Friday, March 14, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Ryniel Muthusami

Ryniel Muthusami

Who is the fairest of them all?

In the mood for some fashion therapy?

The Varsity College Cape Town’s Mr & Miss VC Fashion show took place on Monday, July 25th at Stardust, and of course 1Africa was there to share in the action.

With family and friends around to support the models, there was a sense of excitement and nervous energy amongst everyone attending. I was not sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised by the evening – both in terms of the talent, the dancers, and the models.


The models were all Varsity College students. They modelled in various categories, and took part in a question-and-answer session, where they had the opportunity to win over the hearts of four judges – and of course the crowd – with their answers.

I thought everyone did a great job, but one girl stood out from the rest: Her name was Suzelle, a beautiful, tall blonde; a young and vibrant 21-year-old with more wisdom than her years. She spoke from the heart and her answers were not forced but clearly came from a place of passion and experience.

At the end of the evening, the time came to choose a Mr and Miss VC – a guy and a girl who stood out from the rest; who wowed the crowd and who were the most confident and comfortable in their own skin. The guy was a handsome chap names Alex – and the girl, to nobody’s surprise, was Suzelle Roux.

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Rocking with Majozi & Friends

This Saturday, 1Africa’s Ryniel Muthusami headed out to the much-anticipated Majozi & Friends at the Aandklas (“evening class” in Afrikaans) event in the heart of Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Full disclosure: Ryniel is not easy to impress. And we’re not even kidding.

“I don’t usually attend events with bands because I’ve never been a ‘band’ type of person. I’ve just never liked the typical band sound. Real musicians probably want to kill me right about now – but I was just never attracted to that sound,” he explains.

So, since he is such a tough customer, we asked Ryniel to give us his honest impression of each of the acts on stage. Here’s what he had to say!

Opposite the Other

“I never got to meet these guys after their set, which is a shame, but they played really well and I have to admit that I really enjoyed their set. The vibe was very upbeat, featuring synth mixed with really good vocals. They really had the crowd bobbing and dancing. They were also really good live performers, engaging with the crowd and just having fun. Opposite the Other, you get full marks!”

Josh Wantie

“I’m not sure if it was the cold or the nerves but Josh got off to a shaky start. I was, however, quite impressed because he plays both guitar and keyboard, and is backed up by a drummer. Things picked up by the time he performed his single, Go Under, the crowd singing along. There is no doubt that Josh has some skills and Im looking forward to what he does in the future.”


“I have heard Majozi’s music on iTunes before and I have to admit that It wasn’t my cup of tea. It felt  very ‘country’ – but then again I’m all about hip-hop. Even though I knew the style wouldn’t appeal to me personally, I nevertheless decided to hang around and take some pics. As Majozi and band came on stage, the whole atmosphere changed – everyone in the place seemed to gather around the stage, almost as if the rest of the venue stopped what they were doing to come watch.

I do have to admit that after a few songs that I’ve heard a couple of times on the radio, I kind of got into it. Majozi is a great performer – he knows how to interact with the crowed and have fun. The music was excellent and really got the crowd on their feet. At one point I actually found myself singing along!

What I really loved was the individuality of the performers and the “art” of the music. It was so pure and raw as the artists belted out their songs and played from their hearts. I left the venue feeling really happy – and I’ve even gotten over my ‘bandophobia’! It turned out to be a really enjoyable evening!”

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Black Coffee brings home BET award

Multi-award-winning DJ and producer Black Coffee (Nkosinathi Maphumulo) has another statue to add to his growing collection: this weekend, he became the first South African to win a BET Award in the category for Best International Act: Africa, fending off the challenge from seven other African artist to win the accolade.

The internationally recognised DJ’s album Pieces of Me went platinum in 2015.

Dressed in an emerald green suit with black sneakers, Maphumulo, accompanied by his wife Enhle Mbali Mlotshwa, took to the stage to thank his fans while also congratulating fellow nominee Cassper Nyovest.

“For every kid in Africa that thinks they cannot stand here: In the words of Lupita Nyong’o every dream is valid,” he said.

Why giving will change you

I was really impacted by some words spoken by a man that taught me much about life and still gives me lectures: my dad. I always think that words that are spoken by someone who lives everything they say are more impactful, and so these were. This is a slightly adapted version for you. Here goes:

It’s easy, so very easy, for one’s entire life to be built around money: the money that we need to survive; money to get out of poverty; money to get wealth; schooling to get wealth; friendship for the sake of wealth; marriage for the sake of wealth… But living to get wealth and riches makes for a very poor foundation for one’s life.

The Bible puts it this way:

“As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for their future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.” (1 Timothy 6:17-18)


Just look at this passage in the Bible, where the apostle Paul (one of the writers of the New Testament) is talking to the Corinthians (where one of the earliest churches was established) to try and inspire them about the giving of the poor Macedonians.

