Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Joshua Govender

Joshua Govender

Pray for Kanye


Some are calling it ‘art’. Others are saying we should pray for Kanye. Whatever the truth may be there is no denying that Kanye has once again got the world looking in his direction like only he can.

In recent events, he cancelled his Saint Pablo tour costing him an estimate of 10 million dollars, each show bringing in about $500 000 USD alone.  Kanye has said that ticket holders can get their money back, but the question remains, was this a publicity stunt or is Kanye really not well?

Reports are saying that he was hospitalised for anxiety and depression and that his doctor didn’t give him much choice. According to sources Kanye is known to stay up for 48 hours straight. It is  hardly surprising then that he hit such a spectacular low.

It has been speculated that West is fairly isolated and doesn’t have anyone that he can lean on or open up to.  This may account for his outburst in his recent saint Pablo tour.  Alternatively it could be that Kanye didn’t deal with his mother’s death and is only now feeling the aftermath of years of not confronting those emotions.

The last I read on Kanye’s condition was that he is stable and has been released to rest. Personally I’m praying for Kanye, not only because he is an incredible artist but because sometimes you need to fall to your lowest in order to realise you need a little help.

The truth is that it doesn’t matter how successful, wealthy or popular you are, everyone has moments of weakness.  Whether they are brought on by outside circumstances or are of our own creation, sometimes the world can crash in around us and all we really want and need is to step off the treadmill.  Jesus said that everyone who is tired and burnt out from carrying their burdens alone should go to him and there they would find rest.

If you are feeling like you can’t continue and need to shift the weight or stress that you are carrying, please click the link below to find out how you can know rest.

God Speed.

Church in the wild


It’s amazing how one moment can remind you about a lifelong decision you made. When you’re feeling a bit out of it or feeling a bit down and something pulls you back to where you should be. God’s awesome like that.

The other day but our whole young adult’s ministry was at the beach. It may not sound like much of a big deal but when hundreds of young adults come together they are bound to cause a little bit of noise and attract a little attention.  We stood out. Especially to people who aren’t used to a community of positive individuals who just love life and people. We caused such a stir that four guys just came to hang out with us and to see what all the buzz was about.

After they showed us their rap skills, it was evident these dudes had no idea who we were and what we were about, so I started a conversation with one of them.

For some reason, something in me kept bugging me to ask about this dude’s dad. Strange I know but I did it anyway and to be honest the most surprising response came out of it.

He began to open up about how his dad is involved in crime and how he feels like everyone has labeled him according to what his father has done. He seemed a little drunk so I don’t know if it was the alcohol speaking or if he was actually being honest but it was great to talk to someone who was real.

A few moments later I decided to pray for him. The funny thing just before we started playing his other friend ran over and wanted prayer as well. We began to pray the salvation prayer with them.

I’m saying all of this to say that sometimes we think society won’t accept Jesus or even the lifestyle changes that having a relationship with Jesus sometimes means.  The truth is you never really know until you ask, sometimes it just takes one conversation.

To be honest, that moment probably had more of an affect on me than it did to them. I was reminded of people and how much people just want to be told that they are loved.

I will never stop being the Church in the wild.

God Speed.

Taylor Swift – New album is about to be lit


If you were to take a look at musical artist around the world, Taylor Swift is one of the names you associate with performers who are among the best of what they do. I’m not sure if it’s her sweet personality or her innocent charm but Taylor Swift has become the music worlds sweetheart and a household name in the pop/country scene.

Despite being very young when she started, Taylor had a unique gift when it came to her craft and that has never left her.  She understands the importance of loving music and that is something which speaks to all her fans.

What’s new

In the latest news Taylor Swift is rumoured to be doing something totally different with her new up and coming album. Following on from the smash hit 1989, she is planning project that will draw on the influences of  hip hop and Rnb.

Hiphop isn’t the first style that springs to mind when you think of Swift but after her hugely successful collaboration with Kendrick Lamar on “Bad Blood” it seems she wants to explore this avenue further.

I think this is a bold statement but also a great move on Taylor’s part. It’s different.  If it works it will be outstanding.  If it tanks, the media enjoys taking a dig at Taylor Swift regardless so why not push the envelope and do something daring. Whatever happens, I know that her next album is going to something to remember.

Rumour has it

News has been spreading about Taylor possibly working together with Drake, after Drake posted a pic of them both on social media. Nothing has been confirmed however and so don’t get your hopes too high, after all it was just a picture, let’s not get carried away.

Whether it’s true or not, for my money I believe a Drake and Taylor partnership would be pretty awesome.

Taylor Swift is, and most likely will continue to be, a trail blazer. It’s the reason why she has lasted this long. Cannot wait to hear the hip hop and RnB influence Taylor.

God Speed.

