Sunday, February 23, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Eden Myrrh Toohey

Eden Myrrh Toohey

Together we achieve more

“Stay in your lane. Simple.” So said a tweet that I read yesterday. If only it were that simple.

Each person walks in their own glory – a set of giftings and characteristics that makes them unique to anyone else on the planet! It is my view that that is dormant inside all of us until we start to connect with our Creator and with God-given community. For all of us, there is a fight to stay unique as we are bombarded by thousands of voices constantly telling us to bury the person God made us to be. On the other hand, there is also a fight not to give in to being totally self-consumed, staying in our lane, and kicking community out the door too.

I’ve always been envious of my younger sister’s ability to come right out and ask for anything she needs – she’s been like this since a child. My instinct is to wait patiently for what I don’t have or work for what I can’t afford. I’ve always felt the need to prove my worth; prove that I deserve what I want or need, and to prove that I can do all of that alone. Perhaps it is because of the attitude of ungrace that I have towards myself.

In his book Shame and Grace, Lewis Smedes, professor in psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary, draws the connections between shame and grace:

Guilt was not my problem as I felt it. What I felt most was a glob of unworthiness that I could not tie down to any concrete sins I was guilty of. What I needed more than a pardon was a sense that God accepted me, owned me, held me, affirmed me, and would never let go of me even if he was not much impressed with what he had on his hands.

Phillip Yancey, author of What’s So Amazing About Grace?, relates that Smedes identifies three common sources of crippling shame: secular culture, graceless religion and unaccepting parents. While secular culture tells us that we must always look good, feel good, and make good, it is graceless religion that tells us that we must follow a bunch of rules, and that the failure to do so will bring eternal damnation. Unaccepting parents – “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?” – tell us that we will never meet their approval. “Like city dwellers,” says Yancey, “who no longer notice the polluted air, we breathe in the atmosphere of ungrace unawares… Every institution, it seems, runs on ungrace, and its insistence that we earn our way.”

Over the past few years, I must admit, it has been an area of concerted effort for growth, especially in my relationship with Jesus as Abba (Father) – wanting to provide everything that I need, or telling me that it has all been provided already. I thought that I was improving in my understanding of this, when I had quite a funny experience that taught me a whole lot.

Forgive me, because the following story is as real as it gets…

Recently, I invited a friend of mine to do a gig with me. It was that person and myself. Us, doing a gig together; no one else – except whomever we included in our normal setups… Anyway, the night of the gig came upon us and after I had had my sound check she pitched up with a gang of people who she had invited to take part in her set. There was some previously unresolved animosity between us and this development was slightly upsetting to me. In my insecurity, I assumed she was insecure and that she was trying to upstage me (Dear God! Thank you for grace and forgiveness)…

During her set I was so challenged by God! She was greater (in her own right) for her willingness to include people in her journey! She shone more when she allowed other people to shine alongside her! And, though I’ve always known this, this particular truth became real for me at that moment, in that circumstance.

For my next gig, I decided to include people – a lot of them, and it was amazing how much magic there was because of it. I obviously had to first get over my pride and fear of asking others to help me; I also had to get over the fact that I thought that I wasn’t good enough for people to want to help me or partner with me.

As with everything, there is always a test after a truth is learned – and mine came quickly! I was given an opportunity for exposure of my personal talent. I asked the organiser if I could bring a certain amount of people and the first thing that the person said was, “Are you sure you want to do that? This is about you, not anyone else. You must shine!” I replied that I was pretty certain that although I shine alone, my shine was greater because of others.

You and I can never be upstaged. Our shine cannot be tarnished! But the devil wants us to think so because it aids his plan of isolation! Jesus however, calls us to team! He was the greatest man who ever lived, with a team of 12 that impacted the world.

Today, 1 Corinthians 12 (verses 18-20) means more to me than ever before:

“This is where God comes in. God has meticulously put his body together; he placed each part in the exact place to perform the exact function he wanted. If all members were a single part, where would the body be? So now, many members function within one body.”

 I accepted Jesus as Lord of my life a very long time ago, but I am still a work in progress and am learning to accept the grace of others towards me, as well as the grace of Father God towards me.

No matter what your reason is for not accepting help from people in any particular area of your life, Jesus can fix that! Yes, you can accept his help! You can accept help from the team that is the Trinity, because Together Everyone Achieves More. Learn more about this by clicking on the banner below!


“You see, when God gives a grace gift and issues a call to people, He does not change his mind and take it back.” Romans 11:29 (The Voice)

Fighting for (real) change


I recently encountered an article about terrorism following comments by a Saudi prince:

“Muslim countries need to take the lead on fighting terrorism,” said Prince Turki al-Faisal, a prominent Saudi prince, a day ago as they host military exercises with 20 member states of a recently announced Islamic counter-terrorism alliance in the Emirati capital of Abu Dhabi. The first meeting by the 34-nation coalition will be held in March when the Defense Ministers of each country are scheduled to assemble in Saudi Arabia. 

