Friday, March 14, 2025
Home Authors Posts by David Webster

David Webster

The Power of Rock

I work for a school dedicated to teaching kids all things rock. Obviously, a large part of it is music and performance. But as somewhat of a novice when it came to this genre, I have found that a whole lot of culture and history has been affected and recorded through this epic music.

Culture has a tendency to piggy-back off of music. A lot of what has happened in society has been recorded and even incited by music. In 1913 The Rite of Spring caused a riot in Paris when it debuted. Now if a ballet could do something like that to society, imagine how effective the squealing guitars and beat-packed rhythms have been on modern culture.

There are many examples that can be used. In the UK, The Beatles’ success accurately records the unrest during Margaret Thatcher’s time as Prime Minister. Across the pond they exploded as hundreds of teenage girls began to take life into their own hands and rebel. True, this had happened before, but that kind of teen spirit had not been seen before on such scales anywhere in the world. The Punk scene of CBGB’s and Nirvana can almost touch it, but The Beatles are still tops for me.

The Rolling Stones and Creedence Clearwater Revival music is synonymous with the war in Vietnam and the repercussions of it; in different ways. Pink Floyd’s whole analogy of the Wall not only referred to the fall of the Berlin wall, but also the disconnect within modern society – and this was even before social media.

One story that caught my attention was Deep Purple’s tour to Indonesia. They were the first Western act to play there in a long time. Unfortunately, that week the Indonesian government had just executed five Australian spies. The US president was in secret meetings at the time as well, and there was a considerable amount of civil unrest. So when the band arrived, they were escorted by the military. They ended up playing to hundreds of thousands of people – even though their contract was for 20 000 for one night they had to extend to two. Unfortunately, when the government refused to pay them more than the original contract stated for one night, one of the band’s minders ended up at the bottom of an elevator shaft. Things got crazier from there – with them having to play at gunpoint, rioting happening, prison time and even the fear of being executed.

The power of music is undeniable when you hear stories like these. It can change the direction of politics, culture, social media and even personal lives. I don’t know if you have realised how much sway music could have on your life… It’s actually quite awesome to see. Music evokes memories quicker than touch and sight. It connect us with our history and hopefully shapes our future as well. It’s an honour to be working with the kids that will be shaping the next decade of our nation!


Whether it’s that dark chocolate mousse cake in the coffee shop, that irresistible pair of jeans on sale or a dark secret web search at night – temptation is a real thing. In fact, I would go as far as to say that temptation is never truly absent from our lives. The possibility for us to give in never lessens. The only thing that changes is our strength and ability to move past it.

I have realised that there are a few aspects of temptation that never change.

Temptation wants you weak  

It is only when we are tired, stressed, preoccupied or emotional that temptation starts to have more of a pull on your decisions. It is more than a basic desire for something. I may crave strawberries all day and plan to buy some as soon as possible, but that craving was not a result of weakness. It was something I simply wanted to enjoy. When we are strong – when life is going well, we have enough sleep, enough energy and are emotionally stable – temptation is very rarely an issue. But it’s when we tired and weak that we begin considering things that we would never have entertained in our right minds. That’s the difference between desire and temptation. Desire can be healthy. Temptation wants you sick.

Temptation gets easier every time

Eating that second donut makes you more susceptible to having a third. The whole ‘might as well’ scenario can trap you into creating shortcuts in your thinking. Scientists have studied how addicts have reinforced neural pathways towards certain areas of thought that will result in relapse. Temptation is concurrent and it doesn’t give up easily. Give it an inch and it will take a meter. Over time it can overtake you completely.

So how do we respond to temptation?

I don’t know if you believe in Jesus or what he stands for, but he did model a way to respond in those moments where we feel weak. There are three types of temptation that he addresses head on:

The Temptation to Fulfil Your Desire

Jesus had been fasting for forty days in a desert when he first was tempted. He was obviously hungry. He was obviously physically weak (he was fully human). So when he was tempted to turn stones into bread, I am sure his body was inclined to go that way too.

