Friday, March 14, 2025
Home Authors Posts by David Webster

David Webster

Servant or Slave?

Submission is a word not many people take kindly to. In fact, it sounds downright unjust in our modern-day culture. So much of what we believe, however, is revealed by how we live. We all submit to something. Whether it is to fashion, your friends, your emotions, the weather or the law, you submit to certain ideals every day.

I hate being put in a box. One of the worst things you can do for me is try categorise who I am. I really like to think of myself as a non-conformist, but lately I have realised that conforming isn’t something you can avoid. Even the rebel has to conform to something else to reject what their authority is dictating.

There are two ways that I have realised we submit.

The Slave

It is in our nature to look for authority. As much as we want to be in control, feeling safe is largely related to how much we trust those who hold responsibility over us. The problem is, when we don’t recognise the power and impact something or someone has over us, we can end up indebted and bound to the consequences of that authority. It is the moment “I want to” becomes “I have to”.

Have you ever felt like there is no way out of a situation? Maybe look at how you are approaching the authority you are submitting to you… Are you thinking like a slave – forced into things, regretting your decisions and desperate for any kind of escape route?

The Servant

Many people don’t think that there is much difference between these two terms. The word ‘slave’ is a label. ‘Servant’ is more of an attitude. You can serve someone without ever being a slave. As much as being a slave reduces you, being a servant empowers you.

Many times I have sat in situations where I felt like I was more of a slave than a servant. I was bound to my emotions. Held captive by my situation. I have allowed myself to be oppressed instead of inspired by leadership.

But that is when I have learned to stop and change how I look at life. We were never made to be slaves, but we are challenged to be servants. Serving allows you to see what you have as a contribution, not a requirement – and that places value on yourself before anyone else has to.

What you believe about yourself and about God will determine how you see faith. God is not a slave master. He does not want you to fit a mould and be right. But He does value servanthood. Because serving is voluntary and brings joy. You have so much to give this world – and He knows it because He gave it to you.

I hope you are challenged to rethink where you are at. If you want to get to know God as a Father and not a Master, click on the link below.

The Art of Inspiration


We are all creative.

Creativity is not a label we can assign to ‘artists’ – the painters, musicians, writers and performers of this world. We all produce elements of life that can be used by others therefore we are all creative.

Whether it’s programming a computer, arranging and interpreting data, convincing potential clients or sculpting a masterpiece – we all contribute to society in a way that should be effective.

But having the ability to be creative does not mean we are all using that potential. There is always room for improvement. There is always a higher level of operation. As an ‘artist’, I have realised that there have been two ways people can improve what they do.

a) Be driven by others

This way is one that you would probably most identify in your schooling years. As an external influence, people can drive you to improve your craft and character. Whether out of fear, encouragement or competition, this is an important stage of learning who you are and realising your potential. But there is more. External influences will result in negative lifestyle traits. You can become lazy, easily discouraged, non-committal and stressed when you are always looking outside yourself for motivation.

 b) Inspire yourself

 The Latin origin of the word Inspire means ‘to breathe into’. In many ways, I believe this is true for our purpose as well. Inspiration is the oxygen to our purpose.

Aside from God, you are the one who is most aware of what you are capable of. You, therefore, have a responsibility to yourself and to the world to outwork your potential. The only way you will be able to do this is by learning to be inspired.

So how do we make our purpose ‘breathe’?

How do we ensure that we are living at our true capacity?

  1. Inhale

Draw things from the world around you that give life to your purpose.

Whether it’s nature, art, scientific breakthroughs, other peoples’ stories – if you are encouraged by what you see, you can turn that into motivation for yourself.

But it is YOUR responsibility to find what makes you feel alive and apply it to your skills and goals in life.

  1. Break It Down

Just like air consists of many different gasses, what you receive as inspiration needs to be broken down. A musician can be inspired by an athlete. He may have no similar abilities, but the discipline the athlete portrays can be translated and applied to the musician’s life.

You need to ask yourself why something inspires you. You will be able to break it down to fundamental elements that you can then use to grow your own purpose.

The biggest inspiration to mankind is God. If you are stressed, demotivated, frustrated or just feeling stuck in the demands of everyday life – God can help you change your perspective and remind you why he made you. If you want to find out more, click on the link below.

Foxes: The Long Awaited Revival of Credible Pop


If you haven’t heard of this uniquely extraordinary act, I can guarantee you have heard her music.