The prince told reporters that the coalition should have been created sooner than December – when it was first announced, because Muslims themselves are a majority of the terrorism victims.

The logistical hub will be based in Riyadh, the Saudi capital. The Saudi regional rival, Iran as well as Syria and Iraq are not members of the coalition even though all three battle the Islamic State Group (ISIS).

Reading the news on this new development reminded of a few things that have been heavy on my heart recently. Firstly, I totally agree with that they are doing – because ISIS needs to be stopped at all costs. Secondly, sometimes one needs to war against the things that are stopping one from experiencing the peace, fruitfulness, and joy that Christ intended for us.

There are many people (Christian and non-Christian alike) who get used to their circumstances even when it’s their circumstances that are killing them… But Jesus came so that we can have life and life more abundantly.

Sometimes it takes a while for us to wake up and say, “Hey, all these things that I’m doing are killing me (Mark 3:24); I need to make war against these bad habits before I kill myself completely,” but I’m hoping that if you’re reading this today and you are in that situation, that something will switch on for you – enough so to make you want to see a change.

Things normally improve in bad situations when someone rises up because they are informed about their situation, or they realise who they really are and what they deserve. Sadly, there are lots of us who will continuously find ourselves in bad situations because we never rise up, even though the knowledge of how to conquer in this life is freely available to us through Jesus!

“I wish you a full measure of grace as you grow in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. His divine power has given us everything we need to experience life and to reflect God’s true nature through the Knowledge of the One who called us by His Glory and virtue. Through these things, we have received God’s great and valuable promises, so that we might escape the corruption of worldly desires and share in divine nature.” 1 Peter 2:2-4 (The Voice)  

Friend, if you would like to learn more about who you really are and your value, so that you can better fight against the things that continuously come at you, I encourage you to click on the banner below!

Killing ’em with kindness?

I saw this incredible piece of writing online recently:

“Kindness: the ammunition of the greats. Kindness comes from the deepest confidence that offering something beyond yourself will help someone – regardless of its impact on you; trust is much like this. In a culture so focused on the self, acts of kindness – small as they might be – are often held in high regard. After struggling through depression and reeling from the lasting effects of an abusive childhood, I see kindness as a weapon I arm myself with on a daily basis, running low on munitions or not…

One small step at a time, we need to change how we as individuals respond to both the good and the bad occurrences in the world…

…. Don’t run around in circles upset and confused like a skill-less skipper with a bunch of knotted rope. In order to untie it you can’t just pull haphazardly on different ends hoping something works out! Kindness is the same way, in order to address it in the world, we have to practice is, not just by talking but also by way of action…”


I read this the other day and it got me thinking about something interesting that happened in my life recently.

I’m a musician, and like some musician’s do, I sometimes play for other people’s projects or gigs. Not too long ago, I agreed to play for a fellow colleague of mine who is releasing quite a large and complicated body of work. He wanted to work through a ton of things with us, his band, and so it meant a whole lot of rehearsing. Or at least, rehearsing weekly – which is a lot if you’re busy.

The band was not solely made up of creatives, but also people who work day jobs. One of my new band members had just started a new job and was increasingly showing his irritation at me – when I talked, when I laughed… whatever I did, basically. It always ends up a bit crazy when you’re the only female in a band – especially if you love to talk.

He is extremely forthright, but does not know me as well as the other members of the band and so did not express his issue with me to my face.

It ended up being addressed in a way that wasn’t exactly the best, and as a result it became a running joke in the band. I was slightly upset that I wasn’t confronted about the matter, but left it and worked to improve my performance in the band and kept my mouth more.

A little time later, in a rehearsal break, I sat down to talk to the “unhappy camper”, asking him how he was faring at life. I wanted to know if he felt less strain now that he was getting into the rhythm of his new job.

After a while the conversation turned to me. He asked me a few questions about my own life. While I was talking, he stopped me.
“Why are you always so happy then? You have so much on your plate and there’s so much going on for you but you always have a smile on your face, are you never tired?”

Unbeknown to the rest of the group, just getting to the rehearsals was a stretch for me, and I was really fighting for joy during the time. I had encountered a huge transition period in my life and juggling work, family, schooling and a whole lot more. And I may have been wrong in how I handled part of the situation, but here’s the thing: I had made a decision that no matter what I was going through in life, other people were not to blame for what I was feeling inside. It is my baby – I need to work it out, I need to ooze kindness because one never knows what others are going through. Not only that, but as Christians – even though we may have down times – Jesus ultimately gave us the ability (when he invited us into relationship with him) to overflow at all times: Overflow grace, goodness, kindness, love, joy, and peace. The Bible says that out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks (Luke 6:45) and recently, that just hit home for me!

Whatever we fill ourselves up with comes out of us when we are prodded. One cannot live in disguise for too long. Sooner or later, it comes out, and tough times are the perfect “prodders”.

