Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Glo


Muhammad Ali: Relentless!


Who can forget Muhammad Ali? He will go down in history as being one of the greatest and most flamboyant boxers of all time but, more than that, he will be remembered for delivering arguably the best and funniest sports press conferences ever broadcast. Seriously though, is it possible to be a man who claimed to be so mean he could “make medicine sick”? What a legend! In case you’ve forgotten, or perhaps are so young you’ve never enjoyed an Ali speech, here’s a short snippet:

Like Muhammad Ali, I enjoy a good challenge and like to think of myself as relentless. I like to think big and aim high! I dream of doing and being nothing but the best. I hardly ever give up when faced with a challenge. If there is one thing that has kept me going in most, if not all of my young life, it’s an attitude of never giving up, never quitting. That’s who I am. I’m relentless!

Lately however, I have felt pressed to the limits.  It feels like that ‘never give up’ mind-set is slowing fading as the pressure increases and it can’t resist anymore, it seems! Have you perhaps reached this place? If so, does that make me and anyone in a situation like this a weak person? I don’t think so!

Pressures we all get, with different intensity and frequency. Soon it’ll be a wrap for the year 2014. Everyone is pumped up about Christmas and the New Year but this festive ambiance I see around me is not something I feel in my world – it’s not the same.

Perhaps you’re in a similar space and you’re wondering if next year is worth looking forward to. Will things be different? Feels like the cycle never ends! But one thing I am holding onto and refuse to give up no matter what, is HOPE. Hope keeps me going, I keep doing what I do every day because I have hope and I have a dream that one day the cycle will end.

I know I am not alone in feeling this way. If you’re in a canoe similar to the one I’m in, watch the video at the end of this article. It’s likely, you’ll find out why I’m still rowing and pushing on even though the winds of life are crazy.

Pray unceasingly


“Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly]” – 1 Thessalonians 5: 17 (AMP)

We are encouraged to ‘pray at all times’. Prayer is part of our daily lives. No matter what we are doing – whether going off to work, in meetings, driving our kids around, at home doing housework, or out playing sports. Whatever we do each day, we can still pray. It should be a natural conversation with God throughout our day. Yes, there are times when we need to set aside other things to ‘pray’, but mostly we can pray throughout the day.
Life can hard sometimes and sometimes we don’t know where to turn. Prayer reminds us that there is somebody who understands what we go through but, more importantly, has the power to change things.
So as you go off into your day, Remember, you can unceasingly pray!
courtesy of www.heavensinspirations.com/

Season changes


Depending on your geographical location, you’ll probably go through at least 2 or more season changes in a year. When each season comes, it imposes a certain ‘behavior’ on us until the next one comes with its own requirements.  Summer requires that we are not over-dressed and winter wants us well covered from head to toe. Sometimes it’s difficult to adjust to these changes but we adjust anyway. We’ve been doing this for years! I find that nature teaches us a lot about life and season changes offer so much insight necessary for life. We are often faced with new challenges, new environments, new relationships etc. Just growing up and moving from childhood to adulthood is a challenge in itself. With so much to learn and to adjust to, it’s never easy to adjust! But we have to. Just as we don’t impose our behaviors and dress codes on the weather but adjust to it, there are moments and stages in life when we need to make necessary efforts and embrace a new way of doing things. Someone once said: “change is not easy, but is necessary”. Comfort feels good, but should be given up when a new season comes.

You could be graduating from college and discovering the corporate world, entering a new relationship or relocating to a new country etc. It is a new season! It won’t be easy but it is a step worth making. You will need strength. Check out the video coming up at the end of this article if you need wisdom and strength to carry you through in this new stage of your life.

Big Up Africa: Africa Stop Ebola


Celebrating the perky, diverse and entrepreneurial side of Africa is what we at 1Africa do on our Big Up Africa weekly feature but today,we’re looking into a matter which is not lovely at all and has terribly affected and ended many lives – young and old – in West Africa since early this year: Ebola.

Since the outbreak of the disease in February this year, individuals and organizations have turned to media and the arts to raise awareness about the virus and encourage people to get involved in fighting it in whichever way they can.