“Now I want you to know dear brothers and sisters, what God in his kindness has done through the many churches in Macedonia. They are being tested by many troubles, and they are very poor. But they are also filled with abundant joy, which has overflowed in rich generosity. For I can testify that they gave not only what they could afford, but far more. And they did it of their own free will. They begged us again and again for the privilege of sharing in the gift for all the believers in Jerusalem. They even did more  than we had hoped, for their first action was to give themselves to the Lord and to us, just as God wanted them to do. So we have urged Titus, who encouraged your giving in the first place, to return to you and encourage your enthusiasm, and your love for us – I want you to excel also in this gracious act of giving. I am not commanding you to do this. But I am testing how genuine your love is by comparing it with the eagerness of the churches.”– 2 Corinthians 8:1-8

The Corinthians were rich, and Paul was trying to get them to fulfil a pledge that they made to help the drought-stricken Judean church. We can learn a few valuable lessons from this:

  1. There is no such thing as being too poor to give!

The Bible (in Philippians 4:9) tells us that God will supply all of our needs according to his glorious riches that are found in Jesus! Paul wrote that because he wanted to spur the Corinthians on in their giving. God will provide all of our needs according to his glorious riches, especially once we are able to practice giving. This promise was one made especially for givers who never thought of themselves as too poor!

  1. Giving ourselves to God is the primary gift every human being needs to give!

An amazing author and pastor, Rick Warren, says that he has absolutely no qualms about asking people to give of themselves to church because sports and other clubs get people involved much more without apologising. People don’t mind being committed, but it’s often to the wrong things!

  1. We need to give ourselves in our churches to our leaders!

What do you think about that awesome verse from Hebrews 13:17?

“Obey your spiritual leaders and submit to them [continually recognizing their authority over you], for they are constantly keeping watch over your souls and guarding your spiritual welfare, as men who will have to render an account [of their trust]. [Do your part to ] let them do this with gladness and not with signing and groaning, for that would not be profitable to you [either].” 

  1. Giving, is a ministry!

I think that ministry can be seen as an act of service that benefits the servant most of all! You see, because it’s human nature to grasp, to take, to deceive, to get at all costs (just check out the story of Jacob and Esau in Genesis). Jacob deceived so much, to the point where Esau wanted to kill him. It all changed, however, after he committed his tithe at Bethel, and then returned twenty years later, a very wealthy man – even richer than his father-in-law.

  1. Giving demonstrates genuine love!

The Bible (in 1 Corinthians 16:22) says the following. It sounds pretty severe, but demonstrates a simple truth:

“If anyone has no love for the Lord, let him be accursed. Our Lord, Come!”

I think that witchcraft and satanic curses are nothing compared to the curse that not loving God will invite into our lives. One particular version of the Bible translates the word accursed to “anathema,” which means to be bound under a great curse; devoted to the direst of woes; doomed to destruction.

But, “God so loved the world that he have his only son…” (you’ve probably heard of this famous verse in John 3:16). How can we show our love to God, our acceptance of him sending his son to become accursed for our sins? I think the valid response would be to give just like he did! Obviously, we can never give the sacrifice that he gave, but we can give of what we have now. You can start with your life by letting him take control of your life. I honestly think that this is the best decision that you’ll ever make!

Innocent until proven guilty

We’ve seen many high-profile court cases and trials in South Africa the last few years – most recently the Oscar Pistorius trial that drew interest from all over the world.

The justice system in our country is pretty complex and sometimes I get confused between what’s considered “morally” correct and “legally” correct. You’d think I’d know more – my dad has been part of this justice system for almost three decades as a correctional official, or “warden” in layman’s terms. All this got me thinking…

Imagine you’ve been in a holding cell all night with no food, no water, and strange people all around you.

There’s a lot of tension and anger and frustration in this iron cage.

At the crack of dawn you’re transported to court. You’re clothed in bright orange, wearing not-so-flashy chains that bind your hands and feet.

You enter a quiet room. It smells like fresh paper and is decorated with wooden finishes. As you stand in the dock, someone hands a piece of paper to the judge. The judge stares at you directly.

“You have been charged with being a Christian,” his voice booms.

“How do you plead?”

So here’s the big question: If you were accused of being a Christian… would there be enough evidence to convict you?

After being asked this question recently, I was really challenged. My faith is not about being seen – but it’s about living it out every day and in everything I do. If you call yourself a person of faith, can others see it in you?

The Mechanic

I’ve always been around cars.

My dad used to own minibus taxis and my mom has a driving school, so we always had vehicles around. Naturally, this meant that we had at least some knowledge of how to fix cars – or so we thought. My dad automatically became the mechanic; after all, he has always been a DIY kind of guy and loves to break out his tool kit and get his hands dirty!

Now my dad didn’t always have the right tools all the time, so we had to improvise, and I was the “go-fetch-the-tool” kid. Sometimes I’d come back with the wrong tools and my dad’s short temper would come out and he would shout at me. I would trudge back to the tool box and find something else.

