Saturday, February 22, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Joshua Govender

Joshua Govender

You always have a choice


This week I found myself really giving some thought to the way people treat themselves. I wasn’t just thinking about the rich and famous, but also the poor and needy. I’m not sure why, but it just began to speak to my heart.

It all started when I pulled up at a traffic light and was greeted by a young boy – he couldn’t have been older than 12. He came to my window asking for money. I began to wonder where his home was, and why he thought he needed to be on the streets.

Later that week, I saw the flip-side: a rich young lady throwing money around without a care in the world. I’m not saying being rich and carefree is a bad thing; it just made me think about how some people approach life.

These two episodes brought up a whole lot of questions. Hear my heart: I’m not judging or trying to say I am better than anyone else, but it made me wonder how two people from two different worlds could have the same mentality. You see in both cases their mindsets were the same: they had victim mentalities. The world was either out to get them, or they were trying to fill life with things that aren’t real because they had a certain background.

They forgot the number one rule in life: that you always have a choice. There are always two options – one is the road most travelled, and the other is the road least travelled. Some people think the easiest way is the best way – but often the way no one else is willing to travel reaps a far greater reward.

In life, if you choose to be a victim, that’s exactly what you will be, even when you get what you want. But if you choose to see the potential instead of negativity, you will go much further.

How to be calm in the chaos


A few years ago I was physically at capacity.

I was working a part-time job, serving Saturday and Sunday at church and going to university full time. I literally had no time for myself. It got to a stage where all I did was get things done.

It felt like I was a machine without thoughts or emotion, just doing my best to keep my head above water.

I managed to keep this up for two years straight, until eventually, physically, my body just gave up. I was sick and overworked – because of no one else but myself.

A few weeks ago I was faced with a similar scenario, where I was busy all the time. It seemed like there was so much happening that often I didn’t eat or look up or anything – I was just focused on what I needed to do, and on getting it done. It was at that point that I made some key decisions to do things differently because of what happened a few years ago.

1. It’s okay to have a day off

I never really understood this concept because in my mind, this was a waste of a day. I often felt like I was going to miss out on something, or that people would think that I wasn’t committed. But who cares what people think? Having one day to yourself is necessary to find your feet; to have a moment and come back stronger. I’m not saying your chaos will go away, but your attitude towards your chaos will change, which reduces stress in the long term.

2. Don’t be a people pleaser

This is something I have to continually remind myself of. It’s the hardest thing to do, because we want to do well; we want to impress our bosses, work colleagues, and people we serve with at church, but the minute we think we have to live up to other people’s standards is the moment we begin to burn out. It’s great to make people proud, but don’t seek approval.

3. Don’t take life too seriously

One of my biggest downfalls is that I often take things too seriously. But I have become better at being chilled. Hear my heart when I say this: having a sense of urgency is great and needed, but do not let life consume who you are and turn you into a boring person.

Being calm in the chaos isn’t about just going with the flow of life and its problems, but its facing them head on in the healthiest way possible. Don’t take yourself out of the game.

God Speed.

Don’t lose control


A few days ago,  had to make a huge decision.

It was particularly hard because it happened in the church parking lot. Someone bumped my brand new car. And when I say brand new, I mean it still had the brand new car smell!

I was on my way to pick my car up when I noticed people around it. My heart dropped and I literally was speechless. My initial reaction was to get extremely angry.

I had a look. Turns out someone from church didn’t see my car and reversed into me.

My first thought was that mine was the only car in the entire parking lot – how could the driver not see it! My second thought was to ask why this person was even driving. Let’s just say I was a lot calmer than my insides were. I began to have a chat with this person, and we kind of figured things out. I went home and had a sleepless night because I was so bummed that my brand new car was now not so new!

Accidents happen, though.

I woke up the next morning still feeling terrible, but I realised something: This whole situation could have been handled a lot differently. It was like something in me was helping me to calm down. Maybe it was self-control? Love for people? I’m not sure.

