Monday, March 10, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Lady Lee

Lady Lee

Can I Count On You?

We all have friends and family we can count on when we need help, advice or comfort. We call on our loved ones whenever we feel down and lonely. But does everyone really have your best interests at heart? Can we always count on people?

Are people as reliable as God? I’ve found that people change all the time, they wake up with different emotions daily.

God reminds us why we need to rely on Him as our provider and comforter. There are many examples in the Bible too where people witnessed God’s power. Sometimes I want to count on people, but I’ve been disappointed many times before.

People will come to you and say “If you ever need to talk I’m here for you”, “When you need something, am here to help”. But can I count on you? (That’s always my thought). I’ve become sceptical of sharing about my life or problems with certain people.

The Lord Jesus Christ gave us the definition of a true friend: “Greater love has no one than this, that He lay down His life for His friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from My Father I have made known to you”. Jesus is the pure example of a true friend, for He laid down His life for His “friends.” What’s more, anyone may become His friend by trusting in Him as his personal saviour, being born again and receiving new life in Him.

Do you trust the people in your circle? Or are you as sceptical as I am and very picky on who you get to share stuff with? Let’s hear from you, click on the banner below.

Expensive Toilet Paper


Most Expensive Toilet Paper In The World: An Australian brand, Toilet Paper Man, is playing its expensive games again. For the small sum of $1.23 million, you might just walk out of the store with a roll of toilet paper. The roll is made of 22-carat gold. The company promises that this roll takes you to a different level of…. well, you know what. They also assure us that for that price, you and your derriere are safe. Yes, we kinda expect that for that price.

A Quality 3ply toilet paper with 24 carat gold through the roll. As you use the toilet paper 24 carat gold flakes will fall onto the floor. This is taking your toilet experience to another level of sophistication.

Fancy throwing your money straight down the toilet? Then you need to own the most expensive toilet paper in the world.

Celebrities also enjoy this sort of lifestyle, flashing money. Scarlett Johansson had her wisdom teeth taken out and one of the teeth was dipped in solid gold, as a gift for Ryan Reynolds’ 31st birthday.

A Bugatti Veyron Diamond Ltd that weighs around 7 kg is made of 24 carat gold with a 2.2 carat diamond on its front grill and 7.2 carat single cut flawless diamonds costs $4 million, more than the real car.

Ginza Tanaka Christmas tree is made of 24 carat gold and decorated with 240 jewels including diamond studs and a string of continental pearls which weighs 21 kg. How much do you think that costs? Neither more nor less than $2 million.

So nowadays, there seems to be no limit to the extremes people will go to show off their wealth.

Have you ever wondered what a super rich person household shopping list may contain? Besides very expensive food, how about a 22-carat gold toilet paper?

Hello God, Are You There?

Growing up, I used to ask my mom if God can really hear my prayers when I pray. Her answer was always YES.

As I grew older I started to understand that God hears our prayers but we have to be patient. I pray regularly, but find it hard to be patient and feel like God is taking too long to answer or he’s not listening. And I’m constantly asking “Hello God, are you there?”.

I’ve had moments where I feel like my prayers are just bouncing off the ceiling or maybe I’m not praying the way I should. But I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one that feels this way right? But what I feel isn’t the same as what’s really true.

The Bible teaches us that God does answer our prayers (John 16:24). But there are things we have to remember: God’s answer may not always be what we were hoping for. His answer sometimes is simply “no.” And his answer might be something we’ll never completely understand.Truth is, everything is seasonal, so relax he has it all covered.

Now I’m older I truly and sincerely understand that prayer is a time to connect and be honest with God about what we want. But it’s also a time for us to recognize who’s really in control. And it’s a time to ask God to help us understand and accept what he brings to our lives (Let His will be done).

Truth is, his answer is always the best answer because he has bigger plans for us and he wants what’s best for us.

Do you feel like your prayer life is suffering and that you not connecting with God the way you should? Maybe you also having these mixed emotions whether he hears your prayers or he doesn’t. Click on the banner below and connect with us.

Biggest Distraction At The Office


Surprise! Here’s Your Biggest Distraction At The Office.

There’s been plenty written about distractions these days – especially at the office. Everyday workers face a variety of obstacles to focused work that didn’t exist with past generations of employees. Social media, the Internet, mobile phones, text messages and more whittle away the kind of blocked out time that it takes to do great work. But as far back as 2011 a study in the journal “Organization Studies” revealed the single greatest interruption we face at work:

Co-workers. That’s right – other people.  The study discovered that face-to-face interruptions account for one-third more intrusions than email or phone calls (which employees feel more free to defer or ignore.) Other research from the University of California at Irvine revealed employees working in cubicles are interrupted 29% more often than those in private offices, and 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. each day was the peak period for these interruptions.

And these interruptions aren’t cheap. Workers who report frequent interruptions have nearly 10% higher rates of exhaustion and a 4% increase in physical sickness and ailments such as headaches, backaches, and more.

And getting back on task after a distraction is a problem as well. Other research indicates that after an interruption it takes 25-40 minutes to get back to the same level of focus you had before the distraction.

The lesson? Understand the incredible damage to your creativity and productivity distractions and interruptions can cause. Then, be proactive in avoiding them. Whether you hang a sign outside your cubicle or door, wear headphones, find another location for deep focused work, or other alternative, keeping distractions to a minimum can make the difference between success and failure in your career. And for leaders, understand how much these types of face-to-face distractions can undermine an organization’s productivity.

Let our readers know if you’ve developed any other effective ways of blocking distractions or interruptions….

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I Am Different

Women put make-up on to cover their bad scars, blemishes and acne. Make-up lets us express who we truly are (not the truth).

Sometimes we think covering ourselves up and hiding our flaws will make people like us even more. This happens because maybe you’ve been mocked or laughed at because you’re different.

Last year The Dermablend ads were aired and millions of women have been posting no-make-up selfies. This cosmetics ad goes against the typical girl-power creed of embracing your natural look by showing how make-up can actually empower women.

A woman with severe skin conditions shows how cosmetics can be empowering. She explains about having a different skin condition and how she uses make-up to present herself to the world in a way that feels genuine, not as a means of hiding away.

Cheri Lindsay, a volleyball coach has a skin depigmentation condition called vitiligo. By camouflaging her condition with make-up, ‘people could look completely through it and see who I was as a person,’ she explains. ‘It made me a little bit more approachable.’

In the beginning of the video, Cheri appears, sitting in a chair, with what looks to be an even skin tone. She explains that the condition began manifesting itself in her sophomore year of college when she lived in Texas.

She then explains how she uses make-up not to hide her imperfections, but to encourage people to see her for who she truly is instead of making assumptions based on her appearance. It’s ok to say say “I Am Different”.

Here’s the video below.

‘It wasn’t until I found make-up and a passion within myself that I found purpose to my life’. She adds that by putting herself out there in the commercial, she hopes to inspire other women to do the same.

This is a great reminder that we are all created in God’s image. Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them”. This scriptures explains this so well.

Do you live with a certain condition that makes you shy and unable to socialize with other people and be out there? Or maybe you think you’re not beautiful enough to be around the “cool” people. If you need someone to chat with, click on the banner below.

New Top Gear Host


The BBC says its hit car TV showTop Gear will return to the airwaves with a new host replacing scandal-tainted Jeremy Clarkson.

The broadcaster says radio and TV personality Chris Evans has signed a three-year deal to lead a new line-up for the show, which has won a huge following with its mix of car tips, driving stunts and jokey banter.

Top Gear

Clarkson was fired in March after he punched a producer during an off-set altercation. The show’s two other hosts also left.

The incident threatened the future of one of BBC’s most popular shows – and biggest international earners. Clarkson’s brash, blokey persona was a large part of Top Gear’s appeal to fans.

Evans said on Tuesday he was thrilled to be hosting “my favourite programme of all time.

Be Content

Every day I read devotionals in the mornings and evenings. I got to read this one particular devotional by Joyce Meyer.

She talks about being content with what who you are and what you have.

Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have.—Hebrews 13:5 (NKJV)

Contentment is a decision to be happy with what you already have. I am convinced most people are not truly content. Unbelievers certainly aren’t content, whether they realize it or not, but it is very sad how many believers have not learned to be truly content in their circumstances. I wonder how many people can truthfully say, “I’m happy with my life. I love my spouse and my family. I like my job. I’m satisfied with my house and my car. There are things I want God to do for me, but I am content to wait until He does them in His timing. I do not covet anything that belongs to my neighbour. I am not jealous of anyone else or envious of what others have. If God gave it to them, then I want them to enjoy it.”

I believe God actually tests us in this way. Until we can pass His “I-am-happy-for- you-because- you-are blessed” test, we are never going to have any more than what we have right now. Yes, God wants us to prosper in every way. He wants people to see His goodness and how well He takes care of us. But we must desire God more than we desire His blessings. So He tests us to make sure this is the case before He releases greater material blessings into our lives.

I am content because Christ is enough for me.

Maybe you not content with who or where you are currently in your own personal journey and you would like to discover more; click on the banner below.

Donald Trump For President


Real-estate mogul and television personality Donald Trump announced his 2016 presidential campaign Tuesday morning.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I am officially running for president of the United States, and we are going to make our country great again!” Trump said.

The Republican businessman made the announcement at the namesake Trump Tower in New York City.

In his wide-ranging and, lasting about 45 minutes, lengthy speech, Trump railed against President Barack Obama and the potential Pacific trade deal — the Trans-Pacific Partnership — while repeatedly touting his own negotiating skills.

“Our country is in serious trouble,” he said. “We don’t have victories anymore. We used to have victories, but we don’t have them. When was the last time anybody saw us beating, let’s say, China in a trade deal? I beat China all the time. All the time.”

Trump said he was the only candidate who could fix his list of the country’s problems, and he directly challenged former Gov. Jeb Bush (R) by name in his remarks.

“They will never make America great again,” he said of his opponents. “They don’t even have a chance. They’re controlled fully by the lobbyists, by the donors, and by the special interests — fully! Our country needs a truly great leader and we need a truly great leader now. We need a leader that wrote “The Art of the Deal”.

The famous real-estate developer also touted his own wealth, which he previously said could be used to finance his campaign.

“I’m really rich,” he said. “That’s the kind of thinking you need for this country. Because you’ve got to make the country rich. It sounds crass … It’s not crass.”

Later in the speech, Trump extensively discussed his net worth, which he said was roughly $9 billion.

“I’m really proud of my success, I really am,” Trump said. “I’ve employed tens of thousands of people over my lifetime. That means medical, that means education, that means everything. So a large accounting firm and my accountants have been working for months — because it’s big and complex — and they’ve put together a statement.”

Trump had taken numerous steps that suggested he could be much more serious this time around, including hiring staffers in key primary states, forming a political fundraising committee, and setting plans to release financial disclosure documents.

For their part, Democrats seemed amused by Trump’s candidacy. The Democratic National Committee’s press secretary, Holly Shulman, released an apparently sarcastic statement praising Trump’s “seriousness.”

“Today, Donald Trump became the second major Republican candidate to announce for president in two days,” Shulman said, referring to Bush. “He adds some much-needed seriousness that has previously been lacking from the GOP field, and we look forward hearing more about his ideas for the nation.”

Does Mr Right Exist?

Growing up, we watch fairy-tale movies and think that in reality things always end up the way movies are scripted. Most ladies are looking for Mr Right, but does he even exist? Where is he? If you find him please let me know.

What does this Mr Right look like? Tall, dark, handsome, well built, speaks well, dresses well, has a great sense of humour? Or is it that this guy I’m trying to find doesn’t exist? In other words, does Mr Right exist?

Most ladies get into a panic mode when they reach a certain age and they haven’t found their Mr Right as yet. They start asking questions like, “who will I spend my life with, will I ever get married, will I die alone?”. Women put themselves under unnecessary pressure. Relax ladies.

Truth is we need to expect a human being, not someone perfect. No one is going to be everything you have ever dreamed of. Give the guy a break. You already know that you are not Ms. Perfect yourself. He will make mistakes too. Relax a little and don’t be too picky. Allow him to be human too, not that unrealistic guy from the movies. Look beyond physical attractiveness. 

Be patient, don’t be too hard on yourself. Rome was not built in a day. It may take some time to discover what appeals to you and why. You may make a few friends, and even break a heart or two. You may get hurt. Keep at it. There are good men out there. You simply need to know where to look.

Finding the right man is not going to change you into a better person than you already are. 

Having found out that women can actually put men off by being so complete that a man doesn’t know where to fit it, we have to ask the question: how do I show that I need Mr. Right without making myself open to abuse? The answer is humility. Nobody can do everything on their own. And the only true way to realize this is to look within and go back to our roots.

Our roots are in God and we all need to make a decision to ask him help us find our place in this life, including his guidance on knowing what a Mr. Right should look like. If you’d like to know more about what I’m talking about, click on the banner below.


June 1976 Picture Re-Worked


The June 16 1976 Uprising that began in Soweto and spread countrywide profoundly changed the socio-political landscape in South Africa. Events that triggered the uprising can be traced back to policies of the Apartheid government that resulted in the introduction of the Bantu Education Act in 1953. The rise of the Black Consciousness Movement (BCM) and the formation of South African Students Organization (SASO) raised the political consciousness of many students while others joined the wave of anti-Apartheid sentiment within the student community. When the language of Afrikaans alongside English was made compulsory as a medium of instruction in schools in 1974, black students began mobilizing themselves. On 16 June 1976 between 3000 and 10 000 students mobilized by the South African Students Movement’s Action Committee supported by the BCM marched peacefully to demonstrate and protest against the government’s directive. The march was meant to culminate at a rally in Orlando Stadium.

Channel O has recreated the famous picture taken during the Soweto Uprising in June 16, 1977 of Mbuyisa Makhubo carrying Hector Pieterson who was shot by the police.


This picture has been trending on social media.

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