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Christmas makes me cry


Soon another 365 days will be gone and, boy oh boy, what a journey it’s been! It’s hard to even begin to imagine what can happen in the space of 365 days. Recently, we published an article here on 1Africa in which we looked back at 2014 and found that there are many good things to be grateful for in spite of the negative experiences we may have had. Since this is a season of reflection, I’d like to bring up – to no one’s surprise of course – that 2014 has been a year in which we saw an unravelling of tragic events in our world. A good number of these changed the landscape of many people’s lives: buildings collapsing leaving dead bodies under the rubble, the Ebola outbreak carrying off a thousands lives in West Africa, school girls in Nigeria being abducted and, more recently, children in Peshawar, Pakistan being murdered ostensibly for reasons of revenge. These are but a few of the tragedies we saw happen in 2014. Our world is in quite a state and the thought of several families having to spend this time – which is supposed to be a happy and joyous time – grieving the loss of their loved ones breaks my heart.

Looking at all these events is painful, and those who specifically lost a loved one in this month of December while the world is gearing up for Christmas celebrations have a pain that is unimaginable. And it’s in this time of reflection that I realize once again that being alive is, in itself, something to be grateful for. Because where there is life, there is hope. So sometimes Christmas makes me cry tears of thankfulness and tears of HOPE. I’m thankful for life because it’s not a right but a gift. Nothing is guaranteed and anything can happen at any time. I am thankful for every good thing. As I reflect upon 2014 and see so much pain, I also see HOPE. Even though hearts are broken because of the many things that seem to go wrong all at the same time, there is a promise for a better life, one in which we can still find joy even in our most difficult moments and one in which peace is not dependent on how good or bad a state our world is in. No matter what you have been through this year, make a decision to choose a path that offers peace, hope and joy in a hurting world. We want you to be introduced to such a life and invite you to click on the banner below!

What Makes Christmas Special?


Christmas trees, colourful lights, beautifully wrapped gifts, delicious meals, friends & family and an all round lively vibe. You can’t help but love this time of year! For many decades now though, Christmas has been so commercialized and the atmosphere around it can get quite overwhelming especially in public places  where people are running in all directions getting all they can to make their Christmas time a little more special. In the midst of this, it gets easier to forget what truly makes Christmas time truly special.

The one thing that stands out the most to me in this season is relationships. All the décor, gifts and meals wouldn’t mean a thing without the people we love and care for or without anyone to share them with.  What makes this time special is people coming together in an environment where friendships are built and family bonds strengthened. And even if we don’t have all that we wish to have this Christmas, having people who truly love us and care for us is a rare and precious gift.

After this season has passed and Christmas trees and décor are taken down, every true relationship built and nurtured during this season will remain. So as you celebrate Christmas this year, think of someone who might be spending this time alone. Invest your time in building a relationship and extending love and friendship to your neighbours.

It is because of an immense love and a heart that values relationships that we are celebrating Christmas today. Whether you feel fulfilled this Christmas or not, being loved unconditionally, valued and protected is what every human heart desires. Why don’t you click on the banner below this article and watch a video that will share with you some good news about a relationship that’s sure to last way beyond Christmas time.

Looking back at 2014


A few days ago, as is a custom for many during this holiday season or at the end of any given journey, I began looking back at what the year 2014 has been. What I got out of my time of reflection was totally different from what I had in mind three or four weeks ago as I engaged in a very interesting conversation with a friend of mine who was encouraging me to get in the habit of noting and celebrating every achievement no matter how small. At the time that conversation happened, I was overwhelmed, concerned and frustrated because of the many things which did not go according to the plans I had for this year, and I could hardly see the good in what this year has been. Off the top of my head, I had no more than 2 or 3 things I considered as minor achievements worth just a minute of celebration while the rest and biggest part of my journey appeared to have been a nightmare.

But as I sat down this week and began reflecting on the year 2014 again, I thought to myself “it can’t have been that bad.Surely there are many good things that happened this year which I should be grateful for”. When I took a closer look at what my journey has been, I remembered one extra good thing that happened to me this year – a course I took which positively shaped my way of thinking and set me on a path to growth and success in my personal and professional life. I have to say taking this course brought positive results in my life. “This was something worth noting” I whispered to myself!  And in that moment I realized the list of good things that happen to us each year can be endless but very often we let our failures and pain – which no matter how long they last, will not remain permanent – obstruct our thinking and provide us with only a shallow view of what every experience we go through truly is.

