Friday, March 14, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Ryniel Muthusami

Ryniel Muthusami

Witchcraft, Jesus and Hip Hop


It’s not often that you come across a video that really impacts you.  A video that seems to be so raw and heartfelt that it resonates right down to your core.  This is one of those videos.  I considered trying to explain the video in greater detail, but I honestly think that it would be better to let the video speak for itself.

I’ve been trying to wrap my head around what makes this video so powerful, but I keep coming back to the same conclusion. The video is REAL!  Now, I know you are thinking “DUH, obviously the video is real”, but what I mean is that this is a story about something that really happened to Anami.  It isn’t merely made up for our entertainment purposes, its actual events.

That’s what makes this video so powerful and yet at the same time so relevant as we can all relate to something that is real. We are constantly bombarded with that which is fake whether it be fake hair, fake eyebrows, fake body parts etc. So much so in fact, that when something real comes along, we grab onto it.

This video also reminds me that Jesus is real; He isn’t a fictional character that parents use to try and instil morals into their children.  He is a REAL man.  A man who came to earth and died so that we could have a relationship with God the Father. The proof of His reality is in Anami’s story.  Jesus literally rescued him, a man who, as he mentions in the video, didn’t even believe in God.

So why would Jesus save someone who didn’t even acknowledge his existence? The answer is quite simple.  He loves him.  Not for what he has done or achieved, but rather for who he is. All Jesus wants to do is have a relationship with us and there is nothing in this world that can change that.

Maybe you can relate to Anami’s story or perhaps you’re just sick of all that is fake in this world and are in search of something real. I can honestly say, search no more, because Jesus is as real as you can get.

All you need to do to have a relationship with Him is ask. If you don’t believe me, why not try this Jesus out for yourself? I promise you won’t be disappointed.

We Are All Addicted To Something


Addiction, what’s the first thing you think of when you hear the word addiction? I bet it’s of someone who uses drugs, or perhaps someone who can’t live without alcohol. Well you wouldn’t be wrong in your assumption, yet these aren’t the only substances that people get addicted to. The truth is, we are all addicted to something.

Addiction doesn’t just affect those who are weak and vulnerable, it affects us all. Whether you are homeless, or a successful businessman, you are susceptible to addiction. Addiction takes many shapes and forms, the obvious substances we know of are drugs and alcohol, as I have already mentioned, but what about your cellphone, TV, or even the Internet? Is it possible to get addicted to those to?


In fact it’s quite easy! How often do you go out for a meal and look around and see everyone sitting on their phones. It doesn’t matter who they are, or who they are with, their phone is the centre of attention. Maybe it’s not technology, maybe it’s sport? I know a few people who would rather miss the birth of their child than miss their favourite soccer teams game, I know that may sound extreme, but it’s the truth. We are all addicted to something; an addict is an addict no matter the substance.

But is that it, are we doomed to be addicts our whole lives? And what’s wrong with being an addict if it doesn’t hurt anyone?

The problem is that addiction IS hurting someone… YOU!

We become addicted to substances because there is a lack in our lives, we use these substances to fill the void. They become our crutch and eventually we can’t live without them. But the problem is that no matter how much we take, that substance will never be able to fill the gaping hole that we have. Just like a square won’t fit into a circle, these substances can’t fill that gap. In fact the more we use, the bigger that hole gets and the more in need we become.

But just like any hole, there is always something that can be used to close it up. And in the case of us as humans, we were all made with this same shaped hole. It’s a hole that can only be filled by the love of God.

We can try our whole lives to fill it with “things” but we will only ever find true satisfaction when we fill it with what it was designed for. Instead of giving life, addiction robs us of it, that’s why we need God, because HE gives us life!

So choose to search after him, become addicted to finding out his heart and plan for your life. Jesus doesn’t see you as an addict, but rather as a Son and Daughter, whom he loves and wants to have a relationship with. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, and I know it’s a journey, but you don’t have to walk it alone. Know that there is hope and freedom, and that it’s fully available to you, in Jesus.

If you are struggling with any form of addiction and would like someone to chat to, we would love to hear from you.

