Saturday, March 15, 2025
Home Authors Posts by David Webster

David Webster

What revival means to me


Have you ever felt dead?

I don’t mean physically… but emotionally? Spiritually? Ever felt numbed to the world around you? In the throws of disappointment or resurging anger, there can be moments where you lose all sense of life.

I have been there. I lived “dead” for many years. I was dead in confusion about my sexuality and identity. I lived dead in the guilt of my past and the shame of addiction. I lived buried – far away from people and what they could possibly do to me. I lived burdened with dormant anger that was eating away at me from the inside out.

As a child I was abused and bullied. People around me wouldn’t have been able to say I was struggling. I did my best to make sure no one knew how much darkness I experienced every day.

But one day, alone in the lounge of a stranger’s house, I came alive again. That day I felt a freedom that I had honestly never felt before. After years of suffocating in pain, it felt like I could breathe for the first time. I could recognise life and see it in others. I could start to consider valuing myself as much as the people around me. I started to believe that I would not have to be paralysed by fear for the rest of my life.

That day, Jesus found me and I chose to respond. I went from the closest thing to a zombie – walking but dead – to someone who believed in himself because God believed in him. The concept still baffles me today. But after twelve years of living revived, I can tell you that that moment has changed and continues to shape my life.

In one moment you go from trying to control every part of your life to seeing a much bigger plan than the immediate issues. All my guilt was all of a sudden invalid and whatever I chose to do, I knew I had someone in my corner – someone who knew what life was way more than anyone else would.

All of a sudden sin was not the defining factor of my life. All it became was something that made me dead. And after experiencing life, there is nothing more you want than to keep living.

When Jesus walked the earth, He raised people from the dead – both the rich and the poor, young and old, those close to Him and strangers. Then He Himself died – so that He could bring us back to life. The only way we could ever come back to a life full and whole was for Him to come find us in death. Three days later, He came back to life – pulling us with Him. All we have to do is acknowledge and embrace what He has done. Everyone knows Jesus was crucified, but it was His resurrection that holds the greatest weight. Because He experienced the death we find ourselves in – and rose so that we could do the same.

I don’t know if you have experienced this revival… You may have encountered religion or God in some context, but haven’t found life. However a relationship has been portrayed to you before, one thing I want to make sure you know is that God is only interested in you living to the fullest. Death and guilt are not part of his intention. I will never be the same because of this life He gave me. I pray you also find it – and respond when you encounter Jesus.

Culture Kingdom or Kingdom Culture?

Culture: the customs, civilisation, and achievements of a particular time or people.

Today there is a lot going on in the world. And with media being louder and more diverse than ever before, there is a huge “consciousness” around issues that were never thought of or addressed ten years ago. Whether it’s political unrest, terrorism, social reform or the many-faced issue of injustice – we have found ourselves engaging with a world of opinions that all stem from very different experiences and cultures.

You could say, therefore, that culture is changing – for everyone. Save for the few tribes out on the islands and in deep rainforest, our customs, civility and civilisation and achievements are very different to the generation that came before. That is why it is very important to recognise that time plays as much of a role in culture as ethnic origin and geography does. And times are changing – so culture is as well.

Another interesting perspective on culture can be found in the dictionary. Other than the definition, most of the other descriptions have to do with cultivation. A culture is not “in your blood”. It is something that is nurtured and taught as you grow. I have seen many people in different parts of the world fighting for the preservation of their culture, when – in fact – the “global community” that has been created through the internet and cheaper travel has made it impossible to preserve it 100%. Don’t get me wrong – our culture is important. There is so much good in how I have grown up and how I identify with others that are similar. But there is also so much good in the culture of someone in Greece or Peru as well.

No “culture” is wrong. It might not be fair. It might not be functional. But it is not wrong. The moment you label a whole culture as something, you are judging people on the basis of how they were “cultivated” or raised. I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t choose my family, my circumstances or my values as a child. Even if I had the opportunity, I would have no idea what to do.

