Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Joshua Govender

Joshua Govender

Meeting others where they’re at

Do you ever feel like life is all about rules? About the stipulations and expectations laid down by others? Have you ever gotten the feeling that everyone is telling you what to do and how to behave?

In school, you are taught to be who you can be, but as you get older society tells you to live a certain way. We’re locked in a continuous battle – a struggle to conform to the expectations of society, and sometimes even religion.

That’s why it’s so valuable to be able to allow others to be themselves around you. Giving others a place to be themselves without having to follow a set of rules or regulations – without changing who they really are – can create the space to really connect with them.

Don’t get me wrong: this doesn’t mean you have to compromise on your beliefs or your Christianity in order to relate to others – your belief should be strong and never compromising.

However, in order to connect with people, we need to meet them where they are at, without forcing them to “change” who they are (real change can’t be forced!).

Let’s never forget that in everything we do we need to stay relevant to those around us. In order to do so, we need to be continuously humbling ourselves, meeting people wherever they are at.


An open invitation


The other day a homeless person came to our youth program. It was kind of funny because he made it past all our security and the leaders and casually sat in the front row while the speakers began.

I happened to notice him, so I casually walked over and asked him what his name was. He told me he was at youth to preach. We decided to have a chat outside the auditorium. It was strange because he looked normal in the auditorium, but when I saw him outside he was sweating like crazy and his eyes were as big as the moon.

I immediately knew he was a little high (or a lot) – he was saying the craziest stuff. Let’s just say he was on another planet. Nothing he said made any sense.

Long story short: I got to know him a little better and listened to his story. He began to tell me about his time in prison and all of the bad things he has done.

As he was talking I thought to myself: “This guy could actually be such a great leader.” He has all the qualities of a leader: he’s confident; he loves to talk; and he’s clearly a go-getter. Life could be so different for him.

I felt like slapping him and telling him to get off drugs and to just start coming to church – but like with everything in life, there is a process.

So this is what I did: I invited him to church on Sunday. As simple as that. The journey has to start somewhere.

We all meet broken people from time to time. For most of them, change won’t happen overnight. But it can start somewhere. More often than not, it’s as simple as inviting them into a different environment.

Think about that.


An escape from helplessness


The other day I met someone on the street who looked so helpless. It was like he’d been having an internal struggle for years and just got used to living with his situation and life choice. I think this often happens – people end up staying in one place their whole lives.

That sense of helplessness is more than just a feeling: it starts off as something small– but give it enough time and it could take over your thought life.

Looking at this guy, I was thinking about all the ways he could help himself: He looked perfectly healthy, and besides living on the street, he wasn’t in a bad shape. I began to encourage him to not become comfortable – because sometimes, when we feel helpless, we end up not taking action to bring about change in our lives.

He soon began speaking about everything that’s happened to him in his life. He explained how he had no choice in how things turned out. I understand why he felt this way. It’s not easy to pick yourself up when you’ve fallen so far.

Ultimately, this is what I told him: The simple fact is that it starts with your heart. If, in your heart of hearts, you are willing to see change, you will be motivated to take action. If this is the case, you will see change quicker than you think.

Now, it’s easy talking about change and it’s another thing bringing it about. What has helped me in the past was to take baby steps in the right direction, even when I couldn’t see the results immediately; to get into a new routine, even though things didn’t change right away.

The fact is, if you are willing to commit to change, you can escape from that place of helplessness!


If you feel helpless, why not click on the popup or the banner below. We’d love to help!

Time to be still

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the past week, it’s valuing the quiet moments.

In the past, these moments never really seemed important to me – it’s quite hard for me to keep still in the first place, because I get so distracted all the time. I try my best to keep still, but it’s actually hard to clear my mind and just spend time with God.

Last week, a friend and I drove out of town and we decided to just put on some music and sit for a moment to clear our heads. Now this may sound weird, and at first it was kind of awkward, but to be honest it ended up being a great exercise. For a full two minutes, everything was still around me. Every problem, every issue I had, everything that had been bothering me, melted away. It was like magic.

It reminded me of the power of finding a quiet place and just being still. It completely blew my mind. And it reminded me of an important truth: In order to live a healthy life, we need to get still with God.

Sometimes there’s nothing better than switching off all distractions and getting real with yourself. Be still… you never know what will happen.


Frank Ocean: It’s finally here


After much anticipation, Frank Ocean’s album Blonde has been released, and it’s already rising to the top of the Billboard charts. The New Orleans-based singer caused an uproar when he failed to release his album after a countdown earlier, but it’s finally available and fans couldn’t be happier.

As an Ocean fan I’m thrilled about the release. His last album, Channel Orange, was a huge success and a real breakthrough as a new piece of music. It completely changed my life. It opened my mind to an entirely different side of music. And it seems his new album is blowing minds and touching hearts all over again. Ocean is proving that you don’t have to be the stereotypical artist to get somewhere these days. Even the fact that he did not release his album on time gave him a sense of individuality, in a weird way. At the very least he is not the kind of artist that settles for average.

I am excited to see where he takes us over the next few years. If his future albums are as good as Channel Orange and Blonde, the world had better be ready – because he’s going to change the game for everyone.

If you don’t know his music yet, have a listen – you’ll soon learn to respect the artist behind the art.


Fight for love


Spending time with Seth Franco last week has really changed my perspective on how I view people. Even the way I speak to people. Sometimes I tend to think being strong and tough is the right way to deal with people, but he has taught me that being soft and caring is the God way of dealing with others.