So, as you go through the last days of 2014 and reflect on what this year has been for you, take a closer look at every experience you’ve had, you’ll see the positive even in that which on the surface appeared to be nothing but a challenge.

Perhaps you’ve done all you can to find something good to take away from 2014 but still can’t see it and all you need is a positive word to lift your spirits. Perhaps all you need is someone to tell you that things are and can be OK. Click on the pop-up that follows and find out more about what this article is really all about.

The sound of silence


“Then they sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights. No one said a word to him, because they saw how great his suffering was.” ~ Job 2:13

Listening works wonders! Loving silence has no sound but tells the one sitting next to you that you care. It can say to the hurting heart, “Because I love you and am interested in you, I am willing to be here and sit in silence with you.”

Job’s friends came to be with him during a difficult time. When they arrived, they were rendered speechless by Job’s obvious sickness and pain. So they simply sat, not saying a word. They had the ministry of presence, and they showed that they cared enough to be there. (If only they had remained quiet, but that’s another story!)

There is such a thing as the ministry of presence, and there is also such a thing as the ministry of silence. Ecclesiastes 3:7 tells us there is “a time to be silent and a time to speak.” Can you sit with a friend in silence? When a person is going through a difficult time, can you let her vent and spill and cry while you simply listen? Or do you complete all of her sentences for her? Do you feel that you must give her the answers to all her problems? Perhaps you feel the necessity to fill the air with words. Do you half listen to what she’s saying; waiting to begin on what you want to talk about, the troubles you want to share? In reality, she needs you simply to listen – not give answers, not back away, not talk too much yourself – just listen.


courtesy of

I want to leave but where do I go?

People who have suffered abuse often live in a constant, paralyzing fear, and because of the bond established between them and the person who’s abused them, leaving the relationship is a challenge. Women especially find it difficult to give up the emotional, financial or other support they have been receiving from their partner and, if they have children together, it becomes even more difficult to make a decision to leave when these questions pop up: where to from here? Where do I go?

No one gets to a place of contemplating leaving a relationship unless things are really bad, and because of the increasing statistics on violence all around the world, many organisations have been established to rescue women and children who’ve been abused and to provide them with the necessary support and guidance they need in order to be restored to a healthy life.

If you are a woman ready to leave an abusive relationship, here are few things that can help you :

1. Secretly save some money: Starting life after an abusive relationship is challenging, you will need some money to help you as you start a new life.

2. Confide in a close family member or friend: find out if they are able to accommodate you or if they know a safe house where you can go. Secretly make plans to move.

3. Get out more and find out what shelters or safe houses are in your city.

4.  Once you have identified a place to go and have made all necessary arrangements, leave at an opportune time. Keep a bag ready with your clothes and important documentation in case you need to leave urgently. And when you leave, get help, support and guidance on how to stand on your feet again. Most shelters provide this kind of support.

There are various safe houses in different countries; the key is to find which one is closest to you and to take time to secretly do some research. There is however a well-known organisation based in most African countries called ‘Salvation Army’. You can also visit their website and find out if and where they are in your city – they can provide all the necessary help you need.

Lastly, take a moment to read one of our articles on this issue. It provides some more insight on what to do or who to speak to when leaving an abusive relationship. I highly recommend you listen to the audio interview in that article with Angela from Sisters Inc., an organisation established in South Africa to help women and children who’ve been abused.


Big Up Africa: Little things matter


December time is a really beautiful season. As far back as I can remember, I recall Christmas as a season that has always had a beautiful and eventful ambience around it even during the most difficult years when my family had very little. How I wish this ambience lasted all year long! One of the things that stands out about this season is generosity and, on the very issue of giving, we recently published an article on 1Africa with the title Make Room For More. You can find that article here. The gist of that piece of writing is simply that you do not need to be wealthy to possess a giving heart. Things we consider little can be major to someone else.

