Sunday, March 9, 2025
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4 Lessons Learnt From a Full Month Without Social Media

Baratunde Thurston has done so many cool and interesting things that it’s hard to give him a short introduction. He is a stand-up comedian, a New York Times best-selling author, the former digital manager at The Onion, and, most recently, a TV host.

Beyond all that, though, Baratunde is deeply aware of the effect of social media in our lives and has followed its evolution from the beginning. He has also navigated the challenges of countless life transitions through the years and built a powerful platform and presence through them all.

In a recent interview with him, we talked about a wide range of topics, but one of the most important things we discussed was the power we have to practice mindfulness, love, and presence no matter what forces are around us.

I asked Baratunde what he has learned about social media through all of his experiences (the good and the bad) and he shared an awesome story with me.

A few years back, he decided to go on a 25-day social media fast. As in, he didn’t check any of his accounts at all for a month. For a guy as plugged in and busy as he is, this was a big deal.

Baratunde said it was a great experience and taught him a lot about the perceived importance we place on these forms of communication. His key takeaways were:

1. Our current “gold rush” mentality around getting on the next hot platform is not sustainable.

2. Taking ownership of what content we actually post is really important.

3. It’s actually physically hard for us to disconnect from our devices when we are so used to checking them.

4. When you are practicing self-care, it doesn’t matter if your followers or likes go down, your sense of self doesn’t go down with it.

I loved these lessons from Baratunde and have tried to remind myself of them often. As much as I love the tool of social media to spread my message and connect with amazing people around the world, I know it’s a fine balance between using social media and letting it use me.

Will you follow Baratunde’s example and try a month-long fast from social media? It might be the best thing you do for your health all month.

With the extent to which social media is being used nowadays, it’s easy to get caught up in tying our sense of self-worth to the number of likes and comments we get on our pages. Young people especially tend to do everything they can just to fit into the culture, and feel accepted. Who you are and your value as a person is not defined by what people think of you and how many “likes” they choose to give you. You are gifted, talented and carry so much value because God, who took time to create you, says you are wonderfully made. You were someone of great value way before social media ever existed, and you still are today. If you have doubts about what we have shared, or you feel insecure in who you are and tend to draw your confidence from what people say, we’d like to take this message further and share more with you. Please click on the banner below.




How Can I Hear God Speaking to Me?

Like turning to the right channel, God speaks to individuals who are ready and prepared to listen.

A Christ follower should spend daily time reading the Bible, mulling over the message, and praying for ways to make scripture’s lessons into a lifestyle.  Setting aside time for reading and reflection immerses a person in God’s purposes and nature.

 God can speak to anyone, at any time or place. Yet God will not often speak with a person who is not ready to hear.

Reading the Channel guide.

In the Bible, God used talking animals, a flaming bush, angels, visions, and a “still small voice” to speak to his people. God can use anything to communicate to a person who is ready to hear.  Nonetheless, here are a few methods which God often uses.

God will often speak to you from another friend or leader.  Often we need only see a situation from another set of eyes in order to hear God’s will. A good friend whom you trust as a committed and consistent Christ follower can bring God’s voice to you.

The Bible has examples of most of life’s problems, pitfalls and priorities printed throughout its pages.  These words from God tell of God’s general plan, and often will spell out the advice you need to find God’s will for a specific situation.

The Bible describes God speaking in a ‘still small voice.’  God often speaks directly into your mind if you will set aside the time to pray, and wait for his answer. This practice should not be confused with some kind of cosmic vending machine.  God is under no obligation to give you the answer you seek after you deposit the “coins” of an hour or two of prayer. Yet God promises that he will answer if you will pray and wait. His still small voice can be a thought in your mind, a clear and simple response to your prayers.

Tuning Out the Static

Hearing from God is primarily a heart issue.  You will hear from God when you decide to hold his will as your most important priority. More than being disciplined or practicing religious habits, a person willing to let go of his own desires that are counter to God’s expressed purpose shows single minded, pure hearted devotion. This person will hear God’s voice, not because he’s good enough, but because God promises to speak to the pure of heart.

If you want to hear from God, you must tune out the static from your receiver.  God promises that if you are a person who deliberately, willfully, and repeatedly puts your own will ahead of his, He will not likely speak to you. Period.  Deliberate, repeated and habitual disobedience will silence God’s voice. He will often not speak again until you put his priorities back into first place in your heart and life. (Bible references related to this article:2 Timothy 2.20-21, Acts 2.46-47, Philemon)

Can God change your life?

