Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Alistair Shaw

Alistair Shaw

Biscuit Thieves

Theft and thievery is practiced all over the word.  Some steal to survive due to severe poverty, others for the thrill, still others because “that’s what we do for a living.”

About 15 years ago I was in the control room of an armed response alarm company and I remember hearing the funniest thing over the 2 way radio.  A thief had stolen a cake from a bakery and was running away on foot.  I could not stop laughing (not that I think theft is funny), given the circumstances I could not contain myself.  Just imagine this thief running down the road after stealing a cake!!! whahahahahah!!

Well, I stumbled upon an article in which biscuit thieves managed to steal more than £20,000 worth of biscuits from a Wagon Wheel factory in Cwmbrad, South Wales on Wednesday, 17th June.

Police stopped a truck the following day in connection with the crime in Warrington, near Manchester, more than 241 km away from the scene of the crime.

Maryland Cookes (ALAMY)

Gwent Police said that a police investigation is underway, but that no arrests have been made so far.

The company produces products including Wagon Wheels, Jammie Dodgers, Mini Maryland Chocolate Chip Cookies and Cathedral City Baked Bites.

A spokesman for the manufacturer said: “Burton’s Biscuit Company can confirm that goods and a trailer were stolen from the Llantarnam factory during the early hours of Wednesday 17th June.

“This is an isolated incident and we’re currently working closely with South Wales Police in their on-going investigation of the theft.”

A former employee at Burton’s, Cllr Paul Williams said the theft was unprecedented, adding: “I can’t remember there being anything like it in 25 years.”


If you can relate to this bizarre yet funny story, please do contact us and let us know what weird and wonderful stories you’ve heard regarding thieving.


Change The Atmosphere

We all have the power to influence. The power to suggest a thought or an idea, the ability to change someone’s perspective, even their outlook on life.  We think only the rich and wealthy have power, we think only the ‘well-spoken’ have the ability, or only the politicians have the platform to influence society.  Insecurities and self-doubt are the biggest reasons for you and me not voicing our opinions, airing our views, being upfront and honest about how we feel about work circumstances etc.

I’m going to let you in on a secret.  The loudest mouth in your office, the smartest kid in school, the toughest bully on the playground, the average Joe minding his own business – all have something in common:  They are all human beings who have at some point or another experienced the same emotions you have, have had to work through self-doubt, insecurities and low self-esteem.  There is not one person on this planet who has ever escaped these feelings and challenges.

So, the next time you want to voice an opinion, make a suggestion, air your concerns or just speak honestly – remember, wisdom is needed in all things, but ultimately you matter and your opinion counts, who know, you might have the next best billion dollar idea.

Now, I’m not suggesting that you lose all sense of sanity and start telling your boss his fortune, that would be silly!  What I am encouraging you to do, however, is to spread your wings, take a step outside of your comfort zone, and make a difference.

Start small – change the atmosphere.  The easiest way to try out this ‘new’ approach to life is to change the atmosphere.  When you walk in a room you carry with you a presence, energy, vibe, spirit (and I don’t mean spooky) – you carry the very essence of who you are into that room, you take it everywhere you go, every day.  So, when you enter a room full of genuine smiles and peace (for example), it changes the atmosphere, however dark or thick the air might be.  It’s like lighting a candle in a dark room.  No matter the size of the room, the light WILL displace the darkness and the atmosphere will change.

Best of all, it’s contagious.  You WILL rub off on to someone else, even without saying a word – just by being you.

If you’re in need of changing the atmosphere at school, work or at home, why not get in touch with us and we’ll give you some guidance as to how you can make a difference by changing the atmosphere.  Click on the banner below and contact us today!

5 Basic Exercises You Can’t Live Without

“What’s the best exercise for my flab, tummy, arms, legs, calves, thighs?  People are always asking for the best exercises for various reasons.  It’s not an easy question to answer. First, you won’t get the results you want from any exercise unless your diet and sleep habits are in check, but further, an accurate answer really depends on four things:

  1. What do you really need?
  2. What’s your goal?
  3. What kind of training experience do you have?
  4. What kind of equipment do you have access to?

We should think of this as “movement patterns” rather than single exercises, which complicates things even more. It would be easy to give you a list of the “five best exercises ever discovered,”. I can’t do that without leading you astray. There are so many great exercises, and the best ones for you depend on your answers to the four questions above. What I can do is share what I consider to be the top 5 basic exercises you can’t live without, which are actually movement patterns which you can add to your routine. I’ve also outlined the recommended training guidelines (sets, reps, rest) for the goal of fat loss. Click through to check it out!