In 2013, her collaboration with producer prodigy Zedd blew up many a dance floor. Clarity was a smash hit that challenged the boundaries between EDM and mainstream pop. Very rarely had there been such an infectious, powerful vocal combined with a high energy, innovative track. What made it such a success was also how both elements could stand alone. Many acoustic covers of Clarity have garnered astronomical hits on YouTube, while the track by itself is one of the most remixed versions out today.

Louisa Rose Allen, born in Southampton in 1989, always dreamed of being a singer. When she was young, she recalled dropping pennies into a ‘wishing well’ and praying to have a voice that would equate with the lovechild of Celine Dion and Mariah Carey. After winning a local talent competition in 2009, one would think that she was set for greater things, but she seriously considered studying beauty therapy. Thankfully her elder sister, who lived in London, convinced her to relocate and continue with her music.

In 2011, she released her first EP Warrior, which garnered some critical acclaim. Ironically, Consequence of Sound referred to Foxes as “if Florence Welch and Katy Perry had a beautiful brunette lovechild”. Her single Youth caught the attention of the aforementioned Zedd, which resulted in the large success of Clarity and a Grammy Award for Best Dance Recording.

One debut album later, Foxes is an established British act that has quietly been bringing credibility back to quintessential Pop music. With three top 20 singles under her belt, she is definitely an identifiable presence in the industry. But her best days are definitely ahead. She has collaborated with Fall Out Boy, Sub Focus and smashed the vocals for the Rudimental track Right Here. Having opened for the likes of Marina and the Diamonds and Pharrell Williams as well, she has definitely paid her dues in the industry.

As a producer, I cannot fault her on her choice of collaborators. The tight track of Holding on to Heaven can only be described as having a convincingly orchestral dance feel. Her music videos are all cohesive, artistic and diverse in story and expression. Let Go For Tonight and Feet Don’t Fail Me Now are great examples, as well as Glorious which you can watch below.

What truly brings credibility to her act, however, is the lyrics and form in her music. Take away the beats and the visuals, the lyrics are like a secret map on the back of a masterful artwork. The meaty halftime trap groove in Glorious aside, Foxes’ lyrical clarity is worth a double-take:

Hollow ground and I keep on falling

Breathing in but it’s not enough

And when I drown my eyes in the river flowing

You said you’d stay just a little more


I close my eyes and I feel your heart beat

A deep blue sea rushes over me

And when the thunder cries I feel the warmth around me

‘Cause I found a home underneath your heart

With a broad stylistic sound and a consistent creative expression, I can understand why Foxes has not been an overnight global success. I am tempted to use the cheesy ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’ idiom to explain how this is a good thing. Foxes is making the music she wants to make. Many artists that become popular very quickly don’t have that luxury. The fickle industry loves to determine what an artist releases and reinventing oneself is a very large undertaking. It is therefore very rare to find solid Pop music that is as authentic as Foxes’.

An astronomical and iconic vocal combined with humble and honest character, Foxes is definitely one to watch in the future. Her next album All I Need drops next year, but you can check out her singles Body Talk, Better Love and Feet Don’t Fail Me Now already. I believe a great big ‘thank you’ to Foxes is in order for what she has and will do for Pop in the music industry. Can’t wait to see what comes next in her career.

Have you ever felt like your life is being dictated by others? There is a true battle in this world between being yourself and making other people happy with who you are.

Have you felt neglected as others around you have been recognised? You may be in a season where your character is being built, but don’t for a moment believe your life is not amounting to anything. The more you need to build credibility, the larger your influence will be when you reach your dreams. When you need encouragement, there is no better place to look to than God. He sees the big picture. He knows your whole story – where you have come from, where you are and where you are going. Click on the link below to find out more about how you can connect with Him.

Enjoying Admin


No matter how you feel about it, admin is something you cannot avoid. Aside from a select few, most of us would rather watch paint dry or scratch blackboards than sit in front of a whole lot of data and try make sense of it. So what is the big secret? Why do some people relish the thought of punching in numbers? Could I actually learn to enjoy it too?

I have tried various ways to improve the logistical nightmare – with varying levels of success. From setting up a rewards system through to speed trials, I have found that the best way to approach admin is more subtle than expected. Here’s what has helped me:

Big Picture First

Before tackling the task, make sure you know why you are doing it. And the reason should be a positive one.

For example – You need to pay your bills

Why You Dread It – You fear lack, you don’t want to feel dependent or tied down by your spending, there is pressure to pay

If you focus on why you dread budgeting, you will hate it. So how can you make it a positive experience?

