Monday, March 10, 2025
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The Inspiring Story Of A Baby Born With Half His Skull


Florida dad Brandon Buell knows the hardship and joy that come with raising a child with severe disabilities. His toddler son Jaxon was born with part of his skull and brain missing due to a rare condition called microhydranencephaly, but the resilient little guy has been inspiring people all around the world through his Facebook page, Jaxon Strong.

“In the first three weeks of Jaxon’s life, when we were still with him in the NICU and there was so much uncertainty, the doctors would continuously prepare us for the worst and to get ready to take Jaxon home simply for ‘comfort care,'” Buell told The Huffington Post.

“They truly did not expect him to make it very long,” he continued. “Yet, every day that we were with Jaxon, even from the beginning, we were seeing a small glimmer of hope, which has grown more and more each day, and it was that hope in him and the fight he always had that very naturally gave him the nickname of ‘Jaxon Strong.'”

The night before Jaxon turned 13 months old, Buell wrote a long Facebook post about his son’s progress and the challenges and misconceptions their family faces on a daily basis.

“It’s hard not to think about how this all started and where we are today,” the dad wrote. “Most importantly, Jaxon is still here with us, still learning, still developing, still thriving. He’s back to smiling at us, always so happy in the morning after he wakes up and takes turns looking at both Mommy’s and Daddy’s face, seemingly as if he is so excited to start another day.”

Buell went on to discuss the way people react to Jaxon and the parents in public and online, as his first birthday milestone quickly circulated across many publications in September and his Facebook page reached over 200,000 likes. “There are so many things about Jaxon, our family, and his story that are completely misunderstood. It’s baffling to hear or see other people’s opinions on our baby that have never met him, that somehow know how he thinks, how he acts, how he feels, how much of what he does is voluntary or involuntary, how he is always in pain, and that we are selfish parents for not choosing to have an abortion, and for having a Facebook and a GoFundMe page for him,” the dad wrote.

“Most will never know the joy and the struggles that we experience behind closed doors with Jaxon,” Buell continued, openly explaining his son’s condition, his family’s decision-making process while their baby was still in utero and the story behind the Facebook GoFundMe page, which was created by a former colleague to keep Jaxon’s extended family informed of his progress.

“We’re proud of Jaxon for being so strong,” the dad added. “We’re proud of his story and that it has inspired so many people. We’re humbled by how many lives Jax has touched, and by the countless people, organizations, publications, and celebrities with large audiences that have either contacted us or have chosen to highlight and share his journey on their own.

“Though there are very difficult days, the dad says Jaxon is nothing short of a “blessing” to his family — a description he says he’s heard hundreds of parents of kids with special needs use. “Unless you walk a mile in our shoes, it’s very easy to judge without any basis or accuracy, but this journey is incredibly rewarding,” he said. “And we now know an extremely large community of other amazing and supportive parents that completely relate to that.”

The story of Jaxon Strong is nothing short of a miracle. It is true that life is about perspective. What may appear to someone as a challenge impossible to overcome can be to another, a great opportunity to tap into the strength and courage that they never knew lied within them. What challenges are you facing today? Are you on the verge of giving up?

If you feel that your difficult experiences are the most painful ever experienced on earth and there is no way you could enjoy life again, consider the story of Jaxon Strong and how, amidst the challenges and negative comments, this family still finds Joy in walking the journey of life with their son. This is something that should inspire us all to thrive to be grateful and never give up no matter the odds. If you’re in a space where you’re wondering how to regain your strength and courage to move beyond trials of life, click on the banner below.


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Success In God’s Eyes


Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life. – Proverbs 4:23

If someone were to ask what your definition of success is, what would your answer be? No doubt, there would be about as many different answers as the number of people that were asked. One thing is for sure, however; our culture is obsessed with success. We are obsessed not only with our own personal success, but we may be even more obsessed with providing our children with the tools they need to become successful. We all do our best, but a lot of times, there’s confusion about what real success is. There’s a nebulous understanding that success means that our child will one day get a good education, have a good job, a good family and be good citizens.

But that is a very short-sighted view. It’s not much success if our children grow up to have worldly success for fifty years and then spend eternity in hell. That’s a temporary success, but an eternal failure.

In God’s eyes, success means discovering His will for your life and using that purpose for the glory of God, not for the glory of self. We must see that big picture when we help our children become truly successful. When a child grows to understand that, then the child has a far greater chance of experiencing real, lasting success, for they will be successful in God’s eyes.