Your workout needs just five exercises, one from each of these categories:

Push (pressing away from you)

Pull (tugging toward you)

Hip-hinge (bending from the middle)

Squat (flexing at the knee)

Plank (stabilizing your core)

How It Works

Pick one move from each of these categories. Then do two sets of 12 reps. Change up the moves but repeat the plan three or four times a week. For cardio extra credit, see the add-ons below.


The Ultimate: Bench Press
Lie face-up on a bench, holding a heavy barbell at your sternum, hands shoulder-width apart, elbows bent into sides. Extend arms, pushing bar directly above chest. Pause, then lower barbell to start.

The Alternates: Push-up, dumbbell shoulder press, single-arm kettlebell press, push press


The Ultimate: Pull-up
Hang from a bar with palms facing away from you, arms straight, knees bent so feet don’t touch floor. Bend elbows, pulling chest toward bar. Slowly lower yourself to start.

The Alternates: Dumbbell row, TRX row, chin-up, cable row, lat pull-down.


The Ultimate: Deadlift
Set a heavy barbell on the floor in front of you. Push hips back as you bend forward, grabbing the bar with hands more than shoulder-width apart, palms facing body. Keep back straight as you stand up, lifting the bar and thrusting hips forward. Slowly lower bar to start.

The Alternates: Kettlebell swing, Romanian deadlift, trap-bar deadlift


The Ultimate: Split Squat
Stand on your right leg, left foot resting on a bench or box behind you, and hold a heavy dumbbell in each hand. Bend right knee, lowering body until left knee hovers just above the ground. Straighten right leg, returning to start. Complete all the reps on one side before switching legs.

The Alternates: Barbell squat, lunge, goblet squat, reverse lunge.


The Ultimate: Farmer’s Walk
Stand up straight holding a heavy dumbbell in each hand, palms facing body. Maintain your posture as you walk 20 meters. Turn, repeat, returning to start.

The Alternates: Plank, bird dog, side plank, suitcase carry.

Exercise is always beneficial to our bodies, even in the most basic form of walking.  We need it for health benefits as well as just feeling good.  So, however intense your workout looks, make sure you get enough exercise on a daily basis.

Where Do I Belong?

We all have the desire to belong, that need to fit in; the conviction that we can contribute and matter. But finding the right fit in this world can be as difficult as finding the correct puzzle in a 2000 piece set.

Before trying to fit in, before committing to a cause or  finding the group,  the club,  that one special place where you belong;  it might be wiser to find, YOU.  “Who am I and where do I belong?”

Who are YOU?  Find who you are, and once you find yourself, be certain of you, yourself, certain of who you want to be.  No one can decide this for you. Even though people and circumstances influence you, the bottom line is, you and you alone decide who you are and the person you will be.

So, who do you want to be?   Are you the vibey loud clown, the life of the party?   Are you the reserved introvert who mostly keeps to him/herself?   Are you the peace keeper? Are you the super creative who dreams of ideas and better ways of life? Do you thrive off the energy of other people?   Now, I know we’re getting slightly philosophical right now, possibly even physiological, but these are important questions to ask oneself. To make progress, we have to begin by asking the right questions.

How can you complete or enhance the next person if all you’re doing is trying to impress them with every opportunity you get? Impressions are temporary. Influence and consistency, however, are much more permanent.

So, what makes you special? What sets you apart?   The answer to this question is the first step towards finding who you are.

This road of discovery is for some a long one, but discover, you will!  Allow patience and wisdom  to be your closest friends during this process,  otherwise you’ll just live a very frustrated life trying to please everyone who comes your way, trying to adapt to every situation, just to fit in!  Remember that puzzle piece?  Even if that one piece is a 90% match, and even if you manage to force it in the incorrect space, it will always be awkward and just wrong!  Let’s face it, no one likes a high strung person, and high strung is what you will become if all you’re doing is living to please everyone, being an incorrect puzzle piece trying to fit in.

Forget yesterday, and focus on today, ’cause today your life is a blank canvas, an opportunity to start a new!  Why don’t you take a few minutes out of your crazy day, just 10 minutes, and begin painting your preferred “you”.

Where do I even start to ‘find the real or preferred me’? I hear you ask. It’s a valid and important question. Here at 1Africa, our passion is to share, with everyone who comes across our path, that we are carefully and lovingly designed by a loving Creator. Any attempt to ‘locate’ ourselves outside of Him can prove tiring and fruitless. If you’d like to go deeper into understanding the core message we want to bring you, please click on the banner below.