Christmas, What is it really all about?


About a month ago I headed off to the shops as I usually do once a week, except this time there was something different about the shop when I got there. For some reason a shop that I regularly frequent seemed foreign to me. At first I couldn’t understand why, it wasn’t until my wife said “Wow, they’ve started putting up Christmas decorations early this year” that I realized that the reason I didn’t recognize the shop was because the whole shop had been transformed into a Christmas winter wonderland.

It just seems that every year Christmas preparations start earlier and earlier, soon we might get to a point where we actually never take the decorations down!

The question I have is, why? Why do we dress the shops up and go through all this extra effort for Christmas? Surely there must be more to this holiday than decorations and fancy gifts.

I suppose the reason the shops put so much effort into decorating is because they know that with Christmas comes and increase in sales, and an increase in sales means more money. So the sooner people start buying, the better. But, are the shops to blame for us seeing Christmas this way. I honestly think that the reason our perception of Christmas has changed is because we have allowed it to be changed. We have somehow made it all about the ‘what we can get’ and not about what we have already been given

We need to get back to basics; we need to understand what Christmas is really about. Make a choice this year to look beyond the gifts and decorations. I know that might sound hard, but I came across this video and it really opened my eyes to the true meaning of Christmas

You see, Christmas is and always will be about Jesus, he is the reason that we celebrate this time of year. We get so caught up in giving and receiving gifts that we ignore the fact that we have already been given the perfect gift, a relationship with Jesus.

So my challenge is this. This year choose to get to the heart of Christmas. Choose to trust Jesus and have a relationship with him. His gift is can never be outdone, and it’s free! Don’t get caught up in the hype of Christmas, but rather get caught up in the reason for Christmas.

Jesus is real. So real that we celebrate his birth. So chose to honour that celebration by giving God the gift that is His greatest desire, a relationship with you.

Is This Book Just Another Bestseller?


First of all it think it’s important to mention that I’m not the type of guy who you would regularly see in a book store.  As a matter of fact if I got into a book store once a year, that would probably be a lot. But,on the odd occasion that I do go, I always notice one thing and that’s that all the books on display appear to be “best sellers”. No matter what book you pick up, it always seems to have a sticker on it saying “best seller” followed by a quote from someone famous endorsing how good the book is.

So the questions is, if all books seem to be “best sellers” then which book is the best of the “best”? Now I know when someone mentions the all time best selling book, most peoples first thoughts would be that I must be one of the twilight books, or perhaps Harry Potter. Well the truth is, it isn’t either of those books, in fact the best selling book was written before any of us were born.

Do you want to know what the best selling book is? I’ll tell you, the book that has sold the most copies in the world is… The BIBLE

Yup, that’s right! The best selling book of all time is the bible. Now I know for some that may seem a bit strange, because you don’t often hear people saying that they just popped off to the bookstore to get a bible. I suppose the next question is, why is the bible so popular, I mean, isn’t it just a book made up of a random bunch of stories from long ago?

Well if you aren’t familiar with the bible, I can understand why you may see it that way, because it’s the same way as I used to see it. But, here is a video that I think will help clarify why exactly people read the bible, and what all those “random” stories really mean.

What makes the bible so special is that it is a book like no other, this book has the power to change someone’s life. It is a book that is alive, and even though it was written thousands of years ago, seems to be more relevant now than ever before.

What makes the bible so special is that it is the living word of God, and by God, I’m not referring to an old man with a walking stick, but rather someone who knows you and loves you and desperately want to have a relationship with you.

The bible is filled with stories of love, fear, prosperity and desperation, yet all these stories point directly to a savior who loves us. That’s what makes the bible so popular!

So, if you have never read your bible before, why not give it a go. You might be surprised by what you read.

 If you have any questions about the bible or faith, drop us a message in the comment below or send us an email

You May Know Your Dad, But Do You Know Your Father?


Dad, a word used commonly throughout our society, yet this very word seems to have so many different meanings. To some, this word embodies love, protection, strength and honor, to others, it brings feelings of neglect, loneliness, hatred and resentment.

