Monday, March 10, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Lady Lee

Lady Lee

Barcelona Win Champions League


Luis Enrique says Barcelona aim to become the first team to defend the Champions League title as the head coach considers his future despite steering them to an historic treble.

Luis Suarez and Neymar scored second-half goals to give Barcelona a 3-1 Champions League final victory over Juventus on Saturday as the Spaniards became the first team to twice win the European treble.

Enrique capped his first season as Barcelona’s head coach by matching Pep Guardiola’s feat from the 2008/09 season when the Catalans captured the European, Spanish league and cup titles.

An early goal by Barca’s Ivan Rakitic was cancelled out when Juventus’ ex-Real Madrid striker Alvaro Morata equalised on 55 minutes.

But Suarez put the game beyond the Italian champions with a 68th minute strike off a rebound at Berlin’s Olympic Stadium before Neymar added the third with the last kick of the game in the 97th minute.


Barcelona have now won five European titles, four of which came in the last decade after their 2006, 2009 and 2011 triumphs.

Enrique says their hunger for silverware is insatiable and they want to make more history by becoming the first team to win back-to-back Champions League titles.

“This is our 60th match (this season) with six defeats and four draws,” said the 45-year-old.

“Those figures show that this has been one of Barcelona’s best campaigns.

“In the last ten years, this has been the most successful club in Europe.

“These players have shown hunger for victories and they’ve shown they enjoy it so much, we have to nourish them with more titles.”

Enrique is yet to commit to a second season ahead of the club’s presidential elections as he has had a tense relationship with current incumbent Josep Maria Bartomeu.

“I want to celebrate the win, but the time will come when decisions must be made,” said Enrique.

“It’s been a difficult year with lots of transition, but I have to thank all those who have trusted me to lead Barcelona.”

Juventus suffered the unwanted fate of becoming the first team to lose six European Cup finals, 30 years after winning the trophy for the first time which was overshadowed by the Heysel Stadium disaster.

On the streets of Barcelona, where you could have heard a pin drop during the final, thousands of ecstatic fans dressed in their team colours of blue and red celebrated with cheers, chants and fire crackers.

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Try Again

Sometimes you find yourself against the wall, you feel like you wont be able to move or bounce back. And we feel like we have nothing left to give, and no matter how hard we try, we keep hitting road blocks that seem to hold us back.

The truth is, if we can overcome the obstacles presented to us and keep pushing through the bad times we will eventually enjoy the fruits of our hard work. It isn’t always easy trying to reach the top, but when you’re thinking about giving up, remember these five things:

1. There’s Always Someone Working Harder Than You Are. But don’t compare yourself, we all on different journeys of life.

2. Nobody’s Perfect. We all fail and keep trying without giving up.

3. Success Isn’t Rewarding If It’s Easy. Success is hard work, it comes with sweat, blood and tears, but at the end its all worth it.

4. Prove Others Wrong. Also prove to yourself that you are ABLE and you are not a quitter.

5. Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day. Be patient with yourself.

Here’s a video I watch almost everyday just to feel inspired.

Maybe you in a situation where you feel there is no way out and that you will never bounce back or just maybe need someone to talk to, please click on the banner below.

Sugar Mommies: Age Gap

The Sugar Mommy  is defined as rich women who are older than 35 and like dating younger men. In my opinion, being a sugar mommy is a lifestyle.

The most perceived reasons for young men to go into “sugar mommy” relationships are for acceptability (wants to be accepted), love and survival.

For some, dating someone who is considerably older or younger is not out of the question. A woman who gravitates to older men, may find them more attractive, mature, and stable. She may think an older man is well suited to her tastes because she wants to be cared for in a style she imagines she deserves. An older man on the other hand, may like the way he feels with a young girl on his arm (ego booster), considering himself her mentor and willing to father her along until she reaches the age of reason. An older woman dating a young man 15 years her junior may not see a problem, until the gossip from her circle of friends comes along: “She’s found a new toy boy.”

