Monday, February 24, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Alistair Shaw

Alistair Shaw

How To Deal With Life Changes


There are no absolutes in life?  In the blink of an eye major change could befall you, your entire world could turn upside down.  Here are some valuable tips on how to deal with life changes.

  1. It’s okay to be emotional.It’s natural to have feelings of sadness, to grieve over the loss of something, to feel angry about your situation, or to place blame. You have permission to feel that way, but only for moments. You can have your pity party, but only for a day or two, and then you have to move on. If you spend too much time in that place of anger or pity or blame, you end up not being able to adapt to your change. It keeps you in a place of helplessness. And what you need to be is in a place of hope and of growth.
  2. You can give yourself permission to be vulnerable: Some of us like to project an image of being strong and fearless, but sometimes it’s not the truth. The truth is that we’re scared, vulnerable, weak and in need of help. We need to allow ourselves to rely on others. And showing that vulnerability is OK. It may feel like you are exposed, but being completely exposed is not always a bad thing. There is always learning and growth that can come from it. You allow people to really see you and when they can see you, know your stress or pain, they can help. Vulnerability is just part of who we are as people.
  3. You are never alone: Sometimes when we go through major changes we think we are dealing with something no one else can understand or no one else is going through. But there are others that can empathize with you. You’re not alone. Even if you don’t ask people to be around you, family and close friends will come to your side. You’re also never alone because you always have yourself to rely on. And ultimately none of us are separate from the Creator or separate from the universe. So the idea of being alone is a false one.
  4. You have to ask for help: Often people don’t know what to say or what to do. After I had my accident, there were people that didn’t call me for several months, and these were people close to me. Some people get stuck because they don’t know what to say or what to do. Sometimes people are natural caregivers. They jump right in to help. But these are the minority. So it is your job to tell people what to say and what to do that will be helpful. What I’ve learned is that I’ve had to ask very specifically for what I need and for even, sometimes, what I need to hear. Being able to clearly articulate what you need gives people a sense of relief. In the end, people really like to be told how they can help you in very specific terms. They need it defined for them so they can feel like they are helping and supporting you. Left on their own to guess this information, they feel helpless. And when they feel helpless they do not act. So empower them and empower yourself by letting them know specifically how they can help.
  5. You can adapt to anything. Our ability to adapt is amazing. As I began to adapt to being a person with limited sight, I was continually amazed at how quickly I could figure out how to get around problems and obstacles. Necessity is the mother of invention and you will naturally find ways to solve your problems and do things in new and different ways when you’re presented with challenges. The adaptability and flexibility of our spirits and of our beings is a given. Those who cannot change and adapt have convinced themselves it is not possible. If you trust that you can adapt, then you will. And if you believe that you can change, then you will, no matter what the challenge.
  6. You have to have hope for the future: I’ve been given news that there is no hope for a change in my sight and have been through two surgeries that did not improve it. Despite these setbacks, I have to believe that there is hope in the future. A belief I will get my sight back. Having that hope and having the positive perspective is what keeps me moving forward every day. If I gave up that belief it would be like letting go of a rope that pulls me forward. Believing that things can and will be different, and that you will see the light at the end of the tunnel, even if you can’t see like me, is the most important thing in getting through a change process. Knowing that there is an end in sight, knowing there are possibilities, and having hope that things are going to be better. And, ultimately, things are going to work out.
  7. You will grow as a person, but you are still the same: Going through a change, especially one that is traumatic, changes you forever. It changes how you see life and deal with things. You’re never going to be the same again and that’s a good thing. Because in the midst of change is a great deal of learning, if you are willing to have vision and perspective. And if you are willing to continually ask yourself the question, “What am I supposed to be learning from this?” “How am I supposed to grow?” “How will I become a better person because of this?” In any change process, you can become stronger, and a better version of you. Just because something changes about you, even something radical, doesn’t change the core of who you are as a person. I, as now a visually impaired person, have my same mission, my same purpose, and my same values. So having something different about you doesn’t make you a different human being. If you are strong and centered and grounded, that is still who you are. Sometimes you have to remind yourself of that.

Credit:  Edited //

Give Yourself Away

To some degree we all live in our own little worlds and rule our universes from the great throne of our hearts.  Some of us are gracious rulers who allow others in and are not afraid to share what we’ve been given, others prefer to rule with an iron fist and seclude themselves behind high walls that few, if any, can penetrate.