Long story short, I’m not sure how I stayed so calm – but what I do know is that being a good person isn’t about reacting to your emotions, but controlling them to work things out healthily.

It’s not an easy thing to do – it’s easier to lose control – but your emotions determine your tomorrow. Don’t just react; rather act in a way that’s helpful, and that doesn’t make the situation worse.

God Speed.

Would life be easier with drugs?


Would life be easier with drugs? Sometimes it feels like it – that momentary freedom, where nothing else matters except for you and your total, unbounded fun. It’s like living in an world with no rules, if only for a few hours.

Being an ex-drug user, I know the feeling.

I was reminded about drug use and users the other day when we popped into a local pizza shop. Trance music was playing, different drug advertisements were on the wall; honestly, it was surreal. It was like walking into a trance party – but instead of partying, you order pizza. Crazy.

We got our pizza, went to a friend’s house, and began talking about the past and how crazy life was before we started following Jesus. We began to tell all the wild stories about how crazy it would get, just having a few throwback moments.

I went home and began thinking about how easy life would be if I only cared about those momentary experiences. But as I began to do so, a new thought took shape: I began to think about how free I feel right now – how I don’t need to snort or shoot up to feel a sense of freedom. All I need to do is live this life and I can be free, without substance use.

I used to to be someone who loved momentary freedom. Now I’m someone who enjoys eternal freedom. You can make that choice, too.

God Speed.

Don’t judge me


Don’t take this the wrong way, but I need a few moments to go on a bit of a rant.

Why do we have to judge people based on their appearance?

I’m not even talking about race – although it’s a huge thing in South Africa at the moment – but just the way you look or dress; or the fact that you have tattoos or no tattoos.

I have tattoos, and most of the time I get judged on my appearance – and also because I’m Christian (I’m not even talking about non- Christians, I’m talking about Christians who judge).

Now, hear my heart: We are supposed to be spreading love, building relationships, and helping others. Yet, too often, we are quick to judge a person at face value. Too often we think people won’t be up to our standard, simply because of how they look. I’m not perfect when it comes to that either. Too often, we focus on our personal anger and hurt and we allow that to drive our reaction towards people. But people matter, no matter how they look or what belief they have.

Making someone’s day should be the greatest thing we do in a day.

It confuses me how I can have an awesome conversation with someone about God and life, yet the only thing they will comment on is the fact that I have tattoos. Out of all the good things they could focus on, people choose to focus on this one thing.

Let’s love more than hate. Let’s choose to accept more than reject. Let’s never be people that judge before knowing someone’s heart. We can do it.

God Speed.

The power of ‘hello’


The other day I had a crazy encounter.

I had gone to Kauai to get a smoothie. I came back out and was about to get back into my car when I saw a guy run up to me. I won’t lie – I was a bit ticked off, because sometimes car guards tend to appear out of nowhere, as you probably know.

Anyway, he looked like an interesting guy, so I decided to talk to him.

I told him that I actually don’t carry change, but asked him how he was doing. He introduced himself as Rueben (personal experience has taught me not to really believe this). He said that he was actually okay with not getting money, and that sometimes he just wanted someone to stop and talk to him and say hello.

It made me realise that people often aren’t what you think they are. Actually, they just want to be loved – just like Rueben. All he wanted was for someone to say hello. He was lonely, poor, and had no one else to talk to.

Let’s never become people who ignore those in need, even if it’s a quick “Hey, how are you?”. You never know whose life you will affect.

Making a difference in someone’s life does not cost you anything. But it’s one simple act of kindness that can change someone’s world.

God Speed.

Floyd Mayweather: Arrogant or confident?


Arrogance or confidence?

Some say that he is one of the greatest boxers of all time. Some say he’s the most arrogant. Some even say he’s the wealthiest.

All I know is that he’s different.