Set the big picture FIRST. Start building a vision of what you want your future life to be. Think about owning your own property, buying your dream car or going on an awesome holiday. All of these things are possible for everyone. You might be very far off from any of these realities, but believing that you can build your future will release you from the stress of your present situation.

Reason To Do It – You’re going to own a house one day

You might not be able to save this month, but you can still plan to save in the future. All of a sudden admin becomes a way to build your future. Doing what you can right now is just practice for what you will be working with in the future.

Admin is a tool – not a restriction.

It may feel like it, but admin is not a list of boxes to tick. Even backlog is actually constructive – dealing with it gives you a firm footing for your next step. Admin is the frame that helps you build your future.

Are you finding it hard to stay hopeful? Is it hard to see beyond your current deadline at work, or an issue at home? Avoidance and escapism is sometimes the only other option you have when you don’t want to deal with your situation. It is hard, but there is definitely hope for your future. If you want to find out how to grow your perspective, click on the link below.

Fashion: It’s Not A Man’s World


Fashion is more than just what you wear.

What you decide to clothe yourself with betrays more than you would think. Self-confidence, priorities, aspirations and identity can be seen almost instantly through how you choose to present yourself. Whether as obvious as Goth or Hipster, or as subtle as the colour tie you wear, it is hard for people not to make assumptions about who you are.

Some people would think that I am whining about this. But to be honest, one of the most satisfying ways to express yourself is through fashion. You determine how you get to be seen by others. There aren’t many ways that you can dictate what people think of you, but you can always put your best foot forward concerning how you look.

As a guy growing up in South Africa, I have seen some interesting fashion trends… from the days of loyalty to name brands to gimmick shoes with wheels in them; plaid shirts and chinos in church through to the skinny jean revolution!

It has been awesome to see a new consciousness in our generation emerging where people are celebrated for being individuals. All of a sudden name brands are for sports attire only, while torn clothes and your grandfather’s leather jackets are trendy. The whole market is shifting to being unique – expressing your own style through what you choose to buy and wear.

Having had the awesome experience of shopping overseas, it is astounding how much variety there is out there! Back home, unfortunately, things are still very conservative. I thought it was just because we did not have certain stores in our country, but even with big names such as Topshop, River Island and Superdry opening – there is not much of a shift towards quality individualism in fashion for guys. Here are a few reasons for my frustration:

1. Conservative Retail Buyers      

Talking to a friend in retail, they explained that it’s more to do with market research than actual stock and availability. The buyers who work for these fashion houses are still relying on what is tried and tested.  To be honest, most of what you can get from River Island is already in Mr Price for a quarter of the price. The male sections in these stores are also either very small or simply don’t exist (Forever 21).

2. The Cultural dilemma

Leading on from point one, this is the blaring reason for the big names playing it safe. No one needs to be told we are one of the most diverse markets on earth. Fashion and culture are inseparable. Because each culture identifies different attire as acceptable, there is not much middle-ground in design that can cater for the masses. So where do we find a true expression for our culture? What would be a way forward that doesn’t include a clear dictation from Western trends?

3. Northern domination

When it is Winter here, it is Summer in Milan, London, Paris and New York. Since these fashion meccas have the monopoly of design, we find ourselves a whole season behind those up North. So much of modern culture is being determined by the upper half of the world. Fashion should be taking culture forward, not stagnating progress into seasons forecast by the Northern Hemisphere’s seasons.

The Solution

Quite simply, the only way we can really foster a healthy fashion culture is to support local fashion. South African designers are being celebrated all over the world – from the likes of David Tlale, Gert Johan Coetzee and labels like Ageo and Amos Tranque. The likes of Seargent Pepper and The Lot deserve special recognition in retail. Markhams is one main store that is also striking a happy medium at the moment.

Have you ever felt like you are limited? That you aren’t able to be your true self because people won’t accept or understand your decisions? The first step in being your true self is having someone who believes in you. You were made by One who doesn’t need anyone to approve his creations. Everything he formed he called ‘good’ long before anyone could disagree. If you want to find out more about your creator, click the link below.

X Factor 2015: Ones to Watch

The X Factor UK is undoubtedly the most successful singing competition on the planet. Currently in its 12th Season, Simon Cowell’s brain child has produced more singing sensations than any other – to name a few: Leona Lewis, Shane Ward, Olly Murs, Little Mix, Cher Lloyd, James Arthur and One Direction.

