Friday, March 7, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Glo


God Always Gives Us Options


We all have times when we feel we have no options, especially in today’s economy. Maybe we’re in a job crisis and we feel there is just no way out. Sometimes we don’t even have a job, money is rapidly running out, and we’re beginning to feel despair. Or maybe you are a student with a 55 average going into a final exam in a course you must have to graduate. Sometimes it’s in a marriage that seems hopeless. There are many possible scenarios, but they all have this in common: It seems like we’ve run out of options, and we don’t know what to do. We feel trapped in a hopeless situation with no possible way out.

We can learn how to face these crises by remembering the children of Israel. They faced a stormy sea to the front and Egyptian soldiers to the rear. Talk about having no options…they truly had no way out! But, if you’ll remember, God led them from desperation to complete victory. Realize that the same God who parted the Red Sea is standing beside you whenever you think you’re out of options. There is no lasting defeat for children of God; He always gives us the option of allowing Him to lead us, teach us, and build our faith.

If He parted the Red Sea for the people of faith, then through faith, no situation is hopeless. Ever.


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Just For You


Advertisers are people I have a lot of admiration for. Judging from the adverts I see daily on TV and online, it appears to me that one has to be extremely creative to produce a 1 minute clip that successfully lures an audience to buy into a product. And man, don’t these adverts succeed in making us believe that whoever created that product went to bed thinking about how they can make our lives and our families better by creating this or that product? If we humans cared  for one another this much, the world would, by now, be a much better place! You’ll recognize this classic line, often said in a lustrous and enticing voice towards the end of many adverts:  “….made just for you”! These words just tickle our fancy, don’t they? Often, a good advert is all it takes to get you to buy a product which you did not even need. What happens, though, is that you fall prey to the well rehearsed, flattering  words of advertisers. I wonder how it is that we are quick to buy into the words of marketers, who in reality – and we know this – are more concerned about reaching their financial targets than they are about us, but we are quick to dismiss any talk about God , and the love He has for us without even giving Him the benefit of the doubt. Is it because we can’t see Him ?

Well, it’s no secret that we here at 1Africa do believe in God, and ours is a very simple and straightforward message. We have no philosophical theory to present to you to try to convince you that God exists. Our lives, and the lives of those who dared to resist the temptation of brushing off the reality of God on grounds that He cannot be seen, tell of how close He can be to those who welcome Him in their hearts. In a world in crisis, we feel compelled to share that God wants to be there for you. He is not confused or intimidated by the circumstances of your life.

We all love it when someone makes us feel as if we are the center of their world. It’s rare to experience this without fearing that perhaps this person may have ulterior motives. Unlike advertisers who say good things as a way to get at your wallet, God isn’t interested in getting anything from you. If we’re to be honest, He owns it all. His only desire is to walk with you and for you to know that He has time, plans and thoughts that are just for you even though your present circumstances may make you believe that God is far away or possibly even nonexistent. The choice to believe in Him or to not believe is yours. You don’t have to live hopeless when there’s hope. We’ve cut together a video which we believe will help you understand what we shared in this article better.  You’ll need to click on the banner below to watch that video. If at all you have questions or a comment related to knowing God, please leave us a message in the comments section below and we’ll gladly get back to you.

Lions Don’t Give Birth To Cats


I must admit I have had it up to my eyebrows with issues of racism, hate, violence, inequality and more being seen in the world today, the news hour is saturated with stories carrying these themes. At times one can’t help but wonder where is this world coming to! These issues mentioned earlier are rampant in the corporate world, in government, out on the streets and even in religious communities too. It seems as if something very wrong has sprung in human hearts making even those we once looked up to act in dishonest ways, to say the least, towards people they once loved or rather pretended to love and care for.

Often when we hear of treachery, duplicity, hypocrisy, racism, corruption, we are quick to attach these words to political leaders because, c’mon, aren’t they the ones widely  reputed to cut corners in the name of politics? By virtue of being public figures, their dirty laundry is often washed in public, through media. That’s why we all know they are the ‘bad guys’. But a deceitful behavior coming from a political figure, though frustrating especially when the public interest is at stake, is unlikely to surprise anyone. But imagine if disappointing behaviors were to come from someone closer than a political figure, someone you deeply trust and perhaps love too. Sadly, these things happen. I’ve had my share of  experiencing being treated like a pawn by people who once said they believed in me and I know it’s this kind of hurt that’s often too difficult to recover from.

