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Home Authors Posts by Lady Lee

Lady Lee

Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer


If you a die hard fan of Avengers, you’ll be pleased to know that the new Avengers trailer has been released.  Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron. Marvel releases new look at the next adventure for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Release Date: May 01, 2015

Rating [ Not Yet Rated ]

Director: Joss Whedon

Written By: Joss Whedon

Cast: Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Clark Gregg, Cobie Smulders, Don Cheadle, Elizabeth Olsen, James Spader, Jeremy Renner, Mark Ruffalo, Paul Bettany, Robert Downey Jr., Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Thomas Kretschmann


In The Avengers: Age of Ultron Earth’s Mightiest must reunite and work with newcomers Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch to battle new antagonist Ultron, who receives an all-new origin story, while dealing with a new level of inner conflict amongst the team. Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch may not necessarily agree with The Avengers and Tony Stark may be responsible for the creation of the new villain.


The trailer follows last week’s release of the first trailer for Ant-Man, Marvel’s other 2015 movie release, as well as the launch of its second television series, Agent Carter. It’s beginning to look a lot like a good year for the superhero studio — even if Ultron (James Spader) would like to persuade you that things are going to end badly for everyone sooner rather than later.

Here’s the official trailer.

Learning To Be Patient


During the December holidays I decided to go on a mini road trip all by myself , 15 hours’ drive. It was a stretch but every experience on the road was a learning curve for me. I had to learn to be patient when driving that long distance though it was difficult at first. A truck would be in front of me going really slow on a single lane road, and at times the truck driver wouldn’t want to give me a chance to overtake, and I just had to keep driving behind him until the road changed to two lanes; at least that was a relief!

But then this experience made me wonder why do we tend to be so impatient with each other? Why do we want to rush through life? Why do we want to take short cuts when the road seems long and boring? As I drove, I had to ask myself what’s really stressing me out and making me be so impatient? Is it that the driver is driving too slow or is it that I’m running after time (as I had to reach my destination right on time)? I had to learn to calm down and not to get mad at the driver or hoot at him.

Identifying what tends to make us impatient can help us when we get in situations like these.  As I was driving I had a lot to think about, on how to deal with patience in stressful situations in the near future.

Remember What Really Matters

I had to think about what really matters. I wanted to get home on time, but that means I still had to be safe and take extra precautions on the road. Having said that, I had to be patient until I reached a two lane road for me to overtake.

Get Busy and Do Something

I had to keep myself busy the whole trip. Luckily I had lots of CD’s to listen to. I spent time in prayer and worship. Keeping busy is a great way to get your mind off of things that are making you lose patience. Boredom sometimes breeds impatience.

One song that really made my trip super fun was Marvin Sapp’s song “Not now doesn’t mean never”.

In the song Marvin speaks about patience, waiting for the right time to receive your blessing, to receive what you have patiently been waiting for. It doesn’t mean when things don’t go your way it’s the end of the world. It purely means it’s not the time yet. We have to practice patience at all times, even with the smallest things.

Big Up Africa: Boy Boy Shai


It troubled Boy Boy Shai, 24, of Bokgaga village near Tzaneen in Limpopo that there was no library in the village. And so he decided to start one himself in the area where there are five schools that do not have libraries.

The closest library is in Tzaneen, 30km away. But most pupils cannot afford the R14 (US$1,20) taxi fare.

Today on Big Up Africa, we say Big Up to this young man who transformed a thugs den into a library in his area.

This young man asked the relatives of a man whose house had been left abandoned after his death for permission to turn it into a library.


“The house had become a headache for the village anyway. Thugs slept here,” says Shai.

His next challenge was to get books and furniture. He approached local schools and asked principals to donate old books they no longer used and previous question papers. They responded positively and gave him the few that they had. It also didn’t cost him much time to convince residents to donate their old books, chairs and shelves. And soon, the library was ready to open its doors.

On 21 October 2014, when the library had its opening, he woke up earlier than usual. He began to put up posters at schools, shops and taverns. But his worst fear came true. On the day, no one came. Only his friends came to congratulate him and the following day, things took a dramatic turn.

At around 3pm, groups of schoolchildren started coming in. It was so packed that others were standing, but everyone had a book in their hand. Some were doing their homework and others research for their assignments.

Shai also offered lessons to grades 10 to 12 pupils after school and taught subjects such as maths, English and accounting. He uses an old wardrobe door as a chalkboard.

Before they had the library the kids used to struggle when doing research for school work. Those who had phones would Google information, but now their troubles are over thanks to Boy Boy.

Boy Boy Shai hopes to expand the library into an information centre and an internet cafe where people can even search for jobs online. Green Garden library has now become the pride and joy of Bokgaga village.