This year Simon’s arsenal of singers just got a whole lot bigger. As an absolute X Factor nerd, I can tell you that this year is a special one! The standard has never been higher and I am pretty sure we are going to have multiple artists signed at the end of the season. Counting down, here are my top 5 auditions so far:

5. Hannah Marie Kilminster

This unassuming farmer has an extremely refreshing air about her. Her effortless performance of Queen’s Somebody to Love. 


4. Tom Bleasby vs Ché Chesterman

Both of these guys are probably the most unassuming contestants this year. Tom’s voice does not match what he looks like at all. With an insanely gentle and supple range and tone, the moment he sings, you know he is special. This guy will have people of all ages voting for him if he gets through.


Ché also impresses with a surprising range and down-to-earth nature. There is no doubt that both deserve to go far. Hopefully their ‘stories’ will not be too similar for them to both go through to live shows.


3. Josh Daniel

This guy has the story that will carry him through to live shows. The only act to ever make Simon Cowell cry, his emotional interpretation of a Labrinth song connected in more ways than one. Granted there were some ‘iffy’ high-notes, but he does what many accomplished singers never achieve – he can communicate through music.


2. Louisa Johnson

There is always that one act that defies their age and smashes their audition. With an uncanny Lindsay Lohan resemblance, she whips out a soulful performance of Who’s Loving You. Credit to her for nailing an extremely hard song.


1. Fourth Power

Despite their terrible name, this group of Philippine sisters has officially redefined what is possible in an audition. It is clear that they have been doing this for a while (they recently competed in a South Korean talent show where they blew the judges away as well) but good music in a live context cannot be argued with. These girls deserve every inch of respect (and hopefully votes). Insane harmonies, solid choreography and an enduring charm ensure that this might be the first year a foreign act could take the title. With over 6 million views in one week, the full version is worth a watch!


For the more ridiculous side of auditions (it’s a pleasure), check out Techno Susan, Shazpaz, Erwin, Flaxen, Impulse, Adriana, Joselito and Zaiga Meike.

In the end, winning the X Factor is all about your story. The public vote is normally based on how much they can respect and identify with a performer. In real life, our stories matter even more. The power of your experience is something that can build your future or break you down.

Just like some of these acts, when you choose to do something remarkable you will feel vulnerable at first. But the outcome is normally better than you could imagine. One decision that can change your life is choosing to know God. Click on the link below to find out more.

Dream Effectively

We all have goals and ambitions. If we all reached everything we have dreamed about, the world would be a remarkable place! But we can so easily get caught up between inspiration and action. Here are a few constructive ways (in order) to do something with your dreams.

1. Be outrageous

‘Dream big’ has become a tired old slogan that gets tossed at school kids very often these days. But the heart of the message is still very important! You can only go as far as you can envision. If your life’s goal was to buy a car, you could win one tomorrow. What would be next? It is our responsibility to ourselves to make sure that our vision is always bigger than what we could gain.

2. Write it down

Could seem too simple, but this is an extremely powerful step. Making what you ‘see’ in your mind visible for yourself and others is what turns a dream into a destiny. The reality may only be on paper, but it now exists outside of yourself. Seven years ago, Chris Pratt jokingly recorded a ‘behind the scenes’ video for Parks and Recreation, mentioning Steven Spielberg and playing in Jurassic Park 4. As most of you will know, he played the lead in the recent Jurassic World film. It may have been outrageous then, but getting it out of your mind’s eye is a tangible step in the right direction.

3. Be realistic

Before you can fly, you need to position yourself on the runway. Trying to take off from the halfway point is only going to result in a crash-landing. You need to start preparing for your dreams, otherwise you will miss the opportunities you need to get ‘off the ground’. Are you heading in the right direction? What elements of your future can you work on now? Gaining experience is normally more important than using it. Don’t look at your limitations right now as frustrating barriers. They are actually the runway for your dreams!

4. Keep the question mark

This may seem strange, but I believe that you can never be 100% sure that you will reach your exact goal down to the last detail. There will always be unknown factors – both positive and negative – that will adjust what the final outcome will be. So keep the question mark behind your dream. Don’t think that an opportunity is not for you just because it doesn’t fit in with your five-year plan. Stay open to your dream changing, but alway remain determined to work towards your dream. You cannot steer a stationary vehicle. Chase after your goals and if you need to adjust your direction, it won’t be too much of an issue.