But why the fuss anyway? Seeing that human nature is frail and imperfect, betrayal and back-stabbing are to be expected in our lifetime.
Did your boss, your pastor or someone you trusted belittle you or undermine your value, talent, worth? Know this: people’s opinions will never nullify the truth, and truth is that you were created in the image of God. If the One who made you had, and still has creativity unlimited as to create the universe in a spectacular array of galaxies and sustain it, then you must carry some of his great abilities. Lions don’t give birth to cats! You are who your Maker is: great, creative and able to accomplish something major with your life. Believe this and let nobody’s diminishing words put you down.

Are you in a space where you see yourself as insignificant, good for nothing because someone told you or treated you so? We see you in a completely opposite way and we’d like to share with you about this creative God in whose image you were made. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, they say. The one step you are required to make today towards a lifelong journey of significance, purpose and great achievement is to click on the banner below and watch a video which takes our message further.

About My African Hair Pt 3 – Types of Hair


Though we generally refer to coarse and kinky hair as “African hair”, truth is, black Africans have different types of hair.  And in order to have beautiful and healthy hair, it’s vital to know your type of hair so that you may give it exactly what it needs. Knowing your hair type will provide you with a good starting point in caring for your hair , it will  enable you to choose more suitable products and will help provide you with guidance for how you should handle your hair.

In this very last edition of the About My African Hair series, we’ll show you how to determine your hair type and what your specific hair requires most. There are two types of systems that are used to classify our hair. The one we’re using here is the Andre Walker’s hair typing system which is said to be easiest to follow and is the most visually descriptive system. The classification system ranges from straight hair types to curly hair types. African hair, which is naturally curly, will mostly fall under the following curly hair types:  3a, 3b, 3c, 4a, 4b, and 4c. The best way to see your true curl pattern is after you have washed your hair and your hair has air dried without products.

hair types

Type 4 – Kinky Hair

  • Type 4 is kinky, or very tightly curled, with a clearly visible curl pattern
  • The hair is very wiry, very tightly coiled and very, very fragile
  • Type 4 hair can range from fine/thin to wiry/coarse with lots and lots of strands densely packed together
  • Type 4 hair has fewer cuticle layers than any other hair type, which means that it has less natural protection from the damage you inflict by combing, brushing, curling, blow-drying and straightening it
  • Type 4 hair is known to shrink up to 75% of the actual hair length


  • Use styling creams, butters and oils for type 4 hair
  • This hair type needs extra moisture and tender-loving care because it can be fragile
  • Detangle hair with a lot of conditioner in your hair and use a comb or detangling brush
  • Let hair air dry or use a hood dryer
  • Do not use a brush or comb on your dry curls
  • Reduce tangles by sleeping on a satin pillowcase or wrap hair in a satin cap

Type 3 – Curly Hair

  • There is a definite loopy “S” pattern
  • Curls are well-defined and springy
  • Type 3 hair has a lot of body; it is easily styled in its natural state or straightened with a blow-dryer
  • It isn’t coarse, like many believe, but soft and very fine—there’s just a lot of it
  • Combinations of Type 3a and 3b curls are common


  • 3a’s: Use gels and creams that offer light moisture and curl definition
  • 3b’s: Use gels and styling creams with extra moisture and serious frizz control
  • Use duckbill clips on the crown of your head to lift top curls
  • Let hair air dry or use a diffuser
  • Once your curls are dry, rub a little pomade into the palm of your hands and smooth over your hair gently
  • Do not use a brush or comb on your dry curls
  • Reduce tangles by sleeping on a satin pillowcase

Here is a video that explains hair types in more detail:

This brings our hair series to a beautiful end. I trust the information shared in these articles has been useful to you and that, from now on, you will maintain beautiful hair. With proper care, natural hair can be lustrous. Now that you have all this knowledge , start working on your own hair. For more info on hair types and how to determine yours, please click here.

