Monday, March 10, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Lady Lee

Lady Lee

Miss South Africa Wins Miss World


MissWorld 2014 took place in London last night and Miss South Africa took the title. An ecstatic Rolene Strauss beat 124 contestants from around the globe at the pageant.

She thanked the country and her parents for their support.”Thank you very much for all the support and I absolutely love you and this crown is dedicated to all of you.”

Hungary’s Edina Kulcsár came second and Elizabeth Safrit, representing the United States, came third.

Strauss, a fourth-year medical student at the University of Free State, is the third South African to win the title.

Previous winners are Penelope Anne Coelen, in 1958 and Anneline Kriel, who took the crown in 1974.

Throughout her reign as Miss South Africa, Strauss has emphasized her passion for health and fitness. “It’s all about living, loving and giving.”

She has emphasized the importance of women’s health and its empowering effect on our everyday lives.

Kriel was first princess in the event, but took over as Miss World when the original winner, Helen Morgan, resigned after four days when it emerged that she had a child.

If you missed the crowning moment; here’s a short clip you can check out.

Foo Fighters – Sonic Highways Review


With a highly anticipated concert tour heading to South Africa, it might be pleasing to some to see the newest Foo Fighters album hitting the shelves just in time to get in the proper zone. It’s as Foo Fighter-y as you might expect – but a detailed concept and artistic theme that sometimes doesn’t carry across may just be what drags down this album into a more forgettable place in the bands history.



1. “Something From Nothing”

2. “The Feast and the Famine”

3. “Congregation”

4. “What Did I Do?/God as My Witness”

5. “Outside”

6. “In the Clear”

7. “Subterranean”

8. “I Am a River”

Rating/Stars: 3 / 5


Sonic Highways was designed as homage to America, with each track being recorded in a different major studio across the USA. This is detailed in a video series made by the band, and the accompaniment of the music at that time in that extended travelogue works very well. It’s just when you get the album on its own, away from that experiment, where it doesn’t seem to do anything much more exciting.

At 8 tracks, this is also an incredibly short album, and the shortest one the Foo Fighters have ever released. 20 years since they formed, Dave Grohl and the rest of the guys have honed the style of the band to produce a sound that they very rarely stray from, and the same is true here. What I don’t get is, if the aim is to travel across America and pay homage to it as a nation, why do all the tracks just sound like Foo Fighters tracks? Oh sure, Dave throws some stuff in the lyrics that make regional distinctions a bit clearly, but lyrics have never been the highlight for the band. It’s the pulse pounding energy and rock enthusiasm that we came for. But now it feels like the Fighters want to be U2 rather than keeping to what they’re good at.

None of the tracks are particularly bad. But at the same time, I’m struggling even now to remember what made each of them distinct. Certainly there’s nothing on this album to replace any of my top Foo Fighters tracks, let alone to go on my best of rock playlists. “In the Clear” was the closest I came to actually enjoying anything on the album. I’m glad the guys are trying different things, but I just don’t think it worked this time. It’s not a bad album – just a forgettable one.

For more of their music, go to their website

Written by Daniel Rom, Source:

Take Time Out


We often get caught up with working hard, getting things done and all the day-to-day rush that we forget that our bodies do need some rest once in a while. Even sportsmen take time out to rest, then prepare for the next season of a tournament or competition, students also take time out after their exams…There are lots of examples I can give.

This time of the year we are all highly exhausted and looking forward to resting and spending quality time with our friends and family.

What are the signs that its time for you to rest and take some time out?

I have a few practical tips that work for me EVERY TIME. These tips have never let me down. Since I’m a nice lady, I would like to share what works for me.

1. Learn to know when you need a break. Clues and signs are often there. Some other people will start mentioning that you seem tired or upset.

2. Sit down and relax your shoulders. Common areas of tension are shoulders, back and neck but by stopping and thinking about how your body feels you will learn about how your body is coping. Listen to your body.

3. Write a list or think of things you really love doing and plan when to do them. Go for a long walk or go jogging. Exercise, sports is a very good way of de-stressing; this will help you with the stress.