“Jesus handled inconveniences with perfection because he was always full to overflowing. He graciously welcomes people, healed the sick, and taught about the kingdom. When he had moments alone He used them to connect with his Father. His batteries were always charged.” – Brian Johnson

Look, friend! We know these things! We do! We just need to practice them! We need to practice spending time with Jesus so that we can practice living out our trials with grace and joy. We must not only practice this, but fight for it.

The devil understands that getting us distracted is the best way for us not to end up spending the needed time with Jesus! If we can get this right, and we can overflow with kindness when we are prodded, we can most assuredly increase our capacity and God can not only hand us more, but we can be a greater blessing and testimony to the people around us.

“Don’t let even one rotten word seep out of your mouths. Instead, offer only fresh words that build others up when they need it most. That way your good words will communicate grace to those who hear them… Banish bitterness, rage and anger, shouting and slander, and any and all malicious thoughts – these are poison. Instead, be kind and compassionate. Graciously forgive one another just as God has forgiven you through the Anointed, our Liberating King.” Ephesians 4:29-32 (The Voice)

If you need help in this area, and feel like you want to get to know this person called Jesus, I encourage you to click on the banner below!

Let your voice be heard!


The past few months have been crazy for me.

I haven’t been entirely sure of how to register the changes happening around me and within me, in my immediate world and in the world at large.

I’ve prayed prayers for years – literally – and maybe it is my lack of faith (I don’t know), but as I see those prayers coming increasingly true, it scares the living daylights out of me. I guess it’s because I’ve always had to wait such a long time for things to actually come true, that I didn’t really expect them to become a reality – no matter how desperate I felt (and I sure felt desperate).

With every blessing comes a new lesson. I do realise that that may sound like a cliché, but it’s true.

Firstly, it was a prayer of mine to have both a heart and a voice to speak out against equality and justice.

Heart. And voice.

It started at home in my small town, where it seemed the noble thing to do, and my heart burned for what I saw. Admittedly, it took a while for me to wrap my head around the concept of “justice”. I’m not sure why, but in my head I’d separated the fact that loving God meant loving and longing for justice in the world, as well. This means fighting for the poor and the weak – those who do not have a voice, whose voices have been taken away from them, and those who haven’t been given the opportunity to decide and speak. Jesus came for those, to restore peace to them:

“But now for the good news: God’s restorative justice has entered the world, independent of the law. Both the law and the prophets told us that this day would come. This redeeming justice comes through the Anointed One, the Liberating King, who makes salvation a reality for all those who believe – without the slightest partiality… This expression of God’s restorative justice displays in the present that He is just and righteous and that He makes right those who trust and commit themselves to Jesus.” Romans 3:21-26 (The Voice)

Over the last year, there has been a rise in awareness around the world. In my paper and on my social networks, I see a lot of race ordeals (murder and abuse), strikes (#FeesMustFall), and corruption. Sixteen-year-old girls are using terms like racial/cultural appropriation and then subsequently deciding that they need the freedom to not be discriminated against in their pursuit of life and bisexually – I don’t know about you, but I’ve felt pretty overwhelmed.

I’ve had to go and research what a lot of these terms even mean and then, after that, I’ve taken forever to formulate an opinion of sorts. Normally, I would just allow my ignorance on the subjects above to rule my attitude towards them. Basically, I’d carry on with life like nothing ever happened because it was so much easier that way. It’s easier not to care about others if it doesn’t very directly affect my life. It’s easier not to care about the state of my nation. But now, even in my overwhelmed state, I’ve made a point to put my heart into action. Practically, this means that I read up on the stuff that’s happening in my country (and the world), I write it in my prayer journal, and pray.

In the second part of my prayer I asked God for a voice. Many of us are familiar with the story of Moses approaching Pharaoh to set the Israelites free. Before he even does so, God asks him about using what he has in his hand already (if you don’t know this story, you can read about it in the Bible in Exodus 4:2).

Well, in 2010, Jesus spoke to me clearly about that, and so I decided that my music is what I had in my hand. To me that meant that my voice was my music and that I had to use it as best I can to speak for justice. It has been a long journey, and I feel like I have sometimes gone astray. Sometimes I focused so much on developing the gift in my hand, that I didn’t use it properly – eish! Recently, God has opened up a platform for me to have a voice that reaches many more people, and suddenly I was reminded of the importance of the mission – the importance of not selling out stylistically and in my message to gain greater popularity. I remembered why I always had to take the long and hard way.

So, what to do with all of this “awareness” once we have a heart and a voice? Where to go next?

I believe that we need to start “crying out” in the darkness. Crying out the testimony of Jesus Christ in whatever sphere we find ourselves in, in whatever way we can. God, deliver us from the love of self and its comforts.