Article by Bongekile Macupe – Education Reporter for

Nike Sports Watch Review


New year, new resolutions. We all want to start off with making sure that we keep healthy; either we join a gym or just jog in your own time. You are probably shopping for all your training kit at sports stores. Well, here’s one accessory you should have in your sports accessory collection; the Nike+ Sportswatch GPS.

Here’s a breakdown of what to expect from this watch.



What it tracks: 

1. GPS

2. Pace

3. Timer

4. Calories

5. Heart Rate Monitor

6. Mark laps & Intervals

7. Water Resistant

How it works:

Before your run: It doesn’t just tell time. The Nike+ SportWatch GPS keeps you motivated and on track with unique features like automatic run-reminders. It’s like having your own personal running coach, right on your wrist.

During your run: The Nike+ SportWatch GPS keeps track of your location, pace, distance, laps, and calories burned. With the Polar Wearlink+, it also tracks your heart rate. It stores all your run history and keeps tabs on your personal records, giving you encouragement along the way.

After your run: It’s your key to Check your NikeFuel, set goals, track your progress, view your splits, and connect with other runners. Check out your mapped runs, and see how elevation affects your pace. Find the best places to run and compete on a Nike+ Top Route.

Here’s a video to check out on how it works and how you can link it with your PC.

And if you would like to check out the Tech Specs, click on the Nike website here.

Healing Movie Review


Age Restriction: 
Studio: Pointblank Pictures, Screen Australia
Running Time: 119 mins

Rating/Stars: 4.5 / 5

Lighter and softer than many other prison movies, Healing feels no less realistic for it. Focusing on the supposed rehabilitation that prison is meant to offer, this wonderful film symbolizes this through the relationship of a man and an eagle.


Viktor Khadem (Hany) has spent the last 18 years of his life behind bars for murder. He has very little understanding of the outside world, and has no real family left for him if he were to rejoin society. He is transferred to a minimum security facility, where he is approached by Matt Perry (Weaving), a prison officer who has instituted a policy where prisoners are placed in charge of rehabilitating injured eagles and other large birds of prey. The centerpiece of the movie is Viktor’s relationship with Yasmine, a wedge-tailed eagle that seems as injured as he is.

Joining the two main characters is a group of supporting acts that all have their own hopes and concerns and hurts in terms of their prison life. The way in which the film shows them all approaching their issues and healing from them may come across as over-saccharine at times. However, the masterful performances of Weaving and Hany manage to dissuade most of that. Both give riveting performances, brimming with honesty and intensity in their respective roles.

The setting is masterfully used, with great shots and cinematography, and it’s always great to see a native Australian movie, especially one where Hugo Weaving is allowed to do his thing so earnestly.
A bit more Green Mile than Shawshank, but with a softer focus that nevertheless seems more down to earth, Healing shows real people that the world has forgotten, and the remarkable way in which they grow as individuals. Definitely worth watching.

Review written by Daniel Rom, Source:

Updating Your Wardrobe


New year, new you, new clothes. During that eventful last week between Christmas and New Year’s, many of us find ourselves party-hopping, panic-shopping, or perhaps just sleeping in. Some do all three in one day, given that there is so little time to do so much.

To help along that small leap from one digit to the next, many find comfort in feasting, fireworks and the fickle New Year’s resolution. Whether it’s a change in diet, love, lifestyle or wardrobe, a big New Year’s resolution is often difficult to keep—so the best resolution to make this 2015 is keep changing. At least in terms of wardrobe.

As January sets in, take the time to sort through your closet: keep the staples, get rid of old baggage, and hold on to promising pieces. In the spirit of being economical, there is literally no need to throw anything away. There are many practical solutions to keeping your wardrobe updated, like giving away clothes you don’t wear anymore. This will help create more space for the clothes you do wear still.

When do you know that your wardrobe needs a revamp? Here are ways to identify that:

wardrobe analysis

1. Your wardrobe is full and you have “nothing to wear.”

2. All your jeans have holes in them.

3. You’re always under-dressed or overdressed for certain occasions.

4. You have that old jersey you don’t want to get rid of, even when the colour has faded or it has holes in it.

5. Most of your clothes don’t fit you anymore.

So start the New Year with a new and well organized wardrobe. Wishing you a fashionable and stylish 2015!

Am I In A Toxic Relationship?


We all have some sort of relationships in our lives. But do we ever sit down and think if the relationship is worth keeping or just simply to be left and walked away from? How do we identify that a relationship has become toxic to a point of no return; that there is no way a damaged relationship can be fixed?

Not that we hate the people we have ended relationships with but sometimes it purely means that the relationship itself did not offer you what it was supposed or meant to offer you initially.

