Monday, February 24, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Alistair Shaw

Alistair Shaw

The Blockbuster Box

Ordering pizza just got a whole lot better!  Pizza Hut and an advertising agency in Hong Kong have created a pizza box that not only houses your pizza, but also acts as a movie projector.  This Pizza Hut invention called The Blockbuster Box uses your cellphone to screen the film.


The boxes come in four genres:

  1. Fully Loaded for action thrillers
  2. Hot and Ready for romance
  3. Slice Night for horror
  4. Anchovy Armageddon for science fiction

Upon receiving your pizza, you pop the lens into the hole in the front of the box, scan the box code with your iPhone to access the exclusive download, then place your iPhone into the box and play the video.

If you’re looking for the ultimate pizza and movie experience, make sure you get your hands on The Blockbuster Box today!

Watch the video below to see how it works:

Why Am I Here?

Have you ever set out to do a few errands and half way to your destination you suddenly get this cold feeling come over you and you suddenly ‘wake up’ and snap out of the day dream you’ve been in for the past 10 minutes?  Upon realizing that you’ve been ‘out of it’ for a while you ask yourself, how did I get here?

The brain is a powerful thing, it has the ability to navigate from memory, even though you’re fully awake and aware of what’s happening, it is possible to ‘loose time’. I’ve had the same experience while using a cell phone, by the time the call ends I try and recall my journey, and it’s just a massive blur, I have no recollection whatsoever.

Sometimes we plod along through life aimlessly in the hopes that’s we’ll achieve great results, just like shooting at a target in the dark, you’ll probably never hit bull’s eye, because you simply cannot see it.

I function best by setting goals and having structures in place, that’s the only way I get things done.   Without a plan, I know I’m just going to aim in the dark and hope to reach some kind of target, but inevitably I’ll fail.

What about your life?  Are you aimlessly shooting in the dark and often stop and find yourself completely clueless as to how you got here or even ask yourself “what am I doing here”, or “why am I here?”

Purpose is such a powerful motivation to live and to strive to improve on ones ’self. Without purpose we will just be a ‘vapour in the wind’.  I don’t know about you, but my life must count for something, I must make a difference!

There is a reason you were born, there is an amazing plan for your life, and even if you feel so insignificant right now, trust me when I say, you are unique, you are special, and you do matter!

If you need help finding purpose and direction for your life, click on the banner below and get in touch with us, we’ll help you reach your potential today!

Seven Steps to Staying Motivated


Sustaining motivation can be tough under the best of circumstances. So how can you stay motivated when your to-do list runs to four pages, you just got another rejection letter, your adult child announced his plans to move back home, the car and washing machine went on the fritz at the same time and you can’t find time in the day to work on your own personal projects?

We know those pop-psych directives to put a photo of you at your most fit on the fridge or write yourself a check for $1 million and tape it to your computer monitor or plaster your mirrors with affirmations, like “I attract my perfect soul mate.”

Motivation is not magic. It does not come in a bottle. There is no little blue pill for it. But it’s something you can tap into by design then harness. Every inspirational author, speaker and life coach has his own tips (and DVDs and seminars), but over my decades of observing super-successful, high-achieving people, I’ve come up with a list of seven things that are fundamental to sustaining motivation, whether you’re trying to finish a 10,000-piece jigsaw puzzle or climb Kilimanjaro.

Seven Steps to Staying Motivated

1. Set a goal and visualize it down to the most minute detail. See it, feel it, hear the sounds that accompany the end result (wind rushing through your hair, applause). Elite athletes visualize their performance ahead of time — right down to the smell of the sweat dripping down their face as they cross the finish line.

2. Make a list of the reasons you want to accomplish the goal. In our busy, distracting world, it’s easy to get blown off course. This is why you need to ground yourself in your goal. For extra “success insurance,” write your list with a pen. Studies show that when we write by hand and connect the letters manually, we engage the brain more actively in the process. Because typing is an automatic function that involves merely selecting letters, there’s less of a mental connection.

3. Break the goal down into smaller pieces and set intermediary targets — and rewards. I’ve called this “chunking” long before there was a Wikipedia to explain that there are eight variations of the concept. To me it’s the best non-pharmaceutical antidote to ADHD. Tony Robbins, arguably the foremost motivational speaker and personal development coach, says: “A major source of stress in our lives comes from the feeling that we have an impossible number of things to do. If you take on a project and try to do the whole thing all at once, you’re going to be overwhelmed.”

Enter chunking. My system involves chipping away at a project. Break it down into the smallest realistic steps and only do one at a time. Neuroscience tells us that each small success triggers the brain’s reward center, releasing feel-good chemical dopamine. This helps focus our concentration and inspires us to take another similar step. Try this with your bête noire, whether organizing your papers and bills or setting out to find a new job.

4. Have a strategy, but be prepared to change course. Let Thomas Edison inspire you in this department: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.” “The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

5. Get the help you need. It doesn’t necessarily take a village, but even if you could theoretically accomplish your objective alone, there’s inherent value in sharing your plan. It’s why people get married in front of witnesses. Announcing your intentions sends a strong message to the world and, more important, to your unconscious mind, which can sometimes sabotage our best efforts. Also, we often overestimate our abilities. The flip side is being highly selective about whom you tell and ask for help. It’s akin to the builder’s rule to always get “the right tool for the right job.”