Floyd “Money” Mayweather is an undefeated, five-division world champion. No wonder he is considered one of the best boxers, pound for pound, in the industry. Say what you want about him, but one thing is undeniable: he is a great athlete.

Reading about Floyd made me think about the difference between arrogance and confidence. I think there is a little of both in all of us – it all comes down to which of the two is most dominant.

Arrogance breeds unhealthy tendencies – you become so focused on the task, so focused on winning, that you forget the team that made you great.

Confidence breeds success, ultimately building a great mindset and resulting in an all-round pleasant nature. A confident person sees others as their best asset. A confident person makes others win and understands that success achieved together, lasts.

Is Floyd Mayweather confident or arrogant? I don’t know – you decide. I know that in the industry he’s in, it’s difficult to be painted in the light your heart wants. People obscure the truth about who you really are,  even when you try to be you.

I guess ultimately the question is whether you’d like to invest in people or popularity. Either way, you are losing something – but choosing people makes an everlasting difference.

God Speed.

Do you remember these TV classics?


Nothing beats the TV classics: Biker Mice From Mars, Gargoyles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Tom and Jerry, Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain – and there are many more.

The other day, while watching some of the new-school cartoons currently on TV, it made me think about how awesome old-school cartoons were. I’m not sure about you, but I’ve always enjoyed the classics. Even though it’s 10 or 15 years later, they are still as good as when you first watched them. I think I most enjoyed the innocence of these cartoons and how well thought out each character was.

These days, however, it feels like almost anything makes it onto television.

That’s why I say: bring back the classics! Bring back the cheesy music and low-quality images that somehow shaped our childhood.

I remember waking up early, sitting in front of the TV with a blanket, and staying glued to the television for hours. It was a little part of an awesome childhood. Some days, I would sit and watch the same cartoon a hundred times over – and every time it was like a completely new experience.

Let’s never forget the classics!

What are some of the classic shows you used to watch as a kid? Share them with us in the comments below!

What if you were the next Kanye?


Do you ever think about how life would be if you were at the top? If you had everything: dream car, dream house, dream girl, all the money you could ask for… even the fame and unending media attention?

I was thinking about this today when I saw a few stories on Kanye. It made me wonder what I would do if I lived a life like that. Life at the top…

To be honest I’m not sure, actually. How would I be – how would I have to be? Does being at the top mean you have to become something you are not?

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying you have to be rich and famous to be at the top – in fact, some of the most blessed people are the most simple and humble people.

I recently saw an article on Pharrell Williams and the fact that he is now also a co-owner of G-star clothing. What do you do in his position? I suspect you’re constantly trying to reach a new level, which may mean you are never truly satisfied. Don’t get me wrong; I’m all for people doing well and being as successful as they can be, but if that is all you chase, it becomes a really lonely race.

Maybe a better question to ask when we reach a degree of success, is not to ask how high we can go, but how high we can bring people along on the journey with us. Success is not measured in wealth or fame – it’s actually measured in the amount of people you influence to grow and become an influence to others.

What do you do when you’re at the top? You change your perpective.

Waiting for that breakthrough?


Waiting is probably the most frustrating and annoying thing in the world – whether it’s waiting for food, people, or even for a breakthrough in your life.

It can be the most painful time – but waiting requires us to be patient.

Trust me, I’m speaking to myself as well. Recently, I found myself getting so frustrated at life that I would get angry over the tiniest things that had nothing to do with the main reason behind my frustration.

It was like everything became a problem – even things I usually loved. That’s just it, though: When we become impatient and frustrated, it often causes us to forget the things that actually bring us joy.

Here is the funny part: The minute I began to focus on what was good in my life, and chose to not allow the frustrations in my life to affect me, the actual breakthrough came.

You may not have everything in order, and all your frustrations may not necessarily be gone – but you can still stay steadfast, focus on the positive, and decide to never give up.

Just remember that you are on a journey. Your story will be different to everyone else’s. But I promise it will be the greatest journey you will ever travel!

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