Monday, February 24, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Alistair Shaw

Alistair Shaw

A Legend Is Born


Are you a sinner?  Of course you are.  Guess what??  Every single person who lived before you and every person still yet to be born has had and will have a sinful nature.  It’s all part of the curse that came upon mankind many years ago in the Garden of Eden as a result of Adam and Eve’s decision to disobey God.

Though we were born into sin and became sinful creatures filled with disobedience, deceit, lies, violence, thievery and so much more, there is hope!  

It’s simple.  Jesus came to seek and save the lost, which means He came to look for you and me. He went on a mission to find us and make us His own – how awesome is that?!

All that’s left to do is trust Him, follow Him, and become like Him – meaning I take on His nature and forget about my own desires, which by the way, are sinful, and I trade them in for a clean slate – a fresh beginning.

+/- 2000 years ago a Legend was born. Jesus is that legend.  It doesn’t stop there.  He has given us the opportunity to also be legends, because we have become like Him.  When you take on His nature and accept His gift of life, a legend is born!

Do you want to know more about how you can come into personal relationship with the legend I’m talking about in this post?  Please click the banner below to find out how!

Husbands, What Do Your Wives Expect From You?

Being a husband can be a very daunting task.  With so many responsibilities and so many things to remember – how will we ever get it right?  Let’s go back to the basics and remind ourselves of the fundamental responsibilities we have to our wives.

So husbands, what do your wives expect from you?  Here is a short, but thorough list I discovered that actually makes sense and is well worth implementing if you’re not already doing so.

1. Trustworthiness. Being trustworthy means you are who you say you are. That is, you are authentic … the real deal. It also means you will always speak the truth and don’t keep secrets from your wife. Susan knows I don’t keep secrets from her. I’m always “open for inspection.” For example, Susan knows my computer password and can access it any time to see what I am reading and looking at. She can also see my calendar at any time. Susan can also pick up my Smartphone any time to read my texts and emails and check out what kind of music I’m listening to.

Being trustworthy also means that you’ll do what you say you’ll do … that your wife can “take it to the bank,” so to speak. For example, if you tell her you’ll pick up some milk on the way home, make a note to remind yourself to do it. Don’t forget and dismiss it as not being important.

2. Faithfulness. You’re certain you’d never give yourself physically to another woman … but what about mentally and emotionally? Even if you don’t go looking for porn, do you let your eyes and thoughts wander when something or someone alluring comes into view? Just for a moment or two?

Faithfulness isn’t just about what you don’t or won’t do. It’s about what you do to make sure that commitment is honored.

When paying a woman a compliment, make it about the woman’s hair or clothes, not directly about her.

3. Provision. In our homes, we have a clear responsibility to provide for the physical needs of our wife and children. That means that we must work and earn money to provide for those needs. That doesn’t necessarily mean we have to be the sole breadwinner. Many couples both have jobs these days. If that’s so, where and how are we helping in other areas of home life?

By the way, don’t think that putting a paycheck on the counter covers it all either. In addition to financial and physical needs, we must also support our family emotionally and spiritually.

4. Protection. Chivalry may not be dead, but it’s in poor health. For me, the growing lack of gentlemanliness in society is a worry. Opening a door for a woman or walking on her outside in the street are marks of respect.

We live in a dangerous world: Someone is sexually assaulted every 107 seconds. Your wife and your children need to feel safe and protected—and not just physically. You may have a home security system to guard against burglars. But what about other kinds of “home invasion,” like harmful media? Are you on the alert for your wife and family?

5. Leadership. Some people get a bit bent out of shape over this one, but a man is called to lead his family. A man who loves his family well will lead his family well. When a man’s wife and children know that he always has their best interests at heart, they’ll follow him. Love is leadership’s unseen essential.

6. An attitude of servitude. This is the antidote to the previous leader thing getting out of whack. As leaders, we should not look to be served but to serve in our homes. What does that look like in your home? How are you serving your wife and children? What are you doing to ensure that they are becoming all they can?

Being a servant means that the world does not revolve around you. That her needs and desires, their needs and desires, take precedence over your planned fishing trip, your golf game or your night out with your buddies. When they know they are important, they will follow you.