Jesus responded by saying ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’. Living on food is great, but if you understand that God created everything that exists by speaking, you can see that God made oxygen, water, the ground, our bodies and everything else we might think we need. Instead of making bread for himself that would go stale in a few hours, Jesus decided to focus on someone who had the power to change everything forever.

You may feel starved of life. Maybe you are battling with sexual temptation, there may be a need for comfort that you normally find in food or alcohol. Temptation plays on our natural needs and twists them into something shameful. Maybe choose to focus on the one who gave you those needs – as well as created the fulfilment of each need as well.

The Temptation to Prove Yourself

This modern world is full of ambition and unapologetic agendas. In an age where fame and recognition can be garnered while sitting in front of your computer in your room, there are a lot of cutthroat individuals that are clawing their way to the ‘big time’.

You may feel the urge to impress people – whether it be your family, your boss, your friends, your frenemies or simply just impress yourself. You may be tempted to belittle others to make yourself feel OK. You may be tempted to completely resign yourself from everything because you do not feel worthy to do it. Jesus responded to this temptation by saying ‘Do not put your God to the test’. God created you with specific strengths that are needed in this world. If you are in the will of God and are in relationship with him, there is no need to try make things happen yourself. And there is no precedent for giving up on anything God has given you to steward in your life.

The Temptation To Use Shortcut

Let’s be honest. Life is hard. You may have big dreams, but your reality hardly ever lines up with where you want to be. It’s in moments of frustration like this that shortcuts normally appear. The temptation to do that one dirty deal. The temptation jump the queue at home affairs or to grab every opportunity you can get without any consideration of the consequences can consume you.

Jesus was offered the whole world before he had to die for it. He could have had it all without shedding one drop of blood. All he had to do was bow down to Satan once. But he responded by saying, ‘Leave me! For it is written: Worship the Lord and serve Him only’. You never gain authority by submitting to someone (or something) with less authority. You may be tempted to bow down to popular thought or certain opinions. Standing your ground can be extremely hard, but knowing the God is the ultimate authority in your life will carry you through.

I am sure you can identify with all three types of temptation. You may feel like you’re doing well. You may be stuck in a cycle of shame and condemnation. You may deny that temptation is having a negative effect on you. But I am convinced that the only way we can move forward and stand strong when the temptation to ruin yourself comes along is if you have a relationship with Jesus Christ. If you need help and want to find out more, click on the link below.

Crazy Christmas

Christmas is a strange time of year.

Over the top decorations, distinctly sentimental (and sometimes just mental) music, ostentatious holidays, too much food and snowflakes hanging in 33 degree heat are just a few crazy elements.

I know families who are flying to Mauritius and others going skiing in Europe. Some people are getting iPhones for Christmas, while some are expecting no more than socks. The shops are brimming with people buying gifts that will likely be swapped within the next month.

Having had the privilege of experiencing a white Christmas with family in Canada, I can say that there definitely are some traditions that only belong in the snow. Turkey definitely is tastier in the winter. Spiced warm ciders and hot puddings are a welcome indulgence when you’re watching snow falling outside the dining room window. Lights on trees are effective because the sun goes down at 5pm and having a chimney for Santa to squeeze down is common because of the need for fires to keep people warm.

I absolutely love Christmas food. Whether it’s gammon, turkey, mince pies or Christmas cake – the spiced smells wafting from the kitchen would be enough to make anyone feel cozy. The actual amount of food prepared, eaten and thrown out is pretty appalling. In many families, food means celebration. But it can go too far very quickly. I normally find myself too hot, too full and extremely tired on a Christmas afternoon.

Spending is definitely another huge factor of this season. Shops capitalise on the pressure to buy the perfect gift for every member of your extended family. The price of Christmas crackers are borderline robbery. In Western culture there is no other time of year where tradition runs as deep with as much cost involved. Christmas bonuses allow for this extravagance, which is not completely misplaced.