Honestly sometimes its genuine love with no expectations at all. Sometimes older women tend to be bossy, especially when faced with the immaturity of her partner she will slip into the role of a Diva, giving orders, scheduling his day, or even dressing him to complement her outfits.

While age gaps of five to eight years may not prove to too big to have a successful relationship, especially for those over the age of 30, age gaps of fifteen years or more present a very real psychological dilemma, one of inequality. It will be obvious to those on the outside looking in that the relationship is out of balance and socially inappropriate, but for a couple who has fallen in love they may lack the insight and maturity to foresee the problems ahead.

Here’s one couple that fell inlove and even got married.

Who Is The Holy Spirit

You might say the Holy Spirit is our “identifying mark” as believers in Christ. In the Bible, we see three reasons why God gives His Holy Spirit. First, God promised to send the Holy Spirit to those who trust Jesus Christ as Saviour.

The Holy Spirit itself also serves as a mark of ownership, showing that we belong to God.

The Holy Spirit also performs a function for non-Christians as well. He convicts people’s hearts of God’s truth concerning how sinful we are – needing God’s forgiveness; how righteous Jesus is – He died in our place, for our sins; and God’s eventual judgment of the world and those who do not know Him (John 16:8-11). The Holy Spirit tugs on our hearts and minds, asking us to repent and turn to God for forgiveness and a new life.

Your new path/life will look something like this:

Christ directed life

We all know that there are many misconceptions about the identity of the Holy Spirit. Some view the Holy Spirit as a mystical force. Others understand the Holy Spirit as the impersonal power that God makes available to followers of Christ. The Bible declares that the Holy Spirit is God. The Bible also tells us that the Holy Spirit is a divine person, a being with a mind, emotions, and a will.
Maybe you’re still a bit confused about all this and it might seem overwhelming to you. Would you like to ask questions about who the Holy Spirit is or perhaps you’re still on a self discovery journey and want to know more about God and faith, please click on the banner below and watch the video that follows.

God Help The Girl: Movie Review


Cast: Emily Browning, Olly Alexander Genre: Drama, Musical Director: Stuart Murdoch Age Restriction: PG L Studio: Barry Mendel Productions, British Film Company, Zephyr Films Running Time: 111 minutes

Verdict: 3 / 5

I’m a great fan of the musical as a concept – both as a theatre form and as a film. And it’s great to see a film that steps away from the typical gaudiness of a Mama Mia style production; where the music is more to show mood and emotion than to drive the entire plot forward as one movement. However, the major problems with God Save the Girl aren’t with the music; it’s with the oftentimes flawed attempts by first time feature director Stuart Murdoch to tie the whole thing together. God-Help-The-Girl-01 Stuart Murdoch, writer and director of this film, is the main creative force in Scottish Indie-Folk band Belle and Sebastian, who have enjoyed some success in their genre over the last few years. This film is essentially a feature length adaptation of their 2009 concept album of the same name. The plot follows Eve (Browning) a girl who escapes from the facility where her anorexia nervosa is being treated, and who finds herself in Glasgow, where she soon meets up with James (Alexander) and gets drawn into both his life and that of his music career too. God-Help-The-Girl-02 All in all, its fairly ordinary teenage “finding yourself” kind of stuff; with a darker edge than many, but without much originality drawn into it beyond that. The music is reasonably good, but in my mind I compared this with another feature adaptation of a concept album, Imaginarium by Nightwish, and realised that what this movie did was hover uncomfortably between being an extended music video and being a proper film. Whereas the aforementioned Nightwish project was nearly all music linked together by imagery, creating a cohesive piece, in God Help the Girl, the worst parts are when the music stops and some cloying, overly melancholic line of dialogue takes its place. I quite like Emily Browning, which helps, and the setting of Glasgow is used well thematically and visually, but other than that all I can say is that this is a good project to have practiced on, but Murdoch needs a bit more work if he is to make the leap from music video to proper film.