In the end, I have been told by many, it is not about reaching your dreams as much as it is about who you become while going after them. I believe the reason there is a process and a whole lot of time between where we are now and where we want to be, is because we need the character to handle the absolutely amazing things that lie in our future. If things get tough, you’re probably growing.

It is always great having others on the journey to encourage and advise you. No one knows your hopes and dreams better than God himself. He cares about the desires in your heart. If you want to find out more about getting to know him, click the link below.

The Clarity of Crisis

All of us go through hard times.

To some degree, we all have a level of crisis in our lives at any given time.

And with crisis comes confusion and, usually, chaos. But what if we looked at crisis differently? What if we were able to use the dire situations around us to learn about ourselves and adjust?

It’s easier said than done, I know. But the more difficult the situations arise, the more I have learnt to look inwards and upwards. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself during crisis.

  • What is closest to me?

If you honestly answer this question, you can see what you really value in life. You inevitably turn to the people, ideals and sometimes substances that are closest to you in times of crisis.

Who is the first person I want to call? Do I default to entertainment to escape? Am I holding on to dreams that won’t carry me through? What do I reach for to comfort myself? How am I treating those around me?

In answering questions like this, you will find out what you hold nearest to your heart when life is good. You can also have an opportunity to change those ‘defaults’ and draw closer to things that are going to benefit you in every season.

  • What do I believe about myself?

The most critical operations only happen when the body is opened up, vulnerable and exposed. When the circumstances around you are all up for question, the true substance of what you believe about yourself is revealed.

Insecurities will arise. In fact, most of the time they are all that you will be able to see in your situation. As much as the world around you may be shifting, you can actually control how you respond to it.

Do I really deserve to be employed? Am I meant to be successful? Do I deserve this diagnosis? Will I ever be able to prove myself? Is life really worth the effort? Am I a hopeless case?

When things get shaken, you can actually start adding truth to your identity and build yourself up. This can be extremely liberating for you. Crisis is normally the loss of control of your environment, but you actually still have control over how you respond to it. You can come out of a crisis stronger.

  • What do I believe about God?

Firstly, this question will be whether you believe there is a God or not. Crisis is where even those who have never considered God begin acknowledging him – whether it’s blaming him or calling out to him. Even if you have known God your whole life, the true state of your faith will be revealed through hard times. When the going gets tough, it normally contradicts what we have believed God is. All of a sudden God’s goodness is not very apparent.

Is God really loving if he has allowed this to happen to me? How can God be faithful when everything around me has fallen apart? If God were my provider, I would not be in this situation…

This kind of internal dialogue may sound heretical to the average person, but in crisis these are very real thoughts.

Crisis is where faith gets its substance. All of a sudden what you believe about God needs to become more important than what you see before you. When your ‘daily bread’ – the basics of life – is no longer consistent, you truly need to live off of the very words of God.

I have learnt to find clarity in the crisis by first and foremost addressing my belief about God. No matter what happens, God is the same. When everything else falls apart, the foundation of my whole life appears. Starting with what you have based your existence on, you will be able to rebuild your life. There is nothing more trustworthy than the character of God. Click on the link to find out more.


I played field hockey all through school.

I definitely was not a naturally gifted player, but I stuck to it and was able to become reasonably good. I learnt that defence was a whole lot more satisfying than attacking positions; mainly because frustrating other peoples’ plans was easier than trying to make my own (insert life lesson here, haha).

But learning to play hockey, I came across a term that helped me improve: “commit to the ball”.

Now honestly, I had no idea what that meant and the more I heard it the more insane I thought my coaches were. In time I would learn that it means to confidently engage with the ball – focusing on it before you run, pass and shoot.

In light of what I learnt, I found that this definition works well for life in general as much as it did on the sports field. Never in my life would I have thought I would dedicate a whole post to a sports analogy, but here goes!

Here is my definition of commitment:

Confidently engaging and focusing on the present, with directional intention for the future.

Let’s break this down:

Confidently engaging and focusing on the present

  • So much of our lives can be lived regretting the past.

In fact, some people never stop looking backwards. Not only will you have ample opportunity to consistently beat yourself up, but this way of living results in you regretting that you were busy regretting your distant past and did nothing constructive in that moment. We all make mistakes – we have all made full-blown informed wrong decisions – but continuously replaying your mess-ups denies us the ability to learn from them and move forward.

  • We can also waste full seasons pining for the past.