You might struggle with what I just said, but can I propose that there is a better way. Jesus referred to it more than anything else in His teaching… God created us unique. He strategically placed us where we are and is working at this very moment to grow you for good. Jesus was part of that plan – to grow us all in a different kind of culture. A culture of God’s Kingdom. It doesn’t matter what context you find yourself in. Whether you were set up for a win, or have had to fight your way to be alive today, God wants you to grow and learn and cultivate customs, civilisation and achievements that will be eternal – irrespective of time or people.

This would mean making God’s opinion louder than the consensus on Facebook. This would mean addressing the root of problems rather than the problem itself – as Jesus did to the frustration of many in his day. This would mean thinking bigger than the boundaries of nation, race, or history. This would mean freedom from unhealthy practices that are robbing generations of their prosperity. This would mean the celebration of all people no matter their creed, opinion, or history. This would mean praying is the first response – before any reaction.

I believe it is truly only God that can change us. He can make the hardest heart receptive and the tensest situations fruitful. We will do all we can to answer the cry of injustice, but I can guarantee you it matters more to Him than to anyone else. God cares. He cares about our world. He cares about our nations. He cares about your people. He cares about your family. He cares about your circumstance. He cares about your potential. He cares about you. If you would like to see how Jesus can transform your life and use you to transform your world, make a commitment below.

The elements of breakthrough

“Breakthrough” may be something you aren’t 100% familiar with. There are some strange connotations to the word in religious circles, but I believe there is a genuine, very real principle behind this word. If you want to see breakthrough in your life, there are a few key elements that need to be present.

1. Vision

Have you ever had the sense that there is something more you want from life? These days, where there are endless sources of inspiration and success stories, I have not found someone who isn’t wanting more out of life. In many ways, vision for the future shapes how we treat our present day life. But it is how we apply the vision is what counts…

There is a difference between having a dream and having vision. A dream is something that has no boundaries – it is metaphysical and in many ways embodies different aspects that can shape what you want for your future. Vision, however, is a defined version of the dream. It is a clear, specific, and very clear application of your dream.

2. Conviction

Once you have a clear idea of what your goals are in life, you will be faced with the frustration of seeing how far away you are from reaching them. If the goals are already tangible, I can tell you already that you need to think better. God created us for purpose. We have things assigned to our personal lives that no one else can do. No one has the same skill-set, personality, and history that you do. So if you want to change the world, you need to have a conviction about your vision that will stand the test of time.

There are elements of my vision that I have not shared with anyone at all – mainly because it is so expansive that people would probably laugh when they look at where I’m at right now. But even if it feels like things are moving at a snail-pace, you need to build into yourself a consistent sense of expectation.

3. Faithfulness

It’s one thing to be determined; its another thing to keep on going no matter what the cost. Whether it is in your job, at home or in church, one thing that accompanies all the success stories you can find is a consistent faithfulness in action. Keep showing up. Keep doing what you have always done. I have spoken with people who have had these huge revelations and, as a result, have stopped carrying what they have done day-in and day-out beforehand. If you step out of something to start another, you will have no momentum. But if you start heading in a new direction, while still living responsibly and engaged with the responsibilities you have been entrusted with, then there is an organic progression in your life. You cannot steer a stationary car. Keep moving and adjust your course.

I don’t know if you can identify with me, but I believe that God has a whole lot in store for you. He has plans that will not only make us prosper, but also see us being effective. You may be questioning whether you actually have a dream… Can I encourage you to engage with God on the matter? He made you. He knows why He made you: first so that he could love you and then for a purpose that will express that love to a desperate world. If you would like to know more, click on the link below. I can guaruntee you that making a commitment to knowing Jesus is the breakthrough that changes everything after that.

Creativity: Inspiration vs Revelation


June and July for me is one of the most crazy seasons. We have an amazing young peoples’ conference at the church I am part of and I have the great honour of being able to work on the creative elements that make it an event that is as fun as it is impactful.

But coming up with ideas for creative elements – live moments on stage – is not always easy… When I was growing up, I wanted to direct the opener for the Olympics. There is something about the wonder of things unfolding before your very eyes that completely changes the atmosphere and establishes the tone for everything to come. When things happen live in the moment, people are drawn in and there is a potential to unite people that is unlike anything else in this world.