Wedding vibes


Someone once told me to prepare for my wedding season but I never really thought about it much until I actually started going through it . It’s maybe not the best or even the worst season of my life, but it’s the most exciting so far. Having said that it also has brought some challenges.

Not all plain sailing

To be honest I didn’t expect my parents to lose the plot as much as they have over this season. I don’t know how to describe it fully and maybe some of you can relate but it’s like they are different people.  It got to the point where I had to ignore my parent’s phone calls just so my fiance and I can have a little peace leading up to the big day.

Most of the tension started with the guest list. We didn’t have enough space for all of my family, this caused problems. My fiance and I also have very definite ideas about what we want for our wedding and these don’t always line up with how our parents thing we should be doing things.  I guess parents just want the best but  they sometimes forget to listen to what their kids actually want.

Going through this season has taught me a lot, it’s probably the most stretching season, balancing a lot of areas in life have made me see my life in a whole new perspective. Despite the stretch it’s very exciting that I will be starting a new life my soon-to-be wife and  experiencing life together. Exciting and a little surreal.

Enjoy the journey

Through it all the biggest challenge we have is to keep the light, fun aspect to our relationship alive. It’s natural to worry and stress when it comes to a big season but this often means we can live past each other and not enjoy the process.  So in recent weeks, we have made an intentional effort to have fun even while working on wedding preparations so we can remember out engagement as a good time and not just something we wanted to be over.

For those who are planning on getting married, get ready for the craziest and wildest season of your life. I’m just over halfway through it and it been so much more than I expected, not to mention the biggest curve of my life.

God Speed

Kanye 2020


Hate him or love him, either way, you will end up talking about him. If it’s not his outrageous clothing or his interesting albums, it will may well be about the possibility of Kanye West running for America’s president in 2020.

Without a doubt, he is one of the most controversial celebrities at the moment. Not only in the way he constructs his albums or the way he conducts himself in public but also because he announced that his latest album “The life of Pablo” was actually a Bible inspired album.  If that doesn’t get you talking then I don’t know what will.

Stranger things have happened

Following the mass interest in the American Presidential election this year one of the hot topics currently trending is whether Kanye is really going to run for president in 2020.

Considering the recent surprise at the 2016 elections shocking  most of the world, call me crazy but I believe Kanye would actually have a chance if he chose to stand.

Kanye may not be seen as the greatest political figure, but having followed his journey, I do believe that he could surprise us.

In his early days of his music, West would often talk about better days and speak hope and enjoyment even if his language and appearance was a little creative. Now a father and a husband he has plenty of motivation to make this world a better place. What better way to do that then run for office?  He has always stayed one step ahead since day 1. Dropping beats and concepts that musicians and artists are only catching now.  An administration run by Kanye would certainly push boundries.

It’s that type of future thinking that grows and expands countries and the world. I’m not saying he is the best choice or will be a great president but never underestimate a man who never stops pushing for what he wants.

Kanye 2020, it could be a reality.

God Speed.

What it means to be a son


A few days ago I met a guy. He had tears in his eyes and was obviously really upset about something. He kept saying that he felt broken because of all the dysfunction in his family situation. Despite his emotional state he seemed like a pretty normal, everyday kind of person.  We began to chat, he told me a few personal things about what was happening in his life. It was hard to hear at first because I could relate to everything he was going through as I experienced similiar circumstances a few years back.

We began to chat and dig a little deeper into his life and childhood. He began to open up about his parents being divorced and how he had to become the man of the house, at an early age.

As soon as he said that it hit me. His family situation had meant that this person had never been a son. All his life he had taken the role of the ‘father’, the one providing and protecting. He has never experienced what it is like to just be the son and have access to sonship.

Come to the table

I began to explain to him about the meaning of sonship. Sonship in the Christian context allows you to access things you couldn’t even dream of.  Being a son (or a daughter) of God means living under the care and provision of God.  It allows you to rely on the King and be a legitimate heir. When a father calls his sons to sit at the table he is allowing them to eat what he eats and have access to the love of a father. This is what God wants to do for his children.

Once I was done explaining this to my friend began to cry as he realised that he needed to take his place in God’s family. Even though he didn’t have an earthly father, he had a Father in heaven that calls him a son.  He began to realise the lifestyle he was living was only helping maintain the distructive situations around him. He realised that in order for the chaos in his life to become ordered, he had to rely fully on God and take his place as a son.

We don’t always get to choose our circumstances sometimes we are forced into them but if you take your place and remind yourself that you have God to rely on, life begins to look a whole lot different.

God Speed.



If you haven’t heard of Banksy, let me fill you in.  Banksy is a Britist street artist who uses this work to express his views on politics, social and economic issues.  Essential he (at least we think it’s a ‘he’) is a graffiti artist, but he’s gone far beyond a can of spray paint and rude words.

