Monday, February 24, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Alistair Shaw

Alistair Shaw

When You Believe

I love music, as do most people.  But not just that, I love good music and I particularly enjoy a beautiful sounding voice, a well-trained and skillful instrument.  One of my all-time favourites is When You Believe by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey.  They both have well-trained voices with amazing technical ability & they sound so good together, but on this occasion I appreciate the message of the song.

“There can be miracles when you believe

Though hope is frail, it’s hard to kill

Who knows what miracles you can achieve?

When you believe, somehow you will

You will when you believe”

Often in life, our hope seems so frail and we become so caught up in our difficult times.  Hopelessness can reach a point at which we even forget our dreams and just begin giving up – we give up on everything and everyone.

But what if there really is hope?  What if there really is a solution to all your problems?  Well, I certainly don’t need convincing.  I have been through some very trying times in my life, and even though some of them were so dark, depressive and lonely, there was always an answer, always a solution and always hope!


No matter what we’ve done, no matter what we’re going through, if you and I believe that God is there and He is able to take all our hurts and disappointments away, then there can be miracles when you believe.

If you are in need of a miracle today, please click on the banner today and get in touch with us!  

Have Hope For A Better Future


Life, the unpredictable entity that often overtakes us.  Life isn’t a train that stops at every station giving you opportunity to hop off, and then on again at a later stage.  We’ve gotta keep up, gotta keep moving, gotta keep running!

There are days when we’re struggling to keep our heads above water, yet somehow, and very miraculously, we make it, we survive!  Then there are days when we just sail through without any battle scars, no hardships, just a perfect day in a perfect world.

I wonder why that is?  Is it my attitude that contributes towards me having a good or bad day?  Is it my passion and determination that causes me to excel one day, and possibly fail when my determination and passion is on empty, and all I’m running on is fumes?

Life is beautiful, make no mistake about it!  Yes, we have terrible wars in certain countries right now, there are many social injustices causing our moral decay as civilized human beings.

I think the solution to all this doom and gloom is to acknowledge that it exists and try your very best to spread some healthy morals and let’s have hope for a better future.

Remember, it all starts with you and I – we need to lead by example.  Say no to profanity, say no to disrespect and bad attitude; and let’s rather encourage high morals and healthy character – wholesome conversations that empower others!

Cultural Diversity

We all like to keep our options open, the more options and variety we have, the better for us!  A fridge stocked up with all kinds of food, the soft drink rack with all our favourite flavours, and the vast amount of fast food outlets; if the options are endless, we’re happy!

Now, there is nothing wrong with variety and having many different options to choose from; the problem however is when we adopt a selfish approach to these options we have, and we keep them all locked away for our own use – and don’t you dare touch what’s mine!

I find that creative people in particular are quite protective of their ideas, and sometimes we need to be.  I’m a song writer and inventor. When it comes to my intellectual property, its mine, it belongs to me. But what if it’s a good idea? It could be mass produced to generate a great source of income for me, but more than that, I could use those funds to better someone else’s life and also create a more convenient life for others because of a great product.

When it comes to cultural and ethnic diversity we become very selfish and we start short-circuiting when confronted by cultural issues.  Why is it that we fear such a beautiful thing?  Cultural diversity is beautiful, the problem is we have so many preconceived ideas about other races and cultures, so when we even attempt to stretch ourselves and break the mould, we simply short-circuit.

Earlier in this post I spoke about being less selfish and sharing your creativity. Perhaps we need to share in other people’s successes and in their beauty, even if they have different traditions and look a little different to us.  I think it’s time to start tolerating one another a little more and avoid comparing ourselves to other people, using ourselves as the scale of judgment to ensure they weigh up to our standards.

If you struggle in celebrating other people’s successes or even tolerating other cultures or ethnic groups, click on the banner below and contact us today, we’d love to help you!

Turn Your Dreams Into Reality


Life is full of fun, mystery, heartache, joy, tears & laughter.  Often life can be confusing and miserable, uncertain and unstable.  While life is unpredictable most of the time, there are certain areas you have control over!