Giving gifts is definitely a love language I can identify with. Wrapping something that is meaningful and exciting up and giving it to someone you care about is extremely satisfying! But buying expensive things out of obligation has become a default for many people.

Right now you may think I’m going to go conclude with some calm story about the true meaning of Christmas – about family, community, Jesus and peace on earth. But that is a tired and redundant argument that hasn’t got us anywhere. Is Christmas a ridiculous season? Yes. Are there bad things about it? Yes. Are there good aspects of it? Yes.  I think it is up to every person to ensure that whatever they do, they make sure it is special.

We have the opportunity to be intentional about what matters to us. Behind all the traditions and family politics, marketing campaigns and food drives, I hope you find meaning that is ground in gratitude and generosity.

Relationships are the key to a good Christmas. And are definitely a key to a better life. If you are feeling alienated, alone, misunderstood or just different – I know someone who will definitely help your life go forwards. It may be hard for you to belive, but Jesus Christ is alive and wanting to have a relationship with you. I don’t know if you go to church on Christmas day or not, but church is also a community of people who will encourage you and be up to doing the journey of life with you! My church has become my home. The people in church have become my family. If you are wanting to get to know Jesus – not just know about him – or want to find a great church near you, click on the link below.

The Right Kind of Hate

Our world is very good at talking about love. There are multiple industries that are built on the idea or concept of it. Movies are centred around it. Sections of psychology are devoted to it. Lawyers discuss and argue it in every country around the globe. Books worship it. Songs idolise it. Websites exploit it. You could very easily say that love (or the idea of it) makes the world go round.

The thing with love is that it is definitely directional. It is expressed from one thing to another. It draws together or pulls apart. If that is the case, then I believe Newton’s third law applies. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The more you love something, the more you are going to hate something as well.

Hate is a very powerful thing. It is normally considered negative, but it can have very positive results. In a world obsessed with love, I believe it is important to not forget that hate drives us too. The more you love somebody, the more you will hate situations or people that could harm them. The more you hate sickness, the more you appreciate and love being healthy. The more you hate injustice, the harder you want to fight for what is right.

In a recent interview with the BBC, Adele said something that I believe is universally true: “I hate the same way I love”. It’s the same passion and intoxication, just with different results. Where love yearns and draws, hate is like a fire that burns.

If you think that what I am saying is borderline heresy, think again. God hates things too. And if you want to love what God loves, you are going to have to hate what God hates. In Proverbs 6, it states six things that God hates and seven things that he detests:

  1. Proud and arrogant eyes – LOVE HUMILITY

God opposes any sense of pride. Any notion that you are better than anyone else. The fact is, no matter how much success or achievement I rack up behind my name, I am still a bag of meat with a brain I did not give myself. I find it interesting that our eyes can be arrogant or ‘haughty’. In many ways, if we life looking at the world and people in our world as inferior – then we have proud eyes.

2. A lying tongue – LOVE HONESTY

What we say matters. God used words to create the universe. God used to words to cause the great flood.  If we are made in his likeness – then our words have the power to create and destroy. Lies are never constructive. They always destroy. Always undermine authority. Always hurt people (even if it is yourself).

3. Hands that shed innocent blood – LOVE LIFE

Notice it is only ‘hands’, not the whole person. What is happening around the world at the moment in terms of murder on every scale is absolutely disgusting. It should repulse us. But everyone is redeemable. No one is too far from God. When Jesus’ hands were pierced and his innocent blood spilt, I believe he took on the sin and condemnation of those who have killed. We need to pray for those people!

4. A heart that plans wicked schemes – LOVE RIGHTEOUSNESS

Calculated evil is definitely detestable. We are instructed to guard our heart, for from it flows life. If our heart is corrupt enough to calculate evil, we are in danger of losing ourselves completely.

5. Feet that are quick to rush into evil – LOVE SALVATION

Living without discipline will hurt you in the long run. Have you ever felt like you just end up doing the wrong thing all the time, no matter what you do? I found that I had to re-evaluate my principles so that evil would not become my refuge. God is the only place I will ever be completely safe.