I might be “nerding” out a bit, but the challenge as a creative person is to catch you audience off-guard. The element of surprise – of something fresh and different – forces people to reset their expectations… And they have to do that while you are intentionally communicating with them through all their senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and intellect.

Before you think this is starting to sound a lot like strategic propaganda, I want to let you know that it is not about manipulation, but rather revelation.

In looking for inspiration as to what to put on this year, I looked in many areas… From YouTube clips, awards shows, world tours; to art installations, Pinterest, Instagram, architecture; to movies and documentaries. But as much as looking at what other people have done is great, I have realised that fresh perspective will always trump cool ideas. In other words: getting a revelation will always make you more creative than finding inspiration.

Everything in your life benefits from you being creative. Creativity is simply a highly stylised form of problem solving. Whether it be in making a birthday card, planning the perfect date, producing a television show, reassessing your priorities, addressing your colleagues, or planning your travel time – the more restrictions you face, the more you need to think out of the box. There is no such thing as art without restriction. Whether it’s the frame of the picture, the time and rhythm of a song, the size of the page or the battery life on your laptop – there will always be some restriction that will help you focus and be original.

You may feel like you’re stuck. Like you have lost your “spark” or inspiration for what you do and face every day. Whether it is writer’s block, or having enough energy to start the day, I have found there is one question that has helped me be creative in life: simply asking “Why?”.

If you get a revelation of “why”, you are able to nail down the reason to create. So for this conference – why do we put on crazy fun items? To engage young people and help them come out of their shells. Why do I write blogs? To communicate what I have learnt in life, so that I can articulate my journey for myself and (hopefully) help others. The only way that you will overcome the limitations of life is by looking for the reason “why” in a whole lot of reasons “why not”.

Inspiration might get you excited about life. But revelation will result in tangible change for you and those around you. If you are looking for revelation, can I encourage you to address the biggest “why” in your life? Why are you on earth? Do you have a revelation of your purpose? You cannot move past this question without looking at the reason for your existence. We are creations ourselves. I have found that purpose through knowing God intimately. Having a revelation of His intention for me – which boils down to love – has set me up to be creative in every other area of my life. So if you are looking for something more compelling than simple inspiration, click on the link below.

The wandering kind

Recently, I have been struggling with my relationship with God. But not in any way that you may think. I haven’t been doubting God – who He is or what He intends for me. God is still the best thing I have ever known. He has done some crazy things in my life that I will always be grateful for. My problem didn’t lie with God, but with myself.

The fact is, any issue we have with a relationship with God, is actually only an issue with what we believe. He stays constant. He stays real. One of the most amazing things about God is that He will never change His mind or His cause. But, as humans we change by the hour.

Sometimes I think God must be extremely frustrated with us. He sets up so much for us to know Him. He sacrifices His Son so that we can live guilt-free and strong; but then we turn away – distracted by our situation, our emotions, and our own random theories about what we deserve.

This is where I found myself – at a place where I was questioning how worthy I was of this awesome God. I started allowing myself to be affected by other peoples’ words. I started listening to my own reasoning more than the proven wisdom that has set people up for success for centuries. But I have been reminded again of one thing – the most destructive human flaw we have is that we wander. We forget that when God speaks, it is permanent. Our souls struggle to process that concept of ultimate security.

The truth is, the distance between me and God is purely determined by what I allow to be an issue. We are the ones that put the obstacles and expectations between ourselves and God.

We choose to try do things on our own to impress Him… But God has seen all of life from the beginning. I can tell you now, there is nothing that will catch God off guard.

We judge ourselves unworthy because of what we have done… But Jesus took care of that issue before any of us were born. The only place we can escape judgement is with God – not as far away as possible. No one can outrun God.

We try appease our souls with shallow entertainment, avoiding areas in our lives that actually need to be addressed… For many years there were parts of my history (what people had done to me) that I completely ignored. God wants us to be whole and healthy – so what may seem painful or unpleasant is the best thing for us.

Jesus has done everything in His power for you and me to know God. It is all in our court. God wants to do life with you. He hasn’t changed. What the Bible meant thousands of years ago still means the same thing today. What God has done for others can apply just as much to you. All we need to do is get over ourselves and our issues.

If you want to find out what that truly means like, please click on the link below.