I have suffered the loss of a friend, the loss of a family member and the loss of a friend’s parent.  These are hardships and very difficult times you cannot avoid – we will all experience death at some stage or another.  As hard as those moments were in my life, that’s exactly all they were, just moments;moments which pass by and don’t last forever.

I have had sheer joyous moments in my life too!  My wedding day, the birth of my nephew, the successes and achievements I’ve seen others and myself enjoy!

While death and hardships are very real and happen mostly unexpectedly, I have control over my dreams!

People can disappoint you and take everything from you, but if you hold onto hope, if you hold onto your dreams, you can achieve anything!

I love to dream!  I use my imagination every day.  I imagine my life in a certain way, an improved version of it, if you will.  I picture how I’d like my house to look once I’m done renovating it, I picture my ideas and inventions and what they look like and how they’ll be manufactured and distributed, I also dream about my family and how they prosper in life.

dreams 2

As a youth pastor I have counselled many young people and the thing I often find missing is the ability to dream.  When bad things happen to us we often don’t believe that we’re worthy of dreaming, worthy of having hope.

I dare you to dream today!  Use your imagination and envision a new reality for yourself.  Start small and work towards some short term dreams, once you achieve them you’ll feel so empowered and ready to expand your thinking to more challenging ones!

Only you have the power to turn your dreams into reality!  Do it now.

In God We Trust


Family and friends are vital to our existence.  Without them we’d become islands of isolation, we’d simply bottle up and fade away. We often shut people out when we’ve been hurt and disappointed, we sadly adopt the mind-set that it might be easier to go through life alone, that way I cannot be hurt.  

Some years back I adopted that mentality, I tried to live my life alone and secluded from my friends, but sadly all it got me was deep loneliness and what felt like depression.

I think the biggest motivation for this kind of behaviour is a severe lack of trust.  We lose faith in people, we lose faith in God – we simply don’t trust anymore.

I have discovered that this thinking is really not helpful, especially when I feel like pushing God aside.  When I was a teenager I went through some very trying times, and during some of those moments I blamed God and I accused Him of not being there.

15 years later I endured a terrible experience where people let me down.  No wait! People crushed me to the point where I had symptoms of depression.  As hard as that experience was, I never once blamed God, I simply just trusted God and relied on His strength.

The USA have “In God We Trust ” splashed out over their currency and it acts of a symbol of faith, I guess.  But who do you trust?  Do you trust in your own ability, do you trust in your friends and family, do you trust in God?

If you’ve been hurt by people or if you believe God has let you down and you feel like you have lost all sense of trust – click on the banner below!

Can Certain Foods Heal Nerve Damage?

Can certain foods heal nerve damage?  I recently came across this very informative and interesting article regarding nerve damage and possible solutions to encourage healing.  Read and enjoy…

Nerve damage results from physical trauma or from a wide variety of illnesses, diseases and medical conditions. Common causes of nerve damage, also referred to as neuropathy, include alcoholism, metabolic disorders such as diabetes or celiac disease, autoimmune disorders such as arthritis, cancer treatments, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic kidney failure, vitamin deficiencies, toxins and infectious diseases. Physical trauma to nerves from injury, herniated disks, prolonged compression and surgery, as well as certain medications and infections that block oxygen to cells can also cause neuropathy.

Symptoms include chronic or recurrent numbness, tingling, sensitivity to touch, weakness, pricking sensations, burning pain or sharp pain. Foods can play an integral role in the comprehensive treatment of neuropathic pain.

Vitamin B12 Foods

Nerve damage occurs when the myelin sheath that covers and protects nerves—much like the rubber encasing surrounding electrical wires—deteriorates. The nerves misfire, triggering other nerve cells, which in turn contribute to further excessive nerve cell activity. Vitamin B12 foods can help heal damaged nerves. Foods with vitamin B12 contribute to the repair and maintenance of nerve cells, and particularly the myelin sheath. Foods that contain high levels of vitamin B12 include calf’s liver, sardines, snapper, venison, Chinook salmon, lean beef tenderloin, lamb loin, scallops, shrimp and halibut, according to the George Mateljan Foundation for the World’s Healthiest Foods.