As for me, a relationship that was the most draining and unhealthy gave me the feeling that I wasn’t taking care of myself spiritually, mentally, or physically like I should. I was feeling less than myself, like I was compromising my life goals with each second I stayed around that person. I didn’t even know who I was anymore or what I stood for. I basically lost my self esteem and felt worthless. That’s what toxic relationships can do to a person. They totally damage you to a point where you feel there’s no way out. Mind you, these can be both friendships and romantic relationships.

I had to make a choice for myself and decide whether I wanted to keep being in these relationships or I should just step out of them. I then identified 5 key factors that proved that I was not in a healthy relationship at all.

1. It seems like you can’t do anything right in their eyes.

2. Everything is about them and never about you.

3. You find yourself unable to enjoy good moments with this person. You don’t even feel like hanging with them anymore.

4. You’re uncomfortable being yourself around this person.

5. You’re not even allowed to grow and change as an individual.

After I did my checklist regarding these 5 key things, I then knew it was time for me to let go and move on.

We all need friendships/relationships in our lives. And maybe you feel alone and unloved or still stuck in a toxic relationship. Why don’t you click on the link below this article and watch a video that will help you and try to restore some confidence in you again?  Even if you just want just chat with someone, we promise we will respond to you.

Christmas, Time For Giving


What is the true meaning of giving? We wait a whole year to celebrate Christmas, yet when we plan our celebration we tend to forget those who serve us cheerfully. We gather around the Christmas tree with friends and family, but we forget to invite those who are alone in this world. This Christmas, bring joy to others with an act of kindness, give to those who are underprivileged.

The greatest giver this world has ever known was Jesus Christ. Leaving behind the riches and glory of His heavenly kingdom, He came to Earth and willingly gave His life so that we could keep ours. As God predestined His children to be conformed to the likeness of His Son (Romans 8:29), there can be no better way to emulate Jesus Christ than by giving selflessly the way He did. Our Savior Himself told us, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Quite simply, then, our greatest motivation for cheerful and generous giving should be that it pleases the Lord and reflects His gift of salvation to us.

Remember this scripture? “For God so loved the world that He GAVE His only son”. We would do well to remember that we are saved because our God so generously gave.

If you give generously don’t expect anything back in return, but our Father in Heaven will reward you.

Big Up Africa: Olasupo Olaide


Rising at the earliest stage of her life to obey the call of duty and social change, 18 year old Miss Olasupo Olaide is one goal-oriented young lady who has deemed it fit to contribute to social change within the Nigerian youth. Today on our Big Up Africa feature we celebrate this young leader.

She’s the CEO/ Founder of The Hang Out With Olaide’s Youth Forum, a youth-led and rising social enterprise operating with a deliberate effort to effect a positive and smooth transition of the youth sector in personal, socioeconomic and national stages of development. This young lady is all about seeing positive change.

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Currently studying towards a degree in English Studies & Communications at Benson Idahosa University, she is a rising figure in the area of social change and someone to look out for and be reckoned with.

After reaching out to young people in over 5 states within the Federal Republic of Nigeria, she founded the organization within one year, spreading out resources and taking along with her skill acquisition programs, re-awareness campaigns on contemporary social vices and entrepreneurial intelligence.

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She has an upcoming show on the 27th December 2014 titled Fashion and Dance Over Drugs- The Power of Style

This show is the brainchild of Hang Out With Olaide’s Youth Forum. The show aims to promote youth awareness, development and alleviate poverty through enlightenment and empowerment. It’s an awareness drug and substance abuse event and is followed by a fashion runway show.

1Africa salutes Olaide and the wonderful work she is doing!

Christmas Recipe- Fruit Cake


It’s that time of the year again – it’s Christmas time. This is the time when families all meet up, sit around the table and share a meal together. Conversations, prayer, and just reflecting on the year.

If you will be hosting family and friends this season, I have a quick and easy recipe for you to try. This is a rich, moist and dense fruit cake that doesn’t require a whole ton of ingredients like regular fruit cakes do. A ‘cheat’ version of traditional fruit cake, if you like, but delicious all the same.

Here’s a quick video for you to check out.


125g candied fruit
125g dried fruit of your choice
100ml of rum (or liquor of your choice)
225g butter
1 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
1/2 cup cream
1 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
55g of silvered almonds (you may also use chopped walnuts)


When making fruit cakes such as a Christmas cake, the batter needs to be heavy enough for the dried fruit and nuts to be suspended in it; if it’s too thin the fruit will sink to the bottom. Another challenge comes from the sweetness of the dried fruit, which will scorch and turn bitter if the oven temperature is too high. This is why traditional fruit cake recipes often require you to bake the cake slowly at a low temperature and to line the inside and outside of the tin with paper: a double thickness of parchment paper inside, and several layers of newspaper secured with string outside.

A family that prays and enjoys a meal together, stays together. Merry Christmas everyone.

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