6. A false witness – LOVE THE TRUTH

Justice is something everyone should uphold. We need to hate anything that supports unfair treatment of any life.

7. A person who stirs up conflict in the community – LOVE GOD’S HOUSE

Unity commands a blessing. The right kind of community builds people up and will always draw people in. Focussing on what unites us instead of what divides us – working on what we are for instead of defining what we are against – is always going to benefit those around us.

I don’t know if you are tangled up in the wrong kind of hate. You might have lost all perspective because you feel betrayed, ignored or rejected. I can tell you with full confidence that God hates whatever bad has been done to you. He is passionately against anything that has harmed you because he loves you so much. You may have questions. Things might not make complete sense, but if you click on the link below and start a relationship with this living, loving God I believe you find all you are searching for and so much more.

How To Appreciate Life

I don’t know if you enjoy coffee. I definitely do. I have slowly watched, however, how I have begun to rely more and more on it for me to function – especially in the morning. It’s funny how a few ground beans have transitioned from an enjoyable drink to something that seems like a necessity now. But I have seen how human nature does this with more than our choice of beverage.

We are creatures of habit. It’s natural for us to turn to something that ‘consoles’, motivates or relieves us. The whole tobacco industry is built on this mental programming. TV series are becoming huge parts of culture as a result of this. ‘Best Of’ albums fly off the shelves because songs make people nostalgic. Even though inclusion is not an inherent instinct when it comes to other people, we very easily include entertainment, food, behaviours and more into our everyday routine.

So my question is – if we stripped all these ‘additions’ away, what would be the basis of our lifestyles again?

My girlfriend is leaving for an awesome trip overseas. I have to stay at home and work, so for two months she will not be around. I’ve had people come up to me and ask me if I’m going to be OK. Some people have gone as far as to say it is going to be hard to get used to it. I don’t doubt that it’s going to suck. But the thing is, I never looked at my girlfriend as a necessity to survive the day. She is a bonus to the life I live. The moment she is anything less than a bonus, I have become too familiar and am in danger of taking her for granted.

Her not being around will not be a shock to my system, but taking away my coffee would be. How messed up is that? I care about my girlfriend way more than a cup of black bitterness. But I have a misplaced sense of dependence on caffeine.

What I am trying to say is life is way easier if we appreciate each element as a bonus, not the next level of normal. If we do that then when change comes, we won’t get thrown.

So – how can you appreciate life? Treat everything that is not breathing, basic eating and sleeping as a bonus. You can’t survive on things that make you thrive. So be thankful for anything that helps you live life to the full. Gratitude goes way further if you live this way – and you will be able to appreciate the world in such a more meaningful way!

If you feel like you are under appreciated. Or have not appreciated others. If you can sense a concerning amount of dependence on things that don’t actually matter to your existence – maybe it’s time for a heart check. There is so much to be grateful for in this life – even in the tough times. I have found the easiest way to live is to be grateful. Jesus died so that I could live a full, significant life – whole and free. He did the same for you. Click on the link below if you want to get to know him.

3 Things Evangelism Is Not

I am a Christian. I have a relationship with God. I have seen him change my life. I have experienced the healing power of my emotions. I have prayed for people and seen them physically healed. I have received finance in miraculous and arbitrary ways when I have desperately needed it. I have seen God all through my life.

I have been in the church my whole life. As a new-born I would sleep on the pillow that used to be placed in the kick drum while my parents did worship practice. I grew up packing out chairs every Sunday, going on mission trips, reciting scripture and building community. I have seen the ugly side of ministry. The stress and expectation placed on my parents as pastors. I have known the struggle between God’s call and the fulfilment of the promise. I have experienced the disappointment of people losing their way and the anguish when individuals in society have attacked God’s house. And yet today I can say I have never been more convinced in my faith. God is real. His Church is essential.

So why can I become embarrassed about the most essential part of my existence?