Everyone who trusts Jesus as the long-awaited Anointed One is a child of God, and everyone who loves the Father cannot help but love the child fathered by Him. Then how do we know if we truly love God’s children? We love them if we love God and keep His commands. You see, to love God means that we keep his commands, and His commands don’t weigh us down. Everything that has been fathered by God overcomes this corrupt world. This is the victory that has conquered the world: our faith. Who is the person conquering the world? It is the one who truly trusts that Jesus is the Son of God, that Jesus the Anointed One who came by Water and blood – not by water only, but by the water and the blood… If we accept the testimonies of people, then we must realise that the testimony of God is greater than that of any person…” 1 John 1-9 (The Voice)

We find victory in our faith! If you need victory in your life and want a heart and a voice in your sphere of influence, then friend, today I encourage you to look to Jesus. You can learn more about Him by clicking on the banner below.

Don’t forget the truth

A few years ago I went on a long period of mission work that changed my life. Because of the erratic diet and other related things, the ph levels of my skin changed. I was suddenly having to use a whole lot of products for my skin, whereas before, water would have sufficed.

I struggled for a long while, until a few years later when I went for a consultation in the desperate hope that someone could help me to restore the clear skin that I had before.  They told me that I had adult acne. I was positively upset.

Over time, it cleared as I watched my diet, my water, and fruit intake, and took a range of vitamins. Eventually I decided that I was going to take the plunge (it was a definite pocket plunge!) to only use naturally based makeup products. The difference was remarkable and I kind of vowed (even though it was never really tested and proven) that because my skin wouldn’t allow me to use any un-natural products, that I would never again buy them.

It’s been a few years since then, and other than the odd break out, life has been amazing. But then it happened. I did the stupidest thing ever.

The line of foundation that I was using was discontinued – in my experience that often happens when you find something good! Because of this, I decided that I was going to try something else outside of the store, rather than in the store where I had to try and find another product in my colour yet again. I found something from a well-known, reputable brand and took it home. Not even two days later, a nasty rash had formed all over my skin. Of course, I waited until I had used it for five days to totally give in to my buyer’s remorse and rash. I knew my mistake. I had made an “important health decision” for the life of my skin a few years ago, and now started to doubt that it was a properly made one. So I went back – and forgot about all of the things that happen when I don’t remember.

I kind of had an “aah-haa” moment, right there and then. Because sin, well… sin is like a bad rash. You could have been “fine” all of your life, and then suddenly it breaks out and the consequences of the life you lived become more than you can handle. You find Jesus and it’s not that he makes it instantly better, but he takes away the guilt and the shame, and teaches you how to live by grace, and walk through life knowing that you are accepted, significant, and secure in Him. However, when you’ve been walking with Him for so long that you forget what it was like when you didn’t have Him, you may let your guard down a bit, and allow yourself to get sucked up into something. The results of that, however, are disastrous and you are quickly reminded that your life before Jesus sucked. Sometimes you come back quickly, sometimes not so quickly.

I was reminded that I never ever want to make that bad decision – to just “try” something out “just in case I made the wrong decision….”

We have to be fully convinced that Jesus is the best decision that we could ever make, and that we could have ever made.

The Bible puts it this way: “And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was also able to perform” Romans 4:21 (KJV)

I am fully persuaded that Jesus is able to perform everything that he promised me: full coverage from my sins through his blood, his sacrifice on the cross for me.

“… And humbly welcome the word of truth that will blossom like a seed of salvation planted in your souls. Put the word into action. If you think hearing is what matters most, you are going to find that you have been deceived. If some fails to do what God requires, it’s as if they forget the work as soon as they hear it. One minute they look in the mirror, and the nest they forget who they are and what they look like. However, it is possible to open your eyes and take in the beautiful perfect truth found in God’s law of liberty and live by it. If you pursue that path and actually do what God has commanded, then you will avoid the many distractions that will lead to an amnesia of all true things and you will be blessed….” James 1:23-25 (The Voice)

My friend, don’t be like me, who got amnesia and forgot the things that were true . If you’ve never had that truth presented to you, I would love to welcome you to click on the banner below!

Why bad timing can wreck your life


Recently, some children discovered a swarm of bees in a tyre and decided to throw stones at the swarm. It just so happens that an elderly woman was passing by at the same time and was attacked by the bees – she was stung a few “thousand” times, according to Netcare 911’s Chris Botha, a paramedic who responded to the scene. Botha happens to be a bee farmer himself.

One of the most marvellous and intriguing things about life – for me, certainly – is how a very good thing in a good situation can be the worst thing in a bad situation.

I’ve watched people’s lives get torn apart and families get wrecked because something that could have been good was done at the wrong time, or in the wrong place, or was just the worst thing to add to the situation at that time.

We all know the benefit of bees and what they produce: honey (we all love honey!). But they are also extremely dangerous when aggravated. Aggravating not only one, but a swarm, is like awakening a sleeping giant. There are many people who are allergic to bee stings and will stay far away from even the sound of one.