Chef’s Table: Time for fine dining

If you love food and love people; if you love art and creative expression; if you love biographical documentations and big thinkers; then I definitely think you should check out this series.

Far from the Hell’s Kitchen or Top Chef gimmicks, David Gelb has created a set of stories that not only documents the best chefs in the world, but also enriches the viewer in lessons on passion, success, and expression. Each episode is like a chapter of an up-to-date hall of fame. The one-hour show focuses around one specific chef, with food critics commenting on their work, introspective monologues from the chef as well as their staff and family, beautifully shot sequences of the food and how it’s cooked, and really well chosen soundtracks.

As much as the editing does set a slower sort of pace, it is definitely not boring – it is like a fine dining experience: with pauses for certain sensations to be experienced to their full. Many cooking shows leave me hungry for food. But as much as you do leave Chef’s Table wanting to experience food, you definitely have more of a sense of inspiration, with a broader perspective on what life could be.

The reality is, to be a good chef requires a whole lot of backbreaking work. There is no easy way to the top. So the stories that are told of these amazing people are ones of hardship, frustration, innovation, creativity, and reflection. These episodes are an honest representation of life – which is probably more refreshing than anything else I have watched recently. Every “bell and whistle” is left for the table – the signature dishes of each chef jump out in vibrancy when contrasted with the pristine elegance of the filmography.

My favourite thing about this series is that it explains the big picture long before you see the kitchen. So the moment you actually see the food produced, you have already bought into the philosophy of the chef’s process. And from organically sourcing everything yourself, to preserving local food for the six months when nothing grows in the area; from the icy outdoors fire-pits through to the helium filled sugar balloons, there are definitely enough philosophies and processes that definitely will pique your interests!


If you want something more than surface-level banter, something that may just change the way you view the world, then watch this series! It is probably the closest thing to a coffee table masterpiece that a series could get.

So where can you find it? It’s on Netflix South Africa! Sign up and get the month free. Definitely worth it – even if just for this show!

The unseen

So much of our lives is about what is not visible. If you take time to think about it, most of your life relies on things that are not tangible. Whether it is gravity, the engine of your car, or even the wifi or data you are using to read this, we rely constantly on elements that we cannot see. And faith is no different.

The problem with faith, however, is that it is not always easy to identify in other people. In the postmodern society, I have found that people are either too familiar with religion to acknowledge the existence of faith or unconcerned with the subject completely.

It has been hard for me in the past to truly explain what faith is and how it applies to everyone’s life… How can you explain something that cannot be seen or heard or touched? But one thing I have come to realise is: just because it can’t apply to our physical senses does not mean that faith cannot be experienced.

Take gravity as an example: it holds the world together and allows us to do remarkable things like build, run, or launch aircraft and spacecraft. It is a vital part of life, but cannot be seen or felt effectively. The only thing that proves its existence is the effect is has on other elements. I believe faith is very similar. When you believe in God and trust in something bigger than yourself, your world has a “pull” that holds everything together and allows you to build your life reliably. You might not see God, but you can definitely see the effect He has had on my life.

To be honest, I have had moments where I have experienced God tangibly – through dreams, a feeling of weight, miraculous provision, a heightened emotional state, and even in seeing people healed. You may instinctually start trying to disprove my experiences, but if you look at my life before God compared to my life since then, you would not be able to argue with the effect God has had on me.

There are a few unseen elements that I can identify in my life:

1. The spiritual

The Holy Spirit, the presence of evil, the glory of God, and angels and demons are all part of a world we do not see. In Africa people are more aware of this than most… The spiritual realm has very real implications that can truly set the atmosphere for your life.

2. Your private life

What other people don’t see still holds weight in your life. I have seen how my personal decisions – whether good or bad – affect how I treat myself, but it also speaks directly to the authority I have in life. If I am failing in my private life, I know that there are certain things I will not be given to carry for my own sake. God cannot be fooled like your friends… He knows and cares about how you are when no one is watching.

3. Other people’s lives

Sometimes there are things at work behind the scenes that you will be oblivious to. Whether it is the emotional issues of your boss, or financial constraints with your parents. The sooner you realise that the picture you see is a fraction of what is going on, the better. I have learned to pray bigger and to trust God more – since He is the only one that not only sees, but understands every element of the situations we find ourselves in.