The 1Africa team recently came across a project that embodies this idea perfectly and we’re excited to profile it on today’s edition of Big Up Africa. The newly launched project is called Ruremekedzo Inhlonipho which are Shona and Ndebele words for politeness, honor , respect and care shown towards someone or something that is considered important. An initiative from a young lady from Zimbabwe, Yeukai Chideya, joined by her sister and a couple of friends, this project aims to provide underwear and sanitary wear to less known charities and individuals taking care of vulnerable children in Zimbabwe and, in doing so, restore the dignity of children. This project was birthed when Yeukai – who is based in Cape Town, South Africa and is a Clinical Social Worker and Project Leader with Community Trauma Counselling Clinics – discovered the sad reality of many young girls who have to do without underwear due to the prevailing economic challenges in Zimbabwe. She came to learn that, in some instances, girls had to share the same underwear within the family with preference going to the one who is having her monthly period, and sometimes turn to unhygienic alternatives such as using leaves or even cow dung.

This is an initiative to be celebrated and that’s exactly what we’re doing in today’s edition of Big Up Africa. We celebrate Yeukai and the entire team at Ruremekedzo Inhlonipho Project for their incredible contribution in making a difference in the lives of many children in Zimbabwe. What they are doing matters A LOT! Little things such as underwear – which are actually essentials that everyone should have – can positively affect the way a child views him/herself. May this be a great inspiration to us all and, as we celebrate Christmas this year, let’s remember that little things matter! The first distribution, which comes just in time to spread some Christmas cheer, is scheduled for the 20th December 2014.

If you would like to know more about the project or get involved, visit and like Ruremekedzo Inhlonipho’s Facebook page.


Yeukai Chideya, founder of Ruremekedzo Inhlonipho Project


For Those Who Wait


I love music. I found myself drawn to music at a very young age. I have always been – and still am to this day – a fan of hip hop, pop, contemporary music and other forms. However, there’s a genre I’ve never really had great interest in and that is Rock. In recent years though, I’ve come across a few rock songs which I really got to appreciate. I’ve come to learn that a well-composed and well-arranged song can make for good music regardless of genre.

“For those who wait”, by a band called Fireflight, is one rock song I found myself listening to over and over in the past months. I appreciate the musical arrangement of this song but what draws me to it more are the lyrics.

Waiting can be challenging and yet – if you think about it – we are often in a place where we have to wait. Life being a journey, constantly requires that we be in anticipation of what is next, something new. We wait for a dark cloud to pass, for physical or emotional healing, for a new business opportunity or for that charming prince we’ve been dreaming of to sweep us off our feet etc. We anticipate many things and the longer we wait, if we’re not too careful, doubt can begin to invade our thoughts, causing us to doubt our own dreams. I too am someone anticipating something new in life and I know how difficult waiting can be. To those who are particularly anticipating a loving relationship, you may be asking yourself “will my heart ever find a home?”, remember the words of Fireflight : when you’re struggling to believe in a love that you can’t see, just know there is a purpose for those who wait”.  

Above the love we humans look for in one another, is a love pure & perfect that will help you love and care for that prince or princess you’re waiting for even better. But more importantly, your own heart is guaranteed a home in this love. The link popping up as you scroll down to the bottom of this article will lead you to a video where we’ll tell you more on how to settle in this love.

Here is the video clip of the song For those who wait for your enjoyment:







Make Room for more


Make Room for More

Somehow, not only for Christmas,
But all the long year through,
The joy that you give to others,
Is the joy that comes back to you.
And the more you spend in blessing,
The poor and lonely and sad,
The more of your heart’s possessing,
Returns to you glad.

– John Greenleaf Whittier

“If you give, you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full measure, pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, and running over. Whatever measure you use in giving–large or small–it will be used to measure what is given back to you.” Luke 6:38

We have heard people say, “You can’t out-give God.” Well, you can’t out-give yourself either! You don’t need to be wealthy to possess a giving heart. Give a smile, lend an ear, extend a hand. However you give, God’s promise is tried and tested, and you’ll see the blessings multiplied and returned back to you.


courtesy of

Love Gone Viral


It is true that a picture is worth a thousand words! I was wrapping up my day yesterday when I came across a picture which not only caught my attention, but also moved me. This picture expressed much more than words could ever say. Before I could go any further reading the article in which this picture was embedded, tears rushed to my eyes. What a way to end the day!