7. Sexual intimacy. It’s easy to think that sexual intimacy is only a priority for guys, but it’s important for women too, though perhaps in a slightly different way. Women derive physical pleasure too, of course, but there is also a big emotional component. Your pursuit demonstrates that she is desired and delighted in, that she is still the one. It is also an active expression of your faithfulness. So don’t look at your neighbors’ lawn; instead, take the time to water your own grass, so that it’s the greenest it can be.


Credits: Edited //

Satanic Statue Unveiled In Detroit


A little before midnight on Saturday the 25th of July, a crowd of around 700 gathered in an old industrial warehouse a few blocks from the Detroit River for what they’d been told was the “largest public satanic ceremony in history.” Most of them professed to be adherents of Satanism, that loosely organized squad of the occult that defines itself as a religious group. Others came simply because they were curious. After all, Satanists exist in the popular psyche as those who casually sacrifice goats and impregnate Mia Farrow with Lucifer’s child; if this ceremony was indeed unprecedentedly big, who knew what could be in store?

The reality of the event — and of the contemporary Satanic movement at large — was tamer, and, if the Facebook pictures speak the truth, harmlessly festive: a cross between an underground rave and a meticulously planned Halloween party. They were there to publicly unveil a colossal bronze statue of Baphomet, the goat-headed wraith who, after centuries of various appropriations, is now the totem of contemporary Satanism. The pentagram, that familiar logo of both orthodox Satanists and disaffected teens, originated as a rough outline of Baphomet’s head.


Baphomet contains binary elements symbolizing a reconciliation of opposites, emblematic of the willingness to embrace, and even celebrate differences,” Jex Blackmore, who organized the unveiling, told TIME late Sunday night. In a sense, the statue is a stress test of American plurality: at what point does religious freedom make the people uncomfortable?

What do statues symbolize and why do we make use of them?  Well, they serve as monuments to highlight the wonderful work a person (typically) has done.  They celebrate achievements and exist to remind us who we’re thankful to, for what’s been done. For example, President Nelson Mandela, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for ending apartheid in South Africa – his statue exists to remind us of what he did as well as the history around the event.

Erecting a statue of a Baphomet, not quite my scene.  I hardly think it encourages wholesome morals and it certainly doesn’t encourage children to be model citizens.

Having a symbol of evil and rebellion for all to see does no one good, certainly not the community.  Having said all this, it got me thinking about the reasons why.  Every human being who has ever existed as well as those still to come long to belong, long to make their lives count for something; and want recognition for their beliefs.

Being a Satanist can’t be easy, especially when society frowns up it.  So, in a way this is a big achievement for the satanic movement, yet I don’t think it’s a healthy one for society – simply because of what Satanism represents.

Let’s forget about this very obvious statue for a moment, and think about your own life.  How many statues do we have erected in our lives for all to see?  Whether we believe it or not, we all represent something, some moral code, some belief – and all those things follow us where ever we go.

So what do people see when they look at you?  Do they see an accurate and honest representation of who you think you are, or are you fooling yourself by pretending?  Decide today who you want to be, not based on the latest trends, popular culture and the influences of others around you; but decide for yourself, for your benefit – who do you want to be?

If you need help discovering who you want to be, click on the banner below.

Credits: Edited //

Photo Credit:  Matt Anderson

How To Improve Relationships

It takes two to tango…

Do you remember hearing this phrase when you were growing up?  I certainly do!  At first I didn’t quite understand it, but as time went by, I slowly grasped the concept.

Have you ever wondered how to improve relationships?  Well, relationships are always complex and require constant energy!  The big problem is we forget that relationships are always two-sided.  Remember the other famous phrase:  “There are two sides to every story?”  Well, in relationships we should be giving 100% from both sides, not 50/50.  At least that way, you know you’ve given 100% from your side and you can be rest assured that you have invested wisely.  Hey, at the end of the day, it is an investment, after all.

So, here are 20 awesome relationship tips to live by!

  • Free yourself from negative people
  • Let go of those who are already gone
  • Give people you don’t know a fair chance
  • Show everyone kindness and respect
  • Accept people just the way they are
  • Encourage others and cheer for them
  • Be your imperfectly perfect self
  • Forgive people and move forward
  • Do little things for others every day
  • Always be loyal
  • Stay in better touch with people who matter to you
  • Keep your promises and tell the truth
  • Give what you want to receive
  • Say what you mean and mean what you say
  • Allow others to make their own decisions
  • Talk a little less, and listen more
  • Leave petty arguments alone
  • Pay attention to your relationship with yourself
  • Pay attention to who your real friends are
  • Ignore unconstructive, hurtful commentary

Remember, if you put in 100%, you’ll get out 100%

Who Is Jesus?