So, be honest for a moment; which ruler are you?  Ok Al, what’s with all the philosophy today?  Well, I’m embarking on a journey of becoming more generous person. Now, I’m certainly not suggesting you take all your hard earned cash and throw it out the window as you drive passed those sleeping on the streets, I’m talking about sharing your wisdom, your life experiences or giving of your time to enhance someone else’s life, someone less fortunate perhaps. I figured it’s time to give myself away.  It’s so easy holding on to your own dreams and desires and making sure your own kingdom succeeds, sometimes at the expense of someone else’s.

There is a saying… Actually, a Bible verse which says:

“What you sow, you’ll reap”

Well, how on Earth will I reap success if I don’t bother to improve someone else’s kingdom and help them to make a success out of theirs?

So, the challenge is out there – I dare you to get off your throne for a while and help someone else reach their dream today.  Trust me, the reward will be great, it really is better to give than to receive!

Do you struggle with selfishness and keeping people at a distance as result thereof?  Do you think it’s time to give yourself away?  Click the banner below and we’ll show you a way to live a generous life.

Giant Minion On The Run


Giant minion on the run, take for cover!

Yes, you read correctly!  A giant inflatable minion escaped and caused havoc on a road in Dublin, Ireland.

Giant Minion terrorises drivers in Ireland as 40ft inflatable blocks busy Dublin road

Kevin, standing at a height of about 10 meters fell into oncoming traffic and clipped the wings of a car. The accident happened on Monday afternoon during a particularly windy spell.  Fortunately no one was injured – Kevin also survived!

Witness Erin Van Londen posted a photograph on Facebook showing a Garda police car attending the scene, where the Minion had collapsed onto the road, causing a 15-minute traffic jam.

The Minion was eventually deflated and carted away in a wheelbarrow.

Since Despicable Me was released in 2010, the Minions have become internationally recognised characters, beloved by children  (and adults) around the world.

Credit: Edited //

Someone Else Has It Worse

Do you ever feel like your relationships suck and result in you feeling completely negative towards others? Do you find that things just don’t seem to be falling in to place, no matter how hard you try? Sometimes it helps to apply the gratitude principal – being thankful for whatever you have, no matter how much or how little you have, a thankful heart can help you in your dislike for other people.

I suggest we practice the following 10 golden steps that will help us to be more friendly and positive towards other people, not to condemn them, but to try to understand them.

When you look at somebody, stop and think, that:

  1. This person is seeking joy, as I am.
  2. This person wants to avoid pain and trouble, just as I do.
  3. This person also had hard times of suffering and bitterness in his life.
  4. This person is seeking solutions to his problems as I am.
  5. This person is learning to live and understand life as I am.
  6. This person is trying to understand God and serve Him as I am.
  7. This person is not perfect, just as I am not.
  8. This person wants to be accepted and understood as much as I do.
  9. This person wants to love and be loved, just as I do.
  10. This person has something that I do not have, and on the contrary, I have something that he does not have. I need him and he needs me. We need each other.

These 10 points help us to treat others with an open mind, confidence and fairness, in order to accept each other with love. You might be struggling with something right now, but remember, someone else has it worse!

If things are falling apart and you need help in your relationships, please click on the banner below and we’ll help you to build solid, healthy relationships.

Barbie Girl

We all want to look good and we all want to feel good about ourselves, it’s just in us to do so.  Yes, there is the odd occasion where you just couldn’t care less and, in that moment, you’re willing to visit a friend or go to the market or mall looking like a drowned rat!  But typically, we want to look good.

The funny thing about this is we’re never quite as perfect looking as we’d like to be.  There always seems to be something wrong with our appearance in some way or another.

For some it’s their face – their nose, eyes, lips, cheeks, hair… and the list goes on.  For others it’s their bodies. Have you ever heard people say: “I’m too skinny, my feet are too big, I wish I had darker skin, I wish I wasn’t this tall?…”  I think we spend way too much time worrying about our looks and appearances on the outside and pay far less attention to the real things that matter – the condition of our soul on the inside.

I recently received an email about a girl and guy who spent thousands of Dollars on plastic surgery to have their faces look like Barbie and Ken.

Right now some of you might be thinking, “wow, these people are really mad to do that and obviously have heaps of money to throw around…”  To a certain degree you may be right, but a “barbie girl” wants perfection and they want to be beautiful.  Now, there is nothing wrong with slapping on some makeup and applying products to your hair to make it look good, I would encourage it – this enhances one’s self image, and is a great tool to use if you’re going for a certain style.

Makeup is temporary, but to have plastic surgery and facial reconstruction to look like a plastic kid’s toy, that’s just crazy, right?! This might seem very harsh, but I do believe that we all have been created beautiful and we’re made unique.  Now, you might not be a ‘drop dead gorgeous’  model or a heart throb, but surely that small flaw you feel you have isn’t worth stressing over?!