God has made it possible for you to know Him and experience an amazing change in your own life. Discover how you can find peace with God. Click on the banner below or send us a message at [email protected].


You Attract What You Are


It’s been said that, “To attract attractive people, you must be attractive. To attract powerful people, you must be powerful. To attract committed people, you must be committed. Instead of going to work on them, you go to work on yourself. If you become, you can attract.”

Many people want some extraordinary things but their self-image limits them on what they actually receive. A person cannot attract to themselves that which is greater than the way they see themselves.

For example, as long as you think and act like a smoker, you’re sure to keep smoking regardless of the patches, hypnosis, drugs or other cures you may seek. The same goes whether your wanting to lose weight, find a mate, or find a more satisfying career.

Until you begin to think and act like the person who has the things you desire, you’ll never attract those things.

People who have successful marriages don’t think and act the way they do because they have successful marriages. They have successful marriages because they think and act that way. The same is true with people who have accumulated great wealth. They have wealth because they think and act that way.

Many people work very hard and sacrifice a lot in an effort to create the best life possible. But they are frustrated beyond belief and cannot understand why “life is so hard” or “why life continues to deal them such a poor hand.”

Life is only hard because one believes that it is. Life will continue to deal a poor hand to those who believe that it will. People do not attract what they want, but that which they are.

They only way to attract what you want is to change the way you’re thinking about yourself in certain situations. Develop a different picture. Even if it is hard to believe. It’s been said that the longer you tell yourself a lie the more you will begin to accept it yourself.

In all reality though, you will be telling yourself the truth. The truth is you are a winner and you can have the things you desire. You just need to change your expectations.

No matter what negative circumstances you may find yourself in, expect things to turn around in your favor. When you stop working on what it is you’re trying to get, and start working on changing the way you see yourself, only then will you get what it is you want. When you change, your results will change. Changing your perspective on life and on yourself may not be easy. With so many negative things happening around us, we sometimes wonder if we will ever know peace and true happiness in life. Here’s the good news: It is indeed possible to lead a peaceful and fulfilled life in God regardless of the state of things in our world.

If this resonates with you, there’s more we’d like to share with you about God and His immense love for you. Please click on the banner below.



Why Is My Hair Not Growing?


We have probably all asked this question at some point. Whether your hair is relaxed, just gone through the “big chop” or been natural for a while, sometimes it seems like our hair is stuck at length X and is destined to remain that way no matter what.

We all have a unique hair growth cycle which is mostly determined by genetics. On average, this cycle lasts between 2-6 years. This means that if you aren’t suffering from any underlying health issues, then your hair IS growing! However, the truth is, afro-textured hair is the most fragile hair type of all which makes it the most vulnerable to damage and breakage. Although your hair is continually growing, it may be breaking just as fast, giving the appearance that your hair growth has been stunted. Let’s have a look at some of the culprits:

Poor diet: They say you are what you eat, and if you’re filling up on a lot of junk, fried and greasy foods, your hair could really suffer. Your total body health is absolutely essential for improved hair growth. After the critical functioning organs, hair, skin and nails receive our body’s nutrition last so you have to be sure that you are eating a well-balanced and nutrient-packed diet so that these parts are not left out. If not, your hair will certainly pay the price.

You always want to be sure that you are getting enough protein, B-vitamins and iron for your body’s needs. Generally, foods that are high in nutritional value such as fish, nuts, green leafy veggies along with enough water are recommended for strong healthy hair and scalp.

Unhealthy hair care practices: Our hair gets its strength from protein and elasticity from moisture, so we need to “feed” it with both. Without these building blocks, hair will be weak, brittle and prone to breakage during combing, styling or any other manipulation. For starters, your product kit should contain a cleanser (shampoo), 2 conditioners (moisture and protein), a moisturizer and oil.

Along with these products, you should invest in proper tools for handling your hair. Rough handling can cause breakage over time resulting in poor length retention. Use your fingers or a seamless wide-tooth comb to detangle your hair while it’s wet. Use a T-shirt to pat your hair dry after washing it, rather than a towel. Cover your hair with a satin cap at night, to prevent loss of moisture to a cotton pillowcase.



What Happens To Your Brain During A Breakup


This is really interesting. Have you ever noticed that after a breakup it’s like all the bad memories of your ex significant other have been completely erased, and all you can remember is the good moments and times you’ve shared? A breakup takes you right back to the beginning of the relationship when things were still cute, fresh, new, and exciting.

Are We Literally Addicted To Love?