You Can Still Live Your Best Life

There is nothing that stings worse than realizing that you missed a good opportunity. Though one may acquire wisdom and expertise in a specific area of life, we humans are still limited in our ability to gauge whether an opportunity presented to us will turn out to be what we expected or desired, and there are moments when we completely gauge wrong and are left biting our tongue for making a wrong choice or decision.

One thing’s for sure, I am guilty of reminiscing on the past, thinking about what I should or should not have done, convincing myself that life would have been very different for me by now.

The trouble with this kind of thinking is that it drains you even more, emotionally and mentally; it creates feelings of self-pity and hopelessness. Without realising it, you begin to live your life in the shadow of what happened in the past instead of trusting that you can still live your best life after the loss you’ve suffered.

It is often in our own minds that we chose to think that it’s over for us, perhaps because we lost a bursary, or got retrenched or just broke up with that one person we thought would put a ring on our finger. The more we entertain these thoughts, the more everything will appear to be failing.

But if anything should give us hope in this life, it’s the realisation that God does not see anyone as a failure. He is always willing and ready to give us another chance to get things right and live a life of honour.

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;

his mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22

Focus your eyes on God, on what He can still do with your life and not on your past or what you think you lost. If you have lost hope in life, and have convinced yourself that nothing good can come your way, click on the banner below. There’s hope!


5 Things A Daughter Needs From Her Father

To every father that has embraced their responsibilities, and are in the lives of their children, I applaud you. At a time where many have fallen short in this regard you have taken the path that a true man should take.  This should always be acknowledged but there is always room for improvement.

To the men who have not been active in the lives of their children, please reconsider your position. Your absence has a very negative impact, and your children deserve better than that. Even if you have issues with their mother, do your best to improve the situation, and take a more active role. We need you to take that step.

I recently spoke at a Young Women’s Conference and it was a great experience. I enjoyed the interaction with all the women that participated, and it reminded me of the importance for many to have a positive male influence in their lives. There are things that daughters need from their fathers. Even when they have a father in their life, the things they truly need may be overlooked. Fathers be open to embracing and implementing these key principles:

1. Your Daughter Needs Your Attention

Young daughters are simply women in training. Therefore they have some of the same emotional needs that a father should be mindful of. Many times fathers overlook the need to take the extra step of interacting with their daughter. I mean it’s great if your presence is seen, but is your presence being felt? Are you showing a genuine interest in your daughter’s life? Are you making time to connect with her and express your love through quality time? These things are important to any woman, and her being a young woman doesn’t change that.

2. She Needs You To Make Her Feel Comfortable Talking To You

It’s great if you’re providing for your daughter and protecting her like a good father should. You may have her respect, but ask yourself are you truly connecting with your daughter? Are you creating an environment that she can come to you for guidance, or has a wall been built that keeps her from opening up to you? It is wise to create an environment where your daughter feels she can talk to you. It decreases the chances of her seeking answers from people who may lead her down the wrong path. There will be an opportunity to properly address and resolve any existing issues when she can feel that coming to her father is a viable option. Not to mention it will increase the bond you have with her, and provide her the love she needs. When you eliminate that void you help decrease the likelihood that she will seek out the wrong men and take the wrong actions in an attempt to gain fulfillment.

3. Your Daughter Needs Your Encouragement & Positive Reinforcement

When a daughter knows she has the support of her father, it gives her great strength. Your encouragement, and positive words are the fuel she needs to conquer the many obstacles she will face. Remind her that she is beautiful, remind her that she can achieve great things, remind her that she is a queen and deserves to be treated with respect. When you embrace pouring into your daughter the positive energy she needs, you will help her become the woman she was truly created to be.

4. She Needs You To Set The Example For The Type Of Man She Deserves to Be With

As a father you should desire for your daughter to be with a good man who can be there for her like she deserves. If you want to increase the chances of this happening you should ask yourself are you being that good man to her mother and in general? It doesn’t matter if you and her mother are together or not. You have to set an example of respect and love that shows your daughter what she should be looking for. Your actions can either push a negative view of men or a positive one. It can have a direct effect on the quality of man your daughter allows herself to be with and hold on to. So, be mindful of what example you are setting. Do some self evaluation and be the type of guy one would hope your daughter ends up with.

5. Your Daughter Needs To Know That Her Father Loves Her

Taking the actions on this list will surely express a great love to your daughter. However, it’s always a beautiful thing when she can hear you say it as well. So no matter how much you think she already knows, don’t hold back on telling her that you love her. Some women weren’t given that, and you shouldn’t dismiss the positive impact it can have. So be sure to do it, and do it more than once. Let her feel your love with words, and with actions.