You may find it hard to believe in anything you can’t see right now. I understand why you would be struggling. Taking your life at face value can be extremely daunting in itself. You may find it hard to trust anything you cannot understand – I know that it’s hard to trust things you can see sometimes and have been hurt in the process myself. But in both cases, I want to say that from my experience believing in God and the power of Jesus Christ in my life has helped rather than made things worse for me. If you want to give it a try, click on the link below.

As Father’s Day approaches

As Father’s Day approaches, I came across an absolutely hilarious music video released by the band Gungor. As much as the lyric content is definitely very general, the cringe-worthy, borderline dancing has been announced as an homage to dads… Check it out below:


Dads are those people who embarrass us to no end, but we would never want them to leave. I know my dad could be the most irritating and exasperating of people in my life, but looking back all he said was valid and it was probably what made me the person I am today. Dads make us feel safe, while also taking us on the wildest of adventures.

There is little more polarising or influential in our lives than the role of a father. I am very aware of the many different experiences people tie to the word father and I want to acknowledge that life is not perfect or fair. But as we head towards Father’s Day, I think it is important to recognise the role a father plays in who we are.

It is way deeper than genetics. Looking at my own life, I realise that a father drives a lot of how you end up thinking. Dads are not just breadwinners; they are the heroes that show us what life can be. As strong as a mother can be in nurturing and disciplining, fathers are the ones that we seek to please and impress. They set the bar of what life can be through example and how they connect with their children. One of the biggest contributing factors to gang violence and crime in Africa is linked to the absence of fathers in households.

The fact is we are all made with the instinct to fashion our lives after someone and our fathers should be the closest thing to a role model we know – living and breathing, day in and day out around us. The moment we take away a father, children look elsewhere for belonging and guidance, which has resulted in gangsterism and other unhealthy lifestyles.

Fathers may be present physically, but there is a whole lot more that they do when it comes to our identity. Engaging with a father immediately sets your self-worth. Psychologically, it is the father that affirms a child’s identity sexually, emotionally, and even spiritually. The truth is, fathers are a key part of God’s plan for life.

In the perfect world, dads raise children to be secure contributors to society. But unfortunately there are many people who cannot identify with this ideal image of a father. Whether it is death, divorce, or simply being absent – one-parent households are a reality for nearly the majority of our generation. And just because a father is present does not mean that things are perfect either. Due to socio-economic factors, crises such as world wars, and cultural reasons, many fathers today haven’t been fathered themselves and have no idea how to look after their families.

Wherever you find yourself this Father’s Day, however, I believe you can still celebrate. You can celebrate the heroes that have spoken into your life or inspired you. You can celebrate the family you do have and the fact that you are going to pioneer a fathered generation yourself. You can celebrate a God who identifies Himself as the Good Father. No earthly father is perfect, but our need to be fathered – to be guided, affirmed, celebrated and challenged – can be met by a God who wants you to know Him as intimately as He knows you. This Father’s Day I hope that you know the greatest father of all. If you would like to learn who a father truly can be, click on the link below.

Overstimulated control freak

These days people are completely overloaded with life. I don’t know about you, but there have been moments where stress has completely thrown me off course. Whether it’s exams, work pressures, relational tension or emotional issues, there are times in life where things seem to become so heavy that it is hard to move forwards.

I’m a huge fan of history. Nothing fascinates me more than how we all ended up the way we are today. But when reading stories and engaging with our past, I have found that issues like anxiety and stress have become way more prevalent recently.

I believe a very big factor in our struggle to manage life is that we are overstimulated. Technology has made everything “easier”, but because things have become easier, things have become faster. What used to take days to do, now take seconds. But that doesn’t mean that we have 24 hours to spare… As society races ahead, there is constant pressure to keep up. And, honestly, I don’t think anyone truly is able to in a healthy way.

So are we all doomed to live stressed and depressed? No. I believe that there is hope for us. You may seem tired of people inserting God into your situation, but life without Him in any situation is not going to be healthy for long.