I am sure there are some times in the past that you really enjoyed – moments that made you feel truly alive! Nostalgia is that familiar friend that leads you down his own version of memory lane – where all the suffering and conflict has been tidily tucked away. I know of seasons in my life where it was easier to look back and remember good times than face the realities before me. But no matter how grateful you are for what your life has been, the mirage will never become reality again. Moments cannot be recreated. They would not be defined as ‘moments’ if they could. The good memorable times in life can definitely encourage and give us hope for our future. But if we keep looking for them, we will waste that hope on half-hearted living in the present.

With directional intention with the future

  • What is before you right now?

I have goals in life. I definitely want to reach my goals. I want to win. But I can get so caught up with my goals that I actually lose focus on how I need to reach them. Just like on the field – no matter how much I hang around my goals, I will not be able to reach them without the ball.

The future can be as enticing as the past. In fact, the ‘world of possibility’ can be so exciting that making any decision in the present feels limiting. Yes – you are free to run around the whole field. But without committing to what you have before you, there will be no direction or constructive purpose to what you are doing.

Sometimes the day-to-day responsibilities we have before us look nothing like our goals. Sometimes we need to make strategic decisions to change the direction of our lives. But most of the time, all we will have to do is commit. Commit to what you have today.

There is a saying that has really helped me focus on what I have, instead of being caught up in what I am wanting out of life:

Commit to your present as if it is forever. Pray as if you will reach your goals tomorrow.

Living life this way gives you the clarity to use what is in your hands to build towards your goals. It gives you the determination to do what needs to be done wholeheartedly, while not giving up hope that there is more in store.  It ensures that even if everything you are carrying today was taken away from you – you know you milked every last ounce of purpose from it.


One of the greatest commitments you can make in life is getting to know God. He knows your goals, your future, your present and your past. Not only does he know how you can reach your goals, but he wants to show you as well. If you want to find out more, click on the link below.

Master of Your Emotions

I am emotional.

As an artist and an interactive human being, I believe this is a good thing. If I had no emotions, there would be no connection point to beauty and we would never know people beyond what they say about themselves.

In many complicated situations, I have learnt that recognising that people are feeling something is the first step to working things out. Realising that emotions play a critical role in everyones’ lives will enable you to see the ‘big picture’.

Emotions are a powerful force in our lives. They draw us to make decisions, to change and improve, to implode and retreat, to fight on or run for the hills. And no matter what you do, they will surface in some way. So we have a choice – how will we treat our own emotional selves?

You could suppress your emotions…

“Deny whatever you are feeling and soldier on! Don’t let your feelings get the better of you!”

Suppressing emotions is a respectable decision. I have some British heritage and identify pretty easily with this option. You would definitely remain consistent. Maybe get the employee of the month award and be respected for your commitment. But as you do this, you are declaring war on your soul. Your emotions will constantly be your enemy, and – whether it takes weeks or years – in the end your emotions will find a way to trump you. The more you push down your emotions, the more internal pressure will build up and you are in danger of a very embarassing ‘eruption’.

You could let your emotions lead you…

“You made me feel… I don’t feel like it… I’m never doing that again… He’s dead to me…”

These are all tell-tale signs that your emotions are taking the lead role in how you live. I’m often inclined to live this way, as emotion is a key part of being creative. When you are constantly harnessing how you feel to connect to the soul of others, I find it can be easy to let our emotions determine what we think, what we say and what we do. Although never intentionally, this causes us to become selfish and stubborn. Your emotions become more important than anyone else’s and this can cause a whole lot of unnecessary friction, as well as a great sense of loneliness.

You could let other peoples’ emotions rule you…

“I hope you know my heart… Will you be OK if I do this… I’m sorry. Sorry. So Sorry.”

This decision is a subtle one… Most people will think that you’re an extremely considerate and nice person. But it can cause a whole lot of complications when you are in emotionally charged situations. Moments where anger, sorrow and frustration can have such a big effect on you that you end up retreating completely. You will be swayed and manipulated by the slightest hues of emotion. You will be so busy trying to read others that you end up neglecting yourself. This is a victim mentality that I have had to claw myself out of.

But what if – instead of neglecting, following or submitting to emotions – we could master this force?

If we acknowledge our emotions, we can use them. If we can harness how we feel and steer it, we will be able to do great things. If we can be aware of what others are feeling without letting them change your direction, we will be able to truly work together and get things done. Let’s take responsibility for how we treat our own souls.

Emotions are what make us human. Mastering our emotions will make us exceptional humans.


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