Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Joshua Govender

Joshua Govender

Coffee CULT-ure


Coffee Cult-ure.

It’s crazy to think that just the other day it was so normal to have a cup of instant coffee. Now a days if you are even seen with instant coffee you become the centre of attention like a caged animal at the zoo. (Ha-ha)

I have been drinking coffee for about five years with no milk or sugar, I like it black and strong. Funny how something so small has the ability to control your day, moods, eating habits and sleeping patterns, it’s like a little cup of magic potion, without it most people wouldn’t be able to function.

It wasn’t until earlier this year that I realised how influential coffee shops, coffee people and coffee culture is. Even though I wasn’t complaining, I love coffee, but no matter where I went, it was like I couldn’t get away from it.

I soon realised that this coffee culture became more about satisfying an addiction rather than a pleasant cup of coffee with friends. So I did my own little experiment, I told myself I will not drink coffee for two weeks, which was extremely hard for me because I would drink about 5 – 6 cups a day, seems I had my own addiction.

Week one was the toughest, I was moody and impolite, but by week two something interesting began to happen, I began talking and getting to know people, I was more open, I substituted coffee with light conversation, while drinking a cup of tea of course.

If there was one thing I learnt from this experiment it would be;

  1. Talk more and drink less:

Before the experiment I was so unsociable without my caffeine fix, I never got to know people, it became a part of me, no coffee, no convo. Once I stopped and began to realise that I didn’t need coffee, I began to think clearer, I began to see things differently. I now drink about three cups of coffee a day, the difference now is that I don’t let my addiction dictate my emotion.

I love the culture of coffee, the taste, the smell, the people, the vibe, the little hidden coffee shops, everything about it is awesome, but I believe that coffee culture is far more than good coffee and trendy spots, it’s actually about people.

You can tell a lot about someone by the coffee they drink, take a little time to notice.

God Speed

Moment of Truth

It’s okay not to be okay. We live in a society where we often mask the truth of how we really feel. We live our lives as if nothing is happening on the inside – sometimes even going for years without being honest with ourselves. We put on this façade that everything is great but internally there are real life struggles.

Recently I experienced this, and it was crazy because I thought it would never happen to me. I’m the person who is supposed to have it all figured out, who is supposed to be a great leader and have everything together. I couldn’t have been more wrong (haha).

Someone once told me to never give up – to always be strong and stand out – but no one ever told me I could be real. This is probably the most real blog I have written, because honest I didn’t know how to be real. I lived life as if everything was okay. I would keep myself busy with task and forget how I felt inside. Until recently.

Everything began to change a few weeks ago. I began to get angrier at little things. I started doing things out of character: started arriving late and leaving early; stuff that I would never normally do.

Recently I received probably some of the most life changing advice I have ever received and it was simple. “It’s okay to not be okay.” It hit me that what I’m feeling is normal. It does not make me less of a person, does not take away from my leadership… in fact it made me experience more emotions, more than ever before.

We live our lives without being real with ourselves or with each other. It’s time to be real. Forget messing up. Forget losing or winning. Forget being perfect. Just be real. Find a friend confide in them and sort your crap out.

But within reason. I do not mean go tell everyone your problems and be depressed for all your days. But have people you can trust and receive good Godly wisdom from. There is only so much you can hold in.

I believe that our nation, society and culture will change the minute we stop creating walls around heart problems. You can be the change by being real.

If this blog spoke to you and you would like to receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour click on the link below.

God Speed.

Under The Influence

I recently discovered that it definitely does matter the influence you are under, don’t get me wrong I enjoy a beer now and then but the other night myself and a friend found ourselves in the strangest situation ever.

My friend and I consider ourselves Evangelists, if you want to put a title on it, but it;s nothing intense, we usually just go out into the City to relax and end up talking and praying with people who God leads us to or He leads them to us.

The other night we met in the City and decided to have some beers, one turned into two and because we aren’t hardcore drinkers we felt a little “loose” if you can even call it that. Even though we felt that way we still wanted to be there to be God encounters for people as we are socializing.

It was strange to me that every person we spoke was so angry and bitter towards us, it didn’t make sense, we weren’t causing trouble, we were just having fun, but still people gave us the cold shoulder, which never happens.

God then dropped something in my spirit, He said, “What influence are you under?” It hit me, in all the fun and walking around we had totally forgotten about why we were even there, for Jesus.

It’s so funny how a healthy mindset speaks volumes. All it took was one night where we forgot to put Jesus first and did not let him influence our conversations. There are two things I learnt from that night which will stick with me forever.

  1. Allow room for Jesus.

I know it might sound stupid and spiritual but it’s actually so practical, we forget that Jesus is with us no matter how dark your environment may be. Allow room for him.

  1. Don’t stop having fun.

This might sound a bit confusing but when we realised that everyone was angry we left angrily. Instead we should have stayed and changed the environment we were in. When you allow room for Jesus, your conversations will be life-changing, thus allowing you to enjoy your night out.

