Monday, March 10, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Lady Lee

Lady Lee

Why Do Women Stay?

We often find ourselves asking, “Why do women stay in abusive relationships?” or “Why don’t they leave?” These types of questions –  whether it’s intentional or not – actually put the blame on victims of abuse and suggest that they enjoy being abused. If they didn’t enjoy being ill-treated, they would leave, right?

No! These are common myths in our society about victims of domestic violence.

In some cases, women may seem to “want” to be beaten. For those who come from dysfunctional families – families in which they were constantly beaten and emotionally abused as children – the only thing they ever knew was abuse in their homes and that results in an expectation of frequent incidents of violence. For such women, the anxiety of waiting for the next outburst of violence is often more stressful and agonizing than the violence itself. They hate not knowing when next they will be hit, kicked, punched, burned, bitten, or stabbed, and they would rather “get it over with” than not know when they will next be abused.

Different women stay in abusive relationships for different reasons. Often if her abuser is supporting her financially; she is scared of leaving as she doesn’t know where her next meal will come from. Added to this, leaving can lead to additional hardships. Leaving could also mean living in fear of being stalked, losing custody of children and, worst case scenario, being murdered by her spouse, which is common these days.

Some women also stay in abusive relationships with the hope that the partner will change. Often these women make excuses for the abuser, “he will change”, “he’s a nice man, I just pushed him to the limit”, “but he loves me”. These women BELIEVE that the abuser does all this because they love them, and see nothing wrong with being hit, kicked, punched, burned, stabbed, sexually assaulted or even being verbally and emotional abused.

Abused women do feel isolated, ashamed, embarrassed, and humiliated. We should never take lightly just how difficult and terrifying it is to leave. Whether it’s for financial reasons, out of concern for a child or because a sense of a vow of loyalty like in the video below, it’s not easy at all. If you have any thoughts about why women stay in abusive relationships, we would love to hear from you.

The Truth Behind The Modelling Industry


Often we look at the fashion world and think, “wow, those girls look stunning on those magazines and ramps”. These models travel the world, do shows/shoots for big fashion brands in the world; but do we really know the real truth behind this “amazing” and “glamorous” industry? 

Eating disorders, sexual trauma and abuse, airbrushing, emotional abuse, drug/alcohol addiction, and racism are some of the things that are never spoken of.

I have read so many articles and stories of models who came out and shared their real life experiences behind the scenes in the modelling biz. 

One article I read was of a former top model talking about her personal experiences in the industry.  This 44-year-old former model shared some shocking truths about the modelling industry in the supermodel era of the late 80’s and 90’s.


In her piece she says, “Since I wasn’t eating enough I’d lose lots of my hair in my brush and in the shower. In fact, sometimes the hairstylists had to pin extra pieces of fake hair to my head or give me wigs just to compensate for what wasn’t on my head.” My ‘flawless’ skin was only flawless in pictures. If you saw my face in real life you’d have seen pimples, dry patches and rashes, all consequences of constant flying, dehydration, lack of nutrition, stress, cigarettes, heavy make-up and sleep deprivation.”

Beneath the surface of her flawless appearance and shots, Otis was covering up the “shame and insecurity that stemmed from multiple incidents of sexual trauma and abuse.” (Otis named her modelling agent, Gérald Marie, as her alleged rapist in her 2011 memoir, Beauty Disrupted.)

And what’s even more sad is, young models are still being taken advantage of twenty years later. While there are plenty of models who can say they had mostly wonderful experiences both inside and outside the industry, I am more than convinced that many are still battling with the same obstacles as Carré Otis did. These young girls are forced to meet impossible standards of perfection and have to accept abusive power as ‘just part of the job’.

Otis is now involved in the Model Alliance, an organisation that didn’t exist when she was in the industry, and is an ambassador for the National Eating Disorders Association.

Modelling can be financially rewarding and can also provide many other benefits and opportunities, but is it all worth it at the end?

Break The Internet? Kim Kardashian


Kim Kardashian has decided to bare it all. She took it all off for Paper Magazine’s Winter 2014 edition, titled “Break The Internet, Kim Kardashian”.

She sure did break the internet; her Instagram and Twitter page were full of both negative and positive comments from fans, haters and observers alike. Opinions have varied from some asking her to start acting like a mother, cover up and be a good example to her young fans to others criticizing the critics and calling this image a work of art and a celebration of feminine sexuality. Hmmm.