Antioxidant Foods

Nerve damage occurs when atoms, often called free radicals, interact with cell tissues and cause deterioration of the cells. Free radicals that are synthesized from oxygen are especially egregious. They not only interact with cells tissues, but also create more radicals. Antioxidants are compounds that neutralize free radicals. Various “superfoods” contain high levels of antioxidants. These foods not only heal damaged nerves, but also may help reduce the risk of cancer and immune diseases, and slow the effects of aging. Foods that contain high levels of antioxidants include blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, tomatoes, broccoli, red grapes, garlic, spinach, carrots, pomegranates, dark chocolate and green tea, according to Clemson University Cooperative Extension, located in Clemson, South Carolina.

Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Inflammation results when the body’s immune system attempts to protect itself against invading foreign organisms such as bacteria and viruses. White blood cells and other chemicals attack the invaders and destroy them. Sometimes, however, the body’s immune response is misguided, and the immune system attacks and destroys its own tissues. Inflammation causes damage to nerves and causes pain to you. Certain foods reduce inflammation. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties. High omega-3 foods include flaxseeds, walnuts, soybeans, shrimp and tofu as well as coldwater fish such as snapper, sardines, salmon, trout, halibut, tuna and cod.


Water comprises two-thirds of your body. Dehydration contributes to sundry problems, including muscle spasms and increased viscosity or thickness of the blood, which in turn disrupts healing and worsens inflammation. The Town Center Wellness Chiropractic and Nutrition, of Sugar Land, Texas, recommends drinking enough water so that you urinate at least three to four times a day.


Do You Act Older Than You Are?

I love Peter Pan!  As a child I watched the animation movies over and over, and as a young adult, I too enjoyed the live action movies.  I love the idea of remaining young, but not in the sense of remaining a child forever, but young at heart.  I have a few friends who are my age and younger, and let me tell you, they act 10 years older than they are; it seems as if they simply grew up too quickly or had to act old and mature before their time.

Now look, I’m all for maturity and wisdom, but people please, there is no need to ‘age your heart’ ahead of time, it just isn’t right!

My dad is 72 years old, and believe you me, he still acts like a kid, yet has the maturity to make wise decisions and act responsibly.  I love this about him, the fact that he enjoys every moment of his life and brings a smile to everyone’s face – isn’t that what life should be about?  Making other people’s life better, even if it just encourages a smile…

Naturally some people are more serious than others and won’t act young and free, but we all have the power of choice, and we can choose to have fun. By fun I mean just relaxing the shoulders, lower the defenses and walls surrounding our hearts, and allowing people in.

Do you act older than you are?  Do you feel like your heart is guarded and always defensive, we can help!  Click the banner below to find out more.

Communication – less is more

It is said that the average American consumes 34 gigabytes or the equivalent of 100,000 words over 11 hours a day from all media sources. I would assume there are similar numbers for other countries.

What does that mean to you? It means we’re all overloaded with information, communication, and entertainment and our attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. But then, you already knew that. So what’s the big epiphany?

Did you ever stop to consider that, if you’re spending more and more time generating more and more content that people have less and less attention for and interest in, then maybe, just maybe, you might want to focus on doing less and having a greater impact?

If you buy into that premise, and you should, let me introduce you to a concept called media overexposure. If people see too much of you, they get sick of seeing your face. More to the point, they become sort of numb to your presence and stop paying attention to anything you have to say. The same thing happens if you spam them with stuff they could care less about and waste their precious time.

When It Comes to Communication, Less Is More. Period.

The way to avoid that is by blogging, posting, tweeting, updating, emailing, texting, calling – whatever form your communication or marketing takes – only what matters. Not what matters to you. What matters to them.

If you don’t know what matters to them or even exactly who “them” is, then you don’t have much of a marketing or communication strategy and you probably shouldn’t be sharing anything at all until you figure it out.