I’m always on the lookout for something inspiring and encouraging.  I find that good wholesome content has the ability to cheer you up, inspire you to greater things and cause creativity to flow.

Sometimes I use inspiring content to remind myself why I do what I do, why I love what I love and why I believe the things I do; it’s almost a tool that helps me do some introspection.

Have you ever had trouble trying to grasp who Jesus is and what He’s all about?  Look, I don’t think any of us will ever know Him in all His fullness, but it sure does help to know a little bit about this person called Jesus. I recently came across a short clip that once again reminded me why I love Jesus and why I need Him as part of my life.

So, Who is Jesus?  Would you like to know more about Him? Please click on the banner below.

Jesus, So You Think You Know Him?


Mankind has found many topics to debate and discuss.  Philosophers pour hours into understanding  life, psychologists spend big money and many years of studies trying to analyse and understand the mind of man, the reasons we do things, who we are and what makes us the way we are…

When it comes to specifics, there are a number of people who have been discussed and analysed at length – often causing great controversy in the process.  Now, some people naturally lend themselves towards such discussions just by sheer means of their nature, mostly those who go against the grain and challenge the status quo.

Jesus is one of those people.  He was a king, born in a stable.  Not wrapped in fine linen and raised in a palace, but surrounded by animals at birth.  This already begins to mess with your mind.  Jesus, so you think you know Him?  In His adulthood He befriended the worst of the worst.  Think for a moment of society and who the worst of the worst are in this modern day – well, that’s who Jesus hung out with.  Prostitutes, liars, cheaters – you name it!

I know without a shadow of a doubt that as you’re reading this you have many personal opinions of Jesus – you might love Him, you might despise Him.

However you feel about Jesus, my hope is that you will discover Him for yourself and not have an understanding of Him based on what others have said or how ‘supposed’ Christians have treated you.

Please click on the link below and discover Jesus for yourself – He is not the warped person you think He is.

The Importance of Budgeting

Budgeting is the process of creating a plan to spend your money. This spending plan is called a budget. Creating this spending plan allows you to determine in advance whether you will have enough money to do the things you need to do or would like to do.

What is budgeting? It is an important planning and forecasting process to help you manage your money by balancing your expenses with your income.

What’s the Importance of Budgeting?

Since budgeting allows you to create a spending plan for your money, it ensures that you will always have enough money for the things you need and the things that are important to you. Following a budget or spending plan will also keep you out of debt or help you work your way out of debt if you are currently in debt.

What about Budget Forecasting and Planning?

Once you create your first budget, begin to use it and get a good feel for how it can keep your finances on track, you may want to map out your spending plan or budget for 6 months to a year down the road. By doing this you can easily forecast which months your finances may be tight and which ones you’ll have extra money. You can then look for ways to even out the highs and lows in your finances so that things can be more manageable and pleasant.

Extending your budget out into the future also allows you to forecast how much money you will be able to save for important things like your vacation, a new vehicle, your first home or home renovations, an emergency savings account or your retirement. Using a realistic budget to forecast your spending for the year can really help you with your long term financial planning. You can then make realistic assumptions about your annual income and expense and plan for long term financial goals like starting your own business, buying an investment or recreation property or retiring.


Credit: Edited // My Money Coatch

5 Benefits of Eating Well

Most people approach dietitians and private exercise coaches to live a healthier lifestyle, but nearly all find themselves feeling far more motivated by the numerous benefits of healthy eating outside of shedding pounds and inches.

For example, a new study published in the British Journal of Health Psychology found that young adults who eat more fruits and veggies experience greater “flourishing,” meaning they’re happier, more positive, creative, and curious. I absolutely see these effects among the people I counsel, regardless of age, and it’s this overall enhanced sense of well-being that keeps most of them going strong.

Here are five benefits of eating well that have absolutely nothing to do with your size or shape.

Better mood

Like the study I referenced above, another from New Zealand has tied a higher produce intake to mood. In the study, nearly 300 young adults completed daily food diaries for three consecutive weeks, along with psychological and mood-related ratings. Scientists found that a higher intake of fruits and veggies resulted in more energy, calm, and greater feelings of overall happiness. They also noted that the effects were seen not only on the days more produce was consumed, but also throughout the following day.