6. Pre-determine how you will deal with flagging motivation. This is not defeatist thinking. On the contrary! It’s (almost) inevitable that at some point along the way, whether because of temporary setbacks or sheer exhaustion, you will need a little boost. When that happens, I think of what others have endured to reach their targets and to quash even the beginning of a pity party, I invoke the most hard-core endurance models I can think of: friends fighting serious diseases and Holocaust survivors.

Winston Churchill is particularly inspirational on this front. After London endured 57 consecutive bombings by the Germans during World War II (the Blitzkrieg), he was invited to address a group of students. In that speech, he uttered his immortal line “Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, give up.”


I Hate You! – Effects of Emotional abuse

I hate you… 

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me…

I clearly remember as a child quoting this over and over again, especially in junior school.  Children can be so mean, and when it came to verbal taunts, this was often my response; I’m sure you can relate!

Physical pain can we terrible, and inflicting physical pain on another person is something that most people frown upon, and rightfully so.

But what about emotional pain?  In our anger or frustration, we speak our minds, we lash out and whip the person on the receiving end, irrespective of the consequences we’ll incur afterwards.

The above nursery rhyme couldn’t be further from the truth.  It is impossible to go through life and not be affected by the harsh words of others.  While most physical wounds heal well with some disinfecting and some plasters, our unseen emotional wounds will hardly ever heal on their own – they demand dedicated and uninterrupted time  where you can perform some introspection, think your thoughts and experiences through, and find solutions to your emotional turmoil; possibly even speaking to a counsellor or psychologist.  And don’t forget the power of forgiveness, occasionally you might need to forgive yourself.

Whether you’ve been on the receiving end of hurtful taunts or perhaps you’ve been the one lashing out and hating on others, there is hope, there is forgiveness and there is restoration.  Please click on the banner below if you want freedom from emotional hurts.

Casio G-Shock GPW1000

Every man has something that gets them really excited.  Cars, motor bikes, watches, knives, firearms, technology – you know, those typical ‘manly’ things.  From that list pretty much all of them tickle my fancy, today I want to highlight watches!

Every man needs a watch in his life to complete him.  I love watches! Digital, smart, analogue; you name it, I love it!  A watch for every occasion does the trick well.

If you’re feeling playful and you’re gonna rock hard at a party, you’ll want something funky and creative.

For a board meeting or interaction with some big shots in suits, a very smart analogue watch will do the trick – it will round off that suit you’re wearing just perfectly!


But enough of me giving you tips on how to accessorize according to your dress code, let’s get down to the real business!!

Introducing the G-Shock GPW1000

If you’re a long-haul traveller you know the pain of missing connecting flights or important meetings because you forgot to adjust your watch to local time.  Well, no more of that!  With the Casio G-Shock GPW1000 your life just got a whole lot simpler.

It has been built wish the same toughness level as previous models but what really excites me about this one is the ability to adjust automatically to any local time zone!

By combining Multiband 6 capability (the ability to receive any one of six time calibration signals transmitted from different locations around the globe) with a receiver that acquires position and time information from GPS satellites. While flying, this can be disabled by switching to Flight mode. The moulded fine resin frame underpins its legendary good looks and tough exterior; it’s waterproof down to 200 metres. A solar charging system converts a range of light sources into usable power.

Now, be prepared for the shock of all shocks (no pun intended), the price tag…  If you’ve got a spare $1550 lying around, you’ll afford this beauty!

Who Cares, Be Yourself!

When I was in my teens a wise man spoke something quite profound over my life.  He told me that God had told him that I will never conform to the standard, the norm, the average – just simply because everyone is going a certain route or doing something in a certain way, doesn’t mean I should aimlessly follow.  Instead, God would allow me to be close to His heart and hear what He wants me to do in each situation.

You and I are unique, there is no doubt about it!  I am not financially wealthy, I’m not super popular, I’m just simply a person who appreciates life and loves people!  There are others who have far less than me, for sure; and there are those who have much more than I do.

But why should money, wealth, your dress code, the colour of your skin, the personality type you have and the labels people have placed on you restrict your flow, choke your potential and frustrate your ability to be you?  Who cares, be yourself!  Honestly, It’s your time to shine and shake off those labels you’ve allowed people to place on you.

I am inspired by Daniell Koepke’s words of wisdom:

If you struggle to shrug off those restrictions that you’ve allowed people to place on you, please click the banner below and connect with us, we’re here to help!

The Walkie Talkie

If you’re anything like me, you will find technology intriguing and enjoy the history behind the invention.  Today we’ll be taking a closer look at the Walkie Talkie, more specifically, how it got the name. Thanks to Donald L. Hings, Alfred J. Gross and engineers at Motorola, we have come to enjoy this amazing communication device.  Used vastly in the 2nd world war, it served its purpose well.

Don’t worry, I won’t  be giving you a boring history lesson today; we’re gonna educate ourselves via a comedic video from stand-up comedian Brian Regan.