Whether you believe it or not God knows your beginning and your end. We have to allow Him to speak into our current situations so he can use us/you for something far greater.

Don’t be the reason you have a bad night out.


It’s a Hard Knock Life

Do you ever feel like everything is going wrong? A day or a week filled with bad news, like someone is taking shots at everything you do. You can never seem to catch a break.

Recently I experienced a few weeks like this, one thing after the other and to top it all off I found out someone cloned my credit card, so it looked like I was eating two-minute noodles until the bank sorted it out.

It was crazy, I really thought that I was under attack, I felt like everyone hated me and people were out to get me.

A few days ago I was “venting” to a trusted friend, just telling him about life’s problems and I ended the conversation by saying I just wish Jesus could remind me what I’m actually doing. You know, the whole “ask and you will receive” concept?

Well… literally 5 seconds later a girl approached us and said, “I do not know why, but I feel like I need to talk to you guys.”

It’s so funny how life works or God. I was at my lowest but in an instant I was reminded about what I’m doing on earth.

It’s a natural human thing to forget what our purpose is but it didn’t take long before I was reminded about what God wanted from me. It was like a dream because every day since then, even though I still in the same situations with the same people giving me crap, I cannot help but be happy. My life found purpose and I didn’t need anyone to tell me.

Three things I’ve learned from the past few weeks.

  1. Trust a friend

I don’t always vent to many people, in fact I’m an introvert, but if you met me you wouldn’t tell, but I learnt that being open with a friend that you trust, helps your mind and soul become happy, it’s healthy. I`m NOT saying gossip about other people what I am saying is confide in someone who is a friend to your future.

  1. Ask.

Now this one is a simple one, and this works even if you are not Christian. Jesus died for you to ask him for help. It’s a simple concept but asking with an open heart and an honest heart not for personal gain but to see clearly in life, is all God asks for.

  1. Remind yourself.

It’s funny ever since that day, the moment I get down I remind myself of my purpose and that I’m actually doing something far greater than my circumstance. God has giving you a purpose not so you can do a task, He’s given you a purpose so that you can know your identity in Him.

I hope this spoke to your heart the way it did mine, be encouraged and blessed. Your purpose is far greater thank your circumstance.

If this spoke to you and you would like to receive Jesus as you Lord and saviour, click on the link below.

God Speed.

Bring Da Ruckus

Cheap cigarettes, loud noises, flashing lights, the sound of 1000 voices somehow communicating together; these are all things we experience when delving into the deep end of our city’s night life.

People often tend to stay away because of this. Some say it’s too busy for them, others say it’s overrated, I like to say it’s just right. Our nightlife – the city culture – is very much its own universe. It’s like walking on another planet, which is probably the reason why I love it so much. The freedom of being whoever you want to be, the sense of togetherness while still being separate, the latest trends, fashion and people [all appeal to me].

It’s like Instagram, except there is no double tapping on pictures, or commenting on the latest shoes. In this case it’s the awkward stares from a distance, it’s the gossip that you can clearly see, it’s the drunkenness and the twisted minds of some who often think they are the most liked photo in this “Instagram” world.

Change is a funny thing. The reality is we are always changing. Since birth you have been changing. Every day you change. The fact that the sun rises and sets means that there is change, but why does it feel like every night the same people are here, doing the same thing… speaking the same way…?

It then hit me… As much as the city has the latest trends and as much as there is change, people – the “city folk” – just want to BELONG. They have a longing to be recognised, the longing to be the most popular at the bar or to have the most friends around you. Funny isn’t it?

It’s funny how our society gets so wrapped up in belonging. So much so that they forget that they actually belong to something far greater than an earthly appearance – Jesus.

Society says you need to check off this list before you belong. Jesus says you belonged all along.

Society says you are ugly and not worth anything. Jesus says: “I’ve made you perfect” and he’s called us his sons and daughters.

If you take anything from today, know this: you belong. You are accepted no matter your colour, your gender, how you look or what you have done.

Jesus says you belong. So belong.

Society belongs to us, we do not belong to society.

Love all, accept all, serve all.

God Speed.

“Do You Want Cocaine?”


I’m sure you’re thinking why on earth I would choose “Do you want Cocaine?’ as a title, but stick with me, there is a reason for it. It all started when a friend and I began to walk the popular city streets in the city of Cape Town, at first it was pointless, we just wanted to hang out for a bit, talk about life and have some fun.

We began our 5 minute walk to where we had decided to go and to our surprise a man came up to us out of nowhere and asked us if we want cocaine, we both were kind of shocked but I decided to reply with, “Would you like some Jesus?” He looked a bit thrown off and I’m not sure who was more shocked, him or I?

Not really realising what we had said or who we had said it too we began chatting to this guy. It was weird at first, not knowing who he was, all we knew is he was a drug dealer. He began to share about his life, how he was from the Congo and that he came to South Africa looking for work but was unsuccessful, so he had to resort to dealing drugs.