Isn’t it amazing how one word can be so powerful?

The very use of the word “Dad” can bring someone joy and leave another devastated.

But, why? Why is this word so powerful?

To be honest I don’t think it’s the actual word that is powerful, but rather the meaning associated with the word.  Dad is the word chosen to represent the male figure in our lives, the one who gave us life. So, in a way the word is irrelevant.  What’s more important is what it represents.

So if you had a father who has never there, or perhaps a father who was around, but never involved in your life, then those are the images that would come to mind whenever you hear the word dad.

But, is that it? Does that mean you have to live your life not knowing the love of a Father?

No, because your real Father is still here and he loves you. I know it might sound strange, but hopefully his video will help you understand

You see, just like Jo, you might not know who your Dad is, but that doesn’t mean you can’t know your Father. Unlike your Father here on earth, God will never leave you, he is always with you. He knows what you are going through and wants to help. All he asks is that we seek a relationship with him.

Just know that you are loved unconditionally by a Father who made you and accepts you. Make a decision to no longer let the absence of your Dad determine your future, but rather trust your Father to give you the life and future you deserve.

If you have any questions about who God the Father is, or you would just like to chat. We would love to hear from you.

Will This Ever Finish?


Have you ever started something that just seemed like you would never be able to finish? It might not always be a project; it could be a relationship or even something closer to home, such as some form of illness. I think it would be naïve of me to think that there are only a few of us who have ever been in this situation. Realistically we are all on some sort of journey, and are all in need of there being an end point.

Often you can see the end in sight, but what about those times were it seems that the finish line is out of reach. That no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to find your way.  But, is that it, are we just suppose to give up and become resigned to the fact that, this is just how life is going to be? Surely that can’t be it.  Surely there must be something we can do!

The truth is, there honestly isn’t anything we can do on our own. But, don’t get despondent, there is hope. There is an answer that will lead you home, no matter what the situation.

On our own it may seem impossible to ever reach the finish, but I love that we don’t have to do it alone. We have a savior who loves us and wants to help us, he wants us to succeed. To not just finish the race but to conquer it. And, all that He asks in return is that we have a relationship with Him.

So, know that no matter what you are going through, you are not alone. The finish line is within sight.  Just keep fighting and put your trust in a father who will never let you down.

You Are Beautiful

There are certain terms that seem to have become normal in our society, specifically when referring to woman.  Terms such as “what is she wearing?”, “she’s fat”, “she’s too skinny”, “she’s ugly” etc. These terms have become a part of our everyday lives. Surprisingly, its not only men who use them. More often than not woman are the ones who look at each other and immediately have something to say about an individual’s outward appearance, regardless of whether they know the person or not.

But, why is it that outward beauty has become the focal point of whether a woman is truly beautiful or not? Is it because the media says so, maybe because “popular” people say so, or is it just because we live in a world where we are driven solely by visual satisfaction? The question is, who really defines beauty? And, is it possible to be beautiful no matter who you are?

Here is a video that will hopefully help shift your perception

You see, beauty isn’t defined by what people say.  It’s defined by the one who made you.  An inventor always thinks his creation is beautiful, because he created it. He spent time and effort making it and wouldn’t change it for anything. Well, that’s the same way God sees us.  He made us and thinks we are beautiful the way we are. If he had thought otherwise he would have made you differently. No, instead he made you the way you are, perfect!

So don’t allow the world to tell you whether or not you are beautiful.  Don’t let their voices creep into your head. Know that you were made out of love.  Perfect and beautiful. God would never make something He wasn’t proud of.

You are beautiful!

The Most Unlikely Candidate


Have you ever looked at someone and thought, how did they get there? And by ‘there’ I mean that promotion, or that new job? To you they seemed like the most unlikely person.  Surely they aren’t qualified?  Do they even have the work experience? These are all natural questions, because to the human mind it just doesn’t make sense. Yet, someone in authority has seen something in them, a potential that is apparently hidden from the rest of us.

But, what is it that they see, and why are they the only ones who can see it?