Credit for portions of this post to:



Big Up Africa: Peace In Africa


If you thought xenophobia in South Africa is the worst thing that has happened on the African continent in recent months, think again! I don’t think it unreasonable to say that the world over, things are either politically or economically shaky and the situation is far from being different right here in Africa. Remember the massacre of 147 students in a Kenyan university few weeks ago, recurring terrorist attacks on Nigeria, the Ebola epidemic which broke out in west Africa over a year ago taking thousands lives, and many other devastating stories which don’t even make news headlines. We could choose to turn a blind eye to these happenings because things are still okay in the city we live in, or we could become negative or hopeless, but to what end? Won’t that be shooting ourselves in the foot? Because what doesn’t directly affect us today, could one day affect someone we know, someone we love, if we allow ourselves to remain dull and indifferent to the alarming events in our society. This is why today’s Edition of  Big Up Africa is dedicated to peace in Africa.

For us here at 1Africa, the concept of peace in Africa isn’t just wishful thinking. It’s something we take seriously so we write about it. We can’t all be politicians and lawmakers but we all certainly can be advocates of peace in our spheres of influence. Whether in business, education or entertainment, you have an audience and it’s your responsibility to positively influence the people in that space. That way, we’ll ensure that the peace we Africans so desire will begin with individuals taking care of their motives and actions, helping others become better and spreading a message of hope and love, not hatred or negativity.

Many positive stories remain untold, but we believe that right now, someone out there is spearheading change and peace in an Afrcan community. To you all preachers of peace and hope, we say “salute”.

Why You Should Dream Big


I love Africa and I love being African. But, having grown up as a young girl in central Africa in a country then known as Zaire, I also know very well the challenges facing my beautiful continent. Lately, I got to wondering a little bit about the issues facing Africa and my mind wandered further into the area of dreams. As I reflected, I got to realize that dreams are one of the things in which we as Africans fall short. Many of us, if we’re to be honest, just don’t dream big things. We don’t think of owning multinational corporations or of being regional and global influencers or of shaping the culture. We could get into all kinds of discussions about why, generally speaking, we don’t dream big. But that wouldn’t be very helpful.

Instead, here are a few reasons why it’s important for you to dream big:

  1. It’s good for you. This may seem silly but the reality, according to generally accepted medical wisdom, is that when you have a dream and are hoping for something, it fills you with energy. An energized person is likely to live longer than someone living in despair
  1. It’s not just about you. When you look at many of our grandparents and even parents who lived under colonial rule, their view of life was that going to school, getting married then having a decent house and kids was success. Very few thought of success in a transgenerational sense. When you have a big dream, it will benefit not only you but generations to come
  1. You were designed to dream. You have always had dreams but it’s quite possible that the influence of people around you, your background or the circumstances of your life have gradually worn your dream down. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t dream of doing great things. Regardless of who laughed at you, who said no to your idea or how little money was in your pocket to get things going, it’s never too late to kick-start things again
  1. Africa is desperately in need of dreamers. There is so much despair, hopelessness and negativity on our continent. It would be fine if it came from outsiders but the sad reality is that a huge amount of the bad vibes come from us. We are our own worst enemies. Not the West. Not lack of money. We need people who will dream big dreams and raise Africa from the place that it’s in until we are a respected powerhouse again. In case you didn’t know it, Africa was once renowned for its wealth and influence. If you don’t believe me, read up about the Mali Empire and Mansa Musa I of Mali. He is recognized as the richest man to have ever lived and he was African.

Big dreams are crucial but on their own, they don’t go far. You need to couple them with focus, resilience, diligence and the various other ingredients for success. But the seed is the dream.

At 1Africa, our firm belief is that God is the source of our dreams and He gives real meaning to our lives. A relationship with Him allows us to get over fear and stop chasing false dreams so that we can truly become all that He ever wanted us to be. If you would like to hear more about God and what the link is between Him and the pursuit of our dreams, please click on the banner below.

Xenophobic Attacks In South Africa


The past three weeks have seen an unraveling of yet another set of tragic events of a xenophobic nature in the South African eastern coastal city of Durban and in Johannesburg, the commercial hub of South Africa, the economic powerhouse of the continent. A group of locals took it upon themselves to attack, mistreat and kill black non-South African citizens living in the country. These foreign nationals were accused of living in South Africa without the legal documents that allow their stay, taking jobs meant for citizens, committing crimes and successfully running businesses in townships where South African businesses are struggling to thrive.