Another study, published in the journal Social Indicators Research, which tracked the eating habits of 80,000 adults, found that downing more servings of fruits and veggies boosted mental well-being, with the magic number for happiness being seven daily servings (think half of each meal).

Sounder sleep

Numerous studies have tied better sleep to improvements in overall wellness, and more and more research indicates that eating the right foods can help. Scientists from Taiwan found that when men and women who struggled with sleep disturbances ate two kiwis one hour before bed over a four-week period they fell asleep 35% faster, slept more soundly, and snoozed 13% longer.

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania and University of Rochester have also found tart cherry juice to be an effective elixir for sleep. In their study, volunteers sipped either one ounce of tart cherry juice or a placebo daily for a week. The cherry drinkers experienced a 25-minute increase in sleep quantity, and a 5-6% boost in sleep efficiency, a measure of overall sleep quality. Not surprisingly, other foods that have been tied to better sleep are all of the good-for-you variety, including fish, whole grains, nuts, and dark leafy greens. In other words, better diet, better slumber.

Better workouts

As a sports nutritionist, I’m always on the lookout for research about foods that enhance athletic performance, and in recent years several healthy foods have been shown to either build muscle, boost recovery, or improve endurance. For example, a study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that gulping 16 ounces of organic beetroot juice daily for six days helped male athletes cycle for up to 16% longer compared to a placebo, an effect the researchers say isn’t achievable through training. 

Glowing skin

Healthy eating really does give you a natural glow. At least that’s what University of Nottingham scientists found when their study concluded that photographs of people who ate more produce were rated as more attractive than those with suntans. Another from the University of St. Andrews found that people who upped their intake of fruits and veggies by roughly three more daily portions for six weeks were rated as more attractive than those with lower produce intakes. The lesson: you really are what you eat—both inside and out!

Improved brain function

For some time the Mediterranean diet has been considered the gold standard for optimal health. Cornerstones of this eating plan include a eating lots of veggies and fruits, along with fish, beans, whole grains, extra virgin olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, a moderate amount of wine—and a low intake of fatty meats, dairy products, refined grains, and sugar. A recent study from the National Institutes found that people who consistently adhere to a Mediterranean-like diet were less likely to have brain infarcts, small areas of dead tissue in the brain linked to cognitive problems.

Researchers also found that over 6 years, Mediterranean diet eaters were 36% less likely to have brain damage than those who least closely followed this eating pattern. This backs other research supported by the National Institute on Aging, which found that close adherence to a Mediterranean diet resulted in a 28% lower risk of developing mild cognitive impairment with aging, and a 48% lower risk of progressing from cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s disease.

There is Always Hope


At the end of World War II, an American sub came back to Newport News, Va., to dock. As it came into port, something terrible happened, and the sub began to sink. The Coast Guard was immediately dispatched to go out and save the crew. Divers swam down to the hull of the submarine to discover the problem. As the divers got close to the sub, they heard one inventive sailor using a hammer to tap on the hull and ask in Morse Code, “Is there hope?”

That’s a fundamental question of life — “Is life worth living?”

It’s asked every day by thousands of people in thousands of different ways:

  • As you sit in the doctor’s office awaiting test results
  • When a couple who’ve put months and months into counseling gets nowhere
  • When dealing with a tax accountant in a bankruptcy court
  • When a family hears their child is missing

You can go 40 days without food and three days without water. You can go eight minutes without air. But you can’t go a single second without hope. It’s an essential part of life. When hope is gone, life is over.

Because hope is in such short supply in our society today, people will fall for all kinds of scams. They trust in false hopes, like psychic hotlines, palm readings, astrology, fake healers, and quack cures. Inevitably, those false hopes disappoint. Nothing disappoints worse than false hope.

So where do I turn to find real hope? The Bible says to turn to God.

Romans 15:13 says, “May God, the source of hope, fill you with joy and peace through your faith in him. Then you will overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (GWT).

God is the only source of hope that’ll never disappoint. When we place our faith in Him, He provides joy, peace, and hope that overflows.

We all need that kind of hope.

He is everywhere. And we are never, ever alone.

And where God is, hope is.

There is always hope, no matter what you’re going through.  If you’re in need of encouragement today, please click on the banner below and contact us!