What Does The Enemy Say

For 29 years of my life I had the most amazing grandfather any boy could ask for.  He was full of life, full of wisdom and always had a funny joke up his sleeve.  He had the stamina of an ox and could take out an army if he had to, but he’d hardly hurt a fly.  He lived for every moment and maximized the days given to him. He never asked what the time was, he would simply say “what does the enemy say?”  This always puzzled me, why would he liken time to the enemy?

In November 2013 he passed away at the ripe age of 93.  Needless to say I struggled to cope with his passing and found it very difficult to move on.  Today it has become clear why he would liken time to the enemy.  We all have a certain amount of days given to us on this earth, my pa, had around 34090 days of life, and boy did he live it well!!

How aware are you and I of this thing called “The Enemy”?  Do we just rush through this life wishing each day away, sitting in front of the TV night after night becoming older by the minute, or are we making the most of every opportunity, living the best life we possibly can, being the best neighbor you could be to the person next door?  Wherever you are and however old you might be, remember, it’s never too late to make a difference in someone else’s life!

Lets take up the challenge to live our lives well by being the best we can be and making the most of every moment!  If you need some advice or help in making the most out of your life, click on the banner below and make contact with us.

How To Make The Perfect Hot Dog


So, you’re into food and you set out on a quest to make the most awesome hot dog ever.  Your filling might consist of a foot long, russian, vienna, corn dog, or some kind of meat filler.  Next you move onto your onion, tomato, cheese, lettuce, or any other leafy decor.  Finally, you move on to the final stage, the sauces.  This is the creative stage. These are the final touches with regards to flavour.  Perhaps you enjoy some good ol’ ketchup, mustard, some kind of barbeque sauce or maybe even a good sweet chilli.

Now, I’ve heard it said that the secret to any food is found in the way you make it.  Was it made passionately and with love?  Was it well thought through?

Well, hands down this chef really blew me off my feet.  Let me show you how to make the perfect hot dog!!  Check this very impressive video out as this chef kills it with heavy machinery.  And by heavy machinery I mean an excavator!

Watch and learn:

Spring Clean

There is nothing fresher than the subtle hint of morning mist as dew droplets gently brush over the roses and lavender – releasing a fragrance so pleasing to the senses, giving us a slight glimpse of heaven.  The chirping birds in the garden, a quiet whisper of the breeze across your face, you know spring has arrived.

When it comes to my house, I love it clean!  There is nothing more pleasing to me than walking in after a day’s work, to find a neat, clean and tidy house – it’s awesome.

Maintaining a blissful environment like that is difficult, make no mistake.  Before you can even strive towards maintaining it, you need to first get there.

It all starts with a good spring clean.  Look, I don’t think anyone seriously enjoys cleaning, not 100% of the time anyway.  However, I do love the occasional house clean.  I find such release in doing so.  Not just that, but the idea that once I’m done, I’m going to enjoy the fruits of my efforts, and will have a clean place, just the way I like it.

When it comes to my own life – I too need to perform the occasional spring clean.  It’s never easy, especially if you’ve left the rooms of your life in a mess for a while, it always seems like such a mission.  Let me assure you, there is no perfect time to do some introspection and clean house, it’s important, and imperative that you do it.

The joy and freedom you will experience is amazing.

So, where do I begin?

  1. Take some time to asses where you’re at, with honestly and with purpose.  Where are you, and where would you like to be?
  2. What steps will you take to correct your course and bring you back to where you need to be?  This might include some lifestyle changes, some counselling perhaps, skies the limit – as long as you get out of your bad space and into a good one!  Now don’t do anything foolish, but get help and get out.
  3. Remember, you are special and worth every ounce of energy!

If you need some help in getting your life in order and correcting the course you’re on, why not give us a shout by clicking on the banner below and we’ll walk a personal road with you in getting there.

Volcano Calbuco

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  We all know this saying very well.  We all have different tastes, different things appeal to us.  When it comes to nature, the outdoors and landscapes, the same applies.  We’re not all drawn to the same ‘natural beauties’; nonetheless, they can all be very breath-taking.

I’m not particularly ‘into’ volcanoes, but I just had to share this with you!  I recently came across this amazing video of a volcano as it was erupting, and boy, I’m impressed.

On the 22 April 2015, volcano Calbuco erupted for the first time in 40 years!  It is located in Southern Chile, close to the Puerto Varas and Puerto Montt.

A team from Timestorm Films managed to capture this breath-taking event with top quality camera equipment.

Watch this amazing video of volcano Calbuco as it erupts hot ash into the skies.