When it comes to comedy, there are very few comedians who keep it clean, without foul language or sexual innuendo.  Brian does just that; he paints a funny picture without all the vile language.

Check this out!

If You Had One Wish

Okay, we all have had the opportunity to at least fantasize about having the ability to wish for something and magically have it happen, then and there!  As a child I had a wild imagination and would wish for things to happen, mostly ‘play-play’, and it was fun!  There were times where I’d be so mad with my family or friends and I’d wish for terrible things to happen to them, thank God those wishes never came true – phew!

So what is it about ‘Aladdin’s lamp‘ or the ‘genie in the bottle’ that gets us so excited?  The idea that we can have endless resources at our fingertips with no strings attached, or endless power to command whatever we want, or was it just a fun thing to do as a kid?

Now that I myself am an adult I finally realize that adults too wish they had the ability to conjure up a magical creature to grant their wishes.  I think our biggest reason for this is regret.  We make poor decisions and choices that can often cause us great pain and suffering.  We live with if only’s and I should have’s and we ruin our emotions by reliving those bad moments of life.

As a young child there is very little regret we can have, because we haven’t really lived long enough to make stupid mistakes like mom and dad…  I think far too often as adults we to a large degree live in our own little fairy tale/make believe world where we can escape to a present time where we didn’t make those poor choices and we actually live perfect lives.

The very harsh reality is that irrespective of your age, gender, skin colour, cultural heritage, belief structures and moral codes, you will experience regret, it is inevitable.  The secret is not trying to find a genie in a bottle or a time machine to reverse and ‘re-do’ or relive that moment, but rather to admit the mistake, deal with the consequences and take it on the chin like a ‘big boy/girl’, and learn from those mistakes, pressing onward to a brighter future.

If you had one wish, would it be to right a wrong or to wish for a better future?

Are struggling to cope with bad choices you’ve made and need some advice, please click the banner below, we are here to help you find yourself again. 

Scream and Shout

I recently heard an interesting story highlighting the differences between Western and Eastern shepherds and the way they herd their sheep.

It is said that shepherds in the West herd from behind with harsh shouting and screaming, as well as with the use of sheep dogs.
While that seems somewhat effective, I find it rather exhausting. Imagine yelling and shouting all day, not my idea of fun.

The shepherds from the East herd their sheep from the front, only with the use of their gentle, even toned voices, no shouting and screaming needed, and no dogs either.

Sheep know their shepherds voice. They either know it and follow whole-heartedly, or they fear him and resist following as in the case of the Western shepherds – chasing the sheep and forcing them into a specific direction (as opposed to following because they believe in him and trust him).

Jesus said in John chapter 10 and verse 27:

27 My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.

In these very trying and difficult days, there are a lot of different voices calling out to us, many different noises and sounds; shouting and screaming, demanding our attention.

Leaders often fall into this trap. They lead from behind using all kinds of terrible tactics and methods instead of leading from the front by setting a healthy example and taking charge.

So, who do you pay attention to? Who do you allow to rule your life? These voices who threaten you as they scream and shout, or the soft, gentle ones who genuinely care for you and your well-being?

If you can relate to being chased from behind instead of nurtured from the front, please contact us today by clicking on the banner below, and we’ll walk a road with you, a road that will lead you to wholeness and healing.

Finger Length Reveals Personality Traits


If you’ve ever opened up a magazine I’m sure you’ve seen those quizzes or questionnaires which touch on personality types, which actor you are similar to, or even what line of work you potentially could be drawn to; all depending on your answers… Well, I discovered an online article that caught my attention and it reminded me of those magazines from way back then. They’re saying that finger length reveals personality traits.  Now, I’m not into horoscopes or fortune telling, nor am I advising you to engage in such things – I’m just wondering if this finger length quiz and other magazine quizzes boarders on horoscopes, or is it just a random fun quiz? So, here’s the finger length quiz I found.  There are 3 personality types that they refer to as explained in the info-graphics below.  Take the quiz and let me know your results!!

A) The charming but pragmatic one.


People who have a ring finger longer than the index finger tend to be charming and irresistible to some at least. A’s are the ones who can talk themselves out of just about any situation. Additionally, they’re aggressive and excellent problem solvers. They tend to be incredibly compassionate and are often scientists, engineers, soldiers, and crossword puzzle masters.

B) The confident, get-it-done type.


People with shorter ring fingers than index fingers are the self-confident, get-it-done types. They love solitude in which to work and accomplish the things they need to do, but that doesn’t necessarily indicate introversion. They’re very goal oriented and don’t like to be disturbed. They appreciate what they have but often hunger for more.

C) The peacenik


C’s are the peace-loving conflict-avoiding types. People with even ring and index finger length are well organized and want nothing but to get along with everyone. They are faithful in relationships, tender and caring partners, but beware: C’s have a fiery core that while suppressed in normal day-to-day activities can be dangerous if unleashed. They might be peaceniks, but please, stay on their good side.

Let me know your opinion, is this just a random coincidence, is this actual science, or is it a horoscope?

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