Friday, March 28, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Alistair Shaw

Alistair Shaw

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?


There are days that I encounter difficult situations and trials of various kinds, get pressed from all sides, yet in all of this, I make it through somehow. A guitar cannot produce good sound without the strings pulled taut. A rose petal releases the best fragrance when it is crushed. Being pulled taut and feeling crushed is not a pleasant experience, but those trials will cause someone else’s life to smell better, will bring beautiful music and inspiration to their lives – not because they take pleasure in what you’ve been through, but because you will have the battle scars to show where you’ve been and a life-changing story of how you conquered.

Often people ask “where is God in all of this?”, “why do bad things to happen to good people?”, “why God, why?”  Well, what I know is that we have free will,  the ability to choose what to do, what to wear, what to say, how to live.  A gentleman will never impose or force himself on you.  Likewise, God, much as He wants to relate and connect to human beings, will never force Himself on us. We can choose Him or, as we do already, shun Him and only think about Him when we suffer tragedy or go through difficulty.

Isn’t it strange that we human beings make really poor choices and bad decisions and bring so much death and destruction on ourselves and others, then blame God for the terrible results of our decisions, and question Him tirelessly about it?

Maybe we just need to accept that the one who murders made that choice, the one who rapes made that choice, the one who gossips made that choice, the one who is a thorn in your flesh, chose to be that way towards you.  One day those who make poor choices will suffer the consequences of them and will pay accordingly. I say this not out of any kind of vindictiveness, but from a place of understanding that every decision and choice I make today will affect tomorrow. If I decide to murder someone, chances are I’ll end up in jail. It’s that simple.

The next time you feel crushed, pressed, or even stressed, think about the way you respond – your words, actions and the general vibe you give out – when hardships come and life gets very challenging.  The next time you’re tempted to steal, cheat, gossip, murder, or whatever it is that you and I are challenged to do, let’s make sure to think them through, think about the consequences and how the decisions we make might affect those around us.

As humanity, maybe it’s time we dealt with the reality that a great number of our sorrows come from us having turned away from God’s love and from the principles by which He intended for us to live. A domino effect followed which affected us in more ways than we ever could have imagined. Fortunately, there is hope through Jesus Christ. We no longer need to live life in a way that feels doomed, condemned or hopeless. Though life will still have its fair share of rough and painful moments, at least now we can be assured of a brighter day. Please click on the banner below and let us share more with you and invite you on a journey of discovery with us.

You’ll Never Guess What Happened Next


I recently came across a website which had the strangest titles and headlines for various stories they had posted; quirky and cheesy titles to lure you to them and cause you to read.  Titles like “you’ll never guess what happened next” and “you are going to laugh when you watch the video below”.  While it might be an effective marketing tool, its getting old and it’s rather annoying I’d say.

This got me thinking… What new and exciting journey am I on today?  Could that cheesy headline be used to describe a recent event in my life which speaks of something quite phenomenal or exciting?  Now, I’m not suggesting that we make a public spectacle out of every event of our lives and make big drama out of nothing; but I am suggesting that we acknowledge the fact that we are always going to be challenged by something in this life, we will have distractions and we can either come out having conquered and holding our head up high, with an exciting story to tell, or we can be defeated and deflated, moping around in dismay, and being of no encouragement whatsoever to the next person.

Trials and difficulties are real, and I’m not saying we won’t have tough days where we feel miserable and even look it; but what we should do in those situations is try to remember that we influence those around us all the time, and our actions and reactions can either make or break the next person.

Now, just for laughs, click on the link below, “you’ll never guess what happens next”…


Jingle Bells With A Twist


Christmas, one of my favorite times of the year!  I love the carols, the lights, the decorations, the gifts, good food, family and friends, and the ‘tradition’ of Christmas, which I find equally exciting.  Probably more so from fond childhood memories around this holiday.

As a musician, I find great pleasure in creative music forms, especially when the music is not created from your usual musical instruments…

I know its slightly early, but I recently stumbled upon this amazingly creative version of Jingle Bells and just couldn’t resist sharing it with you; Jingle Bells with a twist!

Click and enjoy!

Changing Gears


Whenever a new car is placed on the market there is always a specs sheet listing the various interior, exterior and engine features.  Among these features, on occasion you might see the amount of seconds it takes from 0 to 100.   This gives you an idea of the performance of the vehicle and how nippy it can be; the mechanical parts of the engine &  the electrical circuitry working seamlessly together to provide you with the ride of your life.

But no matter how one looks at the processes involved, there is one very important component which enables you to move between 0 and 100 in a certain time.  The gears! As one pulls away in 1st gear you are very soon compelled to shift to 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and on occasion 6th.  With each gear change, your engine is able to generate more power and allows you to reach your desired or allowed speeds.

Just as 1st gear must give way to 2nd, because each gear serves a certain function for the engine, so too in life, we shift gears all the time.  We’re constantly making changes and choices on a daily basis, kinda like changing gears in a car.  We must choose what clothes to wear, what food we will eat, how we will handle certain situations, and about one hundred others as the day progresses.  One process leads inexorably to the next, and we must learn to juggle between all these choices, sometimes simultaneously.