4. Think of something totally different to do. A new hobby to take up, a place you’ve never been to before (even if it’s the local art gallery), visit local charity organizations etc. A new activity always gets one excited and it will help to take you out of that “BUSY” routine and may give you a new energy for life.

5. Plan a fun activity. It may be a family picnic, hiking or team sports. If it’s something you want to do alone then go ahead and spend time with yourself.

6. Surround yourself with people who you know are often calm or very organised.We can learn so much from other people if we just ask and a lot of the time they may be able to give you very simple tips to apply.

7. Try out some relaxation techniques and eating healthy. Muscle relaxation is often successful for noticing which parts of your body really need to relax and you can teach yourself how to do this. Another very simple technique is to lie face down on the floor and see how you feel – being at your lowest physically can give you the drive to know you need a break. Or even better go to a day spa to pamper yourself. Remember to eat healthy and drink lots of water.

8. Stop pretending everything is OK. Maybe speaking to another busy friend from work would help and you could find something fun and calming to do together.

9. Remind yourself that you will not always feel this way and everything comes to an end. Once you have learnt how to recognize that you need a break it will get easier every time. Stop, Relax and Start again.

10. Sleep. When I was a kid, I never liked taking naps, but now that I’m older I understand the importance of sleep. So the more you sleep, the better your body is able to function.

Taking time out will mean your work is more effective, your family see a happier and calmer you and it may help to put your personal problems in a different light.

Tribute To Nelson Mandela


To mark the first anniversary of the passing of Nelson Mandela, Johnny Clegg’s 1987 struggle song, “Asimbonanga”, takes on a new meaning. The Zulu word “Asimbonanga” means “We have not seen him”, and the song was written to reflect on the fact that Madiba was not visible to South Africans due to to the prohibition of the publication of images or depictions of him during his imprisonment.

Today, the phrase implies that the great work he started in binding together a new nation has not yet been completed. It is a call to the new South African generation to find inspiration in his life and work to continue his legacy.

Here, Johnny Clegg teaches the song to the future generation and to call upon them to make Madiba’s dream for a thriving, united and democratic South Africa visible.

This video features the winners of the 2014 MySchool Choir COMPETITION FROM RIEBEEK COLLEGE GIRLS’ HIGH IN UITENHAGE, SOUTH AFRICA.

Watch the tribute song here

Content courtesy of

How Do I Protect My Children?

Sometimes parents, especially mothers, feel a sense of helplessness and don’t know if they can protect their kids from harm. What can parents do to protect their kids?

Here are some things you can do to help your child or other children you might know if they are experiencing any form of abuse.

1. Be a good example. Respect your family members. Use a courteous tone of voice with them. When children misbehave, let them know that you dislike what they did, not who they are. Don’t hit your kids; violence teaches violence. Apologize when you’re wrong. Say “I love you” more often. Reward good behavior. 

2. Be a friend. Listen.  Children want someone they know they can rely and talk to. 

3. Praise and encourage them. Mean words can make a child feel worthless, ugly, and unloved, and the hurt can last a lifetime. So be positive. Tell a child you’re proud of him/her and why.  Smile. Let them know they are important.

4. Learn more about child abuse and child abuse prevention. Teach others. Plan an adult education program in your church, club, or organization to inform people about children’s needs. Open your group’s facility to local education programs for parents. 

5. Take action…don’t wait for someone else to do it! Arrange for a speaker on child abuse to speak to the community. The more we all know about abuse and neglect, the more we can do to stop it.

6. Organize safety systems for your neighborhood. Arrange for neighbors who are at home most of the day to watch out for children on their way to and from school. Set up “safe houses” where children can go if they feel threatened or afraid. Participate in a telephone network for neighborhood children who are home alone after school and need help, advice, or reassurance.

7. VolunteerVolunteer your time in a child crisis shelter, parenting support program, drug abuse prevention or treatment program, or shelter for the homeless.

8. Start a resource room. Call your local office of the department that deals with child protection in your country and collect nappies, clothing, toys, books, and formula to help ease the transition for children who must be removed from their homes because of abuse and neglect. Hold a fund raiser to buy school supplies for foster children.

9. Work in a day-care center. Volunteer your time in a day-care center that serves abused and neglected children. Work with your church, club, or organization to form a partnership with a child-care center that serves low-income children.