Why is it so easy to shrink back when the world confronts me with disbelief?

I have realised that my embarrassment actually stems from how people have represented (or rather misrepresented) God and the church. The world does not understand the Kingdom of God. Anything that is better than the natural is going to be challenging to accept. And people have not made it any easier.

What some people have done under the name of ‘evangelism’ has pushed people away from God and has really harmed the eternities of many generations. Granted, people can use the smallest of issues to justify their judgements of the church, but the first steps towards God are the most important. So in light of this, I have decided to define a few things that is clearly not godly evangelism.


  1. Evangelism is not a sport

Introducing someone to Jesus is not a spectating game. It is not for the select few. Yes, we all celebrate when someone accepts God, but it is not a ‘win’. There is no score or tally being kept. So often people are tempted to take credit for a relationship God has clearly initiated. Evangelism should not be a thing you have to pump yourself up for. It is not an event that comes around once a year on mission trip. Your everyday life should draw people closer to God. Sometimes the more intentionally direct you are, the more you can push people away. A little craziness is always good, but people can read motive from a mile away. They are not a good story you get to share with your friends. They are a soul desperate for their Father.


  1. Evangelism is not a court case

Engaging intellectually on matters of faith is not only extremely frustrating, but potentially humiliating. You really need to have thought through all the approaches that could have been taken. But proving that you’re right about your beliefs means that whoever you speak to is going to feel condemned and in the wrong. Guilt and shame does not need to be administered by you for repentance to take place. People are aware of their own sin already. Proving your point. Making a case for your moral and spiritual superiority is not loving and definitely not Biblical. The only time Jesus spoke with judgement (and he is rightfully can judge everyone) is when he spoke to the Pharisees – the spiritual leaders of the nation. To those who needed Jesus, he came with acceptance and love. He didn’t have to agree with the tax collectors, kings, prostitutes and prisoners to love them. You could say that witnessing miracles drew people to believe in Jesus. But those miracles were motivated out of compassion, not out of a need to demonstrate His authority.


  1. Evangelism is not a golden ticket

People coming to Christ is just that – it’s all about other people finding Jesus. There are some very sad sects in society who believe they can only get to heaven by getting other people to believe in God. It may not be that extreme, but ‘claiming’ someone’s salvation to be recognised almost as bad. Salvation is not a notch on your belt, or a résumé addition. You do not qualify for anything based on how many people you have brought to church. The joy of salvation is personal. The urgency you experience for people to know God should be based solely on a concern for them.


So what is godly evangelism?

I do believe some people have a special anointing for it, but everyone is responsible for representing God to those who need to know him. I am still working out how that works in my own life and don’t claim to know all the answers. But, if I leave a conversation with some about God, I want to make sure a few elements were present.


  1. They leave feeling loved.

Whether they chose to get to know God, started becoming curious or outright refused to listen – we can always make sure that they are seen and valued and are loved.

  1. They know where you stand

I’ve had to work on not being a ‘lightweight’. Understanding someone doesn’t mean you have to agree with them. Don’t ever back down from your conviction of Jesus. Agree to disagree and always frame it with grace and love.

  1. They know the door is open

Make it clear that if they ever want to talk about God, you would be willing to share your beliefs. If they have made a decision it doesn’t stop there! Walking the journey with someone who is getting to know God is one of the most refreshing things you can do. It should never be a dictation session. God is on the other side of their relationship. It’s got nothing to do with you.


Scripturally it says that Salvation is God’s work. Not our own. In the end, God is working in people’s hearts and drawing them to himself. We just get to be witnesses of the attractive force of His glory!

You may have been accosted by a crazy Christian. You may have been offended by a specific church or individual. I simply ask that you don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. I am sorry that we are not perfect, but the One we serve is that and more. If you want to know God – have a relationship that transcends institution or reason – click on the link below.