Well the answer is quite simple.  When you are the head of an organization, whether it be a business or a sports team, you have a vision for where you want the organization to go. You don’t just know where you want to be, you also know the people needed to take you there. Often the reason we don’t see potential in people is because we don’t see the bigger picture. If we knew the end goal, we would understand the process. That’s why it often seems like the most unlikely people get chosen.

This video reminded me that in life no matter who you are or what you have done, there is still potential in you.

If God could choose the most unlikely person, Moses, to lead his people out of Israel, then he can definitely use you and I. You may seem to be the ‘most unlikely’ to the people around you, but to God you are the only person perfect for the task at hand. No matter what people may say, believe what God has said about you. That you are loved and called! There is nothing that can separate us from Him.

Moses was a murderer, suffered with insecurity and had a speech impediment, yet God used him. Don’t see your downfalls as weaknesses but rather as areas where you can shine through. He is strong in our weaknesses.

Know that even though it may seem that all is lost, there is still hope. There is a plan for your life. God has chosen you!

Forgiveness, the Most Powerful Weapon


I’m sure most of you would agree that at some point in your life, you have known what it feels like to be forgiven. Forgiveness is probably the most powerful tool/weapon we have at our disposal. Forgiveness has the power to bring life, it has the power to bring freedom and hope. We don’t realize that by forgiving someone we not only release that person of the guilt, but we also release something in ourselves, freedom.

Forgiveness is often hard to understand or to put into words, we can’t always rationalize it. I mean, how would you forgive someone who killed your whole family?

This has to be one of the most exceptional cases of forgiveness I have ever seen. How is it possible to stand there and look into the eyes of the man who killed your family and forgive him!? Surely just looking at him would bring about so many emotions, the least of which I would think would be forgiveness? Yet, that’s exactly what happens, she forgives him.

The secret to her forgiveness isn’t that she has forgotten what happened to her family, but rather that she has had the revelation that if God has forgiven this man, then so can she. I suppose the next question is, how could God forgive someone who has committed such heinous crimes.
Well, the truth is that God chose to forgive him, and all of us, the day that he sent his son Jesus to die. Jesus died so that we wouldn’t have to. He stood in our place. He is the reason we are able to have a relationship with God. There is nothing we can do to ever earn this forgiveness. All God asks is that we follow him and live a life that is in accordance with his will.

If you ask me, that’s not much to ask, especially when we consider all the messed up things we have done.
Once you have realized that the all powerful God of the universe forgives and gives second chances, it makes it a lot easier for us to forgive. I’m not saying that forgiveness is always easy, but what I am saying is that it is a choice. One that we all have. If God can forgive, so can we.

Are Prisoners a Lost Cause?


In a society where crime is common practice it isn’t uncommon to see people go to jail. Daily, people are being convicted for a variety of crimes, ranging from petty theft to brutal murder. Prison has become such a familiar place in our society that most of us during some phase of our life will have known someone who has or is imprisoned.

The one thing that is common to all crimes, whether they be large or small, is our reaction to the stereotype of someone being a ‘convicted felon’. Naturally our first response is often “they deserved it” followed by the statement “well, there goes their life”. We immediately assume that by someone being a convicted criminal, they somehow become a lost cause. There is no hope for them and they will never amount to anything, no matter how long they are in jail for. Once they have a record, they will always have a record.

But is this really how we should be thinking?  Surely there is still hope, no matter what they may have done?

The best way to answer that question is to hear from someone who has been in jail.

Here is a video of Tony and Javier.  They speak about being in prison and how they have found hope and a new purpose for life.

What I love about this video is that it reminds us that no matter who we are or what we have done, Jesus still has a plan for our lives. He still wants to use us and have a relationship with us.  All He requires of us is that we choose life, a life in relationship with Him. What we don’t realize is that it doesn’t only take a jail to make us a prisoner.  At one stage in our lives we were all once prisoners, living behind a mask, scared to show who we really are.

So, no matter what “prison” you find yourself in, know that God still has a plan for you.  There is hope. He can use you no matter the circumstance.

You have the choice, so choose life!

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