Everything that reminds you of your partner, whether it be a memory, photograph, smell, place – you name it, triggers the reward neurons inside of the caudate nucleus and the ventral tegmental area of the brain. These areas of the brain actually light up when the people who are at the ‘puppy dog’ stage of new love are asked to look at photographs of their partners. Interestingly enough, these are the same areas of the brain that light up when given cocaine or heroin. Can you relate?

When the reward neurons are turned on, repeated floods of the neurotransmitter dopamine are released, which then activates circuits in the brain, creating a craving for more. In the case of a new relationship, what you need more of is your new partner. This is what will give you the dosage of dopamine that you are literally craving.

Eventually, after the initial high from the early stages of a relationship wear off and a more long-term partnership develops, the obsession fades away. You almost build up a tolerance to it as you become used to the feeling. After a breakup happens, memories of the way things used to be with your partner come back with a vengeance, and the brain starts looking for its romantic fix – but doesn’t get the usual responses it expects. Have you ever noticed how crazy and irrational people can become during a breakup? They are looking for their next fix, much like a drug addict looking for their next high.

Love Hurts And The Pain Is Real

It is incredibly interesting to consider how the emotional pain of a breakup can actually be felt physically. You know, the tightness in your chest, nausea in your stomach. Two studies looked at the brain activity of people who were going through a breakup and found that the “reward systems” were not the only areas of the brain which had been activated, but also the regions of the brain which control distress and physical pain. The areas of the brain that capture pain sensations were quiet, but the systems those are tied to, the ones that determine how the body reacts to pain, were telling the body that something bad or “painful” was happening.

The brain controls functions of the body, which can lead to the release of stress hormones, which in turn can have grave impacts on the body’s well-being. Breakups can actually lead to some pretty extreme conditions, such as takotsubo cardiomyopathy, also known as “broken heart syndrome”, which is caused by the heart weakening and expanding under this kind of emotional stress. Although rare, this can lead to death.

What Can You Do?

Unfortunately the best cure for dealing with breakups is time. Eventually you will lose your obsession and begin to make new memories. Have you ever been in a relationship that ended and your partner got a new love interest right away? They appear to be completely over the breakup, but this is most likely because their need for love, their addiction, is still being satisfied.

When it comes to love, men and women don’t quite get the hang of it sometimes. Love is deep, and many a time, we just don’t know how to receive it or give it. The reason why we experience so much pain during a breakup is because the beauty of love is something every human being desires to experience for as long as they live, and when it has to come to an end, everything in us gets shaken. But thankfully, there is a love we can rely on that never fails, that never ends, that won’t ever breakup with us and it comes from God.  His is a perfect and undying love. It’s always compassionate. God’s love will never reject you no matter what your past has been and the mistakes you made. You don’t have to earn it or work for it. It’s available for you any day, any time.  If you’d like to experience this love or just know more about God, please click on the banner below.


Hiroshima Marks 70 Years Since Atomic Bomb


Tens of thousands gathered in Hiroshima on Thursday to mark 70 years since the dropping of the first atomic bomb, with opinion still divided over whether its deadly destruction was justified.

An American B-29 bomber called the Enola Gay dropped the uranium bomb, dubbed “Little Boy”, on Hiroshima exploding some 600m (1,800ft) above the city, at around 08:10 on 6 August 1945 in one of the closing chapters of World War II – and a second one on Nagasaki three days later  – It claimed the lives of at least 140,000 people.

Nearly everything around it was incinerated by a wall of heat up to 4,000 degrees Celsius — hot enough to melt steel.

On that day alone, at least 70,000 people are believed to have been killed. Many more died of horrific injuries caused by radiation poisoning in the days, weeks and months that followed.

People across Japan have observed a minute’s silence to mark the anniversary. In Hiroshima, a bell tolled at 08:15 local time – when the US aircraft dropped the bomb that flattened the city centre.

Children, elderly survivors and delegates representing 100 countries were in the crowd with many placing flowers in front of the cenotaph at Peace Memorial Park, as doves were released into the air.

Addressing 40,000 people who attended the commemoration ceremony at Hiroshima’s peace park near the epicenter of the 1945 attack, Mr Shinzō Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, called for worldwide nuclear disarmament.

“As the only country ever attacked by an atomic bomb… we have a mission to create a world without nuclear arms”, Abe told the crowd.He said that that atomic bomb not only killed thousands of people in Hiroshima but also caused unspeakable suffering to survivors.

“Today Hiroshima has been revived,” the Prime Minister said, “and has become a city of culture and prosperity. “Seventy years on I want to reemphasize the necessity of world peace.”

Hiroshima Mayor Mr Kazumi Matsui,  described nuclear weapons as an “absolute evil” while urging the world to put an end to them forever.