It’s been reported that these outrageous attacks perpetrated on black Africans in South Africa were sparked by the Zulu tribal leader, King Goodwill Zwelithini, in a speech he delivered few weeks ago in which he was recorded uttering in isiZulu that “foreign nationals” in South Africa should pack their bags and go back to their countries of origin. King Zwelithini later claimed that his words were taken out of context.

Violence and looting of shops owned by non-South Africans, which initially began in Isipingo, a township in Durban, have over the past two weeks spread to other areas of the city and, more recently, reports of xenophobic attacks were reported in Johannesburg – particularly in Alexandra, a township in Johannesburg. Among the many acts of violence as seen reported in mainstream media and on social media platforms, probably the most appalling and heart-wrenching was the brutal killing of Mozambican citizen Emmanuel Sithole, who was stabbed and killed in the early hours of Saturday 18 April in Alexandra. His death sent shock-waves around the world. The South African government, the police force and many civic organisations have been working to control the situation, setting up camps and shelters for families to be accommodated until a resolution to the situation is found. In an effort to fight xenophobia, a peace march was held on Thursday 16 April in Durban and, on Monday 20 April, King Goodwill Zwelithini called the Zulu community to a gathering (imbizo, in isiZulu)which took place at the Moses Mabhida Stadium in Durban. In his speech, the king called for an end to xenophobic violence. So far, 7 people have lost their lives and thousands have been displaced. At the time of writing, it had emerged that the South African Defence Force, on the instruction of the Cabinet ministers from the security cluster, has been deployed to neighborhoods in Durban and Johannesburg considered to be hotpots. This is on the back of an attack on a Zimbabwean couple in Alexandra. Tensions in these areas are still high. Out of fear of losing their lives, some families, in collaboration with governments from their countries of origin, are making plans to leave South Africa.

What we’ve seen in South Africa over the past three weeks is too painful for words. The 1Africa team stands in heart and prayer with the families of those who have lost their loved ones and with everyone who has suffered during these attacks. We pray for a peaceful resolution to this crisis and, above all, we pray that as Africans, we will come to a place of truly loving and valuing our own people.

Dare To Be Bold


I recently watched a video which taught me a major lesson about courage and boldness. This visual piece, brilliantly put together with just the right bed music to stir the viewer’s emotions, showed some magical moments between some of soccer legends and their fans.
When I got to the end of the video, I felt some sort of salty liquid rushing out of my eyes. Some people call this liquid tears :-). That’s how beautiful & inspiring the video was! Please find it embedded below the text.
The different scenes in this video, most, if not all recorded on a football pitch, show a fan making a bold move to meet their admired player in person. Some went as far as interrupting a soccer match to get a picture with a particular player or their signature on a T-shirt. What struck me the most was seeing these football legends welcoming the courageous fan’s effort and leaving them with something memorable.

Now, a picture with a footballer or his T-shirt perhaps isn’t that much of a significant thing to some of you. It doesn’t solve any of the problems facing our world today but the long and the short of it is that great courage and boldness is the meal of those who have achieved greatness. Many are fans, but few are ready to interrupt a game in order to meet the subject of their admiration.

I was deeply inspired by what I saw in the video and at the same time, remembered the many times I desperately wished I could act with courage in a given situation or area of my life but fear gripped me. Could this be you? Courage and boldness come from a place of deep conviction that the step you are about to take is the right one for your situation though you know you may encounter challenges. This kind of confidence must have its roots in something or someone greater and stronger than you for it to last. For us here at 1Africa, God is the author of the courage & boldness we have in our lives and exhibit through the articles we write. And this boldness leads us to believe that you too can start living your life to its full potential, grabbing opportunities that come your way without fear. You will get there. Click on the banner below, you will find a video in which we share more on how you can know God and His purposes for your life. Will you not make this bold step right now?