He began to tell us that he has a child and a wife and that he deals drugs because he is trying to provide for his family. This is a sad reality for many. As much as I wanted to be sad, I also felt a sense of anger toward him, why would he put his family through that? What example is he setting for his child?

We wrestled with our emotions, mostly anger but somehow God gave us the words and the wisdom to share with this man. We began to speak to him about his child, about his life, where he wants to end up. It blew my mind how one question can bring even the toughest men to open up.

At the end of the conversation he wanted us to pray for him, it’s amazing how that one question changed his day and very possibly his life. Never forget the power a question holds, you too can change lives, just like we did with that drug dealer on a random street, one random night.

This blog isn’t about trying to get you to be religious or a religious Christian and try and win everybody for Jesus, it’s about empowering you to make a difference in your homes, work place, Community, City and Nation.

Ask somebody a question and see the change.

God Speed.

If this blog spoke to you and you would like to invite Jesus into your heart to be your Lord and Saviour please click on the link below.

The Culture of Relationship


A few weeks ago I had the opportunity of chatting to a young man studying at a local university, I won’t reveal his name so let’s just call him Eddy. We got talking and I began to ask him a few questions. The conversation drifted towards Eddy’s future and what he would like to be when once he was done studying. To my surprise he wants to do something that will make a difference in his community. He spoke about starting a clothing line that could sponsor schools to allow children that can’t afford it, to go. He also spoke about how he wanted to go into schools and be a motivational speaker – to prevent kids from becoming just another statistic.

I was so inspired listening to how passionate he was about his future plans, he sounded so confident and sure, it reminded me of a modern-day prophet. Now I was super curious, so I asked him what he believed, wondering if he had any sort of religious stance. Once again to my surprise he said “I actually don`t believe in anything.” I then asked him “what about Jesus?”

He answered with, “I actually hate Christianity because it tells me what I need to do, what about all the killing in the Bible, all the hurt and the pain?” To his surprise I responded with, “You’re right, I hate religion too.” I began to tell him how I hate the association that people make when I say that I’m a Christian, because of how our society and nation looks at Christians and how they perceive Christians to be.

I began to tell him that I’m not religious but I do have a relationship with Jesus. “Is there a difference?” Well, religion has a list of things you can`t do, it tells you how many time you’ve messed up and how you are not good enough. Religion says you cannot have tattoos, piercings or dyed hair, it also says you are a sinner and you will remain a sinner.

How untrue this is to who and what Jesus is and to what he thinks of you.

Relationship says, I love you for who you are, I accepted you for where you were at and I forgive you for all the wrongs you have done. You see, a relationship with Jesus far outweighs a religious act towards Jesus. Your relationship with Jesus means that no matter how many times you run, he will always be in pursuit of you and if you run back to Him, He will always welcome you with open arms.

There is a bit of Eddy in all of us; we question, we fear, we doubt but there will always be a longing for a relationship. If you can get passed what you think religion is and step into a relationship with Jesus, no matter how far you think you may be from him – Jesus says “Welcome Home, what took you so long.”

Different cultures and society are framed by what people think, see or hear about each other, remember no matter how you are viewed or how you view things, God will always love you even if that’s hard for you to believe, sometimes I still struggle but even if earthly culture says you’re an outcast, Kingdom culture says, I want to know you.

If this blog has spoken to you and you would like to start a relationship with Jesus and ask him to come into your life, click on the link below.

Remember that no matter who you are, you are accepted and loved.

God speed.


“Straight Outta Compton”

It’s so crazy to me that hip hop has been around for so long and it’s still growing, consisting of sub genres within the hip hop genre, new artists and a new sound but with the same heart. The passion and love for the music will always be there just the methods have changed.

For example, earlier hip hop artists like NWA, Wu-Tang, Tribe called quest, Tupac, Biggie, Guru, Nas and many more all rapped about change and wanting to get out of the struggle that was their “everyday” life at the time.

It’s so mind blowing that the new-school rappers are rapping about change but to a completely different generation, with a completely different sound and with so many different people. The heart of rap will always be there but their methods are different. Some look at new-school hip hop artists and wonder why they cannot be like the old-school guys and to be honest, I’ve done that a few times myself. Kanye releases an album that people cannot understand until its two years later because they don’t understand the reasoning or vision behind his music, his wording or his creative thinking.

I realised that in order for our generation to move forward, we need to stay relevant. Just like Tupac and Biggie wrote for their streets and their nation, our generation needs to be writers, painters, artists, composers or whatever it maybe, that accepts ALL. We need to relate to and be relatable to those who often become outsiders to the “Christian community.” As a nation we should be changing and evolving just like new-school rap is. We should be a generation that when the future becomes the present, only good things can be said about the past.

Jesus teaches us to love our neighbour, there is no exception, but or if after that commandment. “God says love your neighbour as you love yourself.” Loving someone else does not mean you need to be a Saint or “holier” than the Pope. Love because you want to stay relevant to all, love because of the passion inside you to see change.

Hip hop will not die and neither will the love of Jesus.

Godspeed to all of you.

(P.S I still listen to my Illmatic record by Nas)

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