10. Become a foster parent. It’s not an easy job, but the rewards are great when you help a child learn what it feels like to be safe. 

11. Understand which children are most likely to be abused. Although child abuse occurs in all racial, ethnic, cultural, and socio-economic groups, physical abuse and neglect are more likely among people living in poverty. Children who are most likely to be abused are children who are mentally retarded, premature, unwanted, stubborn, inquisitive, demanding, or have a disability.

12.Learn to recognize the signs of abuse. Know the signs of neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. Know them. 

13. Report suspected child abuse and neglect. Call your local law enforcement authorities if you think a child is being neglected, sexually abused, or physically or emotionally abused. If you suspect it, you must report it. That’s the law. Reporting suspected child abuse makes it possible for a family to get help. 

Remember we need to break the silence. If you were a victim of sexual abuse, consider using your personal story to break the silence and reach others about the effects of abuse. 

Gentlemen- Colours For Your Skin Tone


Probably your friends have told you a million times that bright yellow shirt you bought doesn’t look good on you; and even though you like it, the colour just doesn’t work for your skin tone.

Wearing colors that just don’t flatter you will make you look washed out and tired, even if you’ve had a good eight hours of sleep.

Finding colors that suit you and don’t clash with your skin tone are an important part of presenting yourself as a stylish person and we here at 1 Africa are going to help you never look like a giant rainbow mess ever again.

Determining your Skin Tone

Every person has a natural undertone and it can usually be divided into three categories – warm, cool and neutral. Determining your skin’s undertone can be as simple as these couples of steps.

Sit in front of a mirror and make sure you have plenty of natural light. From there, you should be able to obviously see what tone your skin naturally emits.

There are also a number of other tricks to help you determine what your skin tone is, like if your skin looks better against silver jewellery, chances are you have a cool undertone. If it looks better against gold jewellery, you have a warm undertone. Darker skin tones tend to have warmer undertones like olive and gold and fairer skin tones have more pink and cooler undertones.

Once you figure out what undertone you have, you’re ready to move on to better and wiser fashion choices.


Color and Your Skin Tone

If you have a golden or olive skin tone, you’ll want to stick to warm colors. Warm skin tones mean warm colors, and cooler skin tones mean cool colors.

However, that’s not to say that if you want to wear that purple pullover, you can’t anymore. It’s more of a guideline to help you pick colors that will complement your skin.

Because each color has different shades to it, these shades may suit your specific skin tones. For example, purple can be plum, lavender or magenta. Lavender would look better on someone with a cooler skin tone whereas a darker and rich plum would look best on a warmer skin tone.

Warm Skin Tones

Like we said, warmer skin tones like olive or gold tend to look better suited to warmer colors. Reds, golds, oranges, yellows, camels, dark browns all look great on your skin type.

Next time you’re shopping for a pullover, why not try a rich red or dark orange? That will complement your skin tone.

Neutral Skin Tones

Usually most neutral skin tones will sway to either warm or cold, but overall you can pretty much wear any color your little heart desires. Our hat is off to you if you want to wear that terribly bright pink shirt.

Cool Skin Tones

If you’ve determined that you’re a cooler skin tone that falls within the pinks, blues and purples, colder colors will look best on you. That being said, purples, blues, greens and pinks look great with your skin.

Why not try a purple shirt with your grey suit for a pop of color that brightens your overall appearance? So when you walk into your office Monday morning looking bright, you can thank this skin color guide for those extra compliments.

Content and Tips by

Child Obesity- What Can Be Done?


Child obesity is a serious issue that needs to be dealt with and not be ignored for any reason whatsoever. It a serious health scare if its ignored. Children become overweight and obese for a variety of reasons. The most common causes are genetic factors, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns, or a combination of these factors. Only in rare cases is being overweight caused by a medical condition such as a hormonal problem. A physical exam  and some blood tests can rule out the possibility of a medical condition as the cause for obesity. Parents play a major role in their children’s lives. Teaching them about healthy eating and encouraging them to play sport.