Review by Daniel Rom of

Religious Leader: “Women Cause Earthquakes”

Just the other day, I was reading the news online and I stumbled upon a bizarre article that read “Women who wear jeans are responsible for earthquakes: religious leader”.

A Pakistani Muslim cleric has blamed women who wear trousers for the increasing number of earthquakes, terrorism and the inflation.

Religious leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman, who labels women in jeans as ‘immodest women’ said they are responsible for the various disasters that have mauled the world. He also went on to compare women who do not fully cover their bodies to weapons of mass destruction.

According to the leader of Assembly of Islamic Clergy political party, these women must be eliminated. He called on the Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to carry out a military operation against women who wear jeans.

He said that the Taliban would not be causing havoc in their country if women were covered like ‘sack of flour’ and were always indoors.

“And so there is a need to earmark and eliminate the real enemy of Pakistan: every woman who wears jeans,’ he reportedly added,” Rehman was quoted on DailyMail.

I wear jeans, so I’m to BLAME for causing earthquakes. I really had a jaw drop moment as I was reading the article, and it made me think of how many other leaders out there who give people false hope and false teachings.

This also reminded of the Bible, where in His teachings, Jesus warned, “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand”.
These false teachers and prophets will come and will attempt to deceive us.

Do we easily get deceived by these teachers who claim to know it all and some even go to the extreme of claiming to be Jesus himself?  The best way to guard yourself against falsehood and false teachers is to know the truth.

1) What does this teacher say about Jesus?

2) Does this teacher preach the gospel? The gospel is defined as the good news concerning Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, according to the Scriptures.  

3) Does this teacher exhibit character qualities that glorify the Lord?

Maybe you’ve read similar articles to this or have previous experiences with false prophets and feel confused about what the real Gospel is about. We know how frustrating it can be to be searching for truth but be tossed around every which way. If you are on a journey like this and want to know more about God and faith, please click on the banner below and watch the video that follows.

Protecting Your Kids From Online Bullies

Cyber bullying can happen any time of the day.

Teenagers use cell phones and computers to harass others by sending malicious text messages, uploading embarrassing photos or videos on websites, or taking over someone’s social media profile or creating a new one.

Although it takes place in cyberspace, there are several things you can do at home to protect your children from being harassed online. These tips will help you get started.

Prevent Cyber Bullying

You can prevent cyber bullying by knowing what your kids are doing online and establishing certain rules on the use of cell phones and computers. This will help minimize the chances that your teenager will harass someone online or be a victim of cyber bullying.

Here are several tips to help you protect your kids: 

  • Install monitoring software on your kids’ devices and tell your children that it’s your responsibility as a parent to check their interactions when you consider it appropriate.
  • Teach your kids to abstain from sharing photos or videos that might cause them problems if other people see them, especially people who are not their friends.
  • “Follow” your kids on social media or ask another adult to do it on your behalf so you can stay up-to-date on what they are doing or saying.
  • Tell them it’s important that they tell you if they are the victims of cyber bullying so that you can help them.

Respond to Cyber Bullying

You can start to put an end to cyber bullying by doing the following:

  • Don’t answer cyber bullying messages and ask your kids to share with you all of the messages they’ve received.
  • Block the bully on social media and eliminate or block the bully’s e-mail address.
  • Keep all evidence of cyber bullying, including text messages and harassing e-mails.

Report Cyber Bullying

Most countries have laws and policies against bullying, so be sure to contact your school if your child is being harassed online. Schools can take several measures to respond to specific cases.

Parents can also report bullies to the social media sites as bullies often violate the company’s policies and terms and conditions. Parents can also contact the police. Cyber bullying is a crime when messages contain:

  • Threats of violence.
  • Child pornography or photos with sexually explicit messages.
  • Images taken from places where the person expected privacy, like a bathroom.

Cyber bullying is also a crime when someone is stalking a victim or engaging in activities considered to be a hate crime.

Content courtesy of

Do You Have A Statement Of Faith?