I must admit, I’m not a Kim K fan but I do like her fashion sense (when she’s keeping those clothes on, that is). That’s about it.

Seeing the photo yesterday got me thinking about the dramatic antics that we see more and more regularly coming from celebrities and wannabe celebrities. Are the shocking things we see them do and hear them say just what they are – in other words, is this just a nude picture of a famous woman on a magazine cover – or are they desperate cries for attention but really just coming from a place of emptiness?


I’m not here to judge Kim but I really can’t help thinking what triggers the need to do something this extreme. I don’t claim to be the definition of joy and fulfillment but does a truly contented and happy person need to expose their body this way?

Probably someone might say to me, “Come on Lee, you’re taking this way too seriously. It’s just business”. This person might argue and say she’s living up to the hype of being the World’s Best Marketer and knows how to keep her brand relevant. She is who she is and she’s celebrating it unashamedly.

That’s all fair and fine. It’s OK to yell “YOLO!” and “It’s my life!” all we want. Truth is, celebrities can never run away from the fact they influence so many people. Kardashian alone has a massive social media following from 25.3 million Twitter followers, 21.3 million on Instagram and she turned those loyal fans into an  estimated $45 million fortune, thanks to her reality shows and various fashion and fragrance lines. She can’t be ignored. Yet, at the same time, there are a few things she and others in her league shouldn’t ignore.

It could very well be that she’s breaking more than just the internet.

10 Things Men Hate to Hear


You probably thought that only women were not comfortable with hearing certain things from the opposite sex? Well think again because men do hate hearing certain things/phrases from women too.

Here are 10 things men hate to hear.

1. The famous one: “Does this dress make me look fat”? (Men hate answering this question because they know they will get into trouble).

2. “Why do you never compliment me; am I not beautiful”? (Men don’t like women who pull themselves down all the time).

3. “I think Sophie is better than me. She’s prettier than me, smarter than me, achieves more than me” (Men don’t like women who compare themselves to others. They love confident women).

4. We need to talk. There’s something I have to tell you and I’ve been thinking about how to say this for days. (These are the famous words men wouldn’t want to hear as they often think they are in trouble).

5. I might have thrown it away, I don’t remember. (When a man asks where you’ve put his favourite gadget, t-shirt, book etc)

6. Maybe I’d understand more about your work if you made the effort to explain it to me.

7. Well, it made me and my friends laugh so I thought you’d enjoy it too. Why do you have to roll your eyes like I have no sense of humor?

8. You didn’t call or text me today.

9. Don’t you know what today is? Don’t tell me you forgot.

10. Why do you like video games and sports more than me? (Men love video games and sports, and so do women and shopping, pampering themselves).

You thought it was just women who found certain phrases annoying? Yeah, right.

Myles Munroe – A Life Fully Lived


We woke up to devastating news this morning. Famed author and speaker, Dr. Myles Munroe together with his wife, and 7 other passengers were killed in an airplane crash in Grand Bahama at around 5pm local time Sunday 9 November.

Dr. Munroe was the president and founder of the Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI) and Myles Munroe International (MMI), a Christian growth and resource center that includes leadership training institutes, a missions agency, a publishing company, a television network, radio and Web communications and a church community.

He was chief executive officer and chairman of the board of the International Third World Leaders Association and president of the International Leadership Training Institute. He was the author of 69 books and was a motivational speaker who empowered the lives of people from all over the world. This is an impressive list of achievements and speaks of a man who lived to serve and help others. How many people in our day can really say they are truly passionate about improving the lives of others?

Perhaps this quote from Dr. Munroe sums up best the heart that drove him to do all that he did and now, given that he has passed on, comes alive powerfully: “The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.”

Through his books, teachings and talks, Dr. Myles Munroe demonstrated that he had a clear sense of why he was on earth. He was able to identify his talents and, more than that, was willing to share his wisdom and teachings with the rest of the world.

The Bible is very clear as to what our lives should be about. Our purpose in life, as God originally created man, is to:

Glorify God and enjoy fellowship with Him,
Have good relationships with others,
and have dominion over the earth.