To tell you the truth, growing up wasn’t easy – I too had my fair share of personal bodily dislikes, but I had to find away through it and get over the insecurities I had, based on my physical appearance.  I also learned that there are far more important things in life, especially the inward flaws that needed surgery.

Do you sometimes feel like the condition of your soul is in a mess and you need a change?  Please click on the banner below and we’ll help you on the road to recovery.

Clever Creatures

It’s no secret, I love animals.  From birds to the big five, I find them to be amazing creatures, some of them even clever creatures.

My dad was a professional pigeon racer and was part of a racing club when I was very young.  Naturally, I grew up surrounded by gird cages and aviaries, filled with birds of all kinds – hence my absolute love for birds.

I recently discovered a very interesting BBC video highlighting the remarkable intelligence of a crow.  This might sound far fetched, but this crow uses his very tiny brain to do something really extraordinary.  Watch the video and see what happens.


In Every Season


Have you ever considered a guitar, or any stringed instrument for that matter? The only way the guitar produces great sound is by having tension applied to its strings, the strings are always pulled taut. But here’s another interesting fact. Because of all the tension, the neck of the guitar takes such strain that it begins to bow (or bend), similarly to a bow and arrow. Thanks to some clever genius who was smart enough to conceptualize an idea that if you install a truss rod in the actual neck you could counteract the tension and the neck would be straight again.
What would the guitar be without any tension applied to its strings? Just a miserable sounding item with heaps of potential.

Life is kinda the same way. The only way our true nature is exposed for all to see is the moment we become high strung and tension is applied. The moment we are tried and tested and all the wrong buttons are pressed, that’s when we begin to produce all the right notes, or are they?
But what sound are your tensely wound strings producing?

If you’ve ever played a guitar whose neck is bent out of shape you’ll agree, it’s downright horrible.  You don’t get the correct pitches and tones, t’s virtually impossible to enjoy.

Are you producing beautiful tone no matter the circumstances, or do you sound like a guitar whose neck is all bent out of shape, buckling under the pressure?  Or do you have backbone to counteract the tension life pulls on you?  Whether you like it or not, you’re always producing music, someone is always plucking at your strings. The question is, are you producing beautiful music in every season, or do you only produce beautiful sound when you feel like it, when you’re really excited because everything is going your way?  What about that moment when someone who you find to be highly frustrating pulls at your strings, how would you sound then?

If you are struggling to produce awesome sound in every season, please click on the banner below and we will be able to assist you!

How To Deal With Rude People

You are going about your day, steadily moving from one task to another and then suddenly, the unexpected happens; someone pulls their car abruptly in front of you, causing you to slam on your breaks, interrupts you repeatedly while speaking, gives you a condescending look, bumps into you without apologizing, or outright blurts something to hurt your feelings.

If it is someone you know, you can usually call attention to the transgression and get it resolved fairly quickly. But what if it is someone you don’t know well or don’t feel comfortable confronting? How do you deal with them then?

1. Don’t take it personally

I know this is easier said than done. After all, how could you not take it personally, when it is happening to you? Look at it this way: It is happening to you, but it may not be about you.

Take for example, the couple who has an argument before heading to work, who then at work, lashes out at every co-worker in sight. Clearly, they are taking out their morning frustrations on their colleagues who weren’t present for their disagreement.

2. It may be a habit

It could be that the other person doesn’t know they are being rude. My friend’s father has a habit of not greeting a room when he walks into it. He enters a room, picks one person out and starts jabbering away as if all others don’t exist.

For the invisible ones, this can be seen as rude. But if you know him, you would know that this is what he does, with everyone, no matter where he goes. It is not personal.

3. Confront the person

If it is a relationship that you want, you might consider letting the other person know how their behavior made you feel. This isn’t always easy to do, because some people are just not easily approachable.

They quickly become defensive, forcing you to shut down any conversation that might lead to a resolution.

Not being able to confront someone often creates a barrier to intimacy, meaning, we no longer feel comfortable discussing anything of substance with that person; especially how we feel.

4. Stay away

If you are dealing with a stranger, walk away. The last thing you want is to get yourself into trouble. People are tense and stressed out and can flip at any time. Say one wrong thing and you could end up fighting for your life. If it is a decision between confronting someone and being safe, by all means, be safe.

5. Let go of the need to change them

One my favorite quotes from Maya Angelou is “when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” If you get nothing else from this article, get this. You cannot change another person. Here, I’ll say it again, you cannot change another person.

And if you are trying to, you are wasting your time. Sure, there are those times when someone sees the light, has a change of heart, goes to the mountain top and becomes transformed by divinity. But for the most part, you will be disappointed.