If you have an overweight child, it is very important that you allow him or her to know that you will be supportive. Children’s feelings about themselves often are based on their parents’ feelings about them, and if you accept your children at any weight, they will be more likely to feel good about themselves. It is also important to talk to your children about their weight, allowing them to share their concerns with you.

It is not recommended that parents set children apart because of their weight. Instead, parents should focus on gradually changing their family’s physical activity and eating habits. By involving the entire family, everyone is taught healthful habits and the overweight child does not feel singled out.

How can a parent help their obese child?

Here’s a video of a young boy who decided to do something with his weight issues.

Remember that obesity can be prevented.

Can The Abuser Change?

Very often, we focus on survivors of violence and abuse. However, no one ever thinks of what happens to the perpetrators except for the fact that they go to jail.

Do we ever really try to understand what the real source of the issue is; to find out what has triggered that kind of abusive behavior in the first place? Can an offender be rehabilitated and be free from violence and be reintegrated into society?

Well, very few of us realize that sometimes those who hurt others are themselves young people who have been hurt in one way or another. As a result of what they have gone through, the become children with sexually acting out behaviors.

To explore this further, I had a conversation with Edith Kriel who is the Executive Director of Jelly Beanz, an organization that is dedicated to helping children with sexual acting out behaviors to be free to love, learn, play and grow up emotionally healthy. Speaking to Edith, in the context of commemorating the 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children, left me feeling hopeful that change, though difficult, is possible.

Here’s the interview:

If you would like to get hold of them, visit their website or connect with them on social media.

Big Up Africa: Vincent Bones


It’s been a tough competition and finally we have a winner for Idols Season 10.

We at 1Africa always want to acknowledge and celebrate great Africans. Today on our Big Up Africa feature we celebrate a young man by the name of Vincent Bones.

He’s a former homeless street kid who used to look for left-overs in the streets so he could have something to eat. He eventually managed to escape life as a homeless street kid and has made something of his life.

Multi-talented, he plays the piano, drums, base and saxophone and with his powerful soulful singing, he proved to the viewers that he was made for the stage. He drew in and captured viewers’ attention week after week and they voted to keep him in the competition.

In the finale, Vincent Bones was up against Bongi Silinda. They both received a number of votes from the viewers, but Vincent had more votes than Bongi.


Vincent also walked away with the grand prize as well as a recording contract with Universal Music Africa.

These have been the winners in the past seasons: Heinz Winckler, Anke Pietrangeli, Karin Kortjie, Jody Williams, Jason Hartman, Sasha-Lee Davids, Dave van Vuuren, Khaya Mthethwa and Musa Sukwene.

Here’s his new song.

And if you missed this season’s highlights, well here’s a link courtesy of South African Idols and DSTV.

Cinderella Trailer 2015


There is a huge trend in Hollywood to do live-action remakes of all our all-time favorite Disney classics. Cinderella is the latest story to make its way back to the big screen.



“The story of “Cinderella” follows the fortunes of young Ella (Lily James) whose merchant father remarries following the death of her mother. Eager to support her loving father, Ella welcomes her new stepmother (Cate Blanchett) and her daughters Anastasia (Holliday Grainger) and Drisella (Sophie McShera) into the family home. But, when Ella’s father unexpectedly passes away, she finds herself at the mercy of a jealous and cruel new family. Finally relegated to nothing more than a servant girl covered in ashes, and spitefully renamed Cinderella, Ella could easily begin to lose hope. Yet, despite the cruelty inflicted upon her, Ella is determined to honor her mother’s dying words and to “have courage and be kind.” She will not give in to despair nor despise those who mistreat her. And then there is the dashing stranger she meets in the woods. Unaware that he is really a prince, not merely an apprentice at the Palace, Ella finally feels she has met a kindred soul. It appears her fortunes may be about to change when the Palace sends out an open invitation for all maidens to attend a ball, raising Ella’s hopes of once again encountering the charming Kit (Richard Madden). Alas, her stepmother forbids her to attend and callously rips apart her dress. But, as in all good fairy tales, help is at hand, and a kindly beggar woman (Helena Bonham-Carter) steps forward and — armed with a pumpkin and a few mice — changes Cinderella’s life forever.”

Here’s the official trailer released by Disney.

Full review written by Evan Saunders, source:

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