About My African Hair Pt 2: Do’s and Don’ts


As promised, our talk on African hair and ways to take good care of it continues. Last week, we looked at some myths surrounding black African hair in order to start a healthy hair journey on a clean slate. This week, I bring you a list of Do’s and Don’ts for your hair. Following this simple advice helped many a woman to protect her hair, keep it healthy and promote growth:


  1. Eat healthy: Isn’t it interesting to know that even hair thrives on what we put into our bodies? The quality of diet plays a major role in our outward appearance. If you want to have beautiful hair begin by maintaining a healthy diet. Unlike the widespread opinion that eating healthy is expensive, eating healthy food can actually be affordable especially if you have a little yard at home where you can grow fresh produce. Being born and having grew up in central Africa, I know that fruits, vegetables and starches are things which used to grow in our back yards, sometimes with very little efforts from our part. Fish also contains a vitamin very essential to healthy hair, Omega 3. Couple this with a solid hair regimen and give yourself time, you’ll love the results.
  2. Wash hair regularly: Clean hair is not only beautiful but also keeps your scalp clean and allows for growth.
  3. Use wide tooth comb only: Wide tooth combs are perfect tools for African hair. They apply less strain and tension to hair.wide tooth-comb
  4. Use shampoos with no sulfates in it: Know your products! Sulfate is a very harsh chemical and most shampoos on the market contain this chemical. When applied to hair, such shampoos cause dryness which lead to hair breakage. Read up on products, get informed on what ingredients should be avoided when choosing your hair products. Many African hair bloggers have made these info available on their blogs. I will share some links later on.
  5. Use natural oils as moisturizers and sealants: Nature never disappoints! The best moisturizers are your Coconut oil, Castor oil, Olive oil, Grapeseed oil, Tea tree oil, Almond oil, shea butter and the list goes on. Always make sure you have one of these. You can use them in a daily moisturizing routine or mix them in a hot oil treatment.
  6. Massage your scalp: Massaging the scalp increases blood circulation to the head and promotes hair growth. Do this regularly, every week.
  7. Protect your hair ends: Protective styles are a great way to protect your hair from rough weather especially in winter. When it’s cold and windy, braids and wigs are good options to protect hair. However, make sure you stay away from very tight and thin braiding styles.
  8. Use a satin bonnet or scarf to cover your hair at night: Unlike cotton or other material which strip hair of its moisture, satin retains hair’s moisture and texture. If you are serious about having great hair, get yourself a satin bonnet or scarf to use at night.


  1. Excessive heat: Say no to constant blow drying, flat ironing and the like. Excessive heat can cause hair to lose its strength and become prone to breakage. If you want to  use heat, do it d make sure you use heat protectant.flat iron
  2. Greasing hair: Grease can clog pores and slow or prevent hair growth. In fact, African hair does not need grease. There are many other better and healthier ways to moisturize hair as discussed above.
  3. Rough combing: Combing hair should be a gentle exercise. Someone once said to me that hair should be treated like an organ, with utmost care. Avoid combing hair when it’s wet.
  4. Scratching the scalp: Please avoid scratching your scalp with finger nails, combs or any sharp material. The scalp is very sensitive. Usually lack of moisture causes itchiness, try moisturizing and if the problem persists, first find out what’s causing it and get treatment.

Here are some of the great hair blogs I’ve come across:

Look out for our 3rd and last article in the series About My African Hair this week on Thursday. Until then,  keep loving your hair !!!!

Aim For Love


The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. (1 Timothy 1:5 ESV)

Have you ever lived next door to a musician? It can be a real treat when he or she is accomplished, but what about when said musician is, for instance, a lousy drummer who knows how to do nothing but pound? We all understand that in the right context musicians gathering to play is lovely. A symphony, for example, can perform tremendously beautiful and resonating pieces. They each play their part, complementing one another to form one cohesive sound. But remember Paul’s warning to the Corinthians, that “if I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal”.(1 Corinthians 13:1)

A Christian who misses that the “aim of our charge is love” is like someone pounding away at a cymbal, drowning out everything surrounding it. When we don’t aim for love, our selfish pride takes over. Our actions drown out the cross of Christ and point to ourselves instead of our Creator. Realize then, that the body of Christ is meant to be a beautiful symphony, with everyone following the Conductor’s baton, playing in concert with one another, everyone’s sound harmonizing with the others.


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