What would you say if I told you that the behaviour of the children who decided to throw stones at the bees is not unlike human nature – in fact, it was normal! Normal?

In the Bible, in the book of Romans, Paul talks about us as humans having an innately contrary nature (something my dad always accuses me of!). Paul says the following:

“Listen, I can’t explain my actions. Here’s why: I am not able to do the things that I want; and at the same time, I do the things I despise. If I am doing the things I have already decided not to do, I am agreeing with the law regarding what is good. But now I am no longer the one acting – I’ve lost control – sin has taken up residence in me and is wreaking havoc. I know that in me, that is, in my fallen human nature, there is nothing good. I can will myself to do something good, but that does not help carry it out. I can determine that I am going to do good, but I don’t do it; instead, I end up living out the evil that I decided not to do. 

If I end up doing the exact thing I pledged not to do, I am no longer doing it because sin has taken up residence in me. Here’s an important principle I’ve discovered: regardless of my desire to do the right thing, it is very clear that evil is never far away. For deep down I am in agreement with God’s law; but the rest of me does not concur. I see a very different principle at work with my bodily members, and it is at war with my mind; I have become a prisoner in this war to the rule of sin in my body…. I am thankful to God for the freedom that comes through our Lord Jesus the Anointed One! So on the one hand, I devotedly serve God’s law, but on the other hand, with my flesh, I serve the principle of flesh.” – Romans 7:15-25

So basically, we know what is right and what is wrong, but it is especially when we know what is right that we feel tempted to do what is wrong.

Earlier in Romans, in the same chapter, actually (as well as the fifth and sixth chapters), Paul talks about the fact that the law (the long list of things that we should and shouldn’t do), actually amplifies our sinful nature and the state we’re in so that we can see very clearly our need for Jesus!

I have the very bad habit of aggravating situations by always saying too much; speaking when I shouldn’t; doing something even when I know I shouldn’t. Everything inside me goes the opposite direction of what should be done. I’ve had to learn some very hard lessons about submitting my will to Jesus.

An example of this would be a decision to live purely before and after marriage. As a Christian, this means that there is no sex before marriage – and not only that: I must also try my best to live out purity in my thoughts, in how I speak, and in the way I conduct myself in public and in private. Sex within marriage is a good thing. The bible describes this as not only an act of love, but also an act of worship, and even sweeter than the honey those bees produce. Everything that we’re fed with in today’s culture tells us that this isn’t the way to go – why should we wait? Why not aggravate the bees and cause them to swarm? And so there we go, just like that: our spirit and our flesh are at war.

The fact that the old woman got gravely hurt also points to what happens a lot of the time when we allow our naturally contrary nature (contrary to the will of God) to direct our actions.

A lot of the time when we get involved in stuff that may be good but only good at the right time, we don’t only hurt ourselves, but many other people around us – even people that we might not have ever intended to be affected by our actions.

I know that I am weak, and battle, and that I constantly need to hold myself up to Jesus’ standard. Holding onto Jesus’ standard means that I accept the substitution that he made for me on the cross; I also accept the fact that his grace gives me power over sin! It gives me the ability to say no! With Jesus, walking opposite the contrary is possible!

If you want to know how to get a hold of this Jesus, I would love to suggest that you click on the banner below…

No one gets left behind

“Make sure that you do not look down on the little ones, on those who are further behind you on the path of righteousness. For I tell you: they are watched over by those most beloved messengers who are always in the company of My Father in Heaven. (The Son Of Man has come to save all those who are lost.) A shepherd in charge of 100 sheep notices that one of his sheep has gone astray. What do you think he should do? Should the shepherd leave the flock on the hills unguarded to search for the lost sheep? God’s shepherd goes to look for that one lost sheep, and when he finds her, is happier about her return than he is about the 99 that stayed put. Your Father in Heaven does not want a single one of the tripped, waylaid, stumbling little ones to be lost.” – Matthew 18:10-14 (The Voice)

Work found me sitting on a plane that was headed out of Cape Town, and I sat down eager to get some shut-eye. The last thing I wanted to do was talk; it had been an early morning of getting up and running but evidently rest wasn’t in God’s plan for me. A colleague had texted me that morning and asked to meet me at the airport so that we could book seats next to each other. I complied, thinking that that was where the commitment ended. We were acquaintances. We had had a few laughs together, but still barely knew each other. She, however, decided that we did.

During the flight, conversation changed from lighthearted to more serious stuff, and as she spoke to me about certain things that were going on in her life, my heart (literally) burned. All I could think was, “This could have been me without Jesus, I would have been a tormented soul – I have to tell her…” 

“You know, I totally understand what you’re going through,” I started, “I’ve had many experiences like yours and the only thing that stopped that torment in my life was me giving over completely and hanging onto Jesus…”

“Sure,” she said.

And the conversation carried on in a different direction. I wasn’t sure if I’d ruined our chances of ever being closer, but I had said what I needed to say.

