we are yet to see democracy truly work with full-force, I am excited to see that there are world leaders who have the type of clout that could just change what life looks like far beyond their own Sovereign borders. There is still a lot to be proved by Prime Minister May, but I believe that with time we are going to see what dedication and sharp-shooting acumen can really do in a political climate that is fair and open. And in doing so, I believe that we all could garner a bit more hope and inspiration for the continent of Africa, with leaders that are integrous as much as they are effective.

Adventure in your soul

I don’t know about you, but I love adventure. I find something extremely thrilling about venturing out into the unknown – seeing what will come of life, and what I will make of it. Even as a child, every river was a challenge to scourge and explore. Trees were meant to be climbed, and secret forts were meant to be built. I don’t know if it was because of the awesome literature I grew up on, or whether it was just in my nature, but I have come to find that all of us have some degree of thirst for something beyond ourselves.
Quest: the act of seeking (Latin: quaest – to seek)
We are all on a quest. You might not know it, but your whole existence requires a sense of explanation that will result in you making some pretty drastic decisions. Questions like, “who am I?”, “what’s my purpose?”, “do I matter?” or even “is life worth it?” can continuously shape how you approach life.
I remember a time when I really did not have any self-confidence and would run as fast as I can in any direction that gave me some sort of recognition. Some of the biggest regrets I have, come out of looking for my confidence in this way. Yes, I regret what I did, but the reason why I did them was the true root of the issue.
I’m sure you can identify in some way with this continuous desire to find answers about your life – to settle yourself with definitive descriptors that help you establish a picture of who you are meant to be. I’m sure you can also identify with how horribly wrong these quests can go…
Request: the act of seeking for something (Latin: requaest – seeking again)
I don’t know if you have recognised the etymology behind the word “request,” but I have found it has really helped me realise something about life.
A request in modern language is simply the act of asking for something. But in the original Latin, the root actually means to “seek again”. The fact is before we ever ask a question we tend to try to find it out on our own. Now, sometimes it takes milliseconds for us to give up – sometimes it takes years.
I have found it interesting how our generation finds it harder and harder to ask questions. We would rather Google something on our phones than risk looking a fool in front of people. But there is absolutely no shame in turning to someone for help when you cannot figure it out yourself. Sometimes there are things in life that Google, Instagram, or Facebook would never be able to answer – no matter how hard you try to make what they offer stick.
If request means to seek again, then I believe there is hope for all of us – in two different aspects.

  1. We can start over: We can start the search at the beginning – not retracing our footsteps, but simply beginning afresh from whatever situation you find yourself in.
  2. We won’t be alone this time: Some answers can be found in the people who love you the most. Others can be found in the sessions of professional psychologists and counsellors.

But when it comes to my life as a whole, I have found that there are some requests that even the professionals cannot answer. I have only begun to find out “who I am”, “what I am meant to do” and “why I exist” through asking God to show me. Take it from someone who should not be writing blogs, maintaining healthy relationships, or even be employed because I was so dysfunctional. I am a walking case of how different life can be when God takes you on the greatest quest ever – to discover life and what it can mean for yourself, as well as, the people around you. If you would like to make the best re-quest, click on the link below and start again. It may seem easier than you think, or too good to be true, but I am living proof that Jesus and the power of His transformative love are real and effective. I may not have all my answers yet, but I can tell you it’s the best adventure you’ll ever embark on!

4 powerful podcasts

Life can be crazy sometimes… Or most of the time these days. I have found myself driving a whole lot more recently and I have needed something to keep me sane. The world is full of noises and you can choose to listen to so many. There’s radio, music, audio books, or silence.

Recently, however, I have been listening to some awesome podcasts and it has really been helpful. It’s pretty awesome to take “dead time” and actually do something that helps you progress rather than just be. You may look at the list of podcasts I listen to and say that they wouldn’t apply to you… I know they are all about leadership, but to be honest if you are going to achieve anything in life, you will have to lead – whether it is at work, your family or just yourself. So maybe invest in your leadership before you needed it. This continent needs strong leaders more than ever! Maybe include yourself in the answer.

So here are a few excellent ones I would recommend:

1. The Leadership Momentum Podcast

Set up by an awesome financial consulting organisation, this blog is insightful and draws from a large amount of leaders in the business, psychological, and ministry worlds. Don’t let all the advertisements put you off – there is absolute paradigm-shifting gold in these interviews!

2. Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast

Andy Stanley is a world-renowned voice on leadership. He has written many books and facilitated some of the best leadership seminars in the world alongside people like Desmond Tutu, Simon Sinek, and many more. He has a great way of reasoning and speaking big-picture about specific topics. If you want to be inspired to rethink the way you lead yourself or others, this is a great place to start.

3. Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast

This has been the most practical, helpful podcast I have listened to ever. Craig Groeschel has built the largest church in America in a very short time – he speaks about how to grow culture, deal with challenges personally and in a team, as well as giving very helpful advice from a Q and A section. If you are committed to grow, you should be listening to what Craig has to say!


4. Brian Houston Leadership Podcast

I might be biased because this is my pastor’s podcast, but Brian Houston has done the journey of life – growing a ministry that reaches hundreds of thousands of people every week. He interviews leaders as well as turns the spotlight onto himself in a way that is vulnerable, but extremely pastoral. If you want to know how a leader deals with life personally before working with others, this is the podcast for you. You don’t have to be perfect or have it all together all the time to lead effectively. This is a great model of what true leadership is.

I hope that you are inspired to check at least one episode out – whether you’re going for a run or driving a long distance, sitting at home and need a break from the screen or on your lunch break at work. I believe that Africa needs leaders to show our changing world how to move forwards. I believe in myself. I believe in you as well. Maybe take some time to dream and invest a little in yourself. You never know where you may end up! Can’t wait to watch all of our stories unfold!

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