Rude people have a right to be who they are just like you have a right to be who you are. Leave them alone.

6. Be above the fray

Decide that you are not going to get dragged down into the other person’s drama. Yes, this is a decision. It may not feel like it, but it is. If you don’t react immediately to what they have said or done, you will give yourself more of a chance to choose your response.

This can be difficult to do, as everything about you might want to fight back in the heat of the moment, but with practice, like everything else, you will get better at restraining yourself. Calm yourself down, take your time and choose your next move with clarity.

7. Objectify the situation

Look at the other person’s behavior as something that is separate from them. The benefit of doing this is it will create some space between your reaction and that other person’s, and it is in this space you can decide how you want to respond. Without this space you are more prone to react defensively, saying or doing something you will later regret.

8. Shower them with kindness

Try to be kind to those who are rude to you. Being kind does not mean that you tolerate one abuse after another. It means that you respond to the other person politely, even if that means politely excusing yourself.

And lastly, remember that we are all here on this planet just trying finding our way. We are doing the best we can at this thing called life.

People can only act at their level of consciousness, empathy and awareness, but ultimately, we all want the same things, love, peace, harmony, success, connection and joy. And we all have moments when we are rude.

Credit:  Edited //

Love Is The Greatest Gift

A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them.

She said, “I don’t think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat.”

“Is the man of the house home?”, they asked.

“No”, she said. “He’s out.”

“Then we cannot come in”, they replied. In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.

“Go tell them I am home and invite them in!” The woman went out and invited the men in. “We do not go into a House together,” they replied.

“Why is that?” she wanted to know. One of the old men explained: “His name is Wealth,” he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, “He is Success, and I am Love.” Then he added, “Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home.”

The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. “How nice!!”, he said. “Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth. Let him come and fill our home with wealth!”

His wife disagreed. “My dear, why don’t we invite Success?”

Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion: “Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!”

“Let us heed our daughter-in-law’s advice,” said the husband to his wife. “Go out and invite Love to be our guest.”

The woman went out and asked the 3 old men, “Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest.” Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other 2 also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success: “I only invited Love, Why are you coming in?”

The old men replied together: “If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would’ve stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!”

You can have all the wisdom, wealth, health and good looks that money could buy, but if you don’t have love, you are nothing!  In case you’ve forgotten, love isn’t just one thing, but rather a combination of things forced into one word.

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud  or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

Indeed, love is the greatest gift. Have you ever wondered how you measure up to love?  How much love is in your life?  Replace the word love with your name – how well did you score?  At the end of the day, the ultimate truth is love is the greatest gift that you can give yourself and those around you.

If you need real love in your life, please click on the banner below. We want to share a story of true love with you that can change your life forever.

Digify, Welcome To The Internet

If you were to look back at the past 100 years, you will notice that progress seemed slow and breakthroughs didn’t happen often.  It took a long time to make new discoveries and various advances.  A few years later and the world is a very different place – a fast moving entity full of new discoveries, medical advancements and inventions.  Let’s not forget the amazing opportunities and breakthroughs the internet has awarded us.

If you haven’t yet noticed, a company or organisation, even an individual person, will not succeed as well in life if they are not online and connected.  Not that wealth and fame are strictly for those who are present online, but the nature of the internet leans itself toward such things.

Have you ever wanted a deeper understanding as to how the internet works or wanted to better explore how we could benefit from it as organisations or individuals? Well, look no further. Behold Digify, welcome to the internet!

Welcome to the world of Digify ZA and Digify Bytes — two initiatives designed to offer 18-25 year old’s a no-cost opportunity to learn the basics of digital marketing and skills development.

Digify ZA is a three-month bootcamp launched in 2014 by Livity Africa in partnership with Google SA and the IAB SA. The program offers a wide range of practical workshops on digital campaigns, social media and content creation, in addition to training on Google Search, AdWords, YouTube and Analytics. Participants are also trained on professional skills designed to prepare them for their ideal digital job. Graduates are then placed into full time jobs or internships upon completion.

Digify Bytes is a shorter version of Digify ZA, offering two days of intensive workshops on all things digital. Bytes sessions are facilitated by young trainers, many of whom are Digify ZA graduates who are now working in the field.

Bytes sessions take place in various locations throughout Gauteng and the Western Cape, South Africa, ranging from FET colleges, universities, community organisations and more. If you are interested in hosting a Digify Bytes session in your facility, contact Gugu at [email protected]
Digify ZA and Digify Bytes are brought to you by Livity Africa in partnership with Google, IAB, British High Commission and British Council.

If you’re keen on furthering yourself in the online sphere, check out

Credit: Edited //

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