Known only by the one name and largely surrounded in mystery, most of Banksy’s works are seen on the streets of major cities around the world. From USA, Australia, Mali, Israel and the UK his artwork speaks about the political and social struggles effecting people around the world. Banksy first emerged in the early 90’s and from then until today his art continues to create awareness around many issues.

The art is iconic but to put it bluntly it’s also illegal.  Using someone else’s property as your canvas is effectively vandalism after all.

I first discovered Banksy in my late teens and ever since then I was hooked. I think for me the appeal lies the simplistic style of art and also his creative use of graffiti.

Of course the intrigue around who Banksy really is just adds to his allure. There are many theories as to who is behind the art but no one really knows for sure. Some people say Banksy isn’t one person but a group of maybe seven people, others say Banksy is a woman or the front man for a rock band.

I’m not sure which to believe but all I do know is that his artwork speaks not only to his local community but to many around the world.


Hope in the waiting season


I’ve been in a season of waiting for a little while now. By waiting I mean waiting for some clarity as to where I am going. What should be the next step in ministry, in work, in life. I know I’m in the right place for now but the there are dreams and hopes still to be fulfilled and it’s the ‘how’ and the ‘when’ for those desires that I’m being patient for.

A few years back all I wanted to do was to play music but every opportunity came except the chance to do that one thing. Now, a few years later, music is all I do, week in and week out.  I still love playing but now I have found new desires placed in my heart.

Yesterday I sat with my fiance and mentioned to her how seeing I have been through a season like this before, you would think I would have learnt from it, but somehow it still feels the same.

We began to talk about what to do in the waiting period of life because the reality is your waiting period could be two months or it could be two years, or more. You never know how long you could wait.

A few things to remind yourself when you are in that waiting season of life.

Remember why you do what you do.

Often we get doubtful or disheartened in our dreams because it’s not happening or we see others get the opportunities we would like. We get disheartened because we forget why we do what we do. Always remember why you started in the first place, don’t lose hope because you see others get promoted.

Don’t let anyone stop you.

Often we think that opportunity or getting promoted is all we have in life. It’s like we work just so we can get that opportunity. The reality is that no one else is going to promote you besides God. Living like you have nothing to lose doesn’t mean you have to break the rules and have no respect. The reality is if you want to see your heart desire realised, work hard and don’t let anyone stop you.

Never lose sight of what your heart desires are in the waiting season. It may be hard and it may seem like there is no end, the road be a bit rocky and uncertain but there is hope in every season. Choose to believe that you will come out of every season better and stronger.

God Speed

Who’s watching you?


Recently I was hit by the thought that you may never really know who is watching you, or is aware of how you live your life.

I recently started a new job for a local clothing brand. Everyone that works around the store is a new face to me.  I don’t know them and they don’t know me, or so I thought. So my work space is a totally new environment. Some may hate it but I actually enjoy the freshness of being the new person.

The other day I started chatting to one of the ladies who works in a neighbouring shop. It was a random connection but I had some time so I stopped for a chat. She began to ask me what I do and about my studies, so I told her a little about my background and my story.

By the end of the conversation, it turns out that this random new acquaintance, isn’t as new as I thought because this lady recognised me from church.  Then a few days later a guy walked past my store and he also asked if I go to the Church because he too recognised me.

I’m not in any way famous. Although I volunteer at my church and contribute to the weekly services, I wouldn’t expect people who visit to necessarily notice me but obviously some do.

My encounters with these two people reminded me that it can be easy to belittle the part you play or the role you fulfil, whether that be at church or in life in general but you never know who might be noticing and paying attention to what you do.  When I chose to step into a visible role, I took on a responsibility to be consistent and set a good example by the way that I live.

You may not think that anyone is paying attention to your life, your choices or actions but you never know who is looking to you and what impact you are having.

God Speed.

Give him a chance


If you don’t know him, you should know him. Chance the rapper is taking the hip hop world by storm, creating beats and lyrics that are making people sit up and take notice. Associating with likes of Kanye and Jay-Z tells you caliber of crowd he’s running with.

Being a massive hip hop fan, I had to check Chance the rapper out, and I wasn’t disappointed. Critics are saying he’s the next big thing in rap and the buzz around his music is a massive deal.

The weirdest part about Chance the rapper is that when he’s being recognised he makes it about his love of music. Not about fame and fortune.

Obviously, I can’t tell the future or how his life will pan out, but following his social media feed he appears to be different from the other new, up and coming artists.

Chance the rapper has the potential to be up there with the greats and looks like he’s well on the way to being there. Albums like “Acid Rap” and “Colouring book” honestly contain some of the best-crafted rap I’ve heard in a while.

The one thing I love about Chance is that he still keeps it real. Whether he is a brother of the faith or not, his latest album features tonnes of old school church songs which really added to the album as a whole.

He seems to understand the concept of spreading love and peace and not making art for the money or for the status. The world needs more Chance the rappers.

If you haven’t heard his stuff definitely check it out.

God Speed.

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