Nobody is perfect but we should always strive to be better. For all the fathers out there and even the men who have yet to have kids; these principles should be embraced to create a better relationship with the special women in your life. Your daughter needs it and your significant other needs this from you as well. Being there for them is great but truly connecting  with them will provide a love that everyone involved will benefit from.


This article originally appeared on

It’s Okay To Cry


For a long time now we’ve been told that a smile or laughter is good for health in general, as laughing is said to reduce stress levels and boost our immune system. But we seldom look at crying in that same light. When last did you cry?

Recently, research revealed that letting tears flow can have many health benefits. Crying could be a way of flushing negative chemicals out of the body and leave you feeling a whole lot better.

Whenever I felt pressed by life, and as it comes naturally to most women, I would cry myself to sleep at night. At times, I felt guilty for crying, thinking that it was a weak thing to do. Instead of getting up and doing something about my problems, I chose to do a ‘weak’ thing – cry! Why waste time crying? What does it do for my situation? Will things change after crying?

It is true that crying does not bring solutions to our problems, but it does put us in a better emotional space to face our problems. I don’t remember a single time that I’ve cried and didn’t feel a sense of relief. So, though tears do not bring immediate solutions, here are some of the benefits they bring:

1. Tears flush out toxins

A study performed by Dr. William H. Frey found that emotional tears, those formed in moments of stress or pain, contained more toxic by-products than tears formed by physical irritants (chopping onion for instance). So emotional tears remove toxins from our body that build up from stress.

2. Crying can make you feel better

It definitely does! This I have experienced myself.  A study performed at the University of Florida found that crying is more effective than any antidepressant on the market. A good cry can improve your mood.

3. Crying lowers stress

Emotions aren’t always logical. Yes crying doesn’t do much for your situation but the sense of relief it provides, can help you understand or deal with your situation better.

“Crying is the transformation of distress into something tangible, and that the process itself helps to reduce the feeling of trauma.” – Roger Baker

4. Crying releases feelings

All throughout the day, we accumulate all sorts of feelings and conflicts even if we are not directly involved in heated debates or anything traumatic. These conflicts and resentments we accumulate in the work place and in our families have to be released at some point. So crying gives us that opportunity to confront our feelings and help us move forward in life.

As of late, not only did I discover that there are health benefits to crying, but I’ve also become more conscious of the fact that no tear goes unnoticed by God. There is so much going in the world as it is, something to make us sad every day. And in our personal lives, there is so much we could offload if we were given the chance to express everything we carry inside. Life isn’t easy for anyone, and every now and then, when all around us we see chaos, letting tears flow becomes the way to cleanse our eyes, offload a bit, and look to a hopeful future with brand new eyes.

Crying isn’t weak and is not a waste of time either. Next time you feel like crying, grab a tissue and go for that weeping session. But this time, do so having in mind that God sees your pain and He is right there with you. Let all your hurts and frustrations out to Him because He cares.

If the idea of talking to a God you don’t see is something you’re struggling to understand or perhaps you have questions about God, or maybe there is just too much going on in your life and you’d like to find peace again, click on the banner below.

How To Become A Love Magnet


Your mind is a magnet. You don’t attract what you need or what you want: you attract who you are. And I love who I am!” Carlos Santana

A magnet is a person or thing that has a powerful attraction. Something that is able to produce a magnetic field external to itself. Other synonyms for magnet are: lure, draw, and focus.

The basic law of attraction is: like energy, attracts like energy. With that said, what energy do you put out in the world every day? Starting now, begin to pay attention to what you give off. When you enter a room, do you brighten it up or make it gloomier? Is your normal disposition negative or upbeat? Do you look for the good or the bad in everything? Do you smile when you meet someone? What type of people do you normally attract to you? Answering these questions, will give you a clearer picture of the energy you give off, possibly without even being aware of it. The good news is: you can make adjustments if you’re not getting the results in love you desire.

Who you attract in love begins and ends with who you are fundamentally as a person. It has nothing to do with what you need and want. In order to attract a great partner and experience a wonderful relationship, you first have to learn how to love YOU. This is the first and most important step in becoming a love magnet and attracting the love you desire. There is no getting around this step. The first major successful relationship in your life should be with you (aside from the Christian whose 1st relationship should be with God). You should take time now to get to know who you are and how you tick. How to better treat yourself and how you need to be shown love. Learning how to love yourself will help you learn how to love others better. It’s really a win/win.