When you look at your life, can you say you are living it to the full? What are you doing with the gifts and talents placed in you?

We at 1Africa pray for the family and friends of Dr. Myles Munroe and salute a man who lived with purpose, inspiring others to do the same.

How To Treat Your Skin Well


How to treat your skin in your 20s, 30,s, 40s and 50s. Here are some few tips to look at.

In your 20s
Taking care of your skin now is like making a financial investment for when you retire. The sooner you start, the safer you’ll be. Wear sunblock – even in winter!


In your 30s

Begin to boost cell turnover. Hi-tech skin care not only stimulates cell renewal but also protects against free-radical damage, and maintains the water and oil levels of the skin.


In your 40s

Exfoliation is key during this stage of your life. By this we don’t mean scrubbing – that merely damages your skin.
Use products that contain chemical exfoliators to maintain the smooth texture of your skin. Alpha- and beta-hydroxy acids speed up cell renewal, so skin looks smoother immediately and over time.


In your 50s
This is the time that your epidermis is thinner than ever before. Your skin has lost elasticity over the years, and cell turnover has dramatically slowed down. Switch to more nourishing and stimulating products that have a firming effect on your skin.

anti age

All tips and beauty advice by FAIRLADY MAGAZINE.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014 Review


My all time favourites are back once again. This time they offer us lots of action and good humour too. It’s been two decades since we last saw these brothers live in action. From their home in the storm sewers of Manhattan, four Ninjitsu-trained turtles, Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Donatello and their sensei, Master Splinter, battle evil.

Director: Jonathan Liebesman

Writers: Josh Appelbaum, André Nemec

Stars: Megan Fox, William Fichtner, Johnny Knoxville, Tony Shalhoub, Will Arnett, Alan Ritchson, Whoopi Goldberg, Noel Fisher, Jeremy Howard, Pete Ploszek


Here’s the official trailer of the movie.

Byron Hendricks gives us a full review of this movie. Read here

Written by Byron Hendricks, Source:

RECIPE: Curry Mince


Curry Mince

Featured Cook: Rachel from South Africa



Curry Mix and Ingredients

500g of lean mince

1 onion – chopped

1 tomato – grated

4 Med potatoes – cut into 4 pieces

1 tsp of curry mix

1 tsp of garlic and ginger paste

3 table spoons of oil

(Optional – mixed veg)

Salt to taste


Brown onions in oil

Add mince, tomato and curry

Cook for 15 min

Add potatoes, salt and garlic/ginger paste

Cook till potatoes are soft (30 min)

(Optional – add mix veg)


Big Up Africa with Anne Kansiime


She’s our very own African Queen of comedy. Anne Kansiime is a talented,  award-winning comedian, Actress and Writer in the Fun Factory.

Her hilarious videos have received thousands of hits on Youtube and many have been shared on other social media platforms. She has close to half a million followers on Facebook and over 20 000 followers on Twitter. Judging from the comments on her pages, it’s clear to see that this highly gifted comedian is well-loved.

Anne Kansiime was born in Uganda; shes always wanted to be in front of the camera, act and do what she loves while earning a living.

Here’s an interview with Kenya CitizenTV, talking about her journey in the industry.

And here’s one of her outrageously funny short skits.

Visit her official website and to check her videos and media interviews

We at 1Africa celebrate Anne for putting our continent on the map and are proud to profile her on this week’s edition of Big Up Africa! If you know of any Africans doing amazing work worth profiling, hit us up in the comments below!

Videos courtesy of Kenya CitizenTV and Youtube. 

Michael Jackson “Thriller” Video to get released on 3D


This iconic music video is getting a super revamp. The video is set to be released on 3D in 2015. 

John Landis who directed the original Thriller short film in 1983, told the press that he plans to do a 3D reboot of the hit video. He says the new video is expected to be released in 2015 and could even air in theaters across the globe.

“It is going to reappear in a highly polished and three-dimensional way that is very exciting on the big screen,” he said.

Here’s the original video in-case you haven’t seen it before.

In December 2009, six months after Jackson died, “Thriller” was admitted into the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress, which chooses mainly films that are “culturally, historically or aesthetically significant.” It marked the first time a music video received such an honor. 


Micheal Jackon‘s iconic red and black leather jacket he wore in “Thriller” was auctioned off for $1.8 million.

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