I laugh when I think about this now, because just the other day I had to repair my own car (I had the right tools) but I did it with ease because of my past experience. I love that my dad somehow got the job done – even with the wrong tools! 

This Sunday at church the speaker talked about something very similar: he spoke about how God helps fix people – and not man. He explained that it’s God job to “fix” us – it’s not something we can do on our own. 

It was then that I though of the idea of God the mechanic who doesn’t need any tools – except faith and grace – to fix us. I love the idea that he has the world’s best “tool box” – and if we turn to him, we’re bound to find the right tool to help fix our life.

If you have something in your life that needs fixing… I know a guy.

Who are you trusting in?

Waking up this morning (as one does in the mornings), I found myself staring blankly into the mirror stressing about all of my financial responsibilities.

My wife and I have just bought our first home. It’s a small, three bedroom home and we love it and feel very blessed to have been able to get it.

We have two sons aged six and ten, and are also currently in the process of adopting a baby girl.

To add to the mix, we also have two dogs and two rats. This is my zoo and I love it.

The thing with life is that with all these blessings comes great responsibility. Very often with great responsibility comes stress, and stress can cause all sorts of health issues that can kill you dead – or worse, keep you living like a crazed lunatic!

While in that moment of anxiety-filled numbness, my mind drifted to the less fortunate people of the world and I wondered how they cope with even less. How do some people continue to smile and stay happy in the midst of a very hard life where they have nothing and struggle for even the basics like food and water? Is having less actually the key to happiness, or is it an issue of trust?

A wise man once said: “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” Those were the words of Jesus recorded in the Bible (in Matthew 6:34).

I began to wonder how Jesus could tell me not to worry, when He is not the one who has to feed my family or pay my bills and get us through each month. How insensitive, right?

Well, the more I thought about it the more I started to realise that Jesus probably wasn’t being insensitive; rather, those were very wise words. I mean, worrying about something does not fix the problem or change the circumstance, right? Does worrying change anything? And isn’t it even more pointless to worry about things that haven’t even happened yet?

I believe what Jesus was actually trying to tell us is that it’s pointless to stress out about tomorrow, and that we should instead focus on today; that we should live in the moment and get through each problem as it arises.

Now you may not believe in what the Bible says, but the fact is that these are wise words and if heeded would help a lot of people calm down to at least a mild panic so they can begin thinking clearly in whatever situation they find themselves. Worry is the fruit of lack of trust.

Jesus also had the following to say: “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

If you are a believer in Jesus, you can put your trust in him fully and take him at his word. Then you’re able to do what the  Bible says: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything” (Philippians 4:6).

But if you have been living life trusting in your own ability, and things just never seem to get any better no matter how hard you try, then maybe it is time for you to start considering putting your trust in God.

Put your faith in Him and let His peace fill your heart, knowing that He is God and that with God all things are possible. Click below if you want Jesus to give you peace and rest for your soul.

– By Chilli Stephenson

We’re hiring!


Are you a creative type with design experience, a knowledge of content marketing and social media, and a desire to grow into a multi-faceted role within a dynamic team? We may have just the job for you.

The African office of CV, a global Christian ministry, is looking for a marketing assistant to take care of the following day-to-day tasks in the organisation:

  • Implementation of brand guidelines provided by international office on a local level across various platforms.
  • Customising artwork on international products to suit the African context. This includes artwork selection, processing, and some design work on digital and other products.
  • Facilitating the roll-out of marketing campaigns and branding initiatives from international office on a local level.
  • Execution and monitoring of pre-defined inbound marketing campaigns, including campaigns on Facebook and other platforms.
  • Assistance in setting up landing pages for campaigns and other initiatives.
  • Liaising across departments in the Africa office to assist with marketing duties on a creative and administrative level on ad hoc projects.


  • Design skills: Working knowledge of Creative Cloud product suite, with a particular focus on Photoshop, along with knowledge of design and UX trends.
  • Knowledge of social media platforms, trends, and developments.
  • Knowledge of content marketing platforms, trends, and developments.
  • Strong communication skills , both written and verbal.

As a Christian ministry, it is important that you share the Christian values of CV, and is an active member of a local church.

Our offices are located in Bellville, Cape Town.

You can send your CV and cover letter to [email protected].

Ultra Music Festival 2016

What do you do when the world’s premier electronic music festival rolls into town? You drop what you’re doing and go check it out, of course!

The 2016 Ultra Music Festival was, yet again, one for the books, featuring some of the world’s best DJs and jaw-dropping production at locations in Cape Town and Johannesburg.  Naturally, the 1Africa gang was right there to capture the action – check out some of the pics below.

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Passion 2016


On Saturday, 13 February, 30 000 believers from all walks of life packed out the Cape Town Stadium for a historic night of worship.

Their goal? To lift high one name: Jesus.

Check out some pics from the event below. Were you around? Share your experience in the comments section!

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