Since August, Ferguson, Missouri has been in turmoil following the fatal shooting of 18 year old black American Michael Brown but for the past week, this neighborhood and a few other cities were rocked by more violent rioting and looting after a jury decided that the police officer who shot Brown should not be charged over the killing.

The situation in Ferguson is a matter of concern not just for the people of Ferguson and America, but for many people around the world. Issues of racial division, injustice and discrimination are hot topics in today’s society and brings to question the way in which we live, in relation to how we treat one another on a day to day basis. What is happening in Ferguson and the various opinions shared on the internet so far show how divided we are. In the midst of all this, what we need and are so desperate for is hope.

The picture I’m talking about came as a breath of fresh air, as that glimmer of hope we all are looking for in such a difficult time for the people of Ferguson in particular and the world at large. Captured by photographer Johnny Huu Nguyen, the picture shows a young African-American boy hugging a white police officer, with tears flowing down the young boy’s cheeks. According to TVA News, this hug was exchanged as protests were in progress last week in Portland – when in the crowds, Sergeant Bret Barnum noticed a young boy, 12 years old Devonte Hart in tears carrying a poster on which it was written “Free Hugs”. He approached him and chatted for few minutes. Sergeant Bret then asked Devonte if he too qualified for a free hug, and what happened in the seconds that followed is what you see in this Picture.


Now, does the fact that we see this young boy hug a police officer make everything alright? Does this take away the pain of Michael Brown’s family which feels no justice was served for their loved one? Does this picture ease the suffering of everyone affected by the situation in Ferguson? Absolutely not! It is terrible to see so much violence, so much pain as we are seeing in Ferguson and it’s not just in Ferguson where conflict is taking place, it’s everywhere. Some just don’t make news headlines.

So seeing a picture like this is indeed a breath of fresh air! There are so many valid reasons why we fight and protest but as we do so, let’s allow this picture to remind us that LOVE is something every human being craves for especially when times are hard, and the special thing about love is that it transcends skin color and any other differences we have to touch the soul and strengthen us on the inside. It gives us hope, which we can’t do without. Protests in Ferguson are continuing but this picture is very symbolic and carries a message too strong to ignore.

This doesn’t make issues at hand disappear, but help us face them better, being strengthened by the power of love. There couldn’t have been a better time to give free hugs than amidst a situation where all hope seems to be lost. This young boy inspired me, I hope he inspires you too.

Here at 1Africa, we love to share news of a far greater love than the beautiful moment we see in this picture. Continue on with the video that comes after this post and find out more.

Is there hope after abuse?

Well, for the past few days here at 1Africa we’ve been tackling the issue of violence as one of the major issues affecting humanity and yes, it is happening all around the world and it is bad! It’s happening in our homes, on our streets and in our communities. It’s hard to explain why certain things happen to us or how we sometimes find ourselves in certain abusive relationships and stay in them. News reports and statistics show that violence in our world is escalating. It’s just heart-wrenching to think of the number of men, women and children suffering right now at the hands of abusive partners, parents, siblings etc and that the violent treatment inflicted on them is slowly cutting through the core of their being and has the potential to destroy their lives. Is there hope at all?

You may have heard it said that “those who have suffered abuse often go on to abuse others”, but do things really have to be this way? If you’re one who suffered abuse especially from someone you trusted, and find that you were left to deal with the aftermath of an experience you have never wished on yourself, despair and agony aren’t the only options. I believe there is in everyone some capacity to rise above the most painful experience and refuse to make it the negative reference point for every decision we make. The kind of abuse we are witnessing in our world today leaves us speechless. Why these things happen, we cannot tell. But in all of us – particularly those who have suffered abuse – lies the choice to perpetuate destruction through allowing pain to eat us up after an abusive experience or make moves towards living a healthy life again. So is there hope after abuse? Here’s what Michael J Fox says:

“One’s dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.”

The video below deals with this very tough issue of choice. When someone or something has wounded us, do we choose to carry on the cycle of violence and destruction that has been started or do we draw in the line in the sand and make a new beginning? We all get to choose.

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