God is as interested in your rest as He is in anything else. I have found a whole lot of truth about God’s heart for us. Here are two things that I realised about myself in the past few weeks when it comes to rest:

1. I’ve been living overstimulated

Now this is mainly with regards to my time off. However crazy your responsibilities are throughout your week (and weekend), it’s the time you have to yourself that can truly determine how healthy you are mentally and emotionally. If I am spending all of my downtime watching series while on Instagram and responding to emails, I am definitely not resting. I have realised that resting well normally means shutting off anything that has a screen. It may seem impossible to you. But just try half an hour. You will find yourself way more in touch with reality and your state emotionally, physically, and even spiritually.

2. I’m a control freak

I found myself complaining about how busy I was. I started getting stressed during my time off about the fact that I had so little time to rest. My internal language sounded very much like I was a victim to my circumstances, and I became one as a result. I have never met a well-rested victim… If you are struggling with your situation, repeating your frustrations will only make you more frustrated. I realised this one day when I read that Jesus is the Shepherd and Overseer of my soul. That means He is the one that is concerned about how I am handling life. The moment I stopped trying to control my time and give it to God, I found I was able to trust God enough to truly rest. Fear is normally the root of all control issues. It is when you are afraid that you try to make sure things don’t happen the way you dread they will. But with God there is no place for fear. The more time I spend with Him, the more relaxed I am truly becoming.

I hope that what I have learnt can help you as well. The truth is, I actually don’t know how I manage to do all that I do. Aside from writing two blogs a week, I work as the Assistant Music Director at a school, volunteer in three areas at church every week, and moonlight as a voiceover artist. Without God I would be a mess. And the moment I start trying to do things on my own is when I am most aware of how incapable I am. But I am living what I am called to do. We are all called to live expansive, big lives. We can do what we are passionate about and chase our dreams to their fullest. We can live on the edge of our abilities and stretch ourselves to the limit while still being healthy inwardly. The secret is, we can only do it with Jesus looking after us all the way. If you would like to know Him, click on the link below. It is the best decision you could make!

Company: JB’s new single

It is safe to say that Justin Bieber has done a lot to get himself back into the good graces of the media. From bad-boy days and prison sentences to live Comedy Central Roasts and attending Hillsong Leadership Conference, there has been a considerable amount of soul searching and reinvention going on with this media icon.

And it shows in his music as well. With an album that has redefined pop music and has garnered awards and praise from his previous “haters”, Justin Bieber is doing well for himself. His latest offering to the world is his single Company, launched with a new video on Vevo. Now if you’re a true JB fan, you could say that he already released a rather racy music vid for this song, but this is definitely a new take that is worth watching. Check it out below:

Once you get past the first few frames, you will find that this is a really cool collage of Justin Bieber’s pretty crazy life. From tours to tour buses, Iceland to LA, and producers to fans, Justin highlights people that he encounters in his whirlwind crazy life. In many ways, it ties with the track, which doesn’t really refer to anything suggestive beyond an honest relationship.

This guy is doing some pretty remarkable things for his age – and the people around him are enabling him to do that. When things are tough, they are the ones that keep him on track. It is pretty easy to see how the company he keeps can define who he turns out to be… Whether it’s collaborators like Skrillex and Diplo who gave him a new sound and respect, Carl Lentz and Judah Smith who do their best to pastor and encourage him, or friends that play percussive tea spoons in the kitchen – it takes a tribe to make the man.

And it applies as much to Justin Bieber as it does to you and me. The people we surround ourselves with are either going to build or break our future. You may think that is a bit extreme, but it is not only biblical, but anthropologically proven. So how are the people around you friend to your future? Who has the authority to speak into your life? Can I encourage you to look further than just the people you find yourself naturally around? Who can you get who will build value and purpose into your life?

A great place to start is Jesus. If you want to find out how you can know Him personally, click the link below. Another awesome place to find friends to your future is in church. There are so many wise, successful, and genuine people who are “further down the line” meeting every week. I can truly tell you that my life is a result of intentionally finding people who have imparted wisdom, hope, instruction, discipline, and direction into my life – while also having a whole lot of fun!

So take a leaf out of JB’s book and look around you. You never know who is going to take you further forward than you even thought possible!

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