It is for this common cause that a group of African musicians has come together and written a song titled: Africa Stop Ebola, for the purpose of not only raising awareness but also giving advice and hope especially to those in the countries affected by this disease.

The song features contributions from the Malian musicians Amadou & Miriam, Salif Keita, Oumou Sangaré and Kandia Kouyaté, the Guinean singers Mory Kante and Sia Tolno, the Ivorian reggae star Tiken Jah Fakoly, the Congolse vocalist Barbara Kanam and the Senegalese rapper Didier Awadi.

Whether we’re right there in West Africa where the disease is taking its toll or not, Ebola is a matter of concern to us and should be to everyone. On Big Up Africa today, we celebrate this group of artists who are not content to sit and shake their heads but have taken some action.


Move On


It’s no news that failures and let-downs are and will always be part of life’s journey. If you haven’t experienced disappointment before, you probably know someone close to you who has. So knowing that life does indeed throw us curve balls at times, what should our attitude towards them be?

Attitude is the very thing that makes all the difference, it separates those who succeed from those who just barely make it.This may sound cliché but we can’t deny its truth: life is about choices! And one of the choices we have to make each day is to either allow ourselves to remain ‘fallen’ after hitting a rock, or take time to learn from that painful experience, and move on. Now, there are levels of pain that tear us apart on the inside and moving on from such experiences are definitely not a walk in the park.

All I’m saying is: “Refuse to remain fallen.Refuse to quit. Refuse to give up. Refuse to accept a ‘No’ from life.” – Unknown


A True Friend


“…Oil and perfume rejoice the heart; so does the sweetness of a friend’s counsel that comes from the heart…” – Proverbs 27: 9

A true friend will always speak the truth in love. They will not say what you want to hear if it is not the truth and beneficial to you. To have that level of friendship is something special. Some of us may have a friend or two like that in our lives. Someone we can relate to on that level. Someone close enough to confide in and share our deepest thoughts and longings. Friends that we can share with on this level are a jewel to find and a treasure. It doesn’t matter how many friends we have in our lives, as long as we have someone we can share with more intimately. For even if we have many friends we can still feel lonely when we have no one to share with on that deeper level.

Counsel from a trusted friend has much value – for we have relationship with them. We can take advice from a friend when we are in ‘relationship’ with them for we know they care about us and want the best for us. Their counsel is sweet to the soul.

Counsel from a trusted friend
Has much value and is heaven sent.

Courtesy of www.heavensinspirations.com

It’s not in your hands


The world today presents us with so many opportunities. We are told: “if you can go to school, find what you’re passionate about, set some goals, draw a plan on how to achieve them and be courageous, disciplined and work hard, it’ll just be a matter of time before your life flourishes and you become successful”. Sometimes we even think if we could just be ‘good people’ who don’t get in trouble with the law, do our bit for the community, give to the poor and go to church on Sundays, life will probably just throw flowers at us in return.

We get caught up in thinking that we have our lives in our own hands and that we can control life. It’s just a matter of tweaking things this way or that way and we will have just the future we desire. But I’m sure many will agree that life doesn’t always follow our script. It has loads of surprises for us. Maybe for you, things are going as planned and you don’t seem to have any reason to feel they could possibly go any other way. But I’ve had my share of experiences and have woken up to one too many bits of devastating news that remind me that life is truly just a ‘vapor’. No one knows when and how they will leave this earth. So while we’re here, why not make the most of it and leave a positive impact when we’re gone?

I’d like to challenge you to live each day with a purpose, make your light shine today because you might just be a few minutes, hours or days away from your last breath! The question is: what are you going to do about it?

A Better Me


Someone once told me: “get in the habit of catching your thoughts and you will be surprised to discover the kind of thoughts that cross your mind sometimes”. I’ve taken this advice seriously and have tried this. I have to say that when I did it, my thoughts were not all beautiful and full of hope.