Over the duration of the next month, God willed that we would build an unexpected friendship, and it was certainly one of the greatest experiences of last year. Every time I came away from speaking to her I was overwhelmed by how much God’s heart yearned for her – she was the one that got away; the stumbling sheep.

Time passed and I did all I knew to do – love. Not so long ago, she called and we made a date for coffee (or whatever the weather permitted). I arrived not knowing what to expect. The conversation started flowing and then she started telling me a about something that was going on in her life, and some personal life-changing decisions that she had come to make as a result. My heart leapt.

It wasn’t the full step, but this was a step in the right direction.

I’ve learnt to deal with friendships loosely throughout life – not expect too much, not to try too hard, and to let them go when its time (without crying about it). I’m okay with being alone, and sometimes even crave it. But sometimes when people come onto your path – people who you’d not normally associate with – one has to ask questions. Questions like, “Why, God? What do you want to teach me through this person?” 

In this particular case, Jesus was reminding me that it’s not His intention to leave anyone behind! Oh! He loved her so much that He made our paths cross, and loves me so much that he gave me an opportunity to be stretched and to display his love! What an awesome break from the standard navel-gazing we find ourselves doing on a daily basis! 

Never forceful; never demanding; always patient; always kind… 

Christian, please be reminded – as you walk around wanting to achieve your dreams and what you feel is your call – that the end goal is that no one gets left behind!  God’s plan is that all would hear the news of His great love and the eternal life that he offers!

And, to any new friend reading this without a personal relationship with Christ, I must just tell you that my life’s duty is that no one gets left behind – there is a family that is waiting for you to be a part of it! You are loved more than you know, and I encourage you to explore what that actually means by clicking on the banner below.

Here’s why Jay Z signed AKA and Cassper Nyovest


Just hours ago, hip-hop mogul Jay Z spoke out about having signed two of South Africa’s top MCs, AKA and Cassper Nyovest:

“I am black and y’all know Africa is blessed with talent and for Cassper Nyovest and AKA they are the true definition of hip-hop,” the rapper said according to ondamic.comHe added: “In Africa they understand the game.”

Jay Z explained that he and his label, Roc Nation, had chosen Africa because of the exciting potential of a new environment where they can explore new talents.

This statement came just in time, bringing clarity for a whole lot of South African hip-hop fans and followers who have been waiting for an explanation since the initial announcement on the 26th of January 2016.

We have still, however, not heard anything from the two rappers concerned, who also just happen to be South Africa’s biggest hip-hop rivals. AKA and Nyovest have had several spats over the last two years, and continue to feud.

“Hip-hop is all about flexing so it’s no surprise that in an art form based on competition and ego and confidence, that two egos won’t get along,” said more veteran rapper AKA in an interview with MTV when asked about the origins of the dispute.

Will getting signed to the same record label mean they both will have to adopt the #SameTeam hashtag? Well, let’s wait and see.

Now, I’m a long time hip-hop fan. I’m the oldest niece and granddaughter on both sides of my family and was introduced to both jazz and hip-hop at a very young age by my many uncles. It’s safe to say that it’s in me. Which is why I also understand, like AKA said, that feuds are a part of hip-hop. That’s what people do… battle.

Although battling (which involves a ton of bragging and boasting) can occur on recorded albums (much like Drake and Meek Mill’s battle was), rap battles are often freestyled or recited spontaneously live, where each MC will perform on the same stage (head-to-head) to see who has better verses. Their sole purpose is to impress people with technical and creative rapping. Watching rap battles are my favourite thing!


Look carefully at your call brothers and sisters. By human standards, not many of you are deemed to be wise. Not many of you are considered powerful. Not many of you are from royalty, right? But celebrate this: God selected the world’s foolish to bring shame upon those who think that they are wise; likewise, He selected the world’s weak to bring disgrace upon those who think they are strong. God selected the common and the castoff, whatever lacks status, so He could invalidate the claims of those who think those things are significant. So it makes sense for any person to boast in God’s presence. Instead credit God with your new situation: you are united with Jesus the Anointed. He is God’s wisdom for us and more. He is our righteousness and holiness and redemption. As the scripture says: ‘If someone wants to boast, he should boast in the Lord.’” 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 (The Voice)

A lot of us grow up battling others trying to show how good we are, and we don’t need to rap to do it. We could be using education, sports, acting, singing – whatever, as our weapon of choice. Our weapon of choice could even be proving that our life choices were better than those of our colleagues, or that we’ve achieved more in less time… and the list goes on. I’m incredibly competitive, so this way of thinking sucks for me – big time.

Meeting Jesus has changed my life. I no longer have to walk through life constantly on the “battle rap” – I don’t even need to prove myself anymore. When I accepted his Lordship over my life, I accepted who he says I am and what He did for me rather than the pitiful stuff I could do for myself. In fact, if it was really up to me, I’d be the common castoff, the less significant one. I had the fear that if I told people I was “good” at something, they could come back to me and point in my face if they found that I wasn’t, and I’d have nothing to fall back on.