Don’t Label Sir Anthony Hopkins


Twenty three years ago, The Silence of the Lambs rocked Hollywood. Sir Anthony Hopkins brought a visceral intensity to the character of Dr Hannibal Lecter that has become iconic and unrivalled in the Thriller film genre.

But after an illustrious acting career that spans 5 decades, the world has finally realised that he has done much more than just act. Having studied at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Sir Anthony not only studied acting but delved into music and composition.

Recently an article containing this video of the debut of his piece: The Waltz Goes On went viral on Facebook. Even though the actual publish date was September two years ago. The official recording of this piece was also released by André Rieu in 2011. The article hails this as the secret Sir Anthony kept for 50 years, when – in fact – he hasn’t hidden his talent at all.

Along with this composition, he released a single “Distant Star” in 1986, co-wrote orchestral music that debuted in 2008 and even scored a film called Slipstream – which he also wrote and directed. His latest work is actually a full album of orchestral music titled Composer

So this leads me to the question: why the sudden surprise? I believe it highlights something that all of us do: we label people. We identify specific characteristics of the people around us and crudely plaster that over their actual personalities.

I have found it more prevalent when it comes to artistic people especially. As someone who has done music for 17 years and studied it for four years, the label I have been allocated is ‘musician’. Personally I wouldn’t way my ability to perform, write or teach music higher than my passion to write, speak and encourage people.

This public ‘realisation’ about Mr Hopkins is actually more a true reflection of who he has been all along and I hope it encourages us all to be more attentive to the people around us.

Have you been labelled and misunderstood? Are you allowing peoples’ opinions to suppress who you really are? True identity is found when you get to know the one who actually made you. Click on the link below to find out more.

A Different Kind of Television

You may ask why another Whitehouse drama is worth watching. Between the heightened melodrama of Olivia Pope in Shonda Rhimes’ Scandal (South Africans know the show as The Fixer) and the cutthroat genius of Francis Underwood in the masterfully simplistic House of Cards, there lies a demand for an objective, wholesome take on politics.

This is where Madam Secretary delivers in more ways than one. With a classic balance between the crises of the world and a dysfunctionally functional family, the story of Elizabeth McCord and her journey through some of the toughest diplomatic predicaments is refreshingly objective. The understated take on the family unit is also very well done. It is rare to find a healthy marriage portrayed on television today in all its blatant fullness.

Téa Leoni brings an understated performance that ties all the characters together in a pleasant representation of the Secretary of State’s daily life. Granted, there are some weaker characters and throwaway banter, but it brings a warm familiar aspect found in 90’s sitcoms. Each episode is a cohesive step in the story, which has its own appeal that is contrary to any other show on air in this genre. It is definitely not one of those series where you silently die inside while waiting for the next episode to come out.

If you are used to the ‘adrenaline junkie’ type of content, the pace at which the story runs could be considered a bit tame. But what you lose in dramatic emphasis, you gain in intellectual perspective and ethical consistency. The moral fabric of the show is in no way pious. The question of what is right and fair is consistently brought up – with many different opinions being shared, which gives the audience a broad perspective.

If you are looking for a unique piece of entertainment that is well-balanced, wholesome and candid – Madam Secretary is your kind of show. It will leave you feeling more intelligent and encouraged.


The Hills Tell A Story

The hills tell a story

A tale of what was

When rivers ran shallow

And everyone loved


But winds and floods grafted

Down to the deep

Separating the highs,

Making the struggle steep


So people built castles

To stay up on top

Their fortresses of safety

Made all else feel lost


And they trusted in mortar

Made from the hills

But to make their work greater

They decided to kill


As blood filled the valleys

Their walls were washed clean

And power became purpose

The mountains unseen


No longer the hill

The sole claim of the king

It was what people said

That gave him everything


And fear became the peaks

That shadowed all life

The way was control

And many were enticed


And so war changed its face

And his cause became one

To claim the Everest of men

Up the slopes many run


Oh the hills tell a story

A song of what was

When rivers ran shallow

And everyone loved


And then you came

Throwing mountains into the depths

With you by my side

The rivers run shallow instead

And valleys reach up and stretch out ahead

Smooth lies the path and steady are my steps

Peaks bow back down and all becomes plain

With you the hills turn to rest once again


The erosion of love causes people to fight for control. When people are not willing to love, society is in great danger of losing everything for the sake of control. In light of all that has happened this past week in Paris, I believe it is important that we look at our own lives and think about areas that we are allowing fear to rule us. The most powerful reaction to fear is to love.