If you have kids or are someone who has spent time with toddlers,  you will have noticed how from a very tender age, as cute and innocent as they are, some can already display selfish tendencies when asked to share a toy or chocolate with their friends. You just wonder: “when did they learn to think and behave this way? Their tiny and still developing brains can’t possibly provide them with any info other than that which leads them to be sweet and lovely, can they? Or could it be that their parents are responsible for those early ‘selfish’ tendencies?”

The experience I had with my own thoughts and hearing those who’ve had their own experiences watching little ones grow and innocently act in ways that reveal human weaknesses simply shows that a human being is never perfect. No one can truly say they know it all and have it all figured out. There is, in each of our lives, an area where we strive to be better. It could be a bad habit we desire to break, our attitude that we want to see improved, or just learning how to genuinely love others. And the kind of help we need cannot come from ourselves.

“The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful,a puzzle that no one can figure out.But I, God, search the heart and examine the mind. I get to the heart of the human. Jeremiah 17:9-10

You may have had moments like mine where you stand face to face with your weaknesses, your faults or whatever side of you that is not too beautiful and you feel like there is no room for escape and you lose all hope of becoming that “better” person you desperately want to be. Do not lose hope! The mere fact of acknowledging you have a weakness and desiring change is such a good place to be because there is help. Choose to make this simple prayer to the only One who knows your heart and has nothing but love for you. He will listen and answer you:

“God, create a pure heart in me, and renew a right attitude within me.” Psalm 51:10



“The power of gratitude”

Recent studies have shown that practicing gratitude leads to a healthier, more fulfilling, others-centered life. People who focus on what they are thankful for (versus those who dwell on hassles and frustrations) are in a better place than those who don’t. They are less likely to get sick and are more active, hopeful, and thoughtful of other people.

God desires that those who follow Him exhibit a grateful heart. For example, the Psalms tell us, “It is good to give thanks to the Lord” (Psalm 92:1). In the New Testament, Paul encouraged his fellow Christians to be “thankful in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

Could it be that one of the reasons the pages of Scripture lift up the importance of thankfulness is for the mutual benefit of others and us? It definitely appears that way! Apparently, being thankful is better for all concerned. In the end, gratitude produces enriched people who want to spread the love and joy of God to others.

Don’t misunderstand. Incorporating gratitude into our lives is not about walking around with a cheesy grin on our face, denying the heartaches or injustices of life. We don’t have to sacrifice reality to be grateful. We simply need to adopt a gratitude focus that affects every moment of each day (Ephesians 5:20).

Like everything else in life that’s meaningful, practicing gratefulness takes work. For some who have a habit of focusing on the negative, it may take a lot of effort to change their tune. But everyone is capable of being thankful. And when we live it out, we are showing the world that our awesome God is worthy of all our praise and thanks (Psalm 75:1). He is glorified and others are blessed by our gratitude attitude.

Give gratitude a shot. It will change how you view God, others, and yourself.

courtesy of Our Daily Journey


My Father


When you hear the word “God”, what comes to mind? If you’re an imaginative thinker like me, you’ll probably picture a humongous and extremely powerful being hiding somewhere behind the clouds, who has the ability to watch and control everything on earth and, in the appropriate seasons, stretch his mighty hand and pour rain accompanied by lightning bolts etc. If you could travel the globe, you would find that there are so many views and descriptions of God that people have come up with, views which were either taught by predecessors or which people just chose to hold for one reason or  another. God is, to some, the Creator of the universe,  to some a savior, a king and I’ve even met people who believe he is a taskmaster – waiting to punish mankind for the slightest mistakes they make.  But to me, God is a loving Father and He has so much love for everyone who would allow Him into their lives. His true and unconditional love for you and I was shown when He gave His only Son to die for us.

“But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children. And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.” Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir. Galatians 4:4-7

Who is God to you? If you don’t have a personal experience with Him, won’t you give Him a chance today? Choosing to have a personal experience with God, allowing Him to be my Father  rather than putting a barrier on His love based on what everyone else had to say was the best thing I’ve ever done. A Father is someone I believe we all need – so don’t be quick to reject Him. He might just be exactly what you need!

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