Here is a short list of things you can do to start becoming a love magnet:

  • Learn how to love and treat yourself better a little everyday
  • Treat yourself to at least one compliment a day. This means that instead of finding the one thing you don’t like about yourself. You find one thing you do like and say it out loud. For example; “nice hair.”
  • Use positive adjectives to describe yourself when you’re talking to yourself or others about you.
  • Express love to someone or yourself, everyday.
  • Smile at your reflection in the mirror, it serves as an instant energy booster, helps to lift your spirits, and puts you in a better state of mind by easing any underlying anxiety.
  • Treat yourself to something you like at least once a week that makes you feel special. It doesn’t have to be expensive or big. It’s the little things that add the most value to life’s experiences.
  • Allow yourself time to rest and relax without feeling guilty or worthless.
  • Reject any and all negative self-talk. Instead remind yourself of the good in you. Whatever you don’t like, embrace the power you have to change and improve.

After reading this list of things to do, you might be thinking…“none of these things has to do with action steps I can take to improve my chances of catching a partner.” Well, you’re right, they don’t. Because I don’t want you to “catch” anyone, this term means you’ve put forth a lot of effort and most likely it will be in vain. I want you to be a love magnet and learn how to lure, draw, and pull to you the type of partner that is going to love, care and take care of you, like you would. As well as become comfortable with being able to give this love to your partner. Because a great relationship is all about giving. This is the point of the list. First you have to give these things to yourself.

Once, you become good at loving on you, these qualities will become natural to you. Since, you aren’t overly critical with yourself, you won’t be with the man or woman you’re with either. You will know how to shower and express your love in healthy ways. You won’t be insecure or unloving. The improvements you make on yourself will magnetize your positive energy, in a way, that makes you draw to you who you are, because you’ve become someone you would want to be with. You will be a love magnet, and you will benefit greatly from it.



When Toxic People Enter Your Life


You’ve probably heard of or have had an experience working, studying or being in a relationship with a toxic person. Many times, we deal with people who portray behaviors we don’t really understand but thinking of them as “toxic” is the last thing we do.

Recently, after being exposed to a person whose behavior has repeatedly been frustrating and emotionally and mentally draining, I came to discover that there are people in this world with behavioral patterns that are toxic to others.

So what’s a toxic person really?

It’s not that the whole person is toxic. Rather, their behavior is toxic or your relationship with the person is toxic, said Jodie Gale, MA, a psychotherapist and life coach in Sydney, Australia.

“Often the person is deeply wounded and for whatever reason, they are not yet able to take responsibility for their wounding, their feelings, their needs and their subsequent problems in life.”

They may over-identify and act out the parts of who they are, such as the victim, bully, perfectionist or martyr, she said. “They act from these parts trying to get their needs met, albeit in an extremely unhealthy way.”

It’s common for people with toxic behavior to:  create drama in their lives or be surrounded by it; try to manipulate or control others; be needy (“it is all about them all the time”); use others to meet their needs (such as “narcissistic parents”); be extremely critical of themselves and others; be jealous and envious of others, bemoaning their bad fortune and others’ good fortune; abuse substances or harm themselves in other ways, and be unwilling (or unable) to seek help from loved ones, a therapist or a recovery program.

The toxic person and the person interacting with them both play a role in toxic interactions. So it’s important to consider your personal role as well.

Signs you’re surrounded by a toxic person

  • You’re emotionally affected by their drama
  • You dread (or fear) being around them
  • You’re exhausted or you feel angry while you’re with them or after your interaction
  • You feel bad or ashamed about yourself
  • You’re stuck in a cycle of trying to rescue, fix or care for them.
  • When you’re with them, you feel like you’re “walking on eggshells”
  • You emotionally “check out”
  • You feel like you’re being controlled, or you’re being overly controlling.

How do you deal with a toxic person?

1. Establish Boundaries

There is a fine line between being friendly and allowing somebody to lead you down a path that jeopardizes your ability to remain effective. Successful people understand this and do not allow the toxic among them to take charge, but rather choose to set effective boundaries.

2. Rise Above

How much do the words of those around you affect your state of mind? Ensure that the negative remarks of others do not affect your strong sense of accomplishment. Toxic people like to break you down with rude, hurtful comments, and gain satisfaction from watching you fall apart.

Learn to react less to the opinions of others, especially those you know do not have your well-being at heart.

3. Stay Aware Of Your Emotions

Self-awareness is important, because it involves knowing what it takes to push your buttons in order to prevent it from happening. Lack of emotional control is a great way to empower the toxic people in your life.

“If the person’s toxic behavior doesn’t change, or the relationship is just too toxic for you, send them forward in life with love and compassion, and then move forward with your life.”Jodie Gale

If you are experiencing difficulties in your relationships, or feel drained by people who have had a toxic influence in your life and you would like to start your life afresh, click on the pop-up banner below.