The ultimate source of love is found in God. True love casts out all fear. If you are looking for a reliable source of love and peace when all hell seems to be breaking loose – click on the link below.


For The Sake of Your Soul

Have you ever felt uncomfortable in your soul?

It’s like a gnawing sense that you are not where you are supposed to be. It’s the feeling you would get if you happened on a group of your friends hanging out without you. That anxiety when no one around you is giving you an indication that you’re doing okay. It’s found in the silence of the tired drive from work, when you’re detached from the craziness of a weekend party in the city and in the aftermath of that reprimand from your superior.

I am actually grateful for this feeling – this sense of longing. This identifying factor that points out where things are not right. Whether we like it or not, this emotion draws us to a crossroad in our lives. There are three different roads that I have taken in my life. See if you can recognise any of them in your own…

1. The Road of Offence

So many people allow this discomfort in our soul to rule their lives. This is the definition of offence. Once offence settles in, it causes us to make decisions that normally hurt us in the long run.

I believe that this road slopes downwards. It is easy-going on the way down, but retracing your steps is a whole lot more work. Pulling others down this road is pretty easy. Trying to haul them back up is another story.

I am extremely saddened by people who choose to be offended. No matter how natural it feels, offence is always taken and not given. You can allow your emotional wellbeing to be affected by the way things happen around you. It is definitely very justifiable. But the sign of true maturity is believing in yourself and still doing what you are called to do – no matter what.

2. The Road Back

Feeling like you are out of your comfort zone – or simply out of place – can cause you to retreat. Sometimes questioning where you are is the threshold for a new season in your life. It can be constructive. But I have seen how I have ignored my inner frustration and just retreated back into the way I have always done things.

It’s always going to be more comfortable going back and forth on a road you have already travelled. You will get to know the landmarks, the terrain and the turns of the road you’ve taken; but you will not move forward and will always arrive back at that crossroad where things just don’t feel right.

3. The Road Home

There are three quotes from C.S. Lewis that truly helped me to identify this third road:

“You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body”

So often we think of the physical world as our ultimate reality. But society has become more and more aware that there is something more to life than our bodies. You can look amazing, feel physically invincible and still be void of passion, purpose and joy.

“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”

The discomfort that we feel – that sense that something isn’t right – is actually a force driving us forwards towards another world. A better place. A place where we feel at home. I believe that heaven is that place. I believe that is why people feel like they are returning when they find God. There is something that our soul recognises in God even if we have never known him before.

“To enter heaven is to become more human than you ever succeeded in being on earth…”

God has custom-made us to fit with him. The ‘human’ he formed was one that walked and talked with him every day.  We are designed for more than self-existence. We have been designed for glorious dependence and partnership. This means that we not only have a home with God, but a purpose. True fulfilment is waiting at the end of the road leading heavenwards.

You might think I’m a bit crazy. But your soul matters. Neglecting it – allowing it to be twisted and corrupted – will make life unbearable. But if you know that what you are experiencing emotionally and intellectually is actually leading you to a place of peace and joy, you will be able to bear the hard times knowing there is a glorious destination!

In the Bible, God is described as the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls (1 Peter 2:25). Thankfully we don’t have to find our way to heaven. We don’t even have to ‘follow our hearts’. God knows what we can take. He knows where we are, he knows where we are headed and he knows what lies between. He knows when you need to rest, why you need to grow, and how you’re going to get through each season as well. He knows you. But that’s not enough for him. He wants you to know him too. If you want to find out more, click on the link below.


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