20 Salary Negotiation Strategies

Going for a job interview can be so complicated as there are so many do’s and don’ts involved.  Here are 20 Salary Negotiation Strategies to assist you once you’ve been given the job offer:

Key Salary Negotiation Strategies

  1. Delay salary and benefit negotiations for as long as possible in the interview process. You’ll have more power to negotiate when the field of candidates has been reduced to just you — when the employer is completely sold on you as the best candidate for the position.
  2. Remember that you’ll have your greatest negotiation leverage between the time the employer makes the original offer and the time you accept the final offer. Once you accept an offer, you have little to no room to negotiate.
  3. Don’t negotiate at the time the initial job offer is made. Thank the employer for the offer and express your strong interest and enthusiasm in the job, but state that you’ll need time to evaluate the entire compensation package. Most employers are willing to give you a fair amount of time to review — and if you run across an employer who wants a decision immediately, consider long and hard whether you want to work for such a company.
  4. Do your research. The greatest tool in any negotiation is information. Make sure you have done a thorough job of determining your fair market value for the job you are seeking, the salary range of the job for this specific employer, and geographic, economic, industry, and company-specific factors that might affect the given salary. Also try to obtain information on the employer’s standard benefits package so that you have information beyond salary.
  5. Just do it. While a large percentage of corporate recruiters (four out of five in one study conducted by the Society for Human Resource Management) are willing to negotiate compensation, only a small percentage of job-seekers actually do so. You don’t have to be an expert negotiator to get a sweeter deal; you just need to know the rules and strategies of negotiation.
  6. Negotiate to your strength. If you are a smooth talker (an extravert), call the employer and ask for a follow-up meeting to discuss a counter proposal. If you communicate better in writing, follow our guidelines for writing a counter proposal letter (below).
  7. Always ask for a higher salary (within acceptable limits) than you are willing to accept so that when the employer counters your proposal, the salary should be near your original goal. And when possible, try and show how your actions (once on board) will recoup the extra amount (or more) that you are seeking — through cost savings or increased sales revenue, productivity, efficiencies.
  8. If the salary you’re offered is on the low end — and the employer has stated that salary is not negotiable (probably due to corporate salary ranges or pay grade levels), consider negotiating for a signing bonus, higher performance bonuses, or a shorter time frame for a performance review and raise. Always negotiate base salary first, and then move on to other elements of the job offer.
  9. When presenting a counter proposal to the employer, be sure and include a few benefits that are expendable so that you can drop them in a concession to the employer as negotiations continue.
  10. Remember that even if all salary issues are “off the table,” there are still numerous other benefits you can negotiate, such as moving expenses, paid vacation or personal days, professional training, and more. See the sidebar for the entire list of negotiable items.
  11. Never stop selling yourself throughout the negotiation process. Keep reminding the employer of the impact you will make, the problems you will solve, the revenue you will generate. And continue expressing interest and enthusiasm for the job and the company.
  12. If you have no intention of accepting the company’s offer, don’t waste your time or the company’s by entering into negotiation. Negotiation is a process designed to find common ground between two or more parties.
  13. If you have multiple job offers, don’t put the companies into a bidding war for your services; it rarely works out.
  14. Don’t enter negotiations with the wrong attitude. Always have in the back of your mind that your goal with these negotiations is a win-win situation. You want to get a better deal, but you also need to let the employer feel as though they got a good deal as well.
  15. Given a number of factors, such as the strength of the economy, the size and vitality of the company, and the supply of job candidates with similar qualifications, some employers simply will not negotiate.
  16. Never make demands. Instead, raise questions and make requests during negotiations. Keep the tone conversational, not confrontational.
  17. Be prepared for any of a number of possible reactions to your counter proposal, from complete acceptance to agreeing to some concessions to refusal to negotiate.
  18. You have to be willing to walk away from negotiations. If you don’t have a strong position (a good current job or one or more current or potential job offers), it will be harder for you to negotiate. If you really need or want the job, be more careful in your negotiations.
  19. Once the employer agrees to your compensation requests, the negotiations are over. You cannot ask for anything more — or risk appearing immature or greedy and having the employer’s offer withdrawn or rescinded.
  20. Always be sure to get the final offer in writing. Be extremely wary of companies that are not willing to do so. Note: one advantage of writing a counter proposal letter is that you list the terms of the offer in your letter.

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