On occasion, we might even need to use the reverse gear in order to back up slightly and correct our course.  We never want to digress and go backwards in life, but on occasion it might be worth your while to take a step back, assess where you’re at and make the necessary changes to your life in order to live a healthier, happier, and more productive life.

Bubble Wrap Battle


Extreme sport.  Some find the thrill in bungee jumping, skydiving, rock climbing, theme parks, and about 100 different other ways to satisfy the urgent desire for thrill and adventure!  And just when you’d exhausted all avenues of fun, you’ll discover that even the average office product could brighten up your day!

Check out this really clever and very exciting, Bubble Wrap Battle!



Morning breaks with the last clap of thunder. A gentle breeze of lemon fresh dew drifts through the air on large open fields, preparing the way for the rooster to announce the much awaited arrival of Sir Daybreak. Rupert the Bear, Bill Badger and Edward Trunk break into chorus as they begin singing, “Morning has broken like the first morning…”  Cheer & joy fill the air with melodies from Heaven as these animal friends journey on yet another fun filled adventure!!

Spring! It would have to be my favorite season of all time!! It speaks of freshness, newness, joy, happiness, all things new, all things bright and brilliant.  Spring is my happy place, the place of rest for my soul.  Look, I don’t completely despise the other seasons, I just have a natural gravitation towards the more happy, more fun seasons, summer included.

Rupert and his friends were enjoying each other’s company under the trees in the spring breeze, playing a cheerful game of hop scotch.  When suddenly an unexpected turn of events took place!  The clouds rolled in and became angry.  The wind drew deep breaths and hurled violent threats at them!  The ground shook and threatened their very lives!!

What do you do when autumn/fall suddenly threatens your amazing ‘summer of life’? What if the coldest and most evil of winters suddenly snatches up every last ounce of joy and happiness you possess, and turns your beautiful summer into a life changing, and potential disastrous winter?  How do YOU deal with life when it becomes completely unpredictable and unfavorable towards you?

We want to hear how the story ends for you.  If winter is consuming you right now, then we would like to help you to bring spring back into your life.  Get in touch with us and tell us what’s on your mind.

Designed To Heal


The human body is quite spectacular in its design.  Scientists are constantly overwhelmed by the incredible complexities they discover whilst studying the human body and the various functions performed by each cell in the body. Though I am no scientist, I am absolutely blown away and completely impressed by the body’s ability to heal itself.

When you cut yourself, bruise yourself, or even break a bone,  your body in its ingenious design begins to heal itself.

There is something else that is quite mind blowing.   When our emotions are constantly on  a low,  or we remain negative for an extended period of time,  our bodies actually get affected and begin to slowly degrade and even self-destruct, as it were.

Stress is the easiest and most common negative we subject our bodies to…

While our bodies are designed to heal themselves when we have a cold or a broken bone,  there are some slightly more difficult illnesses which the body struggles with – the illnesses associated with stress or other negative emotions.  Stress-related healing can only truly happen once we let go of everything negative in our lives and break free from the grip of stress, negativity and decay.

In as much as we look after our bodies by washing them,  being aware of what we eat etc,  we must also remember that we have to constantly check our emotions and feelings,  and be certain that we deal with things that bother us and think every thought through,  leaving no room for negativity to breed. Once negativity breeds, it becomes like a fast growing cancer in nature. Before you know it,  you’re severely infected and, while cancer isn’t contagious,  negative emotions are!

Wherever you find yourself today and no matter how negative things may appear; no matter how depressed you might be,  you need to take a stand and decide – I want to get better,  I need to make some changes. Once you’ve agreed you need help, get help. There is no shame in seeking professional guidance.

If you need freedom from negative emotion and want the issue dealt with at the core, watch the video below and, if you need to reach out to someone or have questions, get in touch with us. We’d like to be there for you!

8% Body Fat


It’s every body builder’s dream to have a body fat percentage of only 8%  My favourite comedian has a slightly different approach!!  Watch and learn…

Guitar Meltdown


For all you guitar fans out there, you’ll wanna click on this You Tube link!!  Watch as Tim Hawkins has an absolute guitar meltdown on stage with a touch of good humour as well!!




Who Am I?


Who am I?  Who do I want to be?  These are questions we often ask ourselves, and rightfully so. We are constantly wanting to better ourselves, or improve who we are… well, most of us anyway…

We are influenced by the many people we surround ourselves with, the community we live in, our culture, teachers at school, our parents, friends and colleagues.  Even though all these people and places influence who we are, I don’t think any one of them can entirely or solely be held responsible for our actions or the ‘person’ we are.

Who am I?  I am a person who consists of a body made of flesh, a soul which consists of emotions, a mind which has its own will, desires and motives, and a spirit.  As a child I had very little control over who influenced me because, generally speaking, children trust most people (especially teachers and family), and they absorb anything and everything given to them.  As an adult, who influences me?  That is ENTIRELY up to me!  The same people and circumstances may still have the ability to influence me, but now I have full control over them and how much influence they actually have on me.

This new year, decide who you want to be, make every effort to cut off the negative parts of who you are and focus on developing your strengths and becoming the person you know you should be – the person you really want to be.

You have the power to become what you want to be!

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