Invasive Species

If you know anything about fauna and flora, you’ll know that there are certain animals and plant life that are indigenous to a particular area, or country, versus the alien species, or as I like to call them, invasive species.  The hostile take-over of aliens (and I’m not talking area 51 here) is the big problem, they take over.  Most alien species are invasive, which means they don’t care about the other animal or plant life around, they just take over, no matter what the cost.

Consider the Port Jackson tree.

It is indigenous to Australia, but in other countries is an alien plant.  As a child I had one in my garden for many years growing up, and boy did it take over!  It grew to be the tallest tree in the garden, but not just that, it completely smothered the surrounding trees to the point that they suffered severely, some even died.  The only good I found for this tree was climbing.

I use this example to paint a picture of a very similar scenario to our daily lives.  You see, we reluctantly give way to invasive species in our own lives.  We allow people to bully us into doing what they want, not what we want and we allow circumstances from our past to invasively affect who we are in our future.

If you have an invasive species trying a hostile take-over in your life, why not take action today!  You can use that alien ‘tree’ in your life to climb high above your circumstances, you can use it as wood for the fire.  Yes, bad things happen to us, but we can turn it around, we can use these hardships to sharpen us and they can serve as a reminder of where we’ve been, and as a motivation of where we want to go.

At 1Africa, it’s our desire for you to live a whole life, a life free from invasive species.  Please click on the banner below and allow us to help you in your quest for freedom.

5 Things You Can Do To Feel Better


Life is tricky and so are our moods and our feelings.  There are days I’m on top of the world, and then there are days when I just feel deflated and low.  If you can relate, guess what, you’re not alone, in fact, everyone goes through this, more than they’d like to admit.

We all just want to feel happy and cheerful, and not weighed down by the troubles of this world.  Well, here are some tips that could assist you in feeling better.  I have my very own “5 things you can do to feel better” check-list!

Go outside.  There is something spectacular about taking a walk in the park, or even just admiring the sunset from your front porch.  If you work in an office environment, you’ll know that too much time in the office can bog you down; you NEED to get out and stretch those legs!  If you work near a coffee shop or a mall of sorts, even leaving the office for a short break and taking a brief stroll through the mall could get you to relax a little. Remember, natural oxygen from outside is vital to your health, being subjected to office air-conditioners all day is not the healthiest option.

Make lists.  There is great freedom in writing.  Those of you who keep journals or write poetry or write songs will know that there is an amazing release when you put pen to paper.  Making lists is a great way to feel better.  Actually, setting goals in general is an excellent motivator and when that job gets done, you can cross it off your list and you will feel great!  Remember, these lists are not meant to be outrageous and far to reach goals, they are meant to help you to focus on what needs to be done and encouraging you to do them, even the simplest things like sorting out a cupboard or draw and reorganizing it.

Visit a friend.  We live in a social media crazed world, where everything happens online and we sometimes forget that there is an actual offline world, a far more ‘real’ world, where ‘real’ people exist.  Sometimes we just need a physical hug instead of a FB poke.  Sometimes we need to chat face to face with someone we can confide in, instead of posting how wonderful life is and keep up this I’m strong façade.  There is great power in speaking and telling someone what’s really going on inside.  Trust me; make the call and meet, even if it’s just for a quick cup of tea!

Smile. I love to laugh; it’s one of my favourite things to do.  I find the silliest things funny, and as far as possible I try to be friendly to everyone I encounter.  Now, this is difficult to do, especially when you’re angry, or upset.  Scientifically speaking though, there is something extraordinary that happens when you smile.  Your brain releases feel good chemicals and instantly lifts your mood – how awesome is that?!!!  So, the next time you feel down, just simply smile – this will brighten up your day and your face 🙂

Get to the source.  You can treat a body ache with a pain pill, but unless you get to the bottom of it, the real source of the problem, you’ll always be taking pain pills.  I remember hurting my back some years ago.  It was so painful, but instead of popping pills, I immediately went to physiotherapy and received treatment for the problem.  I guess I acted so quickly because I’ve been told:  “You don’t mess around when it comes to your back.”  Well, I think when it comes to our emotions; we should not be messing around either.  As painful or difficult as it might be to get to the source, do it!  It will be very liberating, and you’ll feel good.

There are many different things we can do to feel better.  If you have a hobby, I’d encourage you to do it more frequently.  Fly your model aircraft, fly a kite, play that musical instrument you love, grab a sketch pad and draw a picture…

As you go through this day, remember, you are special and you deserve to be happy!!


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