When we look at our world today, we sometimes have the tendency to think that humans have become more wicked  with the passing of years. But this atrocious event that happened close to a century ago reminds us that war, conflicts, backstabbing , betrayal and all other “evils” we know are not the story of today’s age only. When our motives, intentions and actions are not kept in check, there’s no limit to the amount of damage we can cause to ourselves and to others.

It may not be in a form of a uranium bomb sweeping thousands of lives away, but everything we say and do to others on a daily basis out of malice, carelessness , selfishness, wickedness or simply lack of respect, has the potential to cause great and irreversible damage. We constantly need to ask ourselves why we do what we do and if need be, seek help. Because we are limited in our nature, true help can only come from someone greater, and that is God. So much could be said about this but one post alone cannot do it. It’s a journey. If you’d like to talk to us more about God and get some answers,  please click on the banner below.



Portion of content sourced from:

How To Be More Organised


Really organized people are not born organized people. They have to cultivate healthy habits, which then help them to stay organized. Here are the essential ten habits they use to keep their lives in order.

1. Write Things Down

We all know someone that remembers every birthday and sends cards for every holiday. It’s not magic and they don’t use memorization. Trying to remember things will not help you to stay organized. You should try writing things down.

A pen and some paper is our way of remembering things externally, and it’s much more permanent. You can also use a computer or a smart phone. You will only further complicate your life by trying to contain important dates and reminders in your head. Write down everything: shopping lists for groceries, holiday gifts, home decor, and important dates like meetings and birthdays.

As an experiment, try writing down people’s names shortly after you meet them (when they’re not looking). I’ll bet you remember a lot more names that way.

2. Make Schedules and Deadlines

Organized people don’t waste time. They recognize that keeping things organized goes hand-in-hand with staying productive. They make and keep schedules for the day and week. They make deadlines and set goals. And most importantly, they and stick to them! Similarly, by living a cluttered lifestyle, you will not have the time or space to make your deadlines or achieve your goals.

3. Don’t Procrastinate

The longer you wait to do something, the more difficult it will be to get it done. If you want your life to be less stressful and less demanding, then organize as soon as you can. Putting in the effort to get things done as soon as possible will lift the weight off of you from doing it later.

4. Give Everything a Home

It’s easy to get lost if you don’t have a home. Keeping your life organized means keeping your things in their proper places. Organized people keep order by storing things properly and by labeling storage spaces.

Make easy-to-access storage spaces for things you use all the time, and don’t let your storage spaces get cluttered. Be creative about finding places for things. In addition, as a BIG NO: never label a storage space as “miscellaneous!”

5. Declutter Regularly

Find time each week to organize. Highly organized people make sure they find time every week, or more, to organize there things. Stuff does not stay organized on its own; it needs to be reorganized continuously and consistently.

6. Delegate Responsibilities

A really organized life is not overfilled with responsibilities, meetings, and deadlines. In fact, it has less because things that create stress have been slowly organized out.

It’s imperative for anyone willing to be successful in what they do to establish certain disciplines  like the ones shared above and  know how to be more organised . But life being as unpredictable as we know it to be can throw us in overwhelming situations that are beyond our ability to cope all on our own. Some lose their minds when life throws curve balls at them but some stand strong in the face of hardships, have you ever wondered why? We at 1Africa believe in a God who’s presence in one’s life makes all the difference especially when things get out of control. We invite you to click on the banner below If you’d like to know more about God.


Everything To Know About Drake’s OVO Fest 2015


Drake hosted his annual OVO Fest in Toronto this past weekend. Now in its sixth year, the festival kicked off on Friday with a set from comedian Kevin Hart. J. Cole and Big Sean shared co-headlining duties for night two. However, the weekend’s big attraction, of course, came via Drizzy himself, who closed out the festival on Monday night with a truly massive set that included guest appearances from Kanye West, Pharrell Williams, Future, Travi$ Scott, and more.

However, before any fun was had, Drake addressed his ongoing feud with Meek Mill. He began his set by performing the two new diss tracks he wrote about Meek, “Back to Back” and “Charged Up”. If that weren’t enough, he displayed a PowerPoint presentation of anti-Meek Mill memes as backing visuals, and was also seen wearing a T-shirt that read “Free Meek Mill”.

Following a surprise appearance from Future, Drake welcomed Kanye to the stage, who proceeded to tear through his own 12-song set that included “Wolves”, “All Day”, and a pair of collaborations with Travi$ Scott. Eventually, he joined forces with the master of ceremonies to perform “Blessings”.