One of the things Seth mentioned is how some people want to preach, but nobody wants to actually help people. It really gave me a perspective on how to love people – not just love because it’s the right thing to do, but to truly care for someone.

It’s about fighting for that one person that needs it the most. I’ve learnt so much about what type of person I should fight to be.

We should also fight for those who are broken and those who are on their last bit of hope. We often forget that all people want sometimes, is someone to fight for them and stand with them in hard times. Often it’s as simple as listening to someone.

We forget how easy it is to go through life and be oblivious to what is happening around us because we are too focused on our problems and we forget that there are people who just need someone to say “Hey! You are awesome”.

What truly matters is that we fight for those around us. Don’t be part of the status quo in the world that says being selfish is okay. Be part of the people that love people without a reason.


Seth Franco: The real thing

Recently, I’ve had the privilege of going on a schools tour. The whole aim is to hit as many schools as you can in two weeks. It’s pretty amazing – we fly guest speakers out and have them speak at each school. We visit up to four schools a day, which is a lot when you have to work on each school’s schedule.

This year, I had the privilege of driving one of the guest speakers around. At first, I was a bit hesitant because I don’t know Cape Town that well. The speaker was from the USA – easily one of the coolest people I’ve met. He’s a former pro basketballer who preachers about how he overcame some of his struggles. He does some of his basketball tricks in his talk as well.

Even though I only drove him around, for some reason we seemed to be really close. He became a good friend. It’s weird because he’s not like anyone else I’ve ever hosted – he’s a bit out there, but he is always positive, which is crazy because the stuff he struggled with actually took him out of his career as a pro baller.

His full name is Seth Franco; go ahead and look him up. He’s the most encouraging dude you will ever meet but he’s also the most real. I’m not sure how or why he’s happy but for some reason, he is always looking for the God moments.

I’ve learned a few things from Seth, one of them being to just love people. I’ve also learnt to never take for granted what a good gesture will do for someone. In his words: “Everybody wants to preach, but no one just does stuff for people.” To him that may have just been a throwaway line, but when I heard that, it changed the way I think, feel, and act towards people.


When you don’t fit in

Have you ever had a moment where you feel like you just do not fit in? A moment where you feel like there is not another human on the planet that will ever be able to relate to you? I’ll be the first one to say I struggle to fit in sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to fit in everywhere, neither does my identity lie in fitting in with others, but sometimes I find it hard to relate to those around me.

Sometimes you try and push through the lies you tell yourself and the negative inner dialogue that’s going on inside you, but it’s still hard. It seems like a lost battle, to be honest.

I’ve been on this journey for a while. But let me tell you a secret: it’s not you. There’s nothing wrong with you. You are the best “you” that you can be, and there is nothing that will change that. Don’t ever feel like you need to change the way you speak or act because you’re trying to fit in with others.

For such a long time that was me: I tried to change the way I talked and looked, just so I could fit in and be affirmed by people. However, I’ve found it’s easier to just be me. It requires no effort to be me. It’s how I was born.

It’s time to start looking at yourself like God looks at you: as his creation, and someone He loves. Look at what David says about himself in the Bible:

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. – Psalm 139:13-14

The only thing you need to be is real. God made you who you are for a reason. Stop trying to be someone else to fit in, and be who he called you to be.


It ain’t over till it’s over


Often, as humans, we tend to give up way before our time is up. We give in way too easy because it’s a little tough at the time or something isn’t going our way.

I was thinking recently about ways to ensure that I never give up – even when I’m in a storm. How do you stay strong even when it feels like you are alone and there is no breakthrough?

I came up with nothing. Literally nothing. I tried to think of ways to make it easier to weather a storm, or how to make the season shorter– but I soon came to the conclusion that there is nothing that I can do in my own strength that will sustain me.

But, I did have another realisation: I realised that I am not alone in this. God is with me.

This didn’t take the storm away – but what it did do is give me the confidence to ride that storm out.

All the sayings and motivational quotes in the world won’t help you as much as knowing that you are not alone – that makes all the difference.

Understand this: you are not in that storm by yourself. God is still in control. Everything happens in God’s timing.

Just think: The Creator of the universe is with you.


Hope for Adrian

Recently, while out and about with a homeboy of mine, I met a kid named Adrian. Usually I don’t have patience with street kids – while some of them are going through a hard time, many are on the streets for the wrong reasons – but this kid felt different.

I asked him about his story, and he told me that he has a home, but that he has to beg on the streets to provide for his mother (so his father won’t beat him). He showed me all his scars and bruises and for some reason, everything this kid was going through became real to me.

You could see in his face that he wasn’t lying – he really was just desperate for money so he didn’t have to get beaten… which was going to happen anyway, by the sound of it.

For some reason, I didn’t just let the moment pass. I stopped for a second and started encouraging him. I told him that his dad on earth may hate him and treat him badly, but that there’s a Father that loves him no matter what; no matter the mistakes he makes; regardless of how much money he brings home; no matter what he was done.

Immediately I saw something on his face that I think hasn’t happened in a long time: he began to smile. You could clearly see how much he actually needed someone to just encourage him – to simply reach out and acknowledge his pain.

It blew me away to realise what a big difference a few simple words could make. Even though I couldn’t snap my fingers and change his situation, I could offer encouragement and something that he hasn’t felt in a long time: hope.

Let’s never forget how much weight our words to others can carry. You never know whose life you might change with what you say. Never be too busy to reach out, even if you do so fleetingly. After all, we have a responsibility to share the hope within us.


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