The best example I know of this sort of thing is Apple. Apple has a starkly minimalist communication strategy. They only communicate when they’ve got something important to say, and when I say important, I don’t mean important to Apple, I mean important to its users.

The result of that kind of strategy is what’s called a media vacuum. You know what happens when there’s a vacuum in place of information people want to know? The media gets sucked into the vacuum. That’s what creates a buzz. That’s a good thing. And it only happens when you go dark.

There’s an old line: How can I miss you when you won’t go away? Same thing.

Most highly accomplished entrepreneurs and business leaders understand this concept. We actually have a number of terms to describe people that don’t understand it. We call them self-serving, self-promoting, attention-seeking, spamming, egotistical blowhards who do more harm than good for their business.

Some say if you want to be heard over the noise, make sure your content is crystal clear and to the point. That’s absolutely true. But that assumes what you’re saying is even relevant to whomever you’re saying it to. The vast majority of content blasted at me everyday doesn’t even come close to meeting that criterion.

Since I’m sure you want to avoid being called any of those unpleasant terms, here’s what I want you to do. Before you blog, tweet, retweet, post, email, or message anything, ask yourself if it’s something that whoever’s at the other end of the pipe will find useful in some material way.

If not, don’t do it. When it comes to communication – Less is more. And yes, I do follow my own advice.

Image credit: Sebastien Wiertz | Flicker

Article credit:

I am Responsible

When it comes to accomplishments and the glitz & glam of life, we enjoy the attention and recognition – it does feel good to achieve much and to be recognized for your efforts, especially when there is a lot of blood, sweat and tears involved.

Great moments of praise don’t often come around, but when I land a good gig, or excel immensely at a task, then I celebrate, even if it’s just me, I celebrate.  Why?  Because it is an accomplishment and I should be celebrated, and so should you!

It’s easy to lay claim to the accomplishments and enjoy the limelight while we’re being fussed over, but what about those really nasty blunders we cause, those incorrect choices we make or the unforgivable job opportunity we blew?  What happens when we make bad decisions for our family and before you know it, the house is for sale and divorce is knocking on the door?

Okay, so maybe I’m being rather dramatic right now, but this could well be someone’s story – we make mistakes all the time, no one is immune to mistakes!

No one likes to be the bad guy or be known as the one who messed up, even admitting that to oneself can be so very difficult.  But here’s the thing about responsibility – if the shoe fits, I must wear it!  I am responsible!  It is not easy and some days I certainly don’t feel like ‘being responsible’, but I have no other choice, it’s something as vital as breathing.

At work I have a certain amount of authority, and that authority demands responsibility.  At home, I too have authority, and there I also must take responsibility for my actions and decisions; good or bad, I must take it and make the most out of it.

We live in a world which teaches us that if we ignore it long enough it will go away…  Sadly we cannot ignore the trash and dirt pilling up, the dishes stacking higher and higher, the child that needs taking care of, the house that needs maintenance; we simply can’t just run away or bury our heads in the sand like an ostrich.

If you’re struggling with accepting responsibility and feel like you’re constantly messing up and getting it wrong, click on the banner below and contact us today!

There Is a Rainbow at the End of Every Storm

Life is full of complications and rough seasons.  Just when you think you’re making progress, you discover you’re in lack. Just when it seems you’re conquering, you stumble.  What is it about life that makes it so hard for us to stay afloat and keep our heads above the water?

Our biggest problem is that we try to conquer and overcome in our own ability, which most times is from a place of weakness.  As humans we have this ‘I’m going to try and fix it on my own first’ approach. When we fail, because we will fail, then we run to God and apologize profusely, and beg Him to take charge of the situation because we simply can’t figure it out.

No matter how bad life seems, or how dark the clouds may get, even if it rains and storms, remember God promised that there is a rainbow at the end of every storm.  This, just once again proves His incredible love for us; that even though we endure tough times in life, He always turns a dark situation around for the good of those who love Him. He even decorates us with a beautiful rainbow of love, just to remind us of how amazing He really is and how valuable we really are!

If you need hope for your future and need help seeing the rainbow through the storm, please click on the banner below.

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