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Say No To Negativity


Psychologist Professor Petruska Clarkson helps us spot the difference between constructive criticism and a hidden agenda to help you say no to negativity.

Lucky you!

When you’re making progress in life, there will always be those who are negative about your situation. They’ll label you as crazy, impulsive or in a crisis. Accept that you can’t please everyone and rather focus on surrounding yourself with people who support your adventure.

So, remain confident as you continue on your path and meet more people who uplift you.

Glass half empty

Remember, when you encounter those who are always pointing out drawbacks in other people’s projects, their opinions will not affect your plans. They are most likely going through their own issues and by pointing out the faults of others they’re made to feel better about their situation.

Don’t waste time and energy listening to them, but rather steer conversation away from you and direct it at them. If one of their comments does strike a chord with you, think about how you can amend things to keep moving forward.

Held to ransom

Often those in close relationships will be victims of emotional blackmail, where they are threatened and made to feel guilty about their progress. This type of negativity breeds resentment and guilt. It’s also not about your plans, but usually has something to do with how the person is feeling about your relationship.

Sometimes, positive feedback can be misconstrued when delivered in a clumsy way, so stay open to all feedback from those who are close to you, and learn to differentiate between what’s positive and negative.

5 ways to remain positive about your plan

  1. Delay announcing your plans until they’re watertight
  2. Asking those around you for practical help, ideas or contributions will soon sort the supportive people from the negative ones
  3. Watch your language. If you describe what you’re doing as an adventure or an experiment, then success will be defined by the doing rather than the reaching of a predetermined outcome
  4. Don’t lose sight of your best case scenario – where everything works out just the way you wanted
  5. Bounce things off people you know don’t have a vested interest in dissuading you. Also seek advice from experts or those in similar situations, rather than from people who don’t understand or disapprove of what you’re doing



4 Things God Wants You To Remember When Life Is Hard


We’ve all had days (and maybe even years) when life just doesn’t seem to be going our way!

I’ve had long seasons of life where I felt like nothing was working and everything was out of whack, and I’ve had frustrating days where I just can’t seem to get anything accomplished. This morning was one of them.

In the grand scheme of things, a stressful morning doesn’t impact life or eternity all that much, but in those longer seasons of joblessness, sickness, financial stress, marriage strain and other ongoing life events, the stress and frustration can seem overwhelming. Below are four things I’ve learned to remember in those challenging seasons of life that have helped me and I pray they help you as well!

Struggles in life are inevitable, but destruction is optional. When life is hard, remembering these four principles can make all the difference.

1. Remember that your Character should always be stronger than your Circumstances.

We can’t always control what happens to us, but we can always control how we choose to respond. In those moments when I choose to stop complaining and instead give thanks to God for the good in my life, the parts that seem bad start to seem much less significant. Choose to keep a positive attitude and thankful heart regardless of what you’re going through.

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

2. Remember that your Struggles always lead to Strength.

Every difficulty in your life, whether big or small, is something God will use to produce more strength, faith and perseverance in you if you let Him! All your pain has a purpose.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

3. Remember that God’s timing is always perfect.

God’s plans are almost always different from our plans, but His plans are always perfect! Have the patience to wait on His timing instead of forcing your own.

“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord; plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

4. Remember that God will never leave your side.

You may feel like you’re going through this struggle all alone, but from the moment you ask Jesus to bring you into God’s family, He will be by your side to the end so never lose hope!

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”Deuteronomy 31:6

When everything seems to be going wrong at the same time, making sense of life becomes difficult. If you feel overwhelmed by the challenges you are facing in your life, click on the pop-up banner below. We’d like to walk this journey with you and help you find hope again.


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The Best Guide For A Successful Life


Public schools, private schools, inner city schools – all schools have gone through and continue to go through a huge paradigm shift. The twentieth century was a time of radical change in our education system, and now in the twenty-first century, the paradigm continues to shift.

The new millennium was ushered in by a dramatic technological revolution. We now live in an increasingly diverse, globalized, and complex, media-saturated society. Couple that with all that we see happening in America: the school shootings, cheating by both students and teachers, and now, even questioning the use of gender-identification, it seems evident that today’s problems are getting worse and growing.

When we hear results like this, we realize the tremendous decline of values in our overall society. I encourage you to look to the Ten Commandments. The fact is, you can’t find better guidance for teaching your children how to live a successful life and how to care for their fellow man. So, why not begin by teaching them to your own children? You can find them in the second book of the Old Testament, Exodus 20. Society will be a much better place if we stick with those guidelines.


“…blessed are they who keep my ways. Heed instruction and be wise, and do not neglect it.” – Proverbs 8:32-33



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