Drake briefly rapped solo, including the live debut of “Hotline Bling”, before bringing out Pharrell to perform “Get Lucky”.

To conclude the set, Drake rattled off some of his biggest hits, including “Started From the Bottom”, “Marvin’s Room”, and “R.I.C.O.”, his collaboration with Meek Mill. Once more, he set hit sights on Meek Mill as he performed “Back to Back” for a second time and teased a third diss track called “3Peat”.



World’s Population To Reach 11.2 Billion By 2100


India is set to overtake China and become the world’s most populous country in less than a decade – six years sooner than previously forecast, the United Nations said on Wednesday.

Fast-growing Nigeria is on course to outstrip the United States by about 2050 to become the country with the third largest population, the United Nations predicted.

The current global population of 7.3 billion is forecast to reach 9.7 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100, slightly above the last set of U.N. projections.

Most growth will happen in developing regions, particularly Africa, according to the report World Population Prospects.

The demographic forecasts are crucial for designing and implementing the new global development goals being launched later this year to replace the Millennium Development Goals.

John Wilmoth, head of the U.N. population division, said the concentration of growth in the poorest countries would make it harder to eradicate poverty, combat hunger and expand schooling and health systems.

The world’s two largest nations, China and India, have well over 1 billion people each and are likely to switch places by 2022 – six years earlier than previously forecast.

Experts predict Africa will account for more than half the world’s population growth in the next 35 years.

Ten African countries – Angola, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Mali, Niger, Somalia, Uganda, Tanzania and Zambia – are projected to increase their populations five-fold or more by 2100.

Future population growth is highly dependent on the path of future fertility, as relatively small changes in fertility can, projected over decades, generate large differences in total population, the report said.

In recent years, fertility has declined in almost all parts of the world, while life expectancy has increased significantly in the poorest countries, rising from 56 to 62 since the beginning of the century.

Declining fertility and rising life expectancy mean the world is getting greyer, and most regions will have an aging population, starting with Europe where one third of the population is projected to be over 60 by 2050, the report said.

Globally, the number of people aged 80 or over – currently 125 million – is projected to more than triple by 2050 and to increase more than seven times by 2100.

But populations in many regions are still young. In Africa, children under 15 account for two fifths of the population.

“The large number of young people (in Africa) who will reach adulthood in the coming years and have children of their own, ensures that the region will play a central role in shaping the size and distribution of the world’s population over the coming decades,” the report said.

Source :

Are You As Committed To Your Dream As Tom Cruise?

Fans of the Mission: Impossible franchise will, I’m sure, be celebrating the release of the latest picture Rogue Nation, which sees Tom Cruise reprise his role as Ethan Hunt, an IMF agent. Those who’ve followed Cruise’s career with keen interest will know that he is the consummate professional who loves to do all his own stunts. Mind you, a lot of the stunts we’re talking about here are death-defying, high spectacle ones – deep into the realm of “kids, please don’t try this at home”. Before I get carried away, if you haven’t seen the trailer for Rogue Nation, we have it for you right here on 1Africa.

There’s no doubt that after watching any M: I trailer, you’re literally left on the edge of your seat, eager to grab your ticket.

I read over the weekend that, for the latest installment of M: I, Tom Cruise took his gutsiness and daring to a whole new level.  According to Business Insider, “at a key moment in the movie, Cruise…has to dive into an underwater safe to retrieve the computer chip that will lead him closer to the film’s villain. Along with having to hold his breath the whole time, he must keep away from a large crane that’s circling around the safe… The stunt first required Cruise to jump off a 120-foot ledge (the bottom was all CGI, but he really did the jump)… Then, in an underwater set that was filled 20 feet high with water, Cruise had to hold his breath as he acted out the scene.”

In usual Tom Cruise fashion,  he was the one actually doing the stunt. He held his breath for 6 minutes in order to pull it off. So into his character and performance was the superstar that he even had stunt coordinator, Wade Eastwood, worried and concerned. At some point, Business Insider reports, Cruise came dangerously close to passing out.

If this isn’t commitment to one’s calling and area of talent, then I don’t know what is! When you look at your life, are you committed to what you’re born to do to the extent that you would even put your body and life on the line for it? Sometimes, the real reason for our halfhearted approach to life is because we don’t actually fully know what we’re here for.

At 1Africa, our belief is that we can only truly find our purpose in God. He gives meaning to everything in us. Once he has helped us see what our purpose is, we can then be so passionate and engaged that we will, like Tom Cruise, be willing to give our all. If this post has inspired you to ask yourself some challenging questions about purpose and commitment, please click on the banner below.

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