A few days ago, I had a conversation with a close friend of mine and she told me, plainly and simply, that she doesn’t believe in anything. Any mention of religion, church, theology or absoluteness of truth is a put-off for her. We fought on the issue for hours and, thought the conversation was frustrating, it got me thinking about the whole issue of belief. Is it really possible for a living, breathing, thinking person to believe in ‘nothing’? I then remembered coming across an official statement of faith, put together by Christians. It goes as follows:

1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God. We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

2. The Bible is the infallible Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and contains every answer to man’s problems.

3. There is one God, existing eternally in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

4. God is Love and He loves all people. It is His desire to reach out to those who are poor, oppressed, widowed or orphaned, and to heal the brokenhearted.

5. Man is created in the image of God but separated from God by sin. Without Jesus we cannot have a relationship with God.

6. We can have a personal relationship with God through salvation, God’s free gift to man. It is not a result of what we do, but it is only available through God’s unearned favor. By admitting we have sinned and believing in the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, and accepting Him as Lord, we can spend eternity with God.

7. We believe in water baptism, as taught and demonstrated by Jesus, as the way for believers to identify with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

8. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a gift from God. He helps empower the believer to develop the character of Christ and live every day in God’s will.

9. God gives all believers spiritual gifts. They are for the strengthening of God’s people (the Church) and proof of God’s existence and power to unbelievers. The gifts of the Spirit are active and relevant today.

10. Sanctification is the ongoing process of allowing God’s character to be developed in us.

11. Divine healing is active in the lives of people today through Jesus, who is the Healer. Healing includes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual restoration.

12. The Bible describes hell as a real place. It is a place of suffering and a place of permanent separation from God for those who die without accepting Christ. God’s desire is that no one be separated from Him for eternity, which is why He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth.

13. Jesus will return and take all those who have accepted Him as Savior to be with Him for eternity.

Though many of the terms are ones that non-Christians might not really be able to connect with because of the jargon, it is inspiring to see a set of beliefs written down and expressed so clearly. So often, many of us just make our way through life without actually knowing what we believe in. So, what do you believe in?

If you have questions about God and faith, please click on the banner below and hear our message.

Goodbye Bruce, Hello Caitlyn


On Monday 01 June 2015, Bruce revealed his/her new identity, appearing as Caitlyn Jenner on the cover of Vanity Fair. The photograph of Ms. Jenner in a corset, shot by Annie Leibovitz and accompanied by the headline “Call Me Caitlyn,” immediately became a sensation on social media when the magazine posted the article online.

Ms. Jenner, 65, who won an Olympic gold medal in the decathlon, has had a long public life. As Bruce Jenner, he was an author, an actor and most recently a part of the Kardashian family’s reality television empire. Earlier this year, reports emerged that Bruce Jenner was in the process of becoming a woman.

The Vanity Fair article represents the latest in a carefully calibrated series of public steps by Ms. Jenner and her team, as she moves toward the debut of a new reality show on the E! network that will begin at the end of July, and a new public life as a woman. A Twitter account, in the name of Caitlyn Jenner, was started at the same time that the Vanity Fair article was published online. Within hours, the account had more than 1.1 million followers.

Timeline of Bruce Jenner’s transition to Caitlyn. 

1980s: Bruce makes first transition attempt; embarked on hormone therapy for almost five years to grow 36B breasts and had electrolysis to remove beard and chest hair within 10 years of becoming an Olympic champion in 1976. Also had plastic surgery on nose. Ultimately stopped transition process and went on to marry Kris Jenner in 1991.

January 2012: Ellen Pierson, who married Kris Jenner’s ex-husband Robert Kardashian, claimed Bruce had been a cross-dresser ‘for years.’ She claimed his first wife Chrystie Crownover told her he loved  women’s clothing and shoes. 

That same month Star magazine alleged that Kris was unfazed by her husband’s odd habit and that he continued to cross-dress for years after their 1991 wedding.

January 2014: The Olympic gold medalist reportedly underwent a laryngeal shave to flatted his Adam’s Apple.