I know I’m not alone. I know there are many like me. I also know that there are many people “better” than me at what I do. Which is why, even after accepting Jesus, I have to hold onto boasting in Him rather than boasting in myself.

I don’t know where you are in your journey, and how good you are at what you do, but I do know someone who will always be the best at what he does – we can always boast in him. He doesn’t need to constantly improve his skillset or continuously study to be the greatest, He is the greatest and He’s inviting you to use His CV when you’re presenting yourself for this job called life! If you want to know more about him why don’t you click on the banner below!

Are you ‘in’ or ‘out’?

“Peter stepped out of the boat onto the water and began walking toward Jesus. But when he remembered how strong the wind was, his courage caught in his throat and he began to sink. 

Peter: Master, save me!

Immediately Jesus reached for Peter and caught him.

Jesus: O you of little faith. Why did you doubt and dance back and forth between following me and heeding fear?

Then Jesus and Peter climbed in the boat together, and the wind became still. And the disciples worshipped Him…”

Matthew 14:29-32 (The Voice)

How often has courage gotten caught in your throat just before you make that move that you know that you’re supposed to make? Hmmm?

Whether it’s leaving your job to start your own business, entering into a new relationship, leaving an old relationship, moving to a new city, meeting a whole lot of new people, pitching a product to unsure buyers, buying a car, or just navigating your way through the day – all of us require faith and courage to live.

My life has been a series of exciting adventures all requiring a degree of “crazy courage” and it’s not always been easy, but it has most definitely been worth it.

About three years ago, during a youth leaders meeting, a dear friend of mine approached me saying that she felt strongly that God was asking me to “take courage” for the next part of my journey. I couldn’t understand what she meant; I was already trusting God every single step of my journey, and I had gotten to a point in faith where I was able to trust for seemingly crazy things as well as give up a lot of stuff if I felt that that was what the Holy Spirit was asking me. It turned out that she wasn’t the only person who had heard that same word for me, because about three other friends came to me to tell me the same thing over the course of the next month. Anyway, I asked God for a little direction and understanding, and then forgot about it.

The next April, I found myself sitting with my pastors (parents) in the lounge telling them that I felt that it was time for me to finally move – and I felt that I wanted to move to Cape Town to serve under my grandparents’ ministry before they retire. My parents didn’t have to pray about it (something they would normally do), they just said, “Yes, we think it’s the right time…”

And so, I prepared to move to Cape Town by the end of that year.

It’s been a year and 16 days since I made my move and it’s been the greatest journey.

Seeing God come through for me in the most insane ways ever, I’ve also met and made the best friends I ever have in my whole life.

Close to the end of last year, I was given an opportunity to use my gifting, calling and decided vocation at a scale that was far bigger than I ever have before. I am a singer-songwriter, producer and basically all-round musician. I’ve been so for the last seven years and I have given nearly everything and every effort in my life towards the dream of touching people with my music. However, I just wasn’t seeing the same “success” as my colleagues and there were many, many times where it was downright frustrating, and nearly depressing. During that time of “hiddenness” where I just wasn’t seen, I ended up pulling up my socks and asking God to develop my identity as an artist and as his child. My faith grew strong in the company of people who loved me enough to always tell me the truth.

That season of protected growth was over now and in October, I knew and saw Jesus calling me out of the boat once again with that opportunity. Just like Peter, the “getting out” was easy for me. I was getting out and walking on the water like nothing mattered … that was until things started to get wavy. This was unprotected growth, and I found myself groping in the air hoping to find a rail, safety jacket… something to help me. I felt the courage getting caught in my throat, and I felt myself sinking.

In the middle of the rush of the new and scary environment I was looking for Jesus frantically. It took me some time out and an “Oh-you-of-little-faith” speech to get back on my feet with a firm confidence in Christ’s ability to still the wind around me.

I know I’m not the only one. I know there are many others around and alongside me who’ve constantly seen the grace of God in their lives, chosen to step out of the boat and then freaked out totally.

It’s okay, friend. We got out.

As long as you and I remember two things:

One – nothing ever happens inside the boat, and

Two – Jesus never calls us to anything that will harm us. His love always wants the best for us.

I’m ready for this year. I’m ready to take new leaps of faith, and I’m ready NOT to doubt and dance back and forth between following Him and heeding faith!

If you’re reading this and don’t have a relationship with Jesus, I encourage you to step out of your boat and walk towards Jesus! The first step is clicking that banner below!

Get out of jail free?


It’s not hard to see why escape attempts are such a frequent occurrence in prisons in Brazil’s Pernambuco state: research shows they are a hellish place.

In a 2015 study by Human Rights Watch it was found that these facilities, originally designed to hold a maximum of 10 500, hold up to 32 000 people. This means that many prisoners have to sleep on the floor and that there are so few guards that officials give selected inmates keys for the prison’s day-to-day running . A real-life Joseph story? I think not.

Recently, in the northeastern Brazilian city of Recife, media footage documented the second mass breakout to occur in the area (the state of Pernambuco) within the week, where inmates blew up the main wall around the Frei Damiao de Bozanno facility. Footage shows streams of men finding their way into nearby narrow streets after the dust and debris theatrics, and unfortunately before the police even arrived on the scene. Initial reports estimated that as many as 100 prisoners could have gotten out.

The Globo News site later quoted Pernambuco state justice authorities, who said that 40 inmates had escaped, with 36 returned back to custody, two killed (one was shot after breaking into a local home), one hospitalised, and another remaining at large. This is a more positive result than another recent break-out from the Professor Baretto Campelo prison (near Recife) where only 13 of the 53 inmates that fled had been recaptured.

Surprisingly enough, the Bible also features some exciting jailbreaks. One of the better known ones involves a “praise bomb” initiated by Paul and Silas (Acts 16:16-40), with an earthquake shaking open every cell of the jail. There’s also the account of Peter being led out of prison by an angel to meet Rhoda and other praying believers. It’s one of my favourite stories – let me tell you why…

In Acts 12, the church that was once only a few, had grown to over 8,000 people and was getting bigger as people were continuing to share the redeeming power of Jesus. Herod had recently executed James, and although any normal person would fear the impending doom of a torturous execution, Peter feel fast asleep – totally at rest; he wasn’t afraid. He was sleeping so deeply that the Angel that came to get him out had to prod him to wake him up. While he was being led out of the jail, he still thinks that he is dreaming:

“Messenger of the Lord: ‘ Come on! Put on your belt. Put on your sandals.

                Peter puts them on and just stands there.

Messenger of the Lord: Pull your cloak over your shoulders. Come on! Follow me!

Peter does so, but he is completely dazed. He doesn’t think that this is really happening – he assumes he is dreaming or having a vision. They pass the first guard. They pass the second guard. They come to the iron gate that opens to the city. The gate swings open for them on its own, and they walk into a lane. Suddenly, the messenger disappears. Peter finally realizes what had really happened.

                Peter: Amazing! The Lord has sent his messenger to rescue me from Herod and the public spectacle of my execution which the Jews fully expected.”

 – Acts 12:8-10 (The Voice)

What can we learn about Peter from this story?

  1. Peter had rest: The fact that he had total peace in God in the midst of his impending doom is mind-blowing. There was a lot of anger towards the church but Peter was “fully convinced” and ready to die for the message and person of Jesus. Acts 12:1 says that “Herod violently seized some who belonged to the church with the intention of mistreating them.” I’m willing to bet that his rest came from a strong sense of identity in Christ. The early church knew all about maintaining endurance and “unshakable devotion” (Acts 11:23).
  2. Peter had a family praying for him: the first thing Peter did when he was beyond the gates was to rush to the home of Mary, where a “large group of people had gathered to pray for Peter and his safety” (Acts 12:12-16). With Christians getting jailed, tortured and martyred being such an everyday occurrence at the time, it’s no wonder that the other praying believers didn’t believe Rhoda (the girl who answered the door) when she ran into the room saying, “Our prayers are answered! Peter is at the front gate.” The point is that even this great apostle, Peter, was not a lone soldier. He wasn’t trying to do things by himself – he belonged to a community and was a son in that house where he found himself amongst other brothers and sisters.
  3. Peter’s miracle was unusual: Rhoda left Peter standing outside while she ran back to the other believers (Ha! Crazy!), and when she eventually let him in, “the disciples were stunned, and everyone was talking at once. Peter mentioned for them to quiet down and then told them the amazing story of how the Lord engineered their escape” (Acts 12:16-17).

I’d like to suggest right now, that if you are a praying believer, but find yourself in a tough situation where you feel like there is persecution coming at you from every side; or maybe, someone who hasn’t accepted Jesus as Lord of your life; and you’re going through the worst kind of persecution – in your family or perhaps in your workplace – there is a jailbreak from your situation!

I encourage you to find rest in Jesus – know that he is Lord of your situation, no matter what the outcome may be. Secondly, employ the prayers of your local family or the community of believers around you – and if you are not connected to such a community, find one as soon as you can! Thirdly, be ready for an unusual miracle; and then, when it happens, share your miracle with the people around you. The first thing that Paul did was tell the “amazing story of how the Lord had engineered his escape”.

However, before that can happen for you, there is a jailbreak that needs to happen for every one of us: a break out of a sentence by sin that most assuredly ensure that we will go to hell (Romans 6:23), a death without peace. Jesus can do that for you today and if you have not already accepted and pursued a relationship with him, why don’t you find out more by clicking on the banner below. Click to find your Get Out Of Jail Free card.

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