May 2014: Bruce refused to cut his long hair for Kim Kardashian’s wedding to Kanye West, despite pressure from the bride and his estranged wife Kris Jenner.

August 2014: Photos appeared to show Bruce had breasts, sparking rumors he was having hormone therapy as he explored the idea of transitioning from male to female.

September 2014: As his divorce from Kris was being finalized, Bruce had started growing out his hair and shaving his legs.

November 2014: He was spotted on various occasions wearing nail polish, a sports bra etc.

December 2014: Bruce’s first wife Chrystie Scott (nee Crownover) spoke out publicly in support of her former husband, saying ‘I just want him to be happy.’

January 2015: When asked about her step-father’s changing appearance, Kim Kardashian said he was on a ‘journey’ and added: ‘He’ll share whenever the time is right.’

February 2015: TMZ reported that Bruce told his family that he has known he was meant to be a female since the age of five.

March 2015: People magazine claims his ex-wives Chrystie Crownover and Linda Thompson knew how he felt and both were supportive.

March 15: A ten hour facial feminization surgery that brought on intial panic attacks in Caitlyn (This followed years of surgical procedures which began with a face-lift in the 1980s.)

March 31: It was claimed he’d had breast implants.

April 6: ABC News announced that Bruce would do an ‘far-ranging’ interview with Diane Sawyer.

April 24: Bruce finally confirms his gender transition, telling Sawyer: ‘I am a woman.’

June 1: The first look at Caitlyn on the cover of Vanity Fair.

What’s your take on Bruce aka Caitlyn’s transformation? 

Big Up Africa: Murendwa Mmabasotho Mukwevho


At just 25, Murendwa Mmabasotho Mukwevho is a multimillionaire, with a string of businesses varying from logistics to printing.

Today on Big Up Africa we salute this young lady who is composed and humble, she shares her success story with us.

My mom passed away on 28 November, 1990 soon after giving birth to my twin brother and I. We were born in Limpopo, but our dad moved us to Thokoza in the East Rand. That’s where we grew up; our dad was both our father and mother. My brother is a doctor based in London, while my dad and I are still in Johannesburg. As a child I wanted to become a nurse so I could help people in need, but my family is peppered with entrepreneurs who own everything, from mortuaries to butcheries, and are a large influence of where I am today as a businesswoman.

My dad owns a fleet of taxis and other businesses. The way he ran his company inspired me to go into logistics, which includes transportation of goods to customers. My company, Mukwevho Enterprises, has trucks that we used to clinch deals with furniture stores in Gauteng and neighbouring countries to deliver their merchandise to customers. We’ve been running for four years now. My dad helped me out a lot in the beginning, and in 2011 I took over fully. We also operate in Chicago in America. My dad’s friend stays that side and approached me last year to franchise the business there.

I’ve got a few other businesses too, including Phomolong Guest House in Maseru, Lesotho which I bought in 2013. With PNM Properties we buy plots of land and use it to develop houses and complexes to sell or rent around Gauteng. MNM Events is where we do corporate events, like baby showers. In high school I took Consumer Studies as a subject, and today it helps with the party planning and catering within the business. Morenda Printing Services is an internet café I run that’s also in Maseru, Lesotho. We also use the café to teach school kids computer literacy. I have various teams for each company, but I lead all of them.

I work at the SABC too as an editor and studio director. I interned with the broadcaster while I was in high school. Despite my other businesses I’ve continued with my work there because I enjoy the environment.

I was born blessed – that’s the only explanation I can give to all my success. I have an amazing father whose hard work made him a multimillionaire. Growing up he always reminded my brother and I that it was his money, not ours, and if we wanted to make our own wealth we had to work hard. And this is what I’ve done – work hard and create my own luck. I’m proud of myself and often wish my mom was alive so she could see the woman I’ve become, but I know she’s watching wherever she is.

“Opportunity is missed by thousands because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work,” is a saying I live by. Many people lead their lives based on “one day I’ll become successful.” What they fail to